Law Enforcement Administration Review

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FORENSIC SCIENCE & CDI that I actually sensitive to light) of the sensitized

material. Too great in the amount of light will

FORENSIC SCIENCE give an opaque of a very black shade after
Photography- is an art or science which deals development. The amount of light reaching the
with the reproduction of images through the emulsion is regulated by With regards on which
action of light, upon sensitized materials, with of the two was right, well “there’s a room for
the aid of a camera and its accessories, and the everything”. It only means that there are
chemical processes involved therein. photographic works that needs “Pictorial
Photography”, and still there are those that need
Police Photography- is an art or science which
deals with the study of the principles of “Straight Photography”. One best example
photography, the preparation of photographic where Straight Photography can be applied, are
evidence, and its application to police work. those involving Police Investigative Work. In
photographing a crime scene, it is very
Forensic Photography- is the art or science of
photographically documenting a crime scene and important that each and every details of the
evidence for laboratory examination and scene that has something to do with the
analysis for purposes of court trial. commission of the offense should be accurately
Photograph- A mechanical and chemical result photographed through a sharp and realistic
of photography. approach. This is done to preserve, the exact and
natural condition of the crime scene as well as
PRINCIPLES OF PHOTOGRAPHY the evidences that might play a significant role
in solving a certain crime incident. For
A photograph is the mechanical and identification purposes, Straight Photography is
chemical result of photography. To produce a also required. This is to have a sharp image on
photograph light is needed aside from light physical as well as facial features of the subject
sensitized material (film or paper). The light that lead to his/her identity, such as moles, scars,
reflected or radiated by the subject must reach and other individual features of the subject’s
the sensitized material while all other lights must physical appearance.
be excluded. The exclusion of all other light is
achieved by placing the sensitized material Photography in its technical aspect is
inside a light tight box (camera). defined as the art or science which deals with the
The light mentioned may be visible or reproduction of images through the action of
invisible. Visible lights are those light that can Light on Sensitized Material, with the aid of
be detected by our naked eye. Invisible lights image forming device known as Camera and the
refer to the radiation that is either too short or Chemical process involved therein. Photography
too long in wavelength to excite the retina of the comes from two Greek words Photos, which
eye. means “Light” and Graphy, which means to
The effect of light on sensitized material “Draw”. Literally speaking, Photography means,
is not visible in the formation of images of it is a process of drawing with the aid of light.
objects. The effect could be made visible with The Sensitized Material serves as the “paper”,
the aid of chemical processing of the exposed where the subject’s image is being transferred by
sensitized material called Development. The means of “Light” that serves as the drawing
visual effect of light on sensitized material after instrument.
development varies with the quantity and quality
of light that reach the emulsion (part of the film

HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS was placed with a ground glass viewing screen.
The first cameras were not made to take Now the user could not only view the projected
pictures or even record images of an object. A image on the ground glass, but also could put a
Dark Room with a tiny hole in the ceiling was sheet of tracing paper on the ground glass, and
the first considered camera. The tiny hole in the trace the image recording it for all to enjoy.
ceiling was devised by fifth century Chinese, for
them to view the first photographic subject of In 1727, a German doctor named Johann
that time, the Solar Eclipse. These were done in Schulze made the discovery that sunlight would
order to view the eclipses indirectly so the blacken chalk that had been treated with a
viewer wouldn’t suffer eye damages. solution of Silver Nitrate. His discovery led to
the development of film and become a basic of
Later, the hole in the ceiling would be modern photography that lights effects certain
move on one of the walls in the dark room. The silver compounds.
tiny hole projected an image on what was
outside the daylight, onto a white surface on the It takes another 200 years, before a light
opposite wall, where people in the room could sensitive material to permanently record the
view it. But the image produced weren’t very images that the camera produced. In 1816, a
bright and sharp. And the most difficult part is Frenchman named Joseph Nicephore Niepce,
that the image is upside down. put some of this new light sensitive material
inside the light tight box. The light sensitized
Thousand years have passed, before this material was made up of papers sensitized with,
was followed by another development. In 1500’s Silver Chloride Solution. Incidentally, early
and 1600’s, Europeans get serious about it and films weren’t sensitive to light. The first
made several advances. The camera was given exposure with Niepce camera took “eight
an impressive scholarly sounding. Latin name: hours”. Since then photographic camera was
“Camera Obscura” (this exotic terms simply born.
means darkroom). Soon devices were designed
to duplicate the effects of the dark room on a In 1839, Sir John F.W. Herchel, coins
smaller scale, that later transformed darkroom the word “photography”, and point out that the
into a “Dark box”, adding the benefits of image can be made permanent by dissolving
portability. But still the images were dim. So away unexposed silver compounds with a
they make the hole even bigger to admit more solution of Hypo sulfite of Soda (Hypo or
lights and make the image brighter but it Sodium Thiosulfate) which he had discovered in
becomes fuzzier. So this was replaced with a 1819. At the same year on August 19, another
lens. The lens has a bigger opening to brighter French man Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre
the image of the object at the same time produced the “Daguerreo Type”, the first
becomes sharp because the lens focuses the light commonly use photographic was given to the
on the opposite wall of the dark box. world. Exposures are uncomfortably long for
portraiture, but the images are made permanent
At this point the camera is already by the use of Hypo. It gained an immediate
portable and produced reasonable sharp and worldwide success because of the precision of
bright image. From this, another problem arise. details it produced.
It becomes hard for the viewer to view the
images formed in the little dark box. So mirror

