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(Professional Journal of English Education) p–ISSN 0000-0000

Volume X, No. X, XXXX 2019 e–ISSN 0000-0000


Kartika Nur Wulan 1, Ula Nisa El Fauziah 2
Ikip Siliwangi
Ikip Siliwangi
1, 2

The aim of this research is to know conversational cooperative principle in folkrole “Malin Kundang”,
especially to know and describe the background of floating maxim in conversational cooperative
principle at the folkrole. The research of cooperative principles in conversations in folklore is a
qualitative methodology. The data in this study is the cooperative principle of conversation contained
in the role speech in Malin Kundang folklore. The cooperative principle of conversation is known by
recognizing the meaning implied by the speech of the speaker. The resource of this research is the
Malin Kundang folklore. Analysis of the data shows the existence of floating in the principle of
maximal cooperation, including maxim quality, maxim quantity, and maxim manner.
Keywords: Cooperative principles, Maxim, Language style

Communication is a very necessary thing in life. And plays a big role in human life. Imagine
if you live without communication? There will be nothing. There is no way to talk to anyone,
there is no way to build relationships with others, there is no way to convey information all
the time, and so on. Humans are social creatures, therefore interaction between one another
through language in unavoidable. It fills every part of our lives and gives words to our minds,
voices our ideas and expressions toward our feelings. (Suwarna, 2002, as cited in A’ini,
Sumarlam, & Djatmika, 2018) also revealed that the language is the main tool to
communicate in human life, both individually and collectively.

At present communication does not occur verbally. Along with the times accompanied by
technological developments, the communication process becomes more developed through
writing. Speakers do not have to meet face to face to communicate. Communication can also
be done without face to face, namely by utilizing technology.

Language is a social activity (Allan in Wijana, 1996, as cited in Wildan, Rejeki, & Taufik,
2020). Language is a communication tool in the form of utterances and words to express
one’s personal reactions, emotions and thoughts and to share information in everyday social
life. When meaning is conveyed through language, people use language to interact and build
relationships, without which information will not be conveyed easily. Linguist Herbert Paul
Grice developed an interaction method for communicating namely the Cooperative Principle
(CP). Pragmatically, representing one of the actions commonly referred to as speech acts
(Ekawati, 2017, as cited in A’ini, Sumarlam, & Djatmika, 2018).

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Volume X, No. X, XXXXX 2017 pp XX-XX

Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of meaning as communicated by
the speaker (or writer) and interpreted by the listener (or reader). In other words, pragmatics is
also the study of the meaning of speakers (Yule, 1996: 3 as cited in Yusro, Sutopo, &
Yuliasri, 2020). Mey (1993: 212 as cited in Yusro et al., 2020) states that pragmatics is the
study of the relations between language and context. Analysis of meaning is through several
theories related to language use. Analysis of the meaning of words does not only look at the
fundamental meaning, but also relates to the situation when and how the words are spoken.
American linguist Grice states that the principle of operation is one of the main principles to
guide people's communication. Observing the Principles of Cooperation will help people to
improve the accuracy of language communication.

Sometimes people fail to observe maxims. (Thomas 1995, p. 64 as cited in Fauziah,

Yuliasri, & Rukmini, 2020) states that from five ways of failing to observe a maxim,
the most important category is flouting. Flouting occurs when someone cannot apply
certain principles in their conversation and causes misunderstanding in their conversation.
When they violate the maxims in a conversation, they store certain implied meanings in their
speech. That means what they say and mean is not appropriate. Thus, the researcher intends to
focus on analyzing conversations in folklore Malin Kundang and finding out the contribution
of the scoffing maxims.

The language style in storytelling uses formal language. But not all words in the saga are in
Indonesian now, even the words in the saga are rarely used and are already foreign, which are
referred to as archaic words. The style of language used in Malin Kundang's story is to use
Sundanese or Minang languages. The legend of Malin Kudang comes from the province of
West Sumatra. In addition to the style of language used in folklore, there must be
collaboration in the Cooperative Principle (CP) which is contained in a story, especially in a
conversation. Sometimes conversations found in folklore are violations, meaning violations
occur from the maxims, for example when Ms. Malin Kundang asks her child and Malin
Kundang only talks too general and does not explain in detail so that that makes Malin
Kundang's mother angry and condemned to stone.

