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Essay On Indian Republic Day

Crafting an essay on the theme of "Indian Republic Day" can present a challenging endeavor for
various reasons. Firstly, the topic itself is rich in historical and cultural significance, requiring a deep
understanding of the events and ideologies that led to the establishment of the Indian Republic.
Navigating through the complex tapestry of India's diverse history and its journey to republicanism
demands meticulous research and a nuanced approach to presenting facts.

Furthermore, the essay must strike a balance between being informative and engaging. It should not
only provide a comprehensive overview of the significance of Republic Day but also captivate the
reader's interest throughout. Achieving this balance requires skillful writing and the ability to convey
complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner.

The challenge is heightened by the need to avoid clichés and generic statements. With a topic as
widely discussed as Republic Day, there is a risk of falling into the trap of reiterating common
information without adding any unique perspective. A successful essay on this topic should bring
forth fresh insights or present well-known facts in an innovative way.

Moreover, the writer must be attuned to the cultural sensitivity surrounding Republic Day. This
includes acknowledging the diverse traditions and perspectives within India, avoiding potential
biases, and presenting a holistic view of the celebration. Striking the right tone to honor the
solemnity of the occasion while maintaining a compelling narrative can be demanding.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on Indian Republic Day requires a combination of research, writing
finesse, and cultural awareness. The complexity of the topic necessitates a thorough understanding of
historical events, the ability to engage the reader, and the skill to present information in a unique and
thought-provoking manner.

If you find yourself struggling with such tasks or need assistance with writing essays on various
topics, there are services available that can provide the help you need. Platforms like offer support in crafting essays, ensuring that you receive well-researched, well-
written content tailored to your specific requirements.
Essay On Indian Republic Day Essay On Indian Republic Day
Efficacy And Efficacy Of Self Efficacy
Literature Review This chapter provides a review of the literature from the past
fourteen years devoted to the study of efficacy, teacher efficacy, and collective teacher
efficacy. Self efficacy,social cognitive theory, and sources of self efficacy are
described. A brief history of efficacy studies and current research on teacher efficacy
and collective efficacy are included as well as different leadership styles. Additionally,
information regarding the inclusion of demographic characteristics in efficacy
research and the interrelationship between teacher efficacy and leadership are
reviewed. Finally, the need for effective leadership and teacher efficacy. Self Efficacy
These concepts of teacher efficacy and collective efficacy have their origins in self
efficacy, a component of social cognitive theory. Beliefs of self efficacy form the basis
for human behavior choices.Restated by (2003) Roger D. Goddard, Wayne K. Hoy
and Anita Woolfolk originally stated by Bandura (1997) offered the following
definition of self efficacy: Perceived self efficacy refers to beliefs in one s capabilities
to organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given attainments (p .
3 ). Individuals base their actions,responses, and choices on their perceived self efficacy.
In addition to influencing the choices people make and the actions they take, self
efficacy beliefs impact how much effort individuals will put forth on a particular task,
how long they will persevere when
Rawls Maximin Principle
Rawls Maximin Principle: Is It Really The Most Rational Solution?

Political philosophy aims to reflect the normative and conceptual dimensions of political
life. American philosopher John Rawls is widely recognized as one of the leading
political philosophers of the twentieth century. His A Theory of Justice (1971) is one of
the primary texts in political philosophy and proposes two principles of justice. The first,
the liberty principle, defines basic liberties and the second, the difference principle,
regulates disparity within rights, powers, and privileges through what is known as a
maximin strategy . The difference principle and underlying maximin strategy, as any
theory, has several credible components as well as some that ... Show more content on ...
If you have a strong desire to get more than the minimum outcome, then it will be rational
to go for the option with a greater maximum possibility, even if it has a minimum which
is worse than the others. The final condition is that the alternatives have unacceptable
worst possible outcomes. If the alternatives had acceptable minimums, then one might be
willing to take a blind chance, and opt for principles that may result in a system in which
you have less than you could have since the least isn t so bad .