While in 1841, an Englishman Henry second, image are readily formed in an instant
Fox Talbot patents the “Calotype” process, he film after shoot has been made.
process negatives on paper sensitized with Silver
Iodide and Silver Nitrate. These were contact on In 1960, laser which is otherwise known as
sensitized paper. But as to the tone and resolving Coherent Light was invented making
power, the Daguerreo type was better. In 1847, “Holography” possible.
Abel Niepce de Saint – Victor, nephew of
Joseph Niepce, coated a glass plate with KINDS OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND ITS
albumen (the white of an egg) which held the SIGNIFICANCE AS APPLIED TO LAW
chemical fast. An English Chemist Frederick ENFORCEMENT
Scott Archer, introduced in 1851 the wet
collodian process to hold the silver compounds 1. Photomicrography - The art of
on glass which results in a much faster reaction photographing minute objects when magnified
of light. The process requires that the glass plate by means of a microscope and enlarged from 10
be first coated before it is loaded into the times and up.
camera. Then the plate had to be exposed. From - It is used usually in question documents and
Scotland on 1861, James Clark Maxwell made a Firearm Identification.
research about color perception and three color 2. Photomicrography - Type of photography
separation of light. In 1870, Gelatin – based dry that directly enlarged on the negative and
emulsion began to replace the wet collodian magnified from one to nine times.
plates. While in 1887, William Abney, an Camera with Macro Lens
English Photo – Chemist gave practical 3. Microphotography - The process of reducing
directions for manufacturing emulsions. He big objects or things of minute objects.
invented copper bromide – silver nitrate 4. Crime Scene Photography - Deals with the
intensifications. In 1880 he introduced photographing the scene of the crime or details
hydroquinone as a developer. Of the same year of perpetuated crime
(1880), enter Mr. Kodak (whose name really 5. Surveillance Photography - Deals with
was Mr. George Eastman, he use this name photographing individuals without his
because he loves the sound of it). He gave us knowledge, such as the same in clandestine
“Flexible Roll Films” and the Day - Light photography.
Loadable Camera. 6. Infrared Photography - deals with the
photographing of objects visible, divisible, and
Meanwhile in 1930, the development of invisible even with haze.
Electronic Flash was introduced by Dr. Harold 7. Ultra-Violet Photography - deals with the
Edgerton (Massachusetts Institute of photographing objects or markings which are
Technology). This is one of the most important invisible using reflected or fluorescent.
developments in photography. In 1935, 8. X-Ray Photography - deals with
Kodachrome Slide Film was finally introduced photographing hidden objects or things.
and became the first popular and affordable 9. Traffic Accident Photography - deals with
color film. Color – negative film was also used the photographing especially in a vehicular
in 1940. An American scientist Edwin Howard accident.
Land, develops in 1947 the instant film and 10. Investigative Photography - deals with the
Polaroid Land Camera. In just a matter of study of the concept of photography, its
application to law enforcement or investigation

process and the preparation of photographic WAVELENGHT-is the distance from crest
evidence for court presentation. (highest point) to the wave of the next
11. Mug-shot Photography- Deals with the succeeding crest.
study of photographing individuals for FREQUENCY- is the number of waves passing
identification purposes. in a given point in one second.
12. Thermo photography - A kind of photo
where we use laser beam radiation using laser THEORIES OF LIGHT
beam film. 1. Wavelength Theory (James Maxwell)
13. Aerial photography-A kind of photography The wavelength of light is the most pertinent,
applied for photo mapping. Taking a photograph particularly in the design of lenses. It is berated
above the subject. by dropping of a stone in a pond of still water.
14. Underwater photography - photographing The series of which travels outward from the
things under water. center point are just from a source with equal
15. Fingerprint Photography - Deals with the observes that travels in all direction
application of macro-photography so as to The theory maybe used to illustrate reflection,
produces an enlargement of finger print for Interference, refraction, on and polarization.
comparison 2. Quantum Theory
16. Firearm Identification photography - In 1900 Max Plank theorized that light might
Deals with the photographing of firearm shells be made up of little bundles of energy named
and bullets. It is also where photomicrography is Quanta.
applied A quantum of light is called photon. When a
17. Question Document photography- process Photon strikes a light sensitive surface, it gives
of photographing document for purposes of energy of electrons within a metal explain the
examination and as a substitute for duplicate photoelectric current. It is used to explain X-
copy when original is lost and the purpose of radiation and photo electricity.
duplicate photograph is to establish the contents
of the lost original document. FOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC RAYS
18. Arson and Questionable Fire photography 1. X-ray-radiation having a wavelength
- It is the willful and malicious burning of between 01 to 30 nanometer and mille-microns.
property, usually a building or dwelling unit They are produced by passing an electric current
through a special type of vacuum tube
2. Ultra-violet rays-radiation having a
DIFFERENT PHOTOGRAPHIC RAYS wavelength from 30 to 400 mill-microns. It is
AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS used to photograph fingerprints on multi-colored
background, documents that are altered
Light-is one of number of known form of
chemically or over writings and detection of
radiant electromagnetic energy which travels in
secret writings.
wave motion. Actually, there are other theories
3. Visible light rays or White light-rays having
that explain the behavior of light but for one
a wavelength of 400 to 700 mille-microns
purpose, the Wave theory is the only one
4. Infra-red rays- radiation having a
considered. This form of energy travels at speed
wavelength of 700 to 1000 mille-microns. It is
of about 188,000 miles per second in air, but
used in taking photographs of obliterated
they differ in wavelength and frequency
writing, burnt or dirty documents or blackout

CAMERA – Defined as a light tight box, with a means
of forming the image (lens), with a means of holding a
sensitized materials (film holder), and with a means of MAJOR TYPES OF CAMERA
controlling the amount of light that will reach the 1. View Finder type – the smallest and the simplest
film. type of camera.
ESSENTIAL PARTS OF A CAMERA 2. Single Lens Reflex type – comes to existence
with a mirror behind the taking lens, the image of the
Body or Light tight box – this part of the objects are reflected to the viewer and it enables the
camera is very essential because of its capability to photographer to compose and focus the objects being
exclude all unwanted light that might expose the photograph.
film. 3. Twin Lens Reflex type- Basically, the twin lens
Lens – the one responsible in focusing the rays of reflex camera has two lenses, one for the viewing and
light coming from the subject. focusing of the objects and the other is the taking lens.
Film Holder – holds the film firmly inside the 4. View or Press Camera type- the biggest and
camera. the most sophisticated among the different types of
Shutter – serve as the barrier of the rays of light that cameras.
will enter and affect the film inside the camera.
coverage that can be recorded in the film inside CHEMICAL PROCESSING AND
the camera.
Viewing system – show the entire scene Chemical Processing
coverage that can be recorded in the film After the exposure of the film to light in the
inside the camera. picture taking or the photographic paper during
printing, the next step would generally be
OTHER PARTS OF A CAMERA chemical processing. In black and white
1. Shutter Speed – control the duration between theprocessing, the steps are development, stop-bath,
opening and closing of the shutter. It will regulateand fixation. In color processing, the steps are
the quantity of light that will reach and affect thecolor development, stop fix and stabilizer.
2. Lens aperture – the ratio between the diameter STAGES OF CHEMICAL PROCESSING
and the focal length of the lens. It is the light gathering 1. Development- is the process by which an
power of the lens. The rays of light passing through theinvisible latent image in an emulsion is made
lens aperture can be controlled by its opening. visible. In black and white emulsion, the image
3. Focusing Mechanism - the sharpness oris composed of grains of black metallic silver. In
clearness of the object being photograph will dependa color emulsions, the developed silver is
upon the focusing system of the camera. It will estimatereplaced with cyan, yellow, and magenta dye.
the object distance from the camera and formed a sharp In the development, a developing agent
or clear image in the photographs. chemically breaks down or reduces exposed
4. Film advancer – It is necessary so that thesilver halide crystals to form grains of metallic
exposed film can be transferred to the take up spool andsilver. This process of reaction is the same in
the unexposed film will be on the opposite side of theboth black and white films and photographic
lens for another exposure papers
2. Stop-bath- it halts the developer action in
appropriate moment. It also prevents the

