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— Global context: Identi ies and relationships Understanding and using formal probability ‘What are the axioms of probability? notation How do you calculate the probability Calculating probabilities of independent, of mutually exclusive events and of ‘mutually exclusive and combined events independent events? Proving probability theorems How can an axiomatic system be Determining whether or not events are developed? mutually exclusive and/or independent Does a system help solve a problem? ‘What affects the decisions we make? Use and interpret a range of discipline-specific terms and symbols ¥ F Scag from using logical representations and systems. You should already know how to: ‘* use basic probabilities and sample spaces 1a What is the sample space for the event rolling a single die’? b Foran ordinary, fair die, find the probability of: i rollinga3 ii rolling an odd number. ‘¢ find probebilities from Venn diagrams, tree diagrams and two-way tables. 2 Find P(A) and P(A UB) from the Venn diagram. 3 Find P(C), P(D’) and P(C and D) from the tree diagram. o4 0 es 02, Bp o oF 04 c< 08 Fi 4 Using the table below, find the probability that a person chosen at random is a female teacher. Teacher [Nota teacher Male 13 2 Female | 15 10 The axiomatic system for probability © What are the axioms of probability? © How do you calculate the probability of mutually exclusive events and of independent events? Probability theory determines the likelihood of an event happening. For an event 4, probability assigns a numerical value P(A), called the probability of the event A. P(A) is a measure of the likelihood or chance that A occurs. Probability is a system which satisfies a set of axioms. Ane Uae A gstem is a group of interrelated elements. An axiomatic system is governed by a set ‘of axioms or rules. Everything in the ‘system obeys the rules. 15.1 More than likely, less than certain Ea Exploration 1 1 Use these probability terms to GED describe the probability of each very likely event listed below. 2 You wil get fil mars on your next English test. ‘We use probability in © You wl sven homework tonight sae wants ¢ The last meal you ate was breakfast. forecasting, science, social science, It will snow tomorrow. jlosophy and @ When you add 2 and 2 you will get 5. psychology. Brazil will win the next World Cup. g The Queen of Denmark will come to your mathematics class ‘omorow h The sun will come up in the morning. 2 Suggest approximate numerical values for the probability of each event instep 1. 3 Ina raffle, a total of 500 tickets are sold. Find the probability that you win the prize if you buy: a 10 tickets b SO tickets € O tickets 4 500 tickets 4 Describe each event in step 3 with a probability term (like those in step 1). In Exploration 1 you should have seen that that the smallest value a probability can ever take is zero (an impossible event). This is the first axiom of probability. Axiom 1 For any event A, P(A) > 0. This means that all probabilities have a value greater than or equal to zero. ‘An event that is certain to occur has probability 1. The whole sample space ‘includes all the possible events, so the probability that one of those events occurs is 1. This is the second axiom of probability. ‘Axiom 2 For a sample space S, P(S) = 1. In other words, the probability of all If you ever calculate ‘occurrences is equal to 1. a probability which is less than 0 or greater than 1, you have made a mistake. eu ea Exploration 2 1 Listed below are events that could occur when rolling a fair, six-sided die, Select and write down pairs of events that could not occur at the same time when rolling the die just once. rolling a4 rolling an odd number rolling a2 rolling a multiple of 2 rolling a3 tolling a factor of 6 rolling an even i i Tabeh rolling a factor of 18 rolling a5 2 Listed below are some of the possible events that could happen when drawing a card from a standard deck of 52 cards. drawingared card | _drawingaface card | drawing a factor of 8 drawing an odd- drawingaheart | drawingablacke | amngenoce ewig are oc | Ree aa drawing a ten a Select and write down pairs of events that could not occur at the same time, b Invent a pair of events that could not happen at the same time if you drew a card from the deck. A shopping bag contains pearl onions and baby creole onions. An onion is