In theory, the difference principle and maximin solution seem quite plausible but after
close scrutiny one begins to notice the loopholes that arise and are cause for criticism.
These loopholes can be found in many aspects of the theory, in particular the definition of
the original position, the influence of natural talents on inequalities, and the risk adverse
The description of the original position is rigged to yield the difference principle as
Rawls will admit . Those who object to the conditions of the veil of ignorance purpose
that people in the original position will not opt for a maximin solution because it is not a
rational principle to follow under conditions of ignorance about the probability of
outcomes. Rather, under such conditions it is most rational to count each outcome as
equally likely. For instance, given the number of possible outcomes
Movie Review Of The Movie InsideThe Twin Towers
As I watched the film Inside: The Twin Towers , I couldn t help the chills running up
and down my spine. This documentary takes you inside the twin towers and gives you
a glimpse of the horror that came upon America on September 11, 2001. It doesn t
matter the age you were when this terrorist attack happened, watching the film puts
you in the same place of those who sacrificed and fought for their lives. When I watch
the film, I try to put myself in their shoes. What would I do if the room I was in was
filled with smoke? How could I escape? What would my first initial reaction be? I m
going to take you into my thoughts and feelings about this tragic day in history and
show you that 9/11 will always be remembered. I was around 3 years old when this
tragedy happened, I was oblivious to what was happening in America. But films such
as Inside the Twin Towers help educate those who weren t able to comprehend what
had happened on that day in America. I ve seen many films about 9/11 and each one
brings new information. This is definitely one of the best films about 9/11 that i ve
ever seen. There is an emotional trigger when you see the interviews of the people
sharing their story of being in the twin towers. There s almost a sense as if you re with
them in the towers due to the detail of the film. A film like this will forever be available
to future generations and we will continue the famous quote, We will never forget. At
about 8:45 the first plane hit the tower, as the
Module 7 Action Inquiry Essay Merit Pay
Research Paper School Finance Jennifer Ponton Grand Canyon EDA 535 July 01, 2012
Action Inquiry Research Paper School Finance Statement of the Problem This past
spring thousands of teachers protested at the Louisiana State Capital to prevent
Louisiana lawmakers from passing an educational reform bill proposed by Governor
Bobby Jindall that would change the face of public education in Louisiana forever.
Many superintendents and school personnel were relieved of their professional
responsibilities on the days they protested hoping that they could sway the governor and
the lawmakers from passing the bill. The bill was passed even without the support of...
Show more content on ...
Merit pay is a term describing performance related pay. Its primary focus is used for
helping teachers improve their performance by learning from each other. Merit Pay
can take the form of a bonus or a permanent teacher salary increased. This motivates
many teachers because they believe they are being evaluated more fairly than
traditional evaluation. Merit pay is important to study because it s a one of the most
controversial issue in the field of education and it does have an effect on school
finance in the future. We should be concerned about using merit pay in our school
system because most professions offer bonuses and salary increases for their
exemplary employees why should the education profession be any different? Shouldn t
we try and use incentives as we do with our students to motivate teachers to give their
very best in educating our future leaders of tomorrow. Merit pay will recruit and retain
some of the nation s brightest mind. Many people who have the capability to teach our
students refused to do so due to teacher pay but with merit pay many of these individuals
may consider working in the education profession. Relation to the Problem to the
Specialization Merit Pay is a topic of investigation because even though it rewards great
teachers many lawmakers, educators, and teacher s union are opposed to it.
Middle School And High School
Middle school and high school were very different for me. Both schools lack diversity
and consisted of people just like me, but in middle school everyone s identity were
practically the same. I attended Catholic school until high school and had all white
classes until then too. Throughout middle school I was a rather mischievous student
who did not place academics too highly on my list of priorities, so I was often making
the teacher s job much harder than it needed to be. If not for how involved my family
and I were with the church and the school my in class experience would not have been
as pleasant. The only way that we ever learned about our own identity was through
religion classes and through church so the fact that the entire school probably had less
than five students of ethnicity in a school with grade 3 8 in it was never addressed. In
