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Observation Essay Examples

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Observation Essay Examples" can prove to be both challenging
and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the need to not only convey your observations effectively but
also to provide meaningful insights and reflections that engage your audience. Here are some
challenges you might encounter:

1. Observational Skills:To write a compelling observation essay, you need keen observational
skills. It's not just about seeing things but noticing details, patterns, and nuances that might
escape casual observation. Developing this skill takes time and practice.
2. Objective Reporting: Maintaining objectivity while reporting your observations is crucial.
Striking the right balance between personal experience and factual reporting can be
challenging, as it requires a careful choice of words and a nuanced approach.
3. Structuring Your Essay:Organizing your observations into a coherent and structured essay
can be demanding. Finding the right flow, ensuring smooth transitions between paragraphs,
and creating a clear introduction and conclusion are essential for an effective essay.
4. Reflective Analysis: The depth of your essay relies on your ability to reflect on the
significance of your observations. This requires critical thinking and the capacity to connect
your experiences to broader themes or ideas.
5. Descriptive Language: Using vivid and descriptive language is essential to make your
observations come to life for the reader. Struggling to find the right words might be a hurdle
in effectively conveying your experience.

Despite these challenges, writing an observation essay can be a rewarding experience. It allows you
to hone your observational and analytical skills while sharing a unique perspective with your

If you find yourself struggling or pressed for time, you may consider seeking assistance. Services like offer a range of essays and writing support to help you overcome challenges and
submit high-quality work. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on platforms like , providing valuable resources for students facing various writing tasks.
Observation Essay Examples Observation Essay Examples
Pac Man Project
Tyrone Mills BSE 15021 C 1 Game Design Document Project Name: Pac Man Project
Name: Tyrone Mills Batch: BSE 15021 C Date: 22/06/2015 Lecturer: Shilpa Ranjit
Tyrone Mills BSE 15021 C 2 Overview PacMan is a relatively simple arcade style
game in which the player controls the PacMan, guiding him through a maze collecting
food pills while avoiding the various ghosts present in the game. Each of the ghosts
present in the game have their own unique pattern of behavior. The red ghost (Blinky)
tries to catch the player by moving towards the player at all times using the shortest
possible path. The pink ghost (Pinky) tries to move to a point four movement steps
ahead of the player, this has the effect of causing him to appear to be trying to cut off...
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Additional sound has been added for the additions to the game. This is to add to the
effect of the fireball. Sounds has been added for the collection of the Power pill to
indicate to the player that something different to eating normal pills has happened.
During the intro screen the original soundtrack plays once the game starts though this
sound is stopped. This is because the sound triggered by PacMan eating the pills and
the original soundtrack add up to become unpleasant at normal speaker settings and
there is no method within Game Maker to alter the balance. UI The UI is very simple
having only the score and the player s lives on the screen at the bottom below the
maze. This simple display is all that is needed as the only two factors the players needs
is their current score and lift total. A prompt informing the player that spacebar will
fire a fireball will also appear at the bottom of the screen next to the bonus lives counter
when the player collects a Power pill. This has been added as the ability to fire fireballs
is not standard and the player will Tyrone Mills BSE 15021 C
Allocating Financial Risk
Allocating Financial Risk 2

Select one of two recent airport PPPs St. Petersburg, Russia, or Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Describe the PPP process used and what were the critical issues that needed to be
overcome? Assess the factors that will be crucial to the PPP s future sustainability.

This memo examines the public private partnership used to develop the Pulkovo airport
in St Petersburg, Russia.

Pulkovo was the first airport to be developed in Russia using a PPP. The contract is
between three parties: the St. Petersburg City Government, the Pulkovo Airport Company
(100% city owned) and the Northern Capital Gateway Consortium (NCG), the airport
operator with the duty of organizing the management and development of the airport. The
contract started in April 2010 and will remain in force until 2039.