taken from the bag. It is either a pearl onion or a baby creole, but it cannot be both, The events ‘taking a pearl onion’ and ‘taking a baby creole onion’ are mutually exclusive. In probability, two events are mutually exclusive if only one can happen ‘any given experiment, Formally, two events are mutually exclusive when the sets representing the events are disjoint, in other words: A 7 B=@ (the empty set). For example, when a die is rolled once: © the sample space S= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} ‘odd number’ = (1, 3, 5} ‘even number’ = {2, 4, 6} © Event 4 © Event © An B=@,s0 A and B are mutually exclusive. ‘For mutually exclusive events A and B, AN B=. 15.1 More than likely, less than certain ad - = number of ways event Acan occur Eiydicraa ‘total number of possible outcomes ana) a PAS) mAb) So Plan By =Ma! For the die example, P(A 0 B) = ° = 0. This means the probability that event A and event B both happen is impossible, and therefore equal to zez0. ‘Two events A and B are mutually exclusive ifit is impossible for them to happen together. In mathematical language, if A > B= @, then P(4 m B)=0. Exploration 3 1. Construct a Venn diagram to illustrate this information: ‘¢ 30 students study one or more of three languages: French, German and Mandarin ‘© 5 study all three languages ‘¢ 6 study Mandarin only ‘© 2study French and Mandarin but not German 15 students in total study Mandarin © 2study only French 3 study only German, 2 From your diagram, find n(French) and n(S). Use these to find the probability that a student picked at random studies French. 3 Find n(French and Mandarin) and P(French and Mandarin) from your diagram. State what each of these numbers represent. 4 Explain how you can find P(French > German 9 Mandarin) from your Venn diagram, 5 Summarize your findings: PF)= PENG)= P(G)= P(GNM)= P(M)= PENGOM)= PEO M)= 6 Find n(French U Mandarin) and P(French U Mandarin) from your ‘Venn diagram. Use the probabilities you found in step 5 to find and verify a formula for P(French U Mandarin). Do the same for ‘P(French U German) and P(Mandarin U German), STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY f ‘Your results from Exploration 3 lead to the addition rule, used to determine the probability that event 4 or event B occurs, or both occur. Addition rule P(A U B)= P(A) +P(B) — P(A. B), where: P(A) is the probability that event A occurs P(B) is the probability that event B occurs P(AU B)is the probability that event A or event B occurs, or both occur P(A B) isthe probability that event 4 and event Bboth occur A fair die is rolled once. Let A be the event ‘rolling a 1 Let Be the event ‘rolling a 2', and so on. Pay=£ PB)=2-PC)= PD)=EPE)= 4 PEF) 6 ‘The events are mutually exclusive as it is impossible, for example, to roll a Land a 2 at the same time, so P(4 mB) =0. P(AUB)=P(4) + P(B)- P(A B) “66 6 P(AU BUC)= P(A) + P(B) + P(C) - P(An BoC) alylyliged ee omsiaas Reflect and discuss 1 ‘Why is the term ‘mutually exclusive’ an appropriate term for events that cannot happen at the same time? For mutually exclusive events P(A > B)= 0, so the addition rule is P(AUB)=P(A)+P(B) ‘Axiom 3 If (A, 4, A, ... } isa set of mutually exclusive events then PA,U A, Ay... )=P(A) +P) + PCA) +. ‘When the occurrences do not coincide, their associated probabilities can be added together. Axioms I to 3 give a good starting point to the structure of probability and start, to define its system. This system will help to explain other areas of probability. 15.1 More than likely, less than certain y= Practice 1 1 A fair, six-sided die is rolled once. State whether or not the following events are mutually exclusive (i.e. they cannot happen together). a ‘rolling a 6’ and ‘rolling a 3° b ‘rolling a multiple of 2’ and ‘rolling a multiple of 3° ¢ ‘rolling a4’ and ‘rolling a factor of 42’ 2 The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are written on table tennis balls and placed in a bag. A ball is selected at random. State whether or not the following events are mutually exclusive. a ‘the number on the ball is even’ and ‘the number on the ball is a square number’ 'b ‘the number on the ball is a multiple of 5’ and ‘the number on the ball is a prime number’ ¢ ‘the number on the ball is a factor of 8’ and ‘the number on the ball is an odd number’ 3 Events A and B have probabilities P(A) = a Calculate P(A B). 