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After Apple Picking Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic "After Apple Picking" presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly, this
subject requires a thorough understanding of the Robert Frost poem itself, delving into its intricate
layers of symbolism, metaphors, and themes. Interpreting the poem's meaning and connecting it to
broader literary contexts demands a keen analytical eye and a deep appreciation for poetic nuance.

Furthermore, the challenge lies in conveying one's interpretation and insights in a coherent and
engaging manner. The writer must strike a balance between providing a comprehensive analysis of
the poem and maintaining a compelling narrative that captivates the reader. Transitioning seamlessly
between discussing the poem's imagery, exploring its thematic elements, and presenting a cohesive
argument requires skillful writing and organization.

Another obstacle arises when attempting to bring a fresh perspective to a well-studied and analyzed
piece of literature. Crafting an essay that stands out among the multitude of existing interpretations
requires creativity and a nuanced understanding of literary criticism.

Moreover, the task involves conducting research to gather relevant information and scholarly
opinions to support and enrich one's own analysis. This demands not only time but also a discerning
eye to distinguish credible sources from less reliable ones.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "After Apple Picking" is a challenging endeavor that
demands a blend of literary acumen, analytical prowess, and effective communication skills. It
necessitates the ability to navigate complex themes, interpret symbolic imagery, and contribute
unique insights to the existing body of literary criticism.

For assistance with similar essays or other writing challenges, one can explore resources like , where a range of writing services is available to cater to different academic needs.
After Apple Picking Essay After Apple Picking Essay
The Little Red Riding Hood
Do you ever wonder why writers retell our childhood tales? Does is ever occur to you
that the tales being retold may be used to tell a reader a deeper message? During our
childhood we were told stories of many sorts that directed a message to the reader,
such as The Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault. As children, our parents read
this short story in order for us to receive the authors message to not talk to strangers or
else something bad can happen. Children see tales such as The Little Red Riding Hood
very differently than adults do. As adults, they see this young attractive village girl being
tricked by the wolf who gathers information he needs to find her grandmother to eat.
Overtime, the story has changed numerous times based... Show more content on ...
One of the symbols that periodically pops up in many of the Little Red Riding Hood
tales is the red cap that Little Red wears. The cap is given to her by her grandmother,
which symbolizes a deeper message in the retellings. The story by Perrault really
doesn t symbolize anything, mainly noted that it was given by her grandmother,
however, in Angela Carters story it represents the transition to women hood. Carter
states, She closed the window on the wolves threnody and took off her scarlet shawl,
the color of poppies, the color of sacrifices, the color of her menses, and since her fear
did her no good, she ceased to be afraid. What shall I do with my shawl? Throw it on
the fire, dear one. You won t need it again (649). Here Little Red Riding Hood burns
her shawl, which represent her sexuality. Little Red is no longer betrayed as a little girl,
she ends her innocence by burning her shawl which ends her virginity. Symbols can
represent more than just a symbolic meaning but making it important or a lesson taught
to the readers. The shawl that represents her cape which symbolizes the end of her little
girl innocence because she gets naked in front of the wolf and the story goes on to lose
her virginity. Another symbol that resonance Little Red in general is,
Essay on Learnrite.Com Minicase offers e commerce service for children s edutainment products and
services. The word edutainment is used to describe software that combines educational
and entertainment components. Valuable product information and detailed editorial
comments are combined with a wide selection of products for purchase to help families
make their children s edutainment decisions. A team of leading educators and journalists
provide editorial comments on the products sold by the firm. LearnRite targets highly
educated, convenience oriented, and value conscious families with children under the
age of twelve, estimated to be about 35 percent of Internet users.
The firm s warehouse distribution model results in higher net margins, as well as ... Show
more content on ...
He holds a BS degree in electrical engineering from an Indian technology institute and an
MBA from a major U.S. university. Sean Davidson, director of technology, has more than
ten years of experience in software development and integration. Walter Vu has almost ten
years of experience in sales and business development in the software industry, including
positions at Claris and Maxis. Mitch Feldman, director of marketing, was responsible for
the marketing communications function and the Internet operations of a large software
company for six years. Management strives for continual improvement in ease of user
interface, personalized services, and amount of information supplied to customers.
The total market for children s entertainment is estimated to be $35 billion annually.
Toys account for about $20 billion in annual spending. Summer camps are estimated
to generate $6 billion annually. This is followed by children s videos and video games
at $4 billion each. Children s software sales currently generate about $1 billion per year
in revenues, and industry sales are expected to grow at a 30 percent annual rate over the
next several years.
LearnRite has made the following five year revenue projections:

A. Project industry sales for children s software through 2015 based on the information
provided above.
B. Calculate the year to year annual sales growth rates for LearnRite.
C. Estimate LearnRite s expected market share in each year
Sally Hansen s Insta-Dri Fast Dry Nail Color Advertisement...
Cosmopolitan is a women s magazine for fashion, sex advice, dating tips and celebrity
news. This magazine has been around since 1886, but it had a totally different
concept, until 1965. When it was first launched in 1886 by Paul Schlicht, it was
considered a family magazine. It wasn t until 1965 when a woman by the name of
Helen Brown took over the magazine in seeking somewhere women could go to get
advice on various topics. Now the magazine is being run by Kate White, Editor in
Chief. Because Cosmo contains explicit information that is not advised to people under
eighteen, its demographic is women who are at the ages of eighteen and older, Some
grocery stores have to cover it up because of the complaints of its sexually explicit...
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One ad that was found in this magazine is an advertisement for Sally Hansen Insta Dri
Fast Dry Nail Color. The ad for Sally Hansen Insta Dri Fast Dry Nail Color caught my
eye because it uses an intriguing analogous color scheme, of magenta and deep purple.
The ad shows a female s hand with nails that have shiny flashy fuchsia polish and she
seems to be buckling her shoe. She has on a flirty peep toe purple heel and has
uptempo purple nail polish on her toenails. The ad captives the reader with its catch
line of Nail Color Newsflash. One Stroke. One Coat. Done. This slogan explains that
with one stroke of the brush that one will have full coverage of the nail polish on your
nail. The ad also says that one coat, which means that with one coat ones nail with be
fully covered with nail polish. The ad also gives in more details of the advantages of
the Nail Color, such as the one stroke application, one coat coverage, and that it dries in
just 60 seconds. The ad shows the twenty four shades of nail colors for this brand. This
is one of the many products made by Sally Hansen. Sally Hansen is known for their
beauty products. When advertising their products they use the slogan, Beauty that
Works. They have a wide variety of products that help with body, hands, lips, feet, face,
and hair removal. Sally Hansen has a three page advertising spread in this magazine
because of the people that read it appeal to their
A Day in the Life of Alex Sander

A Day in the Life of Alex Sander: Driving in the Fast Lane at Landon Care Products
5:25 A.M.

Sweat dripped onto the handlebars of Alex Sander s StairMaster. Sander was half an hour
into a cardiovascular workout, while carrying on a conversation in the fitness center of
the downtown condominium complex with a neighbor who was climbing steadily on his
own StairMaster. At 32, Alex was the newest, and youngest, product manager in the
Toiletries Division of Landon Care Products, Inc., a cosmetics products company
headquartered in Connecticut. In just over one year with Landon, Alex had successfully
rebranded two national skin care products. In January 2007, Landon had been acquired
by Avant Garde, a ... Show more content on ...
Even if I have to steamroll over someone s feelings, or ignore the way a colleague would
like to handle a project.

Sander: Well, I get ticked off pretty easily. For example, I can t stand explaining
something more than a couple of times. But what really bothers me is lack of
commitment for example, if a long time employee isn t willing to put in extra hours to
meet an important deadline. But you know what? After I really become angry, there are
people at Landon whose output will jump for at least a couple of weeks afterwards. My
temper is actually an effective management tool.

9:00 A.M.