St. Petersburg is Russia s second largest city after Moscow with around 5 million
inhabitants. The city is home to many domestic and international companies, but its
economy also relies heavily on tourism, hence transport links are crucial to the city s
growth. Transport infrastructure had suffered from long term under investment (KPMG
estimated the depletion of Russia s national airport assets between from 40% to 80%)
and in 2008, amid double digit growth in passenger traffic, the existing airport suffered
from overcrowding and would be unable to cater for the 11 million annual passenger
traffic projected for 2012. It was also seen as unable to meet the increased
Emergency Response Planning For Corporate And Municipal...
Emergencies are inevitable. Whether they result from natural disasters, hazardous
spills or accidents, or even purposeful acts of terrorism towns, cities, counties, states,
and nations need to be prepared ahead of time with an effective course of action. The
book, Emergency Response Planning for Corporate and Municipal Managers, written
by Paul Erickson, challenges agencies and readers to assess the pieces that must be
addressed to be effective in responding appropriately to emergencies. In this course, a
few of the aspects of management that I learned about were the different types of
emergencies, the necessary components of an emergency plan, how to set up a
incident command center, and the need for and type of protective gear. Considering
that I have been interning for the past two years at a large church that sees over 15,000
people attend each weekend, it is imperative to have a working knowledge of the
things that can go wrong and an understanding of how the church can step in to assist
the community in a disaster. Having an awareness of potential community threats is a
must for the church to continue to be the light of the world and to be available to
people in crisis. Chapter 1: Scope of Emergency Response Introduction: Even before 9
/11, the scope of who was in charge when there was an emergency was confusing. The
confusion was multifaceted: who was in charge, who would pay for the costs, who
would do the labor and who was ultimately responsible for
Donnie Darko Themes
Donnie Darko: Fear and Love Donnie Darko is a movie with deeper, greater meaning
than the material that is presented. Throughout the movie, there are many reoccurring
themes and ideas. These ideas resurface to remind the viewers of the messages that are
weaved within the script. These ideas that constantly resurface quietly and secretly help
to shape the character s within the movie. Without these existing ideas, the personalities
of most the characters would completely change. Without these themes, Donnie Darko
would not even be the same movie. That is why these themes and ideas play a huge role
in developing the characters, the character s roles within the movie, and the movie in
itself. Donnie, the main character in the movie, is a... Show more content on ...
Gretchen plays a weird role because her character is defined by the products of love
and fear. For example, when Donnie first tries to kiss her and she does not want to.
She explains that she wants their first kiss to be memorable and beautiful, but there is a
fat guy watching them from afar. Love plays a huge part in her making that statement.
At the same time, Gretchen is imprisoned with fear. An example of this would be at the
end of the movie when she goes to Donnie s house and explains to him that her mother
is missing. She explains that she is scared and that she thinks her stepfather abducted her
mother. Throughout the movie, Gretchen does and says many things that are a direct
product of her own fear. Another example of her fear would be when she and Donnie
are presenting their product in class and the two Bullies, Seth Devlin and Ricky
Danforth, start to make fun of Gretchen about her stepdad stabbing her mom. After class,
Gretchen sprints to the door with Donnie trailing closely. As soon as both Donnie and
Gretchen get outside, she turns to Donnie and kisses him. This scene helps to shape
Gretchen s personality a lot. It shows that every time fear arises or pain sinks in, she
turns to Donnie for comfort. With the exception of Donnie, no character is as important
throughout the movie as Frank. Frank controls Donnie s actions. He is responsible for all
the injustices that Donnie has partaken in. Two examples are when Donnie busts the
Romero Virtues
In the movie Romero, Romero, the main character whom is also the archbishop,
portrays many examples of the three virtues, prudence, justice, and fortitude.
However, there are times shown in the film in which Romero does indeed lack these
virtues. El Salvador is put in a very tough place in which many people are being killed
by the guerillas for standing up for what they believe in. It is believed to be Romero s
duty to help put an end to this and it is his goal to make his people, and the people of the
church, feel comfortable sharing their beliefs. One very important virtue includes
prudence, the virtue that disposes us to see rightly, the way things are in the world
around us, and to employ that truthful vision to act rightly. It enables... Show more
content on ...
It is obvious that Romero sees the issues found in the government, just as the rest of
the people, but he chooses to not act upon it. Whether he thinks this is best or not he
states multiple times, I am not bringing politics in this, it is simple my job to run the
church (Romero 20:00). When Father Grande gets murdered, Romero decides to shut
down all masses except 1 to raise awareness for the people murdered. When he is
accused of trying to make a political statement he denies it by stating, I want to gather
people to mourn the deaths and to express their outrage (Romero 34:30). Romero
doesn t start showing signs of prudence until later in the film. He enters the church to a
room full of soldiers and asks to take care of the Eucharist that was still placed there.
The soldiers refuse and end up shooting at the altar, which can be interpreted as
shooting at Jesus. This is the scene that really opens Romero s eyes. After this he
begins to act prudently by taking action. He sends a letter to the US asking that they
discontinue the sending of weapons because, as quoted by Romero, They are only
being used to kill our own people (Romero 1:10:00). Romero shows a great amount of
prudence in the end when he asks God for help. He is asking God to show him the best
course of action in order to keep his people
How Does Shaw Present Eliza s Transformation
Shaw s creation of a romantic play with an atypical ending establishes and presents a
sense of reality and honesty not ordinarily found within compositions similar to his.
The real world is not full of happy endings, or at least not the expected ones. The
Cinderella story of Eliza s transformation is paralleled by that of a Frankenstein
creation of new life , or Higgins molding of Eliza and her speech (2). The romance
presented in the production is centered on Eliza and her ability to overcome obstacles
and achieve something that just months prior seemed insurmountable, despite a lack of
true education, she can pass herself off as a womanof truly high stature. Higgins affection
for his creation, his Galatea, if there really is much, most... Show more content on ...
Shaw s work of art is not about the fairy tale happy ending but about something
believable and sensible. Slowly over months Liza s tough, gutter , exterior was
chipped away to reveal Eliza, a woman capable of being called a duchess, but not one
willing to sit down and serve another. Independence races through her and the moment
she throws the slippers at Higgins pieces are being restored, she no longer will be a
servant of his nor does she want any position that would make her one for the rest of
her life. Any form of relationship to Higgins involving romantic attachment does not
allow Eliza to be herself or to feel superior to anyone. Freddy offers the companionship
she needs, with support, love, and no shadow to stand in. Shaw s romance is more
about the making of her person not of any relationship with another character, it is
Eliza s relationship with herself. Although Eliza s self worth was not determined by
her standing in life she realized that she deserved more, she respected herself enough
to know that Higgins was not the kind of man she would want a relationship with. She
needed someone who cared for her passionately, not one who treated her just as he
treated everyone else badly. Eliza is strong and she finds it within herself to look for the
love she deserves and the life she deserves without the constant ridicule of a man who
will never truly respect another s
Foucault s Discipline and Punish and Power and Sex Essay
Foucault s Discipline and Punish and Power and Sex