middle schoolalmost everyone was middle classor at least were not struggling like some
of the families in more urban areas. If a family did begin to struggle enough financially
they simply went to another school because the cost of Catholic school was no longer a
luxury that they could afford. So the school not only consisted of people with the same
race but also eliminated people that were not from the same economic background. In
high schoolthe majority of students were white as that is 92% of the student body and I
was not a minority in anyways but it was much different due to how extreme my middle
school experience was in
Marketing Options For Restaurants And Luxury Retailers
GiltCity Review GiltCity targets upscale restaurants and luxury retailers for daily deals
and other incentives, which distinguishes the company from the crowded field of coupon
selling companies. Although this marketing option is only available in limited cities in
the United States, fine dining restaurants can reach targeted customers who earn more
than $100,000 annually. GiltCity incentives aren t always financial but often include
perks like backstage access to concerts and entertainment venues, conversations with the
head chef, celebrity meet and greets and other value based inducements. Of course,
worrying about devaluing your upscale restaurant by offering discounts might not matter
as much as you always feared. Upscale restaurants can often set their own rules, based
on their customers, cuisine and reputations. We ve regularly warned restaurateurs in our
posts about the dangers of devaluing their brands by offering too many incentives and
running coupons that reduce regular prices, except for BOGO offers. A recent report by
the University of Maryland s Business School confirmed the Groupon effect that
devalues restaurants that offer big discounts. Clinical studies and analyses proved that
Groupon style offers can damage restaurant reputations, especially eateries that offer
lower priced meals.[1] However, the study found that upscale restaurants tended to be
immune from this risk, possibly because their customers don t expect to get lower prices
on every visit.
Characteristics Of Life Span Development
oWhat is Life Span development? Life span development is the continuous growth and
change of humans throughout a lifespan. The study of Life Span development seeks to
understand growth patterns, and the change or stability of behavior through the lens of
several key characteristics, such as nature vs. nurture (Feldman, 2017). o What are the
Characteristics of Development? Psychodynamic perspectives determine and predicts
behavior based on subconscious influences particularly focused on unresolved conflict
from the past. Behavioral perspectives instead observe external influences from the
environment and how those influences effect behavior. Cognitive focuses on patterns in
intellectual development. The humanistic perspective is based in free will and that
people naturally have the ability and want to improve. Contextual perspectives focus on
the context of an individual s life and how that shapes them. Evolutionary perspective
describes behavior due to genetic inheritance. Physical development is what bodily
changes humans experience over the lifespan. Social and emotional perspectives are
personalities based on a response to environmental influences (Feldman, 2017). o Why is
there diversity in Development? There are several main sources of diversity in
development. Genetic inheritance is responsible for distinctions in bodily maturation due
to general genetic variations. Culture also has key impact because different cultures have
different timeline expectations, an
An Imbalance Of Intelligences By Jeffrey Arnett
An Imbalance of Intelligences.
Jeffrey Arnett described emerging adulthood as a phase in the lifespan between
adolescence and adulthood during which the individual does not yet consider himself
or herself an adult. A period between the ages of 18 and 29 which is marked by
instability, identity exploration, and feeling incomplete. He stated that it was more
prevalent in young adults living in industrialized societies where they may not have
the resources to be independent or have children at a young age (Arnett, 2000). This
phenomenon may seem harmless and even sometimes beneficial to the individuals
experiencing it but I hypothesize that it is a sign of an imbalance in the intelligences
of the people in the world today. The purpose of this paper is to explain this imbalance
of intelligences and why it is of our concern. I will begin by briefly describing some
known psychological terms and theories followed by my proposition which I will try to
state in its simplest form for the sake of understanding. I will also mention known
psychological terms, theories, and studies in order to add supporting evidence to my
Literature Review
There are many theories in psychology that speak of love as playing an important role in
human development along with many different theories of what love can be. Robert
Sternberg formulated the triangular theory of love which argued that love has three
different components: intimacy, commitment, and passion and that all forms of love are

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