Leong nodded apologetically to Garrison as she left and said, The interviewer from
your alumni magazine is here. The magazine was interviewing Sander for an article on
high potential product managers as part of a career development issue. After the Avant
Garde acquisition of Landon, Sander had been selected to reformulate a stale Avant
Garde skin care product marketed primarily in Western Europe and to launch it as
Nourish in the United States. The target market for Nourish included active American
women in their 20s and 30s. Even though considerable investment in research and
development would be required, Avant Garde had allocated $25 million to fast track the
project, in an effort to beat a competing product to market. The interviewer from the
alumni magazine first asked, Alex, how did you end up working in product
Essay On Gatsby And Janie
Social Mobility For Gatsby vs Janie Upon first glance, Gatsby from Fitzgerald s The
Great Gatsby, and Janie from Hurston s Their Eyes Were Watching God seem very
different. Gatsby a wealthy white man seemingly has all the ability in the world to
gain money and status. Whereas Janie appears to have very little social mobility, as
she is a black woman living in the South. However, upon closer inspection it is clear
that they have similar hopes and dreams, and that within their communities, their ability
to move up is different than how it appears. Janie can easily move up since her money
and light skin is all she needs to gain respect, and Gatsby struggles to really gain status
since he faces the barrier of being new money vs old... Show more content on ...
They both experience a feeling of separation from their communities, due to envy in
Janie s case, and for Gatsby a social hierarchy. Gatsby is compelled to move up and
achieve his dreams, even though he is judged for how he does it, Certainly not for a
common swindler who d have to steal the ring he put on her finger, (Fitzgerald, pg
140). Janie, however, is pressured to pick between survival through wealth, or true
happiness. She has a lot more pressure to move up, from her family, and because she
has light skin and is seen as a rare beauty. It is almost seen as a crime for her not to try
and gain status and not separate herself: A can t stand em mahself. Nother thing, I
hates tuh see folks lak me and you mixed up wid em. Us oughta class off, (Hurston, pg
141). On the other hand, Gatsby s attempts to become financially and socially equal to
his neighbors are frowned upon and seen as misguided and disrespectful. They are both
judged for pursuing their happiness, in opposite ways. Though they come from very
different worlds, Janie and Gatsby both stand out as wealthy. They have been lucky
enough to move up to this position of wealth while others are stuck in poverty. Janie
especially has a comfortable lifestyle, which though it is humble, is the envy of others.
Gatsby seems to have immeasurable wealth, but he is still often looked down upon and
judged, facing a social
Organizational Commitment
Organizational Commitment and Communication Paper Week 3

Introduction A look at an organization s communication and leadership styles can say a

lot about the organization as a whole. Google has a relaxed atmosphere, where
management allows workers to create their own schedules; and fosters creativity by
allowing and encouraging their workers to explore side projects (Google Culture, 2011).
What would happen if the leadership style were to change? This is one of the elements
this paper will explore. A look will also be taken at: sources of power within the
organization, the employee s commitment to Google, how communication within Google
relates to the worker, other motivational theories which would work at Google ... Show
more content on ...
Google has on site gymnasiums, chefs, laundry service, and shuttles (Google culture,
2011). By providing for employees, Google works towards establishing an emotional
attachment. Open communication is encouraged and ideas are rewarded showing
employees they have value in the eyes of Google. This communication is necessary to
create a sense of freedom at work and allow for an open exchange of ideas.
Different Motivational Theories Google could benefit from the use of self determination
theory as they look to empower their employees. This theory suggests workers want to
feel they have free will in choosing their work activities and take joy in what they do
without feeling it has become an obligation (Robbins, 2011). Communication plays an
integral part in the application of this theory. Workers need to know they have choices
within the work they do and that managers are available for discussion of changing
roles or work activities. Google is a corporation that wants it employees to interact at all
levels and across teams. This environment may be excellent for reinforcement theory, as
this theory looks to reward positive actions immediately to ensure they are repeated and
also to punish negative actions to ensure they are not repeated (Robbins, 2011). If open
communication is encouraged

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