contamination of the developer and fixer from 3. Temperature of chemical involved in the
each other. development process.
3. Fixation- a fixer makes the developed image 4. Agitation of the sensitized material during
Permanent when it is followed by a through development
washing. In this processing stage, the unexposed
underdeveloped silver halides crystals are CHEMICAL PROCESSING:
dissolved and removed from the emulsion of the 1. Stop-bath-it is an intermediate bath
between development and fixer To prevent
DARK ROOM PHOTOGRAPHY contamination of the chemical
Darkroom-A light tight room used for 2. Development-processes of reduction,
developing film making contact print and exposed silver halides and reduced into metallic
enlargement. silver,
-A room protected from rays of light harmful to 3. Fixation-the process of removing unexposed
sensitized materials, plates and papers. silver halides remaining in the emulsion after the
A Darkroom is used to process photographic first stage of development of the latent image.
film, to make prints and to carry out other 4. Washing-use of running water.
associated tasks. It is a room that can be made 5. The application "Wetting Agent"/Photo-
completely dark to allow the processing of the flo/Foto-glo-to prevent watermark and easier to
light-sensitive photographic materials, including dry.
film and photographic paper. 6. Drying-
1. Dry Side-Enlarger side and materials that CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF
must be kept away from water.
1 .Reducers or developing agents - Elon,
2 Wet Side-processing areas, chemical, stock
solutions, trays and other materials.
2. Preservative-sodium sulfite
3. Accelerator-sodium carbonate
Developing process of film-the latent image 4 Restrainer or fog preventer-potassium
becomes permanent and visible in a reverse way bromide
thus producing a negative.
Developing process of photo paper-the CHEMICAL COMPONENT OF A FIXER:
permanent and visible image produces positive 1. Dissolving Agent-Hypo or sodium
print, image or photographs. thiosulphite
Two Factors to be considered in developing 2. Preservative-Sodium sulphite
process: 3. Neutralizer-boric and acetic acid
1. Density-is the degree of darkness of the 4. Hardener-Potassium alum.
image developed - too dark or to light.
2. Contrast-is the different of tone from TWO SYSTEMS OF FILM DEVELOPING:
another. 1. Repeated use system-after each development
Factors that affect chemical development of the solution is poured in a container for use
the sensitized material: again.
1. Concentration or strength of the working 2. One shot system after development the
solution-used mixture procedure by solution is poured into the sink.
2. Time of development

2. Projection Printing or Enlarging
This is the type of printing where the image in a
negative is optically or enlarged onto a print
material for exposure to produce a picture
PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING image. The main equipment used is the enlarger.


1. Printmaking - the final stage in making 1. Enlarger Head-the main working part of
photographs. enlarger contains: Light, condenser, lens,
2. Enlarger - It is a machine used in making negative holder, the lens itself,
enlargement. 2. Lamp-light that passes through the negative
-is a specialized transparency used to produce that exposed photo paper.
prints from film or glass, or from film or glass 3. Condenser Lens-lens that spread the light
negatives, or from transparencies. coming from the lamp of the enlarger.
3. Contact Printing - photograph is made 4. Negative carrier-hold the negative flat and
through direct negative and paper contact. level.
5. Lens Aperture - the opening of the lens that
FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN SELECTING controls rays of light passing through it.
NEGATIVE: 6. Lens-it is the one responsible in forming the
1. Sharpness image coming from the negative.
2. Density 7. Focusing Mechanism - It moves the lens up
3. Contrast and down to focus the projected image
8. Enlarger Column-it is the holder of the
GENERAL TYPES OF PHOTOGRAPHIC enlarger rated and commonly serves as a rall in
PRINTING controlling the height of enlarger head.
1. Contact Printing 9. Elevating Control Knob-control size of
➤ The procedure of exposing photographic print image by raising or lowering the enlarger head.
10. Base Board-the support of the entire unit of
materials while it is pressed in contact with the
the enlarger.
negative being reproduced.
> When the photograph is made through direct
negative and paper contact, this process is 1. Letterpress or Relief Printing. This process,
knows as contact printing. used for many years in printing and publication,
<This is the simplest and the most economical involves the creation of images, often letters or
method of photographic printing pictures that are raised above a background or
> In terms of print quality, it can surpass non-printing area. Ink is applied to the raised
enlargement in tonality because there is no area, which is then placed into contact with the
scattering of image forming lights as these can paper or other substrate which accepts the
be projected beams of an enlarger. image.
➤ It usually looks sharper because there is no 2. Intaglio or Gravure Printing. In intaglio or
lens on the printing system to add its aberrations printing process recessed into the face of an
in the print process and also because details that engraved plate or cylinder. The plate or cylinder
may be slightly out of focus are not enlarged so is bathed in ink.
the unharness is not apparent Other substrate. In many instances, this step will
involve transfer to an intermediate surface,