'b State with a reason whether events A and B are mutually exclusive. 4 A group of 30 students were asked if they’d ever been stung by a bee or a wasp. Of these, 18 students said they'd been stung by a bee, 10 said they'd been stung by a wasp, and 6 said they’d never been stung by either insect. Show this information on a Venn diagram. b Find the number of students who had been Bee Wasp stung by both insects. ¢ Explain why being stung by abee and being stung by a wasp are not mutually exclusive events. 5 Children in a class of 30 students are asked whether they like strawberries (S) or bananas (B). ome ‘There are 12 girls in the class: 8 girls like strawberries, 6 girls like bananas and 4 girls like both, 16 boys like strawberries, 13 boys like bananas and 12 boys like both. ae ee ‘This information is shown in the Venn diagram. The teacher chooses a student at random. a Use the information given to find p and g. b Find P(boy) and P(girl). State whether these events mutually exclusive. ¢ Find P(S) and P(B), State whether these events mutually exclusive. , P(B) = 0.65 and P(A U B)=0.85. Gite Problem solving 36 For the experiment ‘Pick a card from a standard, 52 card deck’, write: Ea two mutually exclusive events b two events that are not mutually exclusive. AeA Italian mathematician Gerolamo Cardano (1501-76) analyzed the likelihood of events with both cards and dice. His Liber de Ludo Aleae (Book on Games of Chance) discussed in detail many of the basic concepts of probability theory, but received little attention. Cardano often found himself short of money, so he would gamble as a means to make some. His Ludo Aleae even contains tips on how to cheat by using false dice and marked cards! Independent events Ifyou roll a die twice, the outcome of the first roll does not affect the probabilities of the outcomes of the second roll. The results of the two rolls are independent of each other. If the outcome of an event in one experiment does not affect the probability of the outcomes of the event in the second experiment, then the events are independent. Ina tree diagram representing successive trials with replacement, the trials are independent. In a tree diagram represents successive trial without replacement the trials are not independent. Activity ‘A magician’s trick bag contains three rubber snakes: one black, one yellow and one green. A snake is chosen at random, its color is noted and then it is replaced in the bag. Again, a snake is chosen at random and the color is noted. Let A be the event ‘at least one snake is black’. Let Bbe the event ‘both snakes are the same color’. 1 List the outcomes from the trials. 2 List the elements of the sets 4, B, AW B, and AmB. 3. Drawa Venn Diagram to represent the events. 4 Find P(A) from your Venn diagram. If A occurs, what is the probability that B then occurs? You need to look only at the events for B that are also in A. Once 4 has occurred, the probability of event Bis now 1. This is not the same as P(B). Therefore the outcome of event A affects the probability of event B, so events A and B are not independent events. aia 5 Find P(B) from your Venn diagram. 15.1 More than likely, less than certain ‘Tree diagrams can either represent successive trials (such as pulling a snake out ofa bag, noting its color, then repeating) or multiple events (such as pulling a ‘numbered ball out of a hat and noting whether or not it is an even number or a square number). Successive trials with replacement mean that events are independent and thus probability remains the same. Successive trials without replacement mean ‘events are not independent. ‘Multiple events require more calculations to determine independence and this, is explored further in the Extended book. Exploration 4 1 A regular pack of playing cards is shuffled and one card is drawn. Ais the event of drawing a red card and Bis the event of drawing a king. a Find P(A) and P(B). b Draw a tree diagram to represent these two events. € Ifyou choose a red card, the sample space is only the red cards. ‘What is the probability of drawing a king? d Is the probability of getting a king affected by the color of the card? Draw a tree diagram for these events. If A and Bare two independent events with probabilities P(A) and P(B) respectively, then P(A 7 B), the probability that 4 and B will both happen, is found by multiplying the two probabilities together. Multiplication rule If A and Bare independent events, then P(A > B) = P(A) x P(B). Example 1 > Continued on next page eu aC a 387 ¢ The events are not independent because whether or not the ticket is an even number affects the probability of it being a square number. 