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Self Discovery Essay

Embarking on the journey of crafting a "Self Discovery Essay" poses a unique set of challenges, as it
delves into the intricate realms of personal introspection and self-reflection. The difficulty lies not
only in the articulation of thoughts but also in navigating the intricacies of one's own emotions,
experiences, and evolving understanding of oneself.

Firstly, the very nature of self-discovery is subjective, making it a complex task to encapsulate one's
identity, values, and personal growth within the confines of an essay. Deciphering the nuances of
one's own thoughts and emotions requires a level of vulnerability and honesty that can be both
daunting and liberating.

Furthermore, the process demands a delicate balance between introspection and objectivity. While
the essay is a personal exploration, it should also resonate with a broader audience, inviting readers
to connect with the universal aspects of the human experience. Striking this balance can be a
formidable challenge, requiring a writer to share personal anecdotes while maintaining a broader

Another obstacle arises in the articulation of insights gained through self-discovery. Translating the
internal journey into coherent and engaging prose demands a high level of writing skill. The writer
must navigate the delicate terrain between self-expression and effective communication, ensuring that
the essay resonates with readers on an emotional and intellectual level.

Moreover, the essay must avoid the pitfalls of clichés and superficial revelations. A successful self-
discovery essay should transcend the commonplace and offer genuine insights that provoke thought
and introspection in the reader. This necessitates a profound exploration of one's inner world, often
requiring revisiting past experiences and confronting uncomfortable truths.

In conclusion, crafting a compelling "Self Discovery Essay" is a formidable task that demands a
unique blend of self-awareness, writing prowess, and the ability to connect with a broader audience.
It is an endeavor that pushes the boundaries of personal expression and challenges the writer to distill
the essence of their self-discovery journey into a coherent and impactful narrative.

For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of such introspective essays or exploring
a diverse range of topics, similar essays and more can be ordered on . Their
professional writers stand ready to assist in transforming personal narratives into compelling and
insightful essays.
Self Discovery Essay Self Discovery Essay
The Reality Of Gun Control
The Reality of this Topic Covering the Mental health and the other problems with gun
control, I have forgotten to talk about a couple of key concepts. Gun control is a
subject that people normally choose sides in, claiming to be are either pro or anti gun
control. Yet, researching more on this topic, I have found that most of our politicians
are completely biased and do not even look at facts completely, only taking out what
they believe is necessary. They are even saying false information to everyone. Our
current president, Donald J Trump, has claimed that he is anti gun control, but doing
more research on him I discovered that he is saying statements that a pro gun gun control
person would say. He is trying to gain votes by being anti gun... Show more content on ...
semiautomatic weapons comprised at least 1 in 4 firearms listed on Armslist in the
days following the Orlando shootings (NPR), people claim that Omar Mateen
purchased the weapon online without a background check. I believe that is a false
accusation. This man could have purchased this weapon with a background check,
because he was a guard. No one would know that he was going to commit a crime
because of his job as a guard. There is no hard cold evidence that this man purchased a
firearm without a background check, it is only a theory. A problem that is occurring
because of this is the amounts of weapons being sold
The Creation Of Nasa On Space Exploration And Its Impact...
As the effects of zero gravity washed over him,Neil Armstrong was about to be the first
over to make contact with the moon and when he did he spoke One small step for
man,one giant leap for mankind! Many only think about this mission, but what about
the start of this program.Soon after NASA started it s goal was to get to the moon
before the 1960 s.The apollo program was the program that did it all.The creation of
NASAwith the Apollo program and its missions had the biggest affect on the space
exploration, and it changed space exploration and how we think about space.

