Custom Essays Online

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Custom Essays Online

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Custom Essays Online Custom Essays Online
UNM Art Museum
As of recently, I had visited the UNM Art Museum to explore their various exhibits.
There were four art exhibits at this art museum; Mata Ortiz, The 22nd Annual Juried
Graduate Exhibition, Remnants: Photographs From the Disfarmer Studio, and Lightning
Speak. Each exhibit portrayed similar characteristics, such as color, seating, and physical
space. As with each art gallery, white is the primary neutral color used to display each
piece. The white posts used to display certain pieces and walls gave a very modern and
clean feel to the museum. As for seating, I was much too immersed into the art pieces to
notice any seating areas during each exhibit. But I m quite certain there weren t any in
most of them except for The 22nd Annual Juried Graduate... Show more content on ...
In Duncan s book The Art Museum as a Ritual he explains the meaning behind art
museums, and how they are like rituals and are complex entities in which both art and
architecture are parts of a larger whole. In most ways, Duncan is correct about art
museums being like rituals. They are typically isolated, quiet, and have strict rules on
what you are allowed to bring and do within the museum. Each piece is displayed
beautiful in its own exclusive space. They also highly protect their pieces and maintain
them on a daily. Most people don t typically go to museums for a fun experience rather
they go for a more rich and enlightening experience; almost something you can t
replicate elsewhere because atmosphere and ambience is so important. The reason why I
bring up atmosphere and ambience is to connect it to Duncan s claim that art museums
appear as environments structured around specific ritual scenario. Ambience and
atmosphere are important aspects to museums in order to feel like rituals. The
atmosphere is museums often feel like a pseudo sacred kind of place filled with a ritual
like atmosphere. Duncan claims that it is, in my view, precisely the complexity of the art
museum its existence as a profoundly symbolic cultural object as well as a social,
political, and ideological instrument that makes the notion of the museum as ritual so
attractive, which means he believes that museums act as a cultural object for social and
political means. He believes that art museums constitute one of those sites in which
politically organized and socially institutionalized power most avidly seeks to realize its
desire to appear as beautiful, natural, and legitimate. They are incredibly excellent places
to study the history of cultural forms. He believes they aren t ritual structures, but rather
they stand as ritual structures, since they contain vast
A Model of Credit Value Adjustment Essay

Modeling Credit Value

FX Forwards and Currency Swaps

Alexi Carlos and Zedrick Torres

This paper is concerned with the generalization of the Credit Value Adjustment (CVA)
equation for FX
Forwards and Currency Swaps. In addition, a model for CVA using Visual Basic for
Applications (VBA) in
Microsoft Excel will be presented.
Counterparty credit risk (CCR) is the risk that the counterparty to a financial contract will
default prior to the expiration of the contract and will not make all the payments required
by the contract (Zhu and
Pykhtin, 2007). The issue regarding CCR is something inevitable for over the counter
(OTC) derivative transactions that is why it is very important to know how ... Show more
content on ...
B. Calculation of MTM for FX Swaps


is the coupon/non principal cash flow is the discount factor is the principal.

For Receive fixed, pay floating which is a portfolio consisting of a long position in a
fixed rate bond and a short position in a floating rate bond,
and Pay fixed, receive floating which is a portfolio consisting of a long position in a
floating rate bond and a short position in a fixed rate bond,


2013 by Alexi Carlos and Zedrick Torres. All rights reserved

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written
permission of Alexi Carlos and Zedrick Torres.


With ̅ is the fixed rate coupon and ̃ is the floating rate coupon with period , and on a zero
coupon bond with maturity t (Gay).

is the rate

Log Linear Interpolation



[( where is the number of days between today and tenor n






is the discount factor of cash flow date x is the discount factor of date 1 is the discount
factor of date 2 is the number of days from today to cash flow date is the number of days
from today to date 1 is the number of days from today to date 2.

There are numerous ways for financial

Symptoms And Treatment Of A Tooth
CLINICAL CLARIFICATION o Localized collection of purulent material associated
with a tooth due to bacterial invasion of the pulp space1,2 CLASSIFICATION1 o
Gingival abscess
Involves marginal gingiva or interdental papilla o Periapical abscess
Present at the apex of the root of a tooth o Periodontal abscess
Localized within the tissues adjacent to the periodontal pocket o Pericoronal abscess
Localized within the tissue surrounding the crown of a partially or fully erupted tooth o
Combined periodontic endodontic abscess
Localized, circumscribed areas of infection that originate from the periodontal and/or
pulpal tissues
Infection invades both the periodontal tissue the pupal tissue DIAGNOSIS CLINICAL
PRESENTATION ... Show more content on ...
poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, AIDS) or taking immunosuppressive medications
(e.g. chemotherapy, may have an increased risk for systemic infections caused by dental
abscess6 DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES Primary diagnostic tools2
Superficial abscesses often detectable by physical examination and palpation
Periapical x ray or orhtopantogram recommended if the abscess is not visible or
palpable on physical examination
Irving Empire Case Study
The basic organizational structures are as follows:
1.Functional structure
In functional structure, as the name suggests, organizational units are formed according
to different functions involved in organization. For example, in an organization
employees can be grouped into different functions like payroll, accounting, national sales,
purchasing, advertising, market research etc. In such type of structure individual units
perform activities that are specific to their function and hence such structures type of
structure develops expertise in long run.
2.Divisional structure
In divisional structure, organization creates different division based on criteria, for
example, bell Canada divided their consumer into three divisions, namely, individual
consumers, mid sized businesses and large sized corporations. By doing such, one
division of a company can be easily changed ... Show more content on ...
In this type of structure there is two chains of command i.e. authority is shared among
functional as well as project managers.
4.International Organization
In this type of structure, units are grouped so that in such a way that company can
achieve success on global level. The division or department which is newly created, take
cares of business in that particular locality and hence provide the service while
considering the demand of locality.
Out of the four basic organizational structures Irving Empire shows usage of divisional
structure. The reasons behind is that the whole empire was divided into different
divisions like forestry, trucking, food processing, newspaper, oil refineries, service
stations, etc, which are controlled by different family members. Hence it is evident that
the different divisions are run in such a way that it does not affect other divisions.

2. What corporate level strategy has Irving used over the years? Explain your reasoning
by citing an example of how this corporate level strategy was of benefit to the
Youth Works Response to Alcohol Consumption among Young...
Current responses
For the purposes of this research chapter I shall be exploring youth works response to the
issue of alcohol consumption among young people today. According to the Youth Work
Act 2001;
Youth work means a planned programme of education designed for the purpose of aiding
and enhancing the personal and social development of young persons through their
voluntary participation, and which is
(a) Complementary to their formal, academic or vocational education and training; and
(b) Provided primarily by voluntary youth work organisations.
Youth workers achieve this by creating circumstances which enable young people to feel
comfortable with themselves, make and sustain personal relationships, reach their
potential and find their place in society. Due to the nature of their work, youth workers
form close relationships with the young people they engage with. These relationships are
central to the youth work process. It is essentially a partnership, which allows the young
people space to express themselves and provides an opportunity for learning which they
may otherwise ignore. By utilising this relationship youth workers can offer essential
support to the young people during the crucial stages of their development by befriending
them, listening to them and advocating on their behalf. The importance of this
relationship does not change when working with young people around issues such as
alcohol. In fact, in many ways it actually benefits the facilitation of the

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