Debate Scoring-Sheet

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Handout 8

Directions: Use this rubric to rate each group in every category on a scale of 1 to 4.

Rubric for Evaluating Debate Performance

4 3 2 1
Organization The student The student The student The student
presented an presented a well presented an presented an
exceptionally well organized argument. adequately unorganized
organized argument. organized argument. argument.

Supporting The student provided The student provided The student The student provided
4 or more logically 3 logically ordered provided 1 or 2 no logically ordered
Facts/Details ordered reasons to reasons to support logically ordered reasons to support
support the the argument. reasons to support the argument.
argument. the argument.

Persuasiveness The student was The student was The student was The student was not
totally convincing in convincing in stating somewhat convincing in stating
stating the argument. the argument. convincing in stating the argument.
the argument.
Conclusion The student came to The student came to The student came to The student did not
a conclusion that a conclusion that a conclusion that come to a conclusion
exceptionally successfully adequately that supported the
supported the supported the supported the argument.
argument. argument. argument.

Presentation Skills The student was The student was The student was The student was not
exceptionally clear, clear, fluent, and somewhat clear, clear, fluent, and
fluent, and confident. confident. fluent, and confident.

Scoring Sheet for Rubric for Evaluating Debate Performance

Group Organization Supporting Persuasiveness Conclusion Presentation Total

Facts/Details Skills Score

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