known as the blanket, which will later be placed notes of the investigator, he needs a camera
against the paper or other substrate. This transfer because there are things which require accurate
process is called offset printing, which is widely descriptions of subjects or objects being
used for many printing, publication and investigated, hence photographs will serve the
packaging applications. purpose.
3. Planographic or Lithography Printing- The first application of photography in law
Dissimilar materials form the basis for enforcement was confined to the problems of
planographic or lithographic printing. By using personal identification. The photographs of the
dissimilar materials, areas can be developed that criminal was taken and used to supplement the
are water receptive or water repelling (ie, classification made under the Bertillon system of
receptive to solvent ink). The solvent ink- personal identification.
receptive area will carry the image, while the
water-receptive area will become the PHOTOGRAPHING THE CRIME SCENE
background or unprinted area. Thus, ink adheres There must be a series of photographs of
only in specific areas for transfer to the paper or the crime scene to supply the maximum
information and to enable the Viewer to
4. Porous or Screen Printing. Porous or screen understand how the crime was committed,
printing uses a stencil placed over a fine mesh
screen. The ink is applied to the open screen KINDS OF PHOTOGRAPHS TO BE
areas and pressed (squeezed) over the stencil and TAKEN AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME
open mesh area. Typical use of this printing  Over-all/ Over view Photographs
process is for textiles, posters, displays and  Photographs of the Deceased
wallpaper.  Photographs of Articles of Evidence
Each printing process is divided into
 Photograph of the environs
prepress, press, and post-press steps.
 Photograph of the body after removal
1. Prepress operations encompass steps during
 Photographing the body after removal
which the idea for a printed image is converted
for identification of the victim
into an image carrier such as a plate, cylinder, or
screen. Prepress operations include composition
and typesetting, graphic arts photography, image
 Obtain photographs of the one sane nearly
assembly, and image carrier preparation.
negation preferably before anything has
2. Press refers to actual printing operations.
been moved.
3. Post-press primary involves the assembly of
 Photograph from several angles so that
printed materials and consists of binding and
finishing operations proper dimensions maybe shown .
 When dimensions are important, use sort of
CRIME SCENE PHOTOGRAPHY scale Inter) in the photography so that
In modern scientific crime detection, enlargement or reduction maybe measured.
photography is needed as an excellent ald of the  Records on your note date concerning the
investigator. The investigator could not just rely photographs including directions and
on his memories and therefore need an artificial distances from the principle object in the
recorder for him to remember all things and scene, Sketches maybe helpful also.
facts that he had investigated. Aside from the  For special equipment call on the laboratory

PHOTOGRAPHY PROCEDURES AT THE opposite corners will be enough. A wide lens is
CRIME SCENE used. However, the investigator's note should
1. General Overview or long range view also be carefully marked with the Information.
Include photos leading up to the crime scene (ex, 6. Close Up
from exterior to Interior of a structure and also The number and types of close-up
include the entrance exit(s). The purpose of the photographs will of course depend upon the kind
overview photograph is to show the scene of crime. In general close up should be made on:
exactly as it was when you first saw it. a. Object Attacked
2. Medium view or mid-range view-Shows This may be a person, safe cash box or a
relationships between evidence. Relationship of display counter. The purpose of these pictures is
internal structure. to show the amount and kind of damage, and the
3. Close-up view method of attack
4. Extreme close up b. The Weapon or Tools Used
The photographer must be careful here
GUIDELINES IN TAKING to show a reference point in every picture, it
PHOTOGRAPHS AT THE CRIME SCENE shows which are right, left, up and down, north
1. Establish Shot
and south, etc.
This is an overall view from extreme to
c. Significant Clues
the other, it shows where we are, a busy
These may be fingerprints, blood stains,
intersection, a far, a residential area, an airport, a
foot prints, skid marks; tool marks, broken glass,
factory, or even at the middle of the jungle.
or any other physical evidence, fingerprint in
2. The Building
particular case should be photographed after
The next photograph should show the dusting but before lifting.
building in which the crime was committed.
This shows whether it is a private home, a
factory, a small shop, a hotel, a garage, usually CRIME SCENE
two photographs will be needed of the front and
back of the building. Suicide by hanging
3. The Entrance  Strangulation is the most common type
This is usually the door, but maybe a of suicide. But investigator must not
window in a house breaking robbery. If there is assume that the victim found hanging is
a gate and a door, take a photograph one for due to suicide.
each entrance.  Photograph the subject at a distant at
4. The Hallway four views, showing the full body, and
The camera now shows us what we then move in close to show the knot, and
would observe immediately after we enter the the bruises marks.
building. It should show the location of the other  Note: do not untie the knot, just cut it.
rooms or doors through which we must pass to
get to the room in which the crime was Suicide by Shooting
committed.  Photographs both entrance and exit
5. The Room wounds.
This may be a bedroom, an office or a  In most case Exit wound is larger than
bathroom. The most difficult problem is to entrance wound.
include the entire scene sometime like in a
building shot, two photographs from the

 If possible, photograph close-up of the  Photograph the general view of the crime
wound in color to show various scene.
discoloration.  The point of entry begins with a distant shot,
 Take note of the color of the body and works into.
(discoloration).  Take-close-up shots on the possible entry
 Usually, the hair surround the entrance and exit to include the pathways.
is singeing and the skin is burned to a  Each room in house or a building which was
reddish or grayish-brown. If it is fired disturbed should be photograph.
from range of less than eight Inches,  Take some shots of all furniture or articles
black residue maybe evident. which show as evidence of being ransack.
Homicide Case  Determine the possible point of exit. Usually
 When photographing the scene, the burglar may leave something at the crime
Forensic photographer relates what he scene especially when she is surprised by
has seen and defends before the court someone, such as hat, gloves, and scarf or
during trial. cigarette butts, etc...
 Though photograph has to show the 5. Sex Offenses
manner by which the homicide  The crime of rape may be taken as typical
occurred, views the entrance and exit. type of offense. There must be a written
 He must to show whether there are any permission from the victim, the photograph
evidence of struggle and try to show must be taken in the presence of their
what happen prior to the crime scene. parents or guardian or medico legal officer.
Obvious evidence such as cigarette The indication of the victim's effort to resists
butts, blood stains or broken glass bruises and blue marks and evidence of the
should not be overlooked. presence of either or both parties at the
 The circumstance of death can be scene.
illustrated by various views of the body.  To the VICTIM: Verify the head, neck
including marks and discoloration of the
Take close-up shots of the wounds,
body and genital, the conditions of
bruises, weapon used and the place
specifically affected parts, and the presence
where it was taken.
of foreign hairs, fibers, and that maybe
Photographing Corpse
 In photographing corpse on the scene, stains. Bite marks wounds should be
several pictures of the conditions at the time photographed at twelve to 24 hours intervals
of discovery including the environment of for the proceeding days.
the corpse must be taken from various  To the SUSPECT: the suspect's body may
photographic directions. show evidence of struggle, such as scratches
 Show the general condition of the corpse, if or bruises, foreign hairs that maybe
as being deformed as a whole. discovered by the physician. The garments
of the suspects may reveal blood stains,
 When photographing the damage parts,
consider the range of photographing to the semen, hair strands, etc.
damage part clearly, take close-up shots on 5. Arson
the several directions, if possible so as to  The photographer should be the first man to
arrive at the scene so that he will be able to
clarify their relation.
begin photographing the scene, before the
Robbery Case
fire trucks arrive he should have his

