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Name: Georgette Soto


In high school, I was changed from school in the last

year, and I could understand the differences, which
affected me at the beginning, but I learned to handle
Charting: Double-entry chart

PROXIMITY TO HOME 50 minutes 25 minutes

SCHEDULES variable schedule defined schedule

It was good but not too

Better but more demand
QUALITY much for the number of
for the student

Max 30 Max 40
STEP 3: Writing Draft
Changing schools in secondary could be a big challenge for every adolescent. It does not
matter if you are an extrovert or an introvert; the changes could be good or bad, but there
will always be changes. For example, you can find new friends or suffer because it is hard
to connect with strangers. So it is essential to understand and work on emotional
intelligence in order to succeed the year and develop new skills and knowledge. At 15 years
old, I changed my all-life school for a new one, and I thought everything could be
annoying, but it was not like that. So, in the following paragraphs, I will explain the
comparison points between Deuni and Ingenieros Uni, like proximity to home, schedules,
quality, and number of students.
First, about the proximity of home: at Deuni School, I had to wake up very early because I
was far from home. Every day, my mother woke me up at 6 a.m. to be ready because if it
took me more than 45 minutes to get to the station, I would arrive late to class. But not
everything was bad because I always found a seat on the bus, so I could rest more on the
journey. On the other hand, in Ing. Uni, it took me 30 minutes to get there, so I slept more
and got ready quietly, but because I had more time, I often had to go out running and also
travel "de pie" on the bus. Honestly, in the beginning, it was very difficult to get used to
being more disciplined with a new schedule, but I understood that if I had more time, I
should make better use of it.
Second, about schedules, in Deuni it was more demanding to study than do recreational
activities, so they constantly did extra short-term courses that varied your schedules per
day. Sometimes, I had to stay until 5 p.m., and others until 7 p.m. In addition, in some
months, they added classes on Sundays; one could choose the courses to take, but it was
very difficult to fit schedules. On the other hand, Ing. Uni had a fixed schedule for classes
and for extracurricular activities, so you would left until 5 p.m. every day, Likewise, they
respected Sundays, although sometimes special activities were organized in the afternoons,
but they were very few.

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