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Persuation Essay

Crafting a persuasive essay is no walk in the park; it demands a delicate balance of eloquence, logic,
and rhetorical finesse. To begin with, one must delve into extensive research to gather relevant
information and credible sources that support the chosen stance. This involves navigating through a
sea of literature, scholarly articles, and diverse perspectives, which can be a daunting task in itself.

Once armed with information, the challenge lies in organizing thoughts coherently. Creating a
persuasive essay necessitates meticulous planning, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs
presenting arguments, and a compelling conclusion. The structure must seamlessly guide the reader
from one point to the next, building a persuasive momentum that leaves an indelible impression.

Selecting the right words is another hurdle. Crafting sentences that are not only grammatically sound
but also persuasive is an art. A delicate interplay of language, tone, and style is essential to captivate
the reader's attention and convey the intended message persuasively.

Furthermore, anticipating counterarguments and addressing them effectively is a skill that requires
foresight and strategic thinking. A persuasive essay is not just about pushing a single viewpoint; it's
about anticipating objections and refuting them with well-reasoned arguments.

The editing process adds another layer of complexity. Fine-tuning sentences, refining arguments, and
ensuring a seamless flow demand a critical eye. Striking the right balance between conciseness and
thoroughness is an intricate dance that writers must perform.

In conclusion, the task of crafting a persuasive essay is a formidable one, demanding intellectual
rigor, creativity, and a mastery of language. It's an intricate process that goes beyond mere writing;
it's about crafting a compelling narrative that influences and convinces. For those seeking assistance
in navigating this challenging terrain, it's worth exploring resources like , where
similar essays and more can be ordered to ease the burden of essay writing.
Persuation Essay Persuation Essay
View on to Escape
Su Tong is a pen name of Tong Zhonggui. He was born in 1963 in Suzhou and now
living in Nanjing with his family. Su Tong is not only a greater writer which 20th
century last stages appears, but also he is the representative writer of the vanguard
literature and is one of the founders of neo historicism novel (Jing). Vanguard literature is
a kind of literature, which is against the traditional culture and deliberate violation of the
principles of conventional creation and appreciation of the literary habits, and one sided
pursuit of artistic form and style of the novel. As usually, the vanguard literature writers
through different kind of suggests, metaphor, symbol, association and imagery to explore
people s inner life. ... Show more content on ...
In other words, in the normal novel, story is written arranged from cause, development,
and climax to result. Each part is one by one, but in spatial structure, each section is
parallel, which means that they are all in the same level and only scheduled by the point
order. Otherwise, the story of To Escape also can be analysis two spaces, which are
external and internal space. The external space is that story is told by first person
narrators I and I talk about the story about my uncle and his wife. The internal space is
story told by Chen Sanmai s and his wife, which are included their person experience and

Symbolic Meaning of the Kites

Escape is the basic tone in To Escape . The novel shows that escape is a state of
survival of human beings. In this story, the author Su Tong through Chen Sanmai s three
times escapes to show human being s contradictions and lost about escape and return. In
the novel, Chen Sanmai s first escape is escape from his wife, family and hometown to
other place. At this time, he wants to escape from his old life. When his wife doubts that
he have some venereal disease, he feels misunderstanding and loneliness in his heart. He
tries to resistance and escape from this kind of misunderstanding and loneliness, but he
fails. Nobody wants try to understand him and share his feeling, ever his wife. When the
individual is suppressed, marginalized, in and resistance in the failure of a particular
environment, the first reaction is to
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
In this new generation, we can see that a lot of children have learning disabilities.
Learning disabilities include Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and
Dyslexia. Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common
childhood brain disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. ADHD is
gifted. Other than this, Attentiondeficit hyperactive disorder also can say is a group of
behavioral symptoms that include an inattentive type, hyperactive type and impulsive
type. Combined type is most common. All this behavioural symptoms is normal, but for
ADHD children, these behavioural symptoms are more often than normal children. The
boys will have ADHD changes are more than girls. It is usually discovered... Show more
content on ...
A child with impulsive will be very impatient, he or she have difficulty waiting for things
they want or waiting their turns in games. For example, if the child likes to write answer
on the whiteboard, he or she will come out quickly to write the answer during the teacher
is calling other to write the answer on the whiteboard. Additional, the child with
impulsive will often interrupt conversations or others activities. For instant, while teacher
doing circle time, the child will go stand in the middle and dancing at there. The child
with impulsive will also blurt out inappropriate comments, show their emotions without
restraint, and act without regard for consequences. For example, the child is tired, he or
she will express the feeling directly and shout in the class. ADHD cannot be prevented or
cured, but spotting it early with having a good treatment and education plan, can help a
child with ADHD manage their symptoms. Before a good treatment and education plan,
parents need to accept the fact that their child have
The Law Enforcement Profession Essay
The Law Enforcement Profession


In order to understand comptemporary law enforcemment, we should recognize the

conditions that impact our profession. It is agreed upon by many scholars that major
changes in law enforcement occur every five years. Policing is sometimes characterize ...
like a sandbar in a river, subject to being changed continuously by the currents in which it
is immersed... (Swanson,
Territo and Taylor, p. 2). However, in recent years some major changes have occurred in
a shorter time period.

Innovations in law enforcement

During the past two decades, I have observed major changes in the viewpoint of society
towards police officer s as the symbol of trust and dignity, the technological advances of
... Show more content on ...
The results of an investigation disclosed that the McDuffie s death may have been
caused by police instead of an accident. After being indicted and found not guilty by an
all white jury, riots broke out in black neighborhoods, especially Liberty City resulting in
arson and looting that left 18 persons dead and more than 300 injured. This catastrophe
forced the Miami Police
Department to reexamine and revise their use of force policies and procedures
(CQ Researcher, p. 645). The Jeffrey L. Dahmer Case characterize a situation when the
police fail to properly handle a call of a suspicous nature. Dahmer was charged with
murdering at least 15 young males. On May 27, 1993, two Milwaukee citizens reported
a naked young male in the middle of the street bleeding and unable to stand. The boy
name was Konerak Sinthasomphone, a 14 year of laotain boy.
Dahmer was able to persuade the officer that the boy was a live in lover. The boy was
later slain by Dahmer in his apartment after the officers left the scene. A storm of portest
came from the minority and homosexual communities accused the officers of displaying
racial prejudice. The officers were also criticized for dismissing the incident as a
boyfriend boyfriend thing (CQ Researcher, p.

One of the most celebrated cases in recent times was the beating of a black motorist by
several white police officers in Los Angeles. It stirred nationwide concern about police
brutality. On March 3, 1991, Rodney Glen

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