Expository Essay On Music

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Expository Essay On Music

Writing an expository essay on music can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies not
in the lack of information or passion for the subject, but rather in the vastness and diversity of the
topic itself. Music encompasses a wide range of genres, historical periods, cultural influences, and
individual perspectives, making it a multifaceted subject that demands careful consideration and

One of the challenges is selecting a specific aspect or theme within the realm of music that you want
to explore. Whether it's delving into the history of a particular genre, analyzing the impact of music
on society, or examining the technical aspects of musical composition, narrowing down your focus is
crucial. The abundance of options can be overwhelming, and deciding on a cohesive and compelling
thesis requires thoughtful reflection.

Additionally, an expository essay demands a meticulous approach to research and fact-checking.

Providing accurate information about the historical context, cultural significance, and musical
elements requires thorough investigation. Moreover, presenting this information in a clear and
organized manner to convey your understanding to the reader is an art in itself.

Crafting a well-structured essay involves creating a strong introduction, developing coherent body
paragraphs, and delivering a concise yet comprehensive conclusion. Transitioning smoothly between
ideas while maintaining a logical flow is essential for the reader's comprehension and engagement.
Striking the right balance between informative content and engaging language can be a delicate task,
as the goal is not only to educate but also to captivate the audience.

In conclusion, while the process of writing an expository essay on music may pose its challenges, the
opportunity to explore and convey the richness of this art form can be incredibly fulfilling. The key
lies in careful planning, thorough research, and a thoughtful approach to presenting information. By
navigating through the complexities of the topic, one can create an essay that not only educates but
also inspires a deeper appreciation for the profound impact that music has on our lives.

For assistance with essays and more, a variety of resources are available, including professional
writing services like HelpWriting.net , where you can find support for crafting essays on a wide
range of topics.
Expository Essay On Music Expository Essay On Music
An Analysis of Shakespeare s Sonnet 116 Essay
An Analysis of Shakespeare s Sonnet 116

Shakespeare s Sonnet 116, denying Time s harvest of love, contains 46 iambic, 15

spondaic, 6 pyrrhic, and 3 trochaic feet. Like the varying magnitudes of stars that
distinguish the sky s constellations, infused with myths describing all degrees and types
of love, the spondaic, trochaic, and pyrrhic substitutions create a pattern of meaning
that can be inferred by the discerning eye and mind. Shakespeare emphasizes his denial
of the effects of Time on love by accenting not in lines 1, 2, 9, and 11, and no in lines 5
and 14. The forceful spondees at the beginning and the regular iambic feet at the end of
each quatrain progressively build the poet s passionate rejection of love s transience. ...
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the quality and duration of love reciprocated, without additional information.

The meanings of the poem s brilliantly varied iambic lines revolve around love s one
fixed star, extending this image to the whole sonnet. Quatrain 1 begins with the unusual
scansion of spondee, trochaic, iambic, pyrrhic, and spondee. No matter how unusual the
situation, Shakespeare will not object to mutual love between honest people.
Furthermore, their love should not depend on circumstances or people s opinions. The
iambic foot of Which alters links across the poem to the spondee of Love alters in
Quatrain 3. The abrupt trochaic, even, in line 12, reinforces the importance of
reciprocity in love, for love to be eternal. Moreover, the word bears alludes to the myth
of the enduring love of Callisto and her son, Arca, as represented by the constellations
of Ursa Major and Minor, with the North Star at the point of the tail of Little Bear.
Quatrain 3, with a ratio of 15 regular to 5 irregular feet, begins with 2 spondees
followed by 8 iambic feet. This sequence of regular feet evokes the sweep of Time s
sickle, alluding to the far reaching arc of the tail of the Great Bear cutting through and
reaping the love legends linked to such constellations as Virgo ( rosy lips and cheeks ),
Gemini ( looks on tempests ), and Andromeda and Perseus ( impediments to the marriage
of true minds ).

Unlike the quatrains, the final couplet begins quietly with iambic and pyrrhic feet. Then,
Paradise Lost And John Milton
The 17 th century was a time when a great many issues that had arisen since the
Reformation came to ahead: religion, politics, power and freedom were questioned as
never before. John Milton was born in London in 1608 at the height oh the Protestant
Reformation in England. His father had left Roman Catholicism and Milton was
raised Protestand, with a heavy tendence toward Puritanism. Milton excelled in
languages such as Latin, Greek, and Hebrew and in classical studies. For more than
20 years, Milton set aside poetry to write political and religious pamphlets for the
cause of puritanism. For a time, he served as Secretary for Foreign Tongues under
Cromwell. Milton was a mixed product of his time. On the one hand, as a humanist, he
fought for religious tolerance and believed that there was something inherently
valuable in man. As a puritan, however, he believed that the Bible was the answer and
the guide to all. Where the Bible didn t afford an answer, milton would turn to reason.
At the end of the war, milton was imprisoned for a short time for his views. In 1660, he
emerged blind and disillusioned with the England he saw around him. Milton died of
kidney failure in 1674 and was buried in the church of St. Giles in London.

