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Sonnet 116

The concept of love isn't new to anyone. It is experienced daily through our parents,
family, friends, teachers, and well-wishers. We have been watching movies, and shows,
listening to songs, and reading books and poems to understand that love is essential
for survival. Just not for the pleasure we get from it but for general humanity.
Love is the foundation for peace, kindness, and gratitude. Science has explained to
us that love is just a chemical reaction that takes place in your brain, but
Shakespeare has said otherwise. Human behavior and emotions are impacted by it. But
love is not just a chemical reaction. It is a bond that develops between people. It
calls for affection, loyalty, passion, dedication, and trust. The so-called magical feeling
is often misunderstood as an attraction. Love is all about doing your best to make
the other person happy, because at the end of the day their happiness leads to your
happiness. On the other hand, attraction is all about satisfying your needs and
desires. Love is based on an intimate connection, whereas interest is based on
physical affection. Like Joey Bada$$ said “Love is only a feeling,” Shakespeare
proved us wrong in his poem “Sonnet 116” explaining what true love is. This sonnet
presents the extreme ideal of romantic love, it never changes, it never fades, it
outlasts death, and admits no flaw, in other words, it is perfect and feels right at
heart. it tells us that this is the only love that can be called true love if love is
mortal, changing or impermanent, then no man ever loved. It is the backbone of the
living world. society cannot stay away from chaos with different kinds of people
living together, and love often prevents this. With the love of humanity and their
country, people leave their differences to work together to maintain order and peace
in society. Through love humans in society form connections with one another. The
importance of love for humanity can never go unnoticed as it is reflected in the
ways how society works, and the good deed done by all of us. Not only for humans
but the love for animals and the environment as well. it requires commitment and
compassion to carry on for the rest of your life. Love without these
characteristics is nothing important. Loyalty, respect, trust, commitment,
compassion, and passion make love important for our survival. Otherwise, humans are
nothing special without these traits.
Through this beautiful sonnet that Shakespeare had written, we understand the
definition of true love and his thoughts about it. In his opinion, love is meant to be
eternal, flawless, delicate, and compassionate. It is important to hold that type of
love among us, whether it may be your friend, mother, father, brother or sister, or
even a well-wisher. Lve like this makes us better as a human, and even better as a

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