photographic equipment ready to start
shooting immediately.
 Be sure to photograph as many speculators
as you can. It is a common knowledge that
most or the arsonist get their kicks out of
watching the fire and maybe in the crowd.
 After the fire is extinguished, take interior
views of the scene from diagonally opposite
corners of the buildings. Also get up a high
ladder and take more photographs of the
ruins of the fire to show the entire extent of
 Avoid unnecessary surroundings/objects that
are not pertinent to the case.
 "See through driver's eye". Photography
should be taken from the eye level of the
driver. If there are witnesses, photographs
should be taken at their level from the spot
where they have seen the incident.
 Shots should be taken from our points of the
compass and 25 feet from point of impact to
show the approach and terrain.
 Take close-up shots of the damage area in
two angles from a distance of 8 to 10 feet.
 Takes shots in order and properly noted at
the photographer notes so it will guide him
and the investigator how the accident

QUESTIONED DOCUMENT other matters in question. Usually a standard
EXAMINATION consists of the known handwriting of a person in
such a case, "standard" has the same meaning as
DOCUCUMENT- Any material containing
is understood by the word "specimen of
marks, symbols, or signs either visible, partially handwriting.
well that may vent or ultimately convey a
EXEMPLAR- A term used by some document
meaning to someone, maybe in the form of
examiners and attorney to characterize known
pencil, Ink writing or printing on paper. The material.
term "document" applies to writings, to words
printed, lithographed, or photographed to or
document completely written and signed by one
plans to seals, plates, or oven stones on which
person, also known as a holograph, in a number
Inscriptions are cut of engraved. In its plural
of jurisdictions a holographic will can be
"documents" may mean deeds, agreements, title, probated without anyone having witnessed its
letters, receipts, and other written arguments
used to prove a fact.
Latin word "documentum".means lesson, or
compiled and organized by the document
example (in Medieval Latin instruction. Or
examiner to assist him in answering special
official paper), or
questions Reference collections of typewriting,
French word "docere" means to teach
check writing specimens. Inks, pens, pencils,
QUESTIONED- Any material which some
and papers are frequently maintained.
issue has been raised or which is under scrutiny
the facts appearing therein may not be true, and
are contested either in whole or part with respect
to its authenticity, identity, or origin. It may be a
deed, contract, will, election ballots, manage
contract, check, visas, and application form,
check writer certificates, etc.
DISPUTED DOCUMENT- A term suggesting
that there is an argument of controversy over the
document, and strictly speaking this is true
meaning. In this text, as well as through prior
however, "disputed document and questioned
document are used interchangeably to signify a
document that is under special scrutiny.
are condensed and compact sets of authentic
System of Writing – is the combination of the
specimens which, if adequate and proper should
basic shape and designs of letter and the writing
contain a cross section of the material from a
movement which was taught in school.
known source Copy book form – is an illustration of the basic
"Standard" in question documents
designs of letters that is fundamental to the
investigation we mean those things whose
writing system.
origins are known and can be proven and which
can be legally used as examples to compare with

Writing movement – refers to factors relative to CHARACTERISTICS IN WRITING:
the motion of the pen such as, pressure, rhythm, Characteristics – refers to any property, marks
pen lifting, etc. or elements which distinguishes. Also referred
Writing – is the visible result of a very to as identifying details.
complicated series of acts, being as a whole or a
combination of certain forms which are the very TYPES OF CHARACTERISTICS:
visible result of mental and muscular habits 1. Class Characteristics – characteristics or
acquired by long continued painstaking effort. properties which are common or which can
Handwriting – is a visible effect of bodily be found in the specimen writing of other
movement which is an almost unconscious person. Gross characteristics.
expressions of fixed muscular habits, reacting 2. Individual Characteristics – characteristics
from fixed mental impression of certain ideas which are highly personal or peculiar. That
associated with script form. which is unlikely to occur in other’s
Writing Habits – refers to any repeated handwriting.
elements of once handwriting which serves as an
identifying characteristics. ELEMENTS OF FORMS IN WRITING:
Significant Writing Habits – elements of one’s 1. Arc – the rounded inner part of an upper
writing that are sufficiently unique and well- curve, bend or crook,
fixed to serve as a strong basis of individuality. 2. Beard – is an introductory up and down
Slant = refers to the relative degree of writing strokes found in some capital letters. Also
inclination relative to the baseline. called as double hitch.
Baseline = an imaginary or straight line in 3. Blunt – is a part of a stroke characterized by
which the writing rest. an abrupt beginning or end at which the pen
does not creates a diminishing strokes.
TYPES OF HANDWRITINGS 4. Buckle Knot is a horizontal or loop strokes
1. Cursive – Writing in which the letters used to complete letters A, H, F and D.
are for the most part joined together. 5. Central Part – is the body of the
2. Hand lettering – refers to writing letter. Characterized by a small rounded or
characterized by a disconnected style. circular strokes.
3. Natural Writing – a specimen of 6. Ductus-link, Ductus-broken- refers to the
writing that is executed normally and connection between letters, either joined or
without any attempt of altering its usual disconnected.
writing habits. 7. Eyelet/ eyeloop – refers to small oblong
4. Disguised – a specimen of writing strokes.
executed deliberately with an attempt of 8. Hitch – an introductory backward strokes
changing its usual writing habits in the found in most capital letters and in some
hope of hiding one’s identity. small letters.
5. Guided/assisted – a specimen of 9. Hiatus = an obvious gap between letters.
writing executed while the writer’s hand 10. Humps – is the outer portion of an upper
is at steadied. Usually employed by curve bend or crook, (see arc)
beginners in writing. 11. Knob – is a tiny pool of an ink at the
beginning or ending strokes.
12. Loop – is an oblong strokes