Paradise Lost is considered to be his master piece. It s a biblical epic poem. It will be
the first time in which an author will mix the epic, which was related to man with
religion, which was related to God. All the texts written before Milton dealt with
Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, a well-known painter...
Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, a well known painter during the 17th century,
was born in Seville in 1599 (Brown 1). He was the eldest of the seven children, and the
son of Silva and Jerónima Velazquez (Brown 1). Both of his parents claimed to be
descendants of lesser nobility, a claim that Velázquez will later benefit from (Brown 1).
During his time, paintingwas considered a craft, which is work done with hands rather
than the mind, meaning it was unworthy of a nobleman (Carr 26). Velázquez was sent
to Franciso Pacheco, a well known painter in Seville, as an apprentice (Carr 26). Under
Pacheco s teachings, Velázquez began to use everyday life as his subjects, which at the
time was something new; he painted tavern and kitchen scenes... Show more content on
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All of these fascinating qualities of Velázquez s paintings later influence Goya, Mazo,
Juan Carreño, and many more. Las Meninas, which means the maids of honor, is
considered to be Velázquez s masterpiece within has last few years (Harris 170). Most
of the information we know today, come form Palomino, who is the Court Painter to
Phillip IV s successor, Chalres II (Harris 170). Palomino even knew all of the people
being portrayed except for one, and even gave the date when the painting was
completed, 1656 (Harris 170). The center of the piece is focused on the Infanta
Margarita, the five year old princess, who is surrounded by her two meninas, maids of
honour. The menina standing on the Infanta s left side, handing her a vessel of water
while doing a curtsey is named María Aguestina Sarmineto (Carr 47). The menina
standing on her right look as if she is about to bend down to whisper something to the
princess or about to do a curtsy is named Isabel de Velasco (Carr 47). In the bottom
right corner of the painting are two dwarfs, Maribarbola and Nicolas Pertusato (Carr
47). Nicolas appears to be awakening the mastiff (Carr 47). Palomino said that when the
mastiff was being painted it had stayed motionless (Harris 170). Standing behind them is
Marcela Ulloa, who is the attendant to the ladies in waiting, and a male escort who is
not named (Carr 47). In the doorway of the painting stands the Queen s Palace Marshal,
also known as the Queens Chamberlain,
Essay on The Portrayal of Youth in the Media
The Portrayal of Youth in the Media


I am going to write a peace of coursework on how young children and the media
portrays young adults. I will see how different media pieces give their views on how the
youth of today and how they portray them as thugs and disturbers of the peace or as
obliging but misunderstood people.


I am going to study the two pieces of media. The first one I will analyse is an article by
BBC news Online: UK which was realest on Wednesday 20th of March 2002, the other
piece is an article from Edinburgh evening news. It was written by Bernadette
Monagham, it was released on Friday 27th August 2004 the first article is about how two
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The writer also uses past criminal offence that they have been charged for like the
brothers appeared before flax Bourton magistrates after breaching behaviour orders
imposed two years ago. They were prohibited to go in the town centre and they broke
the ban many many times. The writer only looked at the boys from one angle, he only
writes about how bad they are and giving the impression that they should be locked up
somewhere, anywhere.

Further development 2

The second article is telling that how much crimes rates are decreasing, not increasing
and how tagging young offenders send the wrong message to the public. Ms Monagham
gives the message that youth crime is decreasing and that the public are only concerned
with the crimes that are going on and not enough concern for how much crime has
decreased by youths. It also speaks about how offenders come from a background of
no love given to them by there families. It says that young offenders haven t been
given much attention and they commit crimes to have some attention of people and
especially by their families. The attitude towards this article is that it is trying to put
across the message that youth crimes are decreasing and the approach that the writer is
using is by giving an example of a 10 year old and asking if it if fair to prosecuting
someone of such a young age and what affects it will have on that person
My High School Career
Have I grown and developed over the three years of my high school career? The answer
to this question is a definitive yes. My life has been an amazing journey of physical,
mental, and spiritual growth. My three years of high school education thus far have been
extremely interesting and challenging. I learned important skills through my school
involvement. Specifically, I practiced creativity and become a more understanding person
. Among academic subjects, I gravitate to chemistry since I enjoyed learningabout
different chemicals and their interactions. I love chemistry. It interests me to no end.
Therefore, my appreciation for chemistry has influenced my career choices.
After high school, I will be attending the University of Maryland Baltimore County and
be majoring in Urology. I believe this is an excellent field for me, not only because I
love the subject, but also because I have an inclination for science and math. Urology
is an exciting and ever changing discipline in our world today. An especially
fascinating aspect of this profession is the wide spectrum of opportunities available.
With such a versatile degree as a Doctor of Urology, the possibilities for my future are
exciting. However, I think that before a career is even considered, one must explore his
In my household, education and perseverance were highly valued. The world I originate
from has been shaped by my connections to people. The people that have impacted me
most have been my family,

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