Nasa started in the 1959 and is still going today played a big effect on the 1960 s and
the understanding of space exploration. To start of with, Congress passed ... Show more
content on ...
NASA states that The primary objectives for the Apollo 7 engineering test flight were
simple: Demonstrate command and service module, or CSM, and crew performance;
demonstrate crew, space vehicle and mission support facilities performance during
CSM mission; and demonstrate CSM rendezvous capability. (NASA) Clearly, the
Apollo 7 made the way for the first man on the moon considering being the first people
in space they did experiments which allowed the manned missions in space. Apollo 7
was the only manned Apollo mission launched on a Saturn 1 B rocket and from pad
34 at Cape Kennedy. Apollo 7 was the first manned test of the Command and Service
Module. The crew orbited the Earth 163 times and spent 10 days and 20 hours in
space. Evidently, the rocket and NASA s projects on the Apollo 7 tested the rocket
and show how it was holding up to look anything better for the future missions and to
try to operate the technology better and see if it could improve. Lastly, NASA had to
add to the rockets to make them better as well as the command module. The spacecraft
for the Apollo 7 mission consisted of a launch escape system, command module, service
module and a spacecraft lunar module adapter that served as a mating structure to the
instrument unit on top of the S IVB stage of the Saturn IB rocket. This mission did not
include a lunar module. NASA know that if they were going to make it to the moon they
would have to add a lunar module.NASA mission apollo 7 cleared the
King Arthur, Sir Gawain and Superman Essay
Rick Riordan said A hero can go anywhere, challenge anyone, as long as he has the
nerve. and he is correct because that is exactly what King Arthur, Sir Gawain and
Superman do. They risk their very own lives and put themselves in front of others with
their courageous acts from fighting great green knights to fighting the towns super
villain. They do it all just to protect their city. The culture of the Medieval Ages valued
with bravery and courtly love which was reflected in the exploits and adventures of King
Arthurand Sir Gawain; the modern culture trait of compassion is embodied in the modern
hero Superman.
Chivalry based its rules first on the knight s duty to defend the people he had promised
to defend. To run away or give up was ... Show more content on ...
Comparing it to Superman it shows his love life does not compare to this at all. Chretien
s Lancelot is a classic courtly lover. His total devotion to Arthur s queen gives
expression to the twelfth century s exploration of a new code of elegant courtship.
(Medieval Arthurian Romances) Launcelot, falling in love with King Arthur s queen,
wife, Gwynevere is known as a courtly lover because he risks his life just to save her
even though they are not married showing his true devotion to the King and Queen.
According to Allen King Arthur s favorite knight, Sir Launcelot, has fallen in love with
the king s wife, Gwynevere. The secret love affair is exposed by Sir Modred, Arthur s
son by another woman, and Gwynevere is sentenced to burn at the stake. While rescuing
the imprisoned Gwynevere, Launcelot slays two knights who, unknown to him at the
time, are the brother of Sir Gawain, a favorite nephew of Arthur s. After a reconciliation,
Launcelot returns Gwynevere to Arthur to be reinstated as queen. (Allen 248)
By this statement the reader can conclude they are resembling bravery in Sir Launcelot
to risk his life to save a woman that is not his, although Gwynevere is not his wife, but
lover, he risked everything to save her life. Also act resembles courtly love. This idea is
Criminalization Of Cannabis In Canada
In Canada, cannabis use became illegal in 1923 after the Act to Prohibit the Improper
Use of Opium and other Drugs added cannabis to the list of illicit substances. Cannabis
then became an illegal substance under the same category of harder drugs such as
cocaine and heroin, despite lack of scientific or criminal correlations to suggest such
categorization (CAMH, 2014). An increase in illicit druguse in the 1960 s and 1970 s
was met by greatly increased criminalization and the associated individual and social
costs. The strain on the courts, and the rising numbers of otherwise law abiding youth
being sentenced for recreational use of cannabiscreated pressures for the liberalization of
Canada s drug laws. As a result, the Commission of Inquiry... Show more content on ...
In R. v. Readhead (2008), the accused was charged with the possession of marijuana
and possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and was sentenced to a term
of imprisonment of two and one half years. Readhead argued that the sentencing judge
erred in his decision and asked for a fairer sentence. The British Columbia Court of
Appeal stated that the sentence prescribed by the sentencing judge is within the
proper scope of his judgment but still reduced the sentence to two years less a day. As
pointed out by the British Columbia Court of Appeal, Readhead s past experience
with the law, in which he has three previous charges for trafficking marijuana, did not
deter or rehabilitate him in any way( R. v. Readhead, 2008). In R. v. Evers (2011), the
accused was charged with the offences of unlawfully producing a controlled substance
and possessing this substance for the purposes of trafficking. However, despite Evers s
lack of remorse for producing marijuana and her explicitly stating that she intended to
continue her grow operation, the trial judge did not impose any jail time. The trial
judge stated that there was no point in imprisoning Evers as doing so would only make
her a martyr for the legalization of marijuana (R. v. Evers, 2011). Both of these cases
Student Veterans Day Essay
Another Veteran s Day has come and gone, but the number of veteran students on college
campuses across the nation is growing and expected to increase by 20 percent within the
next few years according to data from the Veterans Affairs campus tool kit.
Colorado State University Pueblo has approximately 300 student veterans currently
enrolled pursuing degrees said Dana Rocha, Interim Director of Veterans Affairs on
Returning from a life in the military to life as a civilian trying to complete college is
vastly different and can be challenging transition for many.
The academic setting is completely different than the military setting. The personalities,
the ideals, the philosophies are completely different. The way people interact with ...
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And sometimes we have appointments that took a year to get that we just can t miss,
York said.
The Student Veterans of America organization on campus went homeless this previous
Friday and Saturday to raise awareness about the issue among community veterans and
additionally collect canned goods year round to donate.
They want to go back and help other vets. You ll find that trend among student veterans,
Varela said.
The Veterans Resource Center on campus provides free printing, computer access and
coffee on the third floor of the LARC open to all veterans as well as their dependents.
Veterans Upward Bound is located in the same office, but is actually a grant funded
program by the department of education and accepts lower income and veterans with
certain needs that meet the criteria. However, Varela and his team try to help anyone
they can and don t turn anyone away even if they can t become part of the Veterans
Upward Bound
Explain The Manifestations Of Crime
1: There are many factors that explain the different manifestations of crime which the
U.S. Now, there are crimes that are harder to understand because they are completely
beyond reason. For example, it is hard to imagine that an individual approaches a
stranger and stabs him to death or that someone drives in front of a house and starts
shooting for no reason.

Some people argue that violence is inherent in man. However every day we see many
case in the new about crime because some people taking the law into their own hands
so there are many factors that cause crime in the United States one of the most is
common is racial crime.On hearing the news of a cruel murder, some people may
react by saying, The one who did it must be crazy! However, not all individuals who
report such acts are upset, although many do have problems coping with life s
pressures. Hence, experts point out that violent behavior may also be due to certain
defects of the aggressor s personality. These include: learning disabilities; difficulty in
relating to others; psychological disorders due to physical abuse or sexual abuse;
antisocial tendencies; aversion to a particular sector of society, such as women; lack of ...
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Some people whose reasoning is affected by the consumption of narcotics commit
murders under the effects of these substances. On the other hand, traffickers protect
their business by using violence. Thus, it is obvious that drugs are a major reason why
people make crime in society. crime has always had a close relationship with social
justice. Inequalities in the same society often involve large doses of conflict and
violence. The black and brown and poor communities are more exposed to crime leads
me to think that they are poorer and less integrated than the rest of the country. In the
United States there is a great economic chasm between a minority, almost indigent, and a
very well off

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