1y4y 3 d jegxe P(An B)# P(A) x P(B) @ P(AUB) 3 Practice 2 1A fair six-sided die has the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on its faces. AA fair four-sided die has the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 on its faces. ‘The two dice are rolled simultaneously. ‘The diagram represents the sample space of the possible outcomes. a Let A be the event ‘rolling a | on the four-sided di and B be the event ‘rolling a 1 on the six-sided die’. Find P(4 mB), the probability that you roll a 1 on the 1 four-sided die and a 1 om the six-sided die. Number on foursided de b_ Explain whether or not the events are independent. € Verify your result using the multiplication rule. 2 A red die has faces numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and a green die has faces numbered 0, 0, 1, 1,2 and 2. Let A be the event ‘rolling a 2 on the red die’ Let Bbe the event ‘rolling a 2 on the green die’. The two dice are rolled together. a Calculate the probability of rolling a 2 on both dice. b_ Explain whether or not these events are independent. € Verify your result using the multiplication rule. 15.4 More than likely, less than certain aa 3: Here is a standard set of dominos. One domino is selected at random. It is then replaced and a second domino is drawn at random, a Write down n(5). b Let A be the event ‘at least one of the numbers on the domino is a six’ and B be the event ‘the domino is a double’ (i.e. both numbers are the same). Explain whether or not these events are independent. © Verify your answer to b using the multiplication rule. :Problem solving ‘The Venn diagram shows the number of students in a class taking Mathematics (M) and Science (S). Use it to determine whether or not taking Mathematics and Science are independent events. Ina different class, four students take Mathematics only, two take both ‘Mathematics and Science, six take Science only and 12 take neither subject. ‘Determine whether the choice of taking Mathematics and taking Science are independent events for this class. Students in an after school activity program register for trampolining or table tennis. The table shows students’ choices by gender: Trampolining | Table tennis Total Male 39 16 55 Female, 21 4 35 ‘A student is selected at random from the group. Find: ‘a P(male trampoliner) b P(trampoliner) © P(female) d_ Determine whether or not the events trampolining and table tennis are independent events. Soe ae e Developing an axiomatic system © How can an axiomatic system be developed? Here are three important set definitions. a In probability, the 1 There is a universal set S, containing all other sets. sample space Sis For any subset Ac S: Sa Universal set. Au and ANS=A 2 There is an empty set ©. For any subset Ac S: AU@B=A and AND=D 3 For any subset 4 cS there exists a unique complementary set. AVA=S and ANA=B Reflect and discuss 2 ‘© Use the set definitions to help you explain why these probability definitions are true. P(AUS)=P(S) PAU 4')=P(S) P(ANS)=P(A) Pn 4’) =P) P(A @)=P(A) P(S)=1 PAN 2)=P@) ‘* Explain what each definition means, in your own words. Starting from these rules and Axioms 1, 2 and 3, we can deduce new rules, which will hopefully agree with your intuition about probability. Exploration 5 1. Suppose you roll a fair four-sided die. Find the probability of: a rollinga3 b notrolling a 3 « rolling an even number not rolling an even number rolling a number less than 3 not rolling a number less than 3 2 Suppose there are 5 choices on a multiple choice test. ‘@ What is the probability that you get the answer correct by guessing? b What is the probability of not getting the answer correct by guessing? > Continued on next page 15.1 More than likely, less than certain Ea € Repeat steps a and b for a multiple choice question with just 4 answer choices. Repeat steps a and b for a True/False question. 3. How do your answers for P(4) and P(not A) relate to each other? 