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Writing A Good Compare And Contrast Essay

Writing an essay on the subject of "Writing A Good Compare And Contrast Essay" can be a
challenging task, as it requires a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in crafting an
effective piece. The complexity lies not only in the ability to compare and contrast two or more
subjects but also in the skillful presentation of the ideas.

One of the challenges is the need for a comprehensive analysis of the chosen subjects, which
demands thorough research and a keen eye for details. Crafting a compelling thesis statement that
clearly outlines the purpose of the essay and sets the tone for the comparison adds another layer of

Moreover, striking a balance between highlighting the similarities and differences without favoring
one over the other requires a nuanced approach. This necessitates careful consideration of the
structure and organization of the essay to ensure a coherent and logical flow of ideas.

Selecting relevant and meaningful points for comparison, as well as providing sufficient evidence
and examples to support these points, can be time-consuming and requires a critical mindset. The
writer must also pay attention to the clarity of expression, ensuring that the reader can easily follow
the comparisons made throughout the essay.

In conclusion, writing a good compare and contrast essay demands a combination of analytical skills,
research proficiency, and effective communication. It is not merely about pointing out similarities and
differences but about presenting them in a compelling manner that engages the reader. Despite the
challenges, mastering the art of crafting such essays can be a rewarding skill, showcasing a writer's
ability to explore and articulate complex ideas.

If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance with various types of
essays, you might consider seeking help from professional writing services. Platforms like offer support for diverse writing needs, providing expertly crafted essays and
Writing A Good Compare And Contrast EssayWriting A Good Compare And Contrast Essay
Scholars recognize Thucydides as one of the most celebrated Athenian historian, with him
named as the father of scientific history. Thucydides wrote the unfinished History of the
Peloponnesian War. In a period with scarce evidence available, Thucydides single
narrative acts as the sole artefact that provides information regarding the war. His History
narrates the Peloponnesian Warbetween Athens and Sparta, and also recounts the foreign
relations military and diplomatic activities of Athens and various Greek states during the
fifth century BC. With his History as the main source, the question of whether Thucydides
may be bias in his writing towards Athens emerges. However, through examining
Thucydides account of the war, one can argue... Show more content on ...
Thucydides depicts Pericles s funeral oration early on in his History, which honored
Athenians strength and sense of duty as well as believing in the greatness of Athens.
Everything Pericles spoke of in the oration glorified Athens achievements, aiming to
raise morale during the state of war. In his praises, Pericles acknowledges Athens as an
exemplar state to other Greeks and declares in short, I [Pericles] say that as a city we
are the school of Hellas, while I doubt if the world can produce a man who, where he
has only himself to depend upon, is equal to so many emergencies, and graced by so
happy a versatility, as the Athenian (Thuc. 2.41). One may argue that the oration
illustrates the epitome of Thucydides support for Athens, as he did not record the speech
verbatim and could have instilled his own views. Nevertheless, as demonstrated in other
instances, Thucydides is just as critical of Athens as praising. In the Melian Dialogue that
took place in 416 BC, Athens essentially imposed its vast power on the small island of
Melos. Athenians threatened Melians to surrender and pay tribute, or suffer the
repercussions as they eloquently stated, in terms of practicality the dominant exact what
they can and the weak concede what they must (Thuc. 5.89). The Melians refusal to obey
to Athens demands culminated to a siege that ended in the Athenian assembly voting to
mercilessly execute all the men and enslave all women and children. The once glorified
portrayal of Athens succumbs to a decline of moral values and transforms into one of an
oppressive state with an entitled mentality to conquer other Greeks, comparable to the
traits of tyrants in their hunger to acquire more power. Here, Thucydides made the
conscious choice to relate two drastically different speeches that paints Athens in both a
John Stuart Mill Harm Principle
A central belief of the liberal atmosphere on which western legal systems are
fundamentally based is that of negative freedom, to do as one wills, provided that it
causes no harm to others. But a question which goes to the heart of the ethics of allowing
total individual freedom with minimal intervention from society can be characterized like
so; where to draw the line between freedom and condemnation? When is interference
with individuals and their private moralityjustified? The harm principle, which seeks to
introduce personal libertyand its coexistence with society, appears in John Stuart Mills
On Liberty , first published in 1859. However, the idea is not black and white the harm
principle can be criticized for its excessive paternalism, lack of clarity, and incomplete
handling of certain situations. In this essay, I will argue that Mill thoroughly justifies his
theory for the harm principle. To make this argument, I will examine the harm principle,
evaluate possible counterarguments, then apply the Harm Principle to a real life scenario.
I will first examine Mill s Harm Principle , as well as his reasoning for it. The principle
itself reads as follows:
The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in
interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self protection. That the
only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized
community, against his will, is to prevent harm to
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Investigation Of A Security Clearance For A Position...
Background investigations are an essential aspect of the vetting process for both
employees and potential employees of the US Federal, State, and Local governments and
private sector companies that provide support, services and products to these government
entities. These investigations are conducted to determine the suitability of the subject of
the investigation to hold a security clearance for a position impacting our national security
. Many of the individuals hired by the aforementioned organizations are placed in
positions which require a security clearance. Based on the type of clearance, the person
has access to information that is crucial to implementation of the missions of US
government entities and private ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of US Federal Government background investigations is to determine if
individuals are deemed acceptable for employment within the US government, and more
importantly, prevent individuals of malafied intent from gaining access to a position
impacting the US national security. Properly executed background investigations can
greatly diminish the possibility of a potential insider threat obtaining access to classified
information, which can cause the US great harm and the US government great
Prior to the founding of the United States of America, the insider threat has hindered the
security of a nation. It is written that the outward destruction of a country results from the
inward turmoil of its government. Numerous historical accounts of internal conflicts
endangering the welfare of countries are present in the history books of most countries.
In most instances, the conflict occurred within the governmental structure of the nation.
Regarding internal threats, the US government is not immune from this imminent danger.
Constantly, there are numerous threat to US government operations that are undetected.
Although the US government Most recently, the breach of security of former National
Security Agency (NSA) employee, Edward Snowden, and the ongoing saga of events
surrounding his dubious departure from his home country have permeated the media of
countries around the world. The Snowden case is the latest in the

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