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Andrea Valera Martin CEB 2

- Why is finding your skin type important? It is important to know what your skin type is
to buy one product or another to take care of your skin. Which main factor does it
depend on? The main factor is whether you have oily or dry skin.

- Can you describe the steps he uses to help you find your skin type? The steps are:
1. Use a gentle cleanser while you have a shower. The guy says that we have to take a
little of it and foam it up in your hand and then gently rub it across your face for about
thirty to forty five seconds before rinsing off.
2. When you get out of the shower do not moisturize your face don't do anything with
your skin at all, just let it for an hour but you can't go outside or into the sun or
3. After an hour you have to go to the mirror and examine your face skin.

- Which skin types does Hyram mention? Oil skin, dry skin, combination, dehydrated
and sensitive .

- Does he consider ‘dehydrated’ or ‘sensitive’ as skin types? No, he consider dehydrated

and sensitive skin are conditions of the type of skin that you have.

- Do you agree with Hyram’s classification? Why/Why not? I agree with your
classification, but I think that there are more variations of skin types such as mature
skin, desiderata oily skin...

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