13. Stem/shank/staff – is considered as the 4. Skills – refers to the degree of
backbone of the letter characterized by a writer’s proficiency in writing
long downward strokes 5. Speed – cannot be measured
14. Initial/terminal Spur – a long running precisely from the finished
initial or terminal strokes. handwriting but it can be interpreted
15. Through – refers to any garland form of a in broad term as to either fast, slow
letter strokes or moderate.
16. Whirl – is the long upward strokes usually 6. Pen-lift – an interruption is strokes
found opposite the stem caused by sudden removal of the
Embellishments – added strokes that serves as writing instrument from the paper
an ornamental or flourish to the design of the surface.
letters. They considered unnecessary to the 7. Shading – refers to the more
legibility of the writing. obvious increase in the width of the
Diacritics = strokes added to complete certain letter strokes.
letters. They are necessary to the legibility of the 8. Pen Position – is the relative
letters. location of the pen in relation to the
Writing Movement – refers to all factors paper surface.
relative to the motion of the pen. 9. Pen scope – represents the reach of
Line Quality – is the visible records in the the hand with the wrist at rest.
written strokes of the basic movements and 10. Retracing or retraced – is the
manner of holding instrument. It is derived from strokes which goes back over
a combination of factors, including writing skill, another writing strokes that is
speed, rhythm, freedom of movement, shading slightly to occur in other’s writing.
and pen emphasis. 11. Retouching or patching – is a
stroke, which goes back over a
TYPES OF MOVEMENT: defective portion of a writing to
1. Finger (used by beginners) repair or correct an error.
2. Hand (wrist serves as the point of pivotal &
3. Forearm (most skillful type of movement) CHARACTERISTICS:
4. Whole arm (used for ornamental or large 1. Natural Variations – is the usual or normal
writings) deviation found in a repeated specimen of an
individual’s handwriting or in the product of
1. Pen pressure – is the average or 2. Transitory Change – are meant to those
usual pressure applied in the changes which only continue to exist while
writing. the basic cause of the deterioration is still
2. Pen Emphasis – is the act of affecting the writer, once the such cause has
intermittently forcing the pen been removed from the writer, the writing
against the paper surface with an will reverts in its normal form.
increase in speed. 3. Tremor – is the weakening of the strokes
3. Rhythm – is the harmonious or characterized by a wavering or shaky
balance recurrence of strokes or strokes.
impulses. a. Genuine Tremor

a.1. Weakness of sickness himself, without his permission, often with some
a.2 Old age degree of imitation.
a.3. Illiteracy (lack of skills) 4. FREEHAND SIGNATURE.-A fraudulent
b. Tremor of Fraud signature that was executed purely by simulation
4. Writing Conditions – refers to all rather than by tracing the outline of a genuine
factors affecting the over-all quality of writing signature.
such as the writer’s condition under which the 5. GUIDED SIGNATURE.-A signature that is
writing was prepared. executed while the writer's hand or arm is
5. Writing instrument steadied in any way. Under the law of most
a. Ball point pen (John Loud) consisting of jurisdictions such a signature authenticates a
a ball bearing at the point of the pen. legal document provided it is shown that the
b. Fountain pen (Lewis Watterman) writer requested the assistance. Guided
consisting of pen nib point. signatures are most commonly written during a
c. Fiber pen (originally designed by serious illness or on a deathbed.
Hongkong) 6. IMITATED SIGNATURE.-Synonymous
with freehand forgery.
EXAMINATION OF SIGNATURES that has been used to prepare an imitated or
SIGNATURE- defined is the name of a person 8. THEORY OF COMPARISON The act of
written by him/her in a document as a sign of setting two or more signatures in an inverted
acknowledgement. Or, it is a name or a mark position to weigh their identifying significance,
that a person puts at the end of a document to the reason being that those we fail to see under
attest that he is its author or that he ratifies its normal comparison may readily be seen under
contents. this theory.
could not write signed with a cress mark or CONSIDERED A SPECIALIZED BRANCH
crude х .This authenticating mark is still used OF FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS:
today by illiterates and if properly witnessed, it  A signature is a word most practiced by
can legally stand for a signature .Ballot marks many people and therefore most fluently
are also referred to as ones marks because of the written.
common practice of marking with an X.  A signature is a means to identify a person
2. EVIDENTIAL SIGNATURE - is not simply and have a great personal significance A
a signature it is a signature, signed at a particular signature is written with little attention to
time and place, under particular condition, while spelling and some other details
the signer was at particular age, in a particular  A signature is a word written without
physical and mental condition, using particular conscious thought about the mechanics of its
implements, and with a particular reason and production and is written automatically.
purpose for recording his name  A signature is the only word the illiterate
3. FRAUDULENT SIGNATURE- A forged can write with confidence.
signature. It involves the writing of a name
signature by someone other than the person

STYLES OR KINDS OF SIGNATURE angularity and direction. Each individual has at
1. CONVENTIONAL SIGNATURE -Legible different concept of letter design.
or readable STEP 6-Look for the presence of retouching or
(INDIVIDUALIZED) SIGNATURE Series of STEP 7 Connecting strokes, slant, rasio, size,
intertwining strokes omamentation and lateral spacing
flourishes STEP 8- Do not rely so much in the similarity or
difference of the capital lifters for these are the
TYPES OF SIGNATURES often changed according to the whom of the
A. FORMAL (aka. CONVENTIONAL or writer.
COPYBOOK FORM) compile correct
signature for an important document such as DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES IN
routine documents and personal correspondence DECIPHERING ALTERATIONS
1. Personalized
2 Semi-personalized
carrier, delivery boy or the autograph collection
STEP 1 Place the questioned and the standard CHARACTERISTICS
signatures in the juxta-position or side-by-side MAGNIFYING LENS
for simultaneous viewing of the various  Bank personnel and other people involved in
elements and characteristics currency examinations usually use ordinary
STEP 2 the first element to be considered is the hand-lens; the maximum-diameter-of-which
handwriting movement or the manner of is four inches, and this appears big the wide
execution now, deliberate, rapid, etc.) The frame it has a magnifying power of two
fundamental difference existing between a times the original only.
genuine signature and an almost perfect forgery  Magnifying lenses of five times or more
is in the manner of execution magnifying power, with built-in-lighting are
STEP 3 Second elements to examine is the more useful
quality of the line the presence or tremors, 2. SHADOWGRAPH - pictorial image formed
smooth, Went or hesitation, Defect in Line by casting a shadow, usually of the hands, upon
quality is only appreciated when simultaneous a rightful surface or screen.
STEP 4-Examine the beginning and ending MICROSCOPE a tri dimensional (3D)
lines, they are very significant, determine enlargements is possible
whether the appearance is blunt, club-shaped, IT USE IN THE FOLLWING ASPECT:
tapered or/vanishing  Discover the defects in stroke structure and
STEP 5 Design and structure of the letters typewriting
Determine as to roundness, smoothness,  Discover overlapping of line