4 Generalize a rule for calculating the probability of an event's complement P(4’) if you know P(A). If Ais an event then P(A’ PUA) Proof of P(A’) = 1 ~ P(A): . And by definition, P(A UA’) = P(S). Therefore, A and A’ are mutually exclusive, so P(A U 4’) = P(A) + P(A’), by the addition rule. Hence P(A) + P(4’) = 1 This rearranges to P(4’)= 1 ~ P(A). Proof of P(2) = 0: s=0 by definition PS) Axiom 2 P(4')=1—P(4) complementary events P(S')=1-P(S) substituting S for A P(Z)=1-P(S) because S'=B P(Q)=1-1 because P(S)=1 1 Draw three Venn diagrams showing overlapping sets A and Band shade them to illustrate these three relationships: A=(ANB)U(ANB’) B=(BNA)UBN4) AUB=(ANB)UANB)UA NB) 2 Hence complete these probability statements: (AN B)U(ANB’) D > Continued on next page 3 From your Venn diagrams you can see that the events Am Band Ac B’ are mutually exclusive and hence you can apply Axiom 3. ‘Hence, complete these statements. P(A) = P(A B) + PAN B’) PB)= P(A B)= 4 Add together the statements for P(4) and P(B). 5 Rearrange to produce the proof of the addition rule. Definitions and axioms are the building blocks of any mathematical system. ‘An axiom is a statement whose truth is assumed without proof because it is self-evident. Theorems are established and proven using axioms. A corollary is a theorem that is a direct result of a given theorem, Usually, a theorem is a larger, more important statement, and a corollary is a statement that follows simply from a theorem. A proposition is any statement whose truth can be ascertained. Practice 3 Axioms, propositions, corollaries and theorems for Practice 3 Axiom 1: For any event A, P(A) >0 Axiom 2: P(S)=1 Axiom 3: If (4, dy, Ay} 8 set of mutually exclusive events then: PU, UA, U...) = P(A) +P(A,) + Proposition 1: Complementary events: if 4 is an event then P(4’) = 1 - P(A) Corollary 1: (2) =0 Corollary 2: P(A) <1 ‘Theorem 1: For any events A and B, P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A B) ‘Theorem 2: For independent events A and B, (An B)=P(A) x P(B) 1A group of 50 students were asked if they liked canoeing and camping. ‘There were 12 students who liked canoeing, 42 students who liked camping, and 8 students who liked both. a. Draw a Venn diagram showing this information. b Determine how many students did not like either recreation, ¢ Find the probability that a student chosen at random likes canoeing, 4 Determine if liking canoeing and liking camping are independent events. € State the axioms, propositions and corollaries you used in answering each of the questions a through d. AU ea 15.1 More than likely, less than certain La 2 A group of 100 people were asked if they own a pair of sandals and if they ‘own a pair of slippers. Of these, 48 people own sandals, 14 people own both, 18 people own neither. a Draw a Venn diagram to show this information, b Determine how many people own sandals. ¢ Find the probability that a person selected at random owns a pair of sandals, given that the person owns a pair of slippers. Determine if the events are i mutually exclusive ii independent. € State the axioms, propositions and corollaries you used in answering each of the questions a through 3. A survey asked if people were right- or left-handed, There were 30 women and 70 men in the survey; 27 of the women were right-handed, 12 of the men were left-handed. Draw a two-way table showing this information. a Find the probability of being left-handed, given the person is female, b Determine whether being left- or right-handed are mutually exclusive events. © Determine whether being left- or right-handed are independent events. d State the axioms, propositions and corollaries you used in answering, each of the questions a through ¢. oO Do you need a formal system? ‘* Does a system help solve a problem? © What affects the decisions we make? ‘You have discovered and used the axioms that lead to important probability theorems. How does this system make it easier to answer probability questions? Example 2 > Continued on next page ETT 15 Systems BRU a CLA In the tree diagram, the probabilities are different for B depending on where the original serve was. Therefore events A and Bare not independent. Objective: C. Communicating v. Organize information using a logical structure In Practice 4, you will use the axioms of probability to put in place a structure to answer the problems. Practice 4 1 Ina class of 20 students, 12 of them study History, 15 study Geography and 2 students study neither History nor Geography. Let A be the event ‘number of students who study History’. Let Bbe the event ‘number of students who study Geography’. a Write down: n(S) Wi m4) ii m(B) iv (AUB) v P(A) and P(B) vi PAU) 15.1 More than likely, less than certain yoo bi LetPUnB Use theorem | to calculate 2. fi Represent the information in a Venn diagram. Given that a student picked at random studies History, find the probability that this student: i also studies Geography does not study Geography. Given that a student picked at random does not study History, find the probability that this student: i studies Geography fi. does not study Geography. Draw a tree diagram to represent this information. 