This study was descriptive qualitative research since the researcher analyzed data by
describing to make a conclusion. According to (Ratna 2006 : 53 as cited in Hamani &
Puluhulawa, 2019) qualitative descriptive method is done by describing facts which followed
by analysis. According to (Urwick 2002, as cited in Mariah, Yusanti, & Fauziah, 2019)
qualitative research is used to examine the question that can be best answered by describing
how participants in a study perceive and interpret various aspects of their environment. The
data in this study is the cooperative principle of conversation contained in the role speech in
Malin Kundang folklore. The cooperative principle of conversation is known by recognizing
the meaning implied by the speech of the speaker. The resource of this research is the Malin
Kundang folklore. This folk tale comes from West Sumatra, Indonesia.

The research data was obtained using the technique in analysis the folkrole. This technique
begins by listening to all the cooperative principles of conversation in Malin Kudang folklore.
After that, the researcher records all data related and clarifies the data.

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Volume X, No. X, XXXXX 2017 pp XX-XX


The researcher found the maxims in the conversation between Malin Kundang and his
mother. The words of the conversation have certain maxims. Here's the explanation of the

1. Maxim Quality
Each conversation requires the participant to make a contribution that can be justified.
(Grundy 2002, p. 74 as cited in Nurjannah, Daud, & Fata, 2020) explains that we should not
say anything less evidence to fulfill this saying. This means the saying concerns quality with
an honest or existing speaker. Maximum quality requires speakers and speech partners to say
correct and accountable speeches. Contributions given should be based on sufficient evidence.
This conversation on Malin Kundang folklore contains utterances that basically contribute to
the truth. However, the truth content is still floating. The following conversation also shows
the existence of a floating on quality maxim.
Father: Honey, I goes abroad. Take care of yourself and our child Malin well. If I get a lot of
money, I'll come back here again.
Mother: (with resignation) well, well, I'll wait for you here until you go home. Be careful,
don't forget me and your child.
The conversation has contributed to the conversation by giving the answer and fulfilling the
maxim of cooperation. However, the truth content was still floating because Malin's father
had not proven that he would really return and go home.

2. Maxim Quantity
Speakers and speech partners always expect conversation participants to say their speech in
accordance with the context around the conversation. Speeches that are in accordance with the
context will make it easier for the other person to understand what is spoken by the speaker.
One of them with maxim quantity because of maxim here speakers and speech partners must
be able to understand what they are talking about and in accordance with the context. (Cutting
2002, p. 34 as cited in Nurjannah, Daud, & Fata, 2020) explains that a speaker is fulfilling
rule of maxim of quantity when he/she gives information by not saying more or less
information than the situation demands. As in the conversation of pirates and Malin.
Pirates: Hey you guys! Hand over all your possessions on this ship.
Malin: Who are you! Why are you asking for our property.
Pirates: We are pirates. Hand over your assets now !!!
The above conversation is clearly the context is appropriate between speakers and speech

3. Maxim Manner
In adhering to the principle of cooperation, speakers can use a variety of choices to show their
compliance with the principle of cooperation. One option that can be done is to use certain
methods or techniques. Those who flout the maxim of manner are being obscure and often
trying to exclude a third party (Cutting, 2002: 39 as cited in Hamani & Puluhulawa, 2019).
Speakers can use direct or indirect sentences. However, using this method sometimes makes
the speech appear biased or floating, resulting in the principle of cooperation not being
obeyed. This kind of phenomenon is not referred to as a violation of the principle of
cooperation, but the maximization of maxims. In the folklore Malin Kundang contains several

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Volume X, No. X, XXXXX 2017 pp XX-XX

conversations in which there is a floating maxim. The following is an example of the

maximization of the ways in conversation.

ssssssss mother's child?

Mother: (With confidence) Malin has a birthmark on his right arm.
The conversation above shows that his neighbor asked Malin's mother about the
characteristics that could prove she was her child.

Cooperative principle in the conversation in of folkrole "Malin Kundang" is found in three
conversations. Speeches in the five conversations show the existence of a floating on maxim
quality (two utterances), maxim quantity (two utterances), and maxim manner (two
utterance). The development of this "Malin Kundang" folklore conversation is influenced by
several things. From the analysis carried out, it is known that the same presuppositions,
speakers refer to certain referents, and the use of local interpretations, becomes the
background for the occurrence of the development.

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