 Uneven distribution of ink on the film and a shutter device by which the
 Overwriting desired light is admitted to expose the film.
 An ink line crossing a fold
 Fraudulent addition and interlineation
 Erasures and pencil outline of forged
(TRANSPARENT GLASS) - those used for
signatures and typewriting
counter- lamination, needed as sidelight
examination wherein light is placed at a low-
angle in a position oblique to plane or document.
where light comes from beneath or behind glass
a document is placed.
7. ULTRA VIOLET LAMP this is usually
used in the deletion of counterfeits but can
actually be used to detect security features of
qualified documents.

Specimen under UV Light

8. INFRARED VIEWER-primarily used to
decipher writing in a charred document.
that of the bullet comparison microscope. A kind
of microscope especially constructed as to
facilitate side by side strongly of microscopic
(VSC) - It is wed in the examination of masked
obliterated text, watermarks, visible
fluorescence paper fluorescence and oblique
illumination of Indented writing and embossing
features, intaglio script, It also detects-variation
in the infra-red characteristics of inks.
APPARATUS (ESDA) – detects
indentation/Indented writings. It records the
transparencies of any indentations
12 .CAMERA- Consists of a light tight box
designed to the photographic film. It is equipped
with-a-lens-system-by which the image is found

FINGERPRINT b. Middle phalange = the next
and above the basal done.
PRINCIPLES OF DACTYLOSCOPY c. Terminal phalange = the
particular bone covered with friction
Dactyloscopy – (derived from the Latin words skin, having all the different types
Dactyl = finger and Skopien – to study or of fingerprint patterns and it is
examine) is the practical application of the located near the tip of the finger.
science of fingerprints.
Dactylography – is the scientific study of Friction Skin – is an epidermal hairless skin
fingerprint as a means of identification. found on the ventral or lower surface of the
Dactylomancy – is the scientific study of hands and feet covered with ridges and
fingerprint for purposes of personality furrows.(Also called as Papillary skin).
Dermatoglyphics = is the science which deals COMPONENTS OF THE FRICTION SKIN
with the study of skin pattern. It is derived from 1. Ridge surface
two Greek words, Derma which means Skin a. Ridge – the elevated or hill like
and Glype which means Carve. structure/ the black lines with tiny white dots.
b. Furrow – the depressed or canal like
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF FINGERPRINT structure/ the white space between
1. Individuality ridges.
No two persons have the same 2. Sweat pores – the tiny opening/ the tiny
fingerprint (based on Statistic white dots.
Probability) 3. Sweat duct – the passage way.
2. Infallibility 4. Sweat glands – the producers of sweat.
That fingerprint is a positive and reliable
means of identification. It cannot be FUNDAMENTAL LAYERS OF THE
easily be forged. FRICTION SKIN
3. Constancy or permanency 1. Epidermis – the outermost layer
That the friction ridge once fully a. Stratum Corneum,
developed its arrangement will remain b. Stratum mucosum
the same throughout man’s life. 2. Dermis – the inner layer containing the
blood vessel, dermal papillae, various glands
Fingerprints and nerves.
Is an impression design by the first joint
of the fingers and thumb on smooth surface PRINCIPLES IN THE FINGERPRINT
through the media of ink, sweat or any substance SYSTEM
capable of producing visibility
Phalange = is the skeletal finger covered with No two fingerprints are exactly alike. The
friction skin. It is made up of three bones. chances of two fingerprints being the same are
a. Basal or proximal phalange – calculated to be 1 is to 64,000,000,000 which is
it is located at the base of the finger ten times the number of fingers existing in the
nearest the palm. world.

2. PRINCIPLE OF PERMANENCY 11. Identification of persons suffering from
amnesia where fingerprints are on file;
The configuration and details of individual 12. Identification of missing person;
ridges remain constant and unchanging. 13. Personal identification of victims of
Fingerprints are formed in the fetus in the fourth disaster works;
month of pregnancy. The finger may be 14. Identification of unconscious persons;
wounded or burned, but the whole pattern with and
all its details reappear when the wound heals. 15. Licensing procedures for automobile,
firearms, aircraft and other equipment.
The science Fingerprint is an exact science and 1. Help establish identity in cases of dead
considered to be the most reliable method of bodies and unknown or missing persons.
personal Identification. 2. Prints recovered from the crime scene
associate person or weapon.
USES OF FINGERPRINTS 3. Prints on file are useful for comparative
purposes and for the knowledge of previous
SOME OF THE USES OF criminal records.
FINGERPRINTING INCLUDE: 4. Among illiterates, right thumbprint is
1. Identification of criminals whose recognized as a substitute finger signature
fingerprints are found at the scene of the on legal documents. Countries differ as to
crime; which uses is used for the purpose. India
2. Identification of fugitive through a uses the left thumb; Spain uses the right
comparison of fingerprints; pointing finger.
3. Assistance to prosecutors in presenting
their cases in the light of defendants’ ADVANTAGES OF USING
previous records; FINGERPRINTS AS A MEANS OF
4. Imposition of more equitable sentence IDENTIFICATION
by the courts; 1. Not much training is necessary for a person
5. Furnishing identification data to to take, classify and compare fingerprints.
probation and parole officers and to 2. No expensive instruments are required in the
parole boards for their enlightenment in operation.
decision making; 3. The fingerprint itself is easy to classify.
6. Exchanging of criminal-identifying 4. Actual prints for comparative purposes are
information with identification bureaus always available and suspected errors can
of foreign countries in cases of mutual easily be checked.
7. Means of personal identification; DIFFERENT ALLIED SCIENCE OF
8. Recognition by the government of FINGERPRINTS
honored dead; Dactyloscopy – identification of persons
9. Identification of unknown deceased; through examination and comparison of
10. Prevention of hospital mistakes in the fingerprint.
identification of infants; Taken from Greek words:
Dactylos – a finger