2 Events A and Bare such that P(4)=0.3 and P(B) = 4. a i Use Axiom 3 to find P(A U B) given that the events are mutually exclusive. fi Use Theorem 2 to find P(A > B) given that A and B are independent. b Draw a tree diagram to represent this information. Summary Axiom 1: For any event 4, P(4) 20 © Axiom 2: P(S)=1 © Twoevents 4 and Bare mutually exclusive if it is impossible for them to happen together AMB=@ and so PAB) =0 © Axiom 3:If (4,,4,, Ay... } isa set of ‘mutually exclusive events then: P(A, UA,U A, U-..)=P(A,) + PUA,) + PCA.) +. © Proposition 1: Complementary events: if Ais an event then P(4’)=1~P(A) © Corollary 1: P@)=0 © Corollary 2: P(A) <1 ‘If the outcome of an event in one experiment does not affect the probability of the outcomes of the event in the second experiment, then the events are independent. ‘Theorem 1: For any events A and B, PAU B)=P(4) + P(B)- P(A B) ‘Theorem 2: For independent events Aand B, P(A > B)= P(A) x PCB) Mixed practice 1 A group of 30 students were asked about their favourite way of eating eggs. © 18 liked boiled eggs (B) © 10 liked fried eggs (F) © 6 liked neither a Find 1 PB) ii PBUF) ii POP) iv PB UF’) b Use Theorem 1 to find PB F). Represent the information on a Venn diagram. A student chosen at random likes boiled eggs. Find the probability that the student also likes fried eggs. Problem solving 2. A survey was carried out at an international airport. Travelers were asked their flight destinations and results are shown in the table. Destination [ Geneva |Vienna_| Brussels pee |S 62 37 males Number of females Be eee @ I Determine whether or not the destinations are mutually exclusive. li Determine whether or not gender is mutually exclusive. b One traveller is chosen at random. Find the probability that this traveller is going to Vienna, ‘© One female traveller is chosen at random, Find the probability that she is going to Geneva. d_ One traveller is chosen at random from those not going to Vienna. Find the probability that the chosen traveller is female © Copy and complete the tree diagram for the data in the table. re v e e F< v Ane ae For this data, test whether or not destination i and gender are independent. 13 Let P(4)=0.5, P(B)=0.6 and P(A U B)=08 Ea Find P(A 8). b Draw a tree diagram. Find the probability of getting B, given that 4 has occurred. © Determine whether or not 4 and Bare independent events. Give a reason for your answer. 100 students were asked ifthey liked various toast toppings. © 56 like avocado © 38 like marmalade © 22 like soft cheese 16 like avocado and marmalade, but not soft cheese ‘© 8 like soft cheese and marmalade, but not avocado '* 3 like avocado and soft cheese, but not ‘marmalade ‘© 4 ike all three toppings ‘a Draw a Venn diagram to represent this information. b Find the number of students who didn't like any topping. € Determine if the toppings are mutually exclusive, dA student is chosen at random from the group who like soft cheese. Find the probability that they also like marmalade. Events A and B have probabilities P(A) = 0.4, P(B)=0.65, and P(A U B) = 0.85. a Calculate P(4 9B). b Determine whether or not events 4 and Bare independent. € Determine whether or not events 4 and Bare mutually exclusive. 15.4 More than likely, less than certain Ea 26. Stefan rolls two 6-sided dice at the same time. ‘One die has three green sides and three black sides. The other die has sides numbered from 1106. a Drawa tree diagram to represent this sequence of events. b Find the probability that Stefan rolls 2 5. € Find the probability that he rolls a number less than 3. d Find the probability that he gets green on the ‘one die and an even number on the other. © Determine if the events ‘rolling green’ and ‘rolling an even number’ are independent, and explain your answer. 