Racial Profiling Essay

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Racial Profiling Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of racial profiling can be a challenging endeavor due to the
intricacies and sensitivity surrounding the topic. Racial profiling involves the use of race or ethnicity
as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed an offense, and delving into this subject
requires a nuanced understanding of historical context, legal implications, societal impacts, and the
complex emotions tied to it.

One difficulty lies in maintaining objectivity while addressing a topic that evokes strong emotions
and opinions. Striking the right balance between presenting factual information and acknowledging
diverse perspectives can be a delicate task. Additionally, navigating through the historical roots of
racial profiling, its evolution, and the various instances where it has manifested presents another layer
of complexity.

Moreover, addressing the systemic nature of racial profiling involves exploring its manifestation in
law enforcement, criminal justice, and other societal structures. Analyzing statistical data, legal
precedents, and scholarly research to support arguments adds another layer of complexity, requiring a
thorough understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, it is essential to approach the topic with sensitivity to avoid perpetuating stereotypes or
inadvertently contributing to the very issues being discussed. Crafting a well-researched and
thought-provoking essay requires not only a deep understanding of the subject but also the ability to
communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise manner.

In conclusion, writing an essay on racial profiling demands careful consideration of various aspects,
from historical context to legal implications and societal impacts. It requires a nuanced approach that
respects the complexity of the issue while presenting a well-supported argument. Despite its
challenges, tackling this topic provides an opportunity for critical reflection and dialogue on an
important social issue.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, professional help can be
found at HelpWriting.net , where a team of experienced writers is available to provide support and
Racial Profiling Essay Racial Profiling Essay
Prison Agency Analysis Paper
The Bureau has over 39,000 employees and multiple prisons throughout the United
States. This agency analysis will briefly describe the agency at the national level, but
will primarily focus on the agency I intern at by taking a look specifically at the role of
psychology services.
The Federal Bureau of Prisons is a law enforcement agency serving under the United
States Department of Justice. In 1891, Congress passed the Three Prisons Act, which
authorized the establishment of the first three Federal Penitentiaries Atlanta, GA;
Leavenworth, KS, and McNeil Island WA (Bureau of Prisons, 2015). The first
penitentiaries denoted their prisoners as religions penitents who were serving time for
their sins. In 1930, the assistant Attorney General hired Sanford Bates to organize and
establish what is known today as the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP, 2015). Unlike its
three penitentiary predecessors, the BOP began breaking away from punishment to
creating a culture of change and reformation. In 1934, Congress established the Federal
Prison Industries to provide training and paid work for the inmates (BOP, 2015). In the
early fifties, they revised ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They are also dedicated to providing work and other self improvement opportunities to
assist inmates in becoming pro social, law abiding citizens. The Bureau has three core
values: correctional excellence, respect, and integrity. Its commitment to correctional
excellence can be seen in many different areas, including the level of security inmates
are placed in. Inmates are placed in different security levels based on their classification
level related to the inmate s individual needs. The Bureau has also undergone upgrades in
technology such as whole body imaging devices designed to detect
Feudal Society In Medieval Europe
A feudal society is one in which the lords carry a significant measure of power by
owning land. Workers known as Serfs are included on the land. Serfs owe the lord a
certain amount of labor as well as give the lord a portion of their goods. The lords then
gives protection to the serfs from their knights. To get knights, the lord offers a
fief(land) to the knight in exchange for military service. A feudal society had the
characteristic of being decentralized. It also had major roles and responsibilities that
everyone needed to follow in order to keep the society intact. During the early Middle
Ages, decentralized governments, attacks from the Vikings and other barbarians, and the
strong power of the Church strongly abetted the formation of the feudal society in
Medieval Europe.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When a government system is decentralized, then it may lack a strong military and
infrastructure. After the fall of Charlemagne s empire, his society required a lot of strong
lords with powerful armies to protect the people because there was no strong centralized
government. This led to feudalism because the people were in need of protection and had
no strong centralized government to make a strong army. The feudal society consisted of
a decentralized government and had a strong army.

Another factor that led to the development of feudal societies, were the attacks from the
Vikings and other barbarians. Because The Vikings were so fierce and quick when they
attacked, it made them almost indefensible and very difficult to fight. When
Charlemagne s empire fell, it suffered many attacks from The Vikings that gradually
weakened their government. Feudalism allowed for protection of everyone and people
did not need to rely on a strong, centralized
Jim Jonesown And The American Dream
Jonestown In the 1970 s, when the dark skinned people didn t fit in yet, when there
was still so much discrimination and segregation going on, and when the American
Dream was barely getting realized as a lie, Jim Jones was there to save those people in
trouble. Unfortunately, he did not end up being much of a hero but more of a
psychopath. He provided a sense of leadership to those who wanted something or
someone to follow. People in the 1970 s were still struggling to fight for justice and
equality, and Jim Joneswanted to fight with them. Nobody would have ever imagined
that someone who seemed to have all the right intentions, someone who took in the
homeless, who cared for the elderly, fought for equality, and many more good things ,
would cause the largest mass suicide in modern history (Nelson, Jonestown). The Peoples
Temple was a place for all kinds of people to go and feel like they were important
(Nelson, Jonestown). The drug addicts, alcoholics, browns, blacks, whites, elderly,
convicts, all of these people were welcomed to the Peoples Temple by Jim Jones and
he made them feel like they finally belonged somewhere; he made them feel loved for
once in their life. Jim Jones would say he was their god and all the people in the temple
would believe him and praise him but only because he would say all the right things
(Nelson, Jonestown). When he talked at the meetings he would say all the right things
that the people wanted to hear and that s how he

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