Every great architect is necessarily a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter
of his time, his day, his age Frank Lloyd Wright

Darkness is meant to conceal, light is meant to expose, and there is power intrinsically
imbued in both of these. Murderers hide in the dark, waiting for their victims, and the
atrocities of different countries are hidden in history and official memos and
propaganda. At the same time, light exerts power because it illuminates, it discovers, it
creates vulnerability on all it touches. These powers, however, do not simply exist; they
are forged within every aspect of life, even the very structures that people live in. Low
income ... Show more content on ...
Although the outside of the prison was meant to conceal, the inside was meant to
illuminate; the prison was not meant merely to confine convicts, but also to keep a
watchful eye on them, to keep them separate from one another and to keep them
constantly under surveillance:

Rather than the massive, binary division between one set of people and another, it called
for multiple separations, individualizing distributions, an organization in depth of
surveillance and control, an intensification and a ramification of power. (Foucault,
Discipline 553)

Instead of merely a holding cell, the prison became an instrument of subjugation,

distinguished by the control it exerted over the inmates corporeal being. Visibility was
exercised on the prisoners themselves, ensuring that even if their mind resisted, their
bodies would be forced to obey. The separation, subjugation and surveillance of prisoners
became the device through which order was maintained; prisoners were separated so
they did not conspire, watched in case they needed medical attention, and monitored to
make sure that they were not hiding contraband or trying to escape.

The transition from spectacle to prison can be traced to a much larger trend throughout
history. With the outbreak of the plague in Europe at the end of the seventeenth century,
the need for separation and observation became

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