7 The table below shows the number of left and right-handed golf players in a sample of ‘50 males and females. Review in context Identities and relationships Remember to use the probability axioms when answering these questions. ‘Problem solving 11. The table shows 60 students’ choices of yoghurt. Sugar coe Yoghurt = [strawberry] Chocolate] Vanilla] Total fae 3 a | 4 | 2 [sugar on 8 9 | 1 | 35 [sugar Hota _[__14 ae a One student is selected at random. 1 Find the probability that the student chose vanilla yoghurt. li Find the probability that the student chose a yoghurt that was not vanilla. iii The student chose chocolate yoghurt. Find the probability that the student chose the low sugar one. Left-handed | Right-handed] Total Male 3 29 32 Female 2 16 18 Total 5 45 50 A golf player is selected at random. a Find the probability that the player is: i male and left-handed ii right-handed iii right-handed, given that the player selected is female. b Determine whether the events ‘male’ and ‘left-handed’ are: i independent i mutually exclusive, iv Find the probability that the student chose a high sugar or vanilla yoghurt. v The student chose a low sugar yoghurt. Find the probability that the student chose strawberry b The 60 yoghurts were then classified according to fat content type: 15 of the yoghurts had high fat, 37 had medium fat and 8 had low fat content. Two yoghurts were randomly selected, Find the probability that: i both yoghurts had low fat content i neither of the yoghurts had medium : fat content. 12 All human blood can be categorized into one of four types: A, B, AB or O. The distribution of the blood groups varies between races and ‘genders. The table shows the distribution of the blood types for the US population, Bloodtype| 0 | A | 8 | AB 042 | 043 [on | x Probability a Find the probability that a person chosen at random: i has blood type AB ii does not have blood type AB. b Determine if the two events ‘have blood type AB’ and ‘do not have blood type AB’ are mutually exclusive, \d the probability that a randomly selected person in the US has blood type A or B. Damon has blood type B, so he can safely receive blood from people with blood types O and B. Find the probability that a randomly chosen person can donate blood to Damon. @ Given that Damon received blood, find the probability that it was type O. £3. This table shows the distribution of blood type in the US by gender. Probability Blood | Male | Female | Total type 021 021 042 A ozs | ozs | 043 o.0ss | 0055 | on AB oor | oor | 004 Total | 050 | 050 10 Reflect and discuss AU a Cea a Determine if the events ‘gender’ and ‘blood type’ are mutually exclusive. Let Mbe the event ‘selecting a male’, Let Fe the event ‘selecting a female’. b Findi P(M) ii POF) ¢ Copy and complete the tree diagram. Confirm that blood type and gender are independent events, using the multiplication rule for independent events. How have you explored the statement of inquiry? Give specific examples. Seer) ‘Understanding health and making healthier choices result from using logical representations and systems. 15.1 More than likely, less than certain Ea Practice 4 1 Maximum = 480 ar (15, 1.5) 2 Maximum = 196 at(1,6) 3 Maximum = 107 at(99, 181) 4 Maximum = 2085 a (105, 45) ‘5 A small and 7 large minibuses 6 100 algebraic solvers and 170 graphing programs 7 40 downhill kis and 30 cros country skis £8 $75 000 in municipal bonds and $25000 in bank mutual fund Mixed practice Var bxel8 ex 9 dxcs ered f5ex<9 “4 hice 40-seater and no 24-seater buses '5 The factory can meet its target. Itcan buy 8 Machine A and 0 Machine B, or 6 Machine ‘Aand 3 Machine B. 6 12 weekday and 8 weekend advertisements Review in context. 1 6 large trees and 20 smal trees 2 21 ype A and 8 type B costing £83, 15.1 You should already know how to: reizsase bal 22a6.% —302,06,008 mse [12 [70 6 a Pick a hear, pick a diamond (for example) 'b Picka red card, pick a 10 (for example) Practice 2 bb Yes—a person i eft or right handed, not both, 1 € No since P(L) x P(R) #0 ta bb Yes since PA) P(E) = PAB) € Axiom 2, Axiom 3, Proposition 1, Theoreml, Theorem 2 Practice 4 va t20 wi bb Yes since PUd) x PUB) = PUAN B) eis 2315 3 wand at 2 wit st 7 ae 018 4 4 No since trampolining x Pable emis) #0 2 ie Practice 3 ‘ "91 casing camping ; ies Wan. \ aH a(s)a ) s } a e XM 7 wa

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