Skopien – to examine 8. Pattern Area – is a part of a loop of
Poroscopy – Science of palm print whorl pattern surrounded by the type lines and
identification. consisting of the delta, the core and other ridges.
Chiroscopy – Science of palm print 9. Recurving ridge – a single ridges that
identification. curves back to the direction where it started.
Podoscopy – Science of foot print identification. 10. Sufficient Recurve – a recurving ridge
which is complete with its should and free from
Ridge Formation – (Ridges starts to form in the 11. Appendage – is a short ridge found at
fingers and thumb during the 3rd to 4th months the top or summit of a recurve
of the fetus life.) 12. Rod or Bar – is a short of long ridge
Dermal Papillae = are irregular pegs composed found inside the recurve and directed towards
of delicate connective tissue protruding and the core
forming the ridges of the skin on the fingers, 13. Obstruction ridge – is a short ridge
palms, toes and soles of the feet. found inside the recurve which blocks the inner
Ridge Destruction – destruction of the friction line of flow towards the core.
skin can either be temporary or
permanent. Generally temporary destruction RULES IN SELECTING FOCAL POINTS
occur when only the epidermis layer of the OF FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION
friction skin has been damage, while permanent
damage can be injected to the friction skin due The Two Fingerprint Terminus (Focal
to damage to the dermis layer. Points)
1. Ridge Dot (island ridge) – refers to a ridge 1. The Delta (also called the outer
formation in a form of a dot or period. terminus) is a point along a ridge
2. Bifurcation – a ridge formation in formation found at the center or near
which a single ridge splits or divides into two or the center of the diverging type lines.
more ridges. It resembles a fork shape. 2. The Core (also known as the heart or
3. Converging Ridge – two ridges that the inner terminus) usually found at
meets at a certain point the center or innermost recurve.
4. Diverging Ridge – two ridges that
5. Enclosure or Lake ridge – a single
ridge that divides into two but does not remain  The core is placed upon or within
open and meet at a certain point to form the the innermost sufficient recurve.
original single ridge.  When the innermost sufficient
6. Ending ridge – it refers to an abrupt recurve contains ending ridges or
end of a ridge rod rising as high as the shoulder of
7. Type lines – is a diverging ridge that the loop further from the delta. The
tends to surround the pattern area and serves as a exemption to this rule is when both
basic boundary of fingerprint impression. shoulders are equidistant to the
center of the sufficient recurve.
 When the innermost sufficient
recurve contains an uneven number
of rods rising as high as the

shoulders, the core is placed upon lines. The delta must be located at the
the end of the center rod whether it end nearer (inner terminus) to the core.
touches the looping ridge or not.
 When the innermost sufficient
recurve contains an even number of TYPELINES
rods rising as high as the shoulders,  the two innermost lines which are
the core is placed upon the end of parallel or about parallel which diverge,
the further one of the two center surround or tend to surround the pattern
rods, the two rods being treated as area
though they were connected by a  the boundaries of a fingerprint pattern
recurving ridge. PATTERN AREA
N.B. - Always base on the entrance of the  that part of the loop or whorl in which
pattern in the fingerprint appears the delta, core and other ridges
 the area of concern in classification
RULES ON DELTA LOCATION  always enclosed by the type line
General Rule - A dot can be a delta when  tiny, elevated, hill-like structures on the
there is no other alternative. surface of the skin of the fingers
 the basis of examination, comparison
and identification
G. Rules in Delta Location when there is a FURROWS
Choice Between Two or More Delta  depressed, canal-like structures found
between two ridges
1. The delta may be located at a bifurcation
which does open towards the core. RIDGE CHARACTERISTICS
2. When there is a choice between a  little points of details in the formation of
bifurcation and another type of delta, the pattern which are used in comparing
equally close to the point of divergence, two fingerprints in order to determine its
the bifurcation is selected. identity
3. When there is a series of bifurcation FRICTION SKIN
opening towards the core at the point of  also called epidermal skin or papillary
divergence of two type lines, the skin
bifurcation nearest to the core is chosen  hairless skin found on the lower surface
as the delta. of the hands and feet covered with
4. The delta may not be located in the minute ridges
middle of the ridge running between the KINDS OF RIDGES
type lines toward the cores but at the 1. DIVERGING
nearer end only. The location of the RIDGES/DIVERGENCE
delta depends entirely upon the point of  the spreading apart of two
origin of the ridge between the type ridges which have been running
lines toward the core. parallel or about parallel
5. If the ridge enters the pattern area from 2. CONVERGING
the point below the divergent type RIDGES/CONVERGENCE


the meeting of the ridges which TWO TYPES OF LOOP
have been running parallel or a. Ulnar Loop - is one in which the
about parallel downward slant of the ridges are from the thumb
3. BIFURCATION toward the little finger or ulnar bone.
 consists of a single ridge which b. Radial Loop - is one in which the
forks into two or more branches downward slant of the ridge or ridges are from
4. ISLAND the little finger toward the thumb or radius bone.
RIDGE pattern in which the ridges form a series of circle
 consists of a single ridge which or spirals around the core or axis. A whorl has a
forks into two branches, running core and two deltas
side by side towards the same 5. CENTRAL POCKET LOOP - Central
direction then meet to form the Pocket Loop is a pattern in which most of the
original ridge ridges represent the pattern known as a loop, but
5. ENDING RIDGE where one or more of the ridges within such
 refers to the terminus of a short loop or those surrounding the core recurve
or a long ridge somewhat like a spiral. A central pocket loop
6. DOT RIDGE has a core and two unbalanced deltas.
 a point ridge 6. DOUBLE LOOP - Double Loop consist of
two separate loop formations with the separate
and distinct sets of shoulders and two deltas.
PATTERNS AND ITS ELEMENTS pattern in which two or more of the different
types of patterns are represented. Accidental
ARCH (5%)-An Arch is a pattern in which the may have two or more deltas.
ridges flow from one side to the other, without
recurving usually having a slight upward curve RULES IN RIDGE COUNTING AND
in the center, making the pattern like an arch. TRACING
There is no core and no delta.
TENTED ARCH - A tented arch is a pattern in Ridge Counting Procedure
which the ridges flow from one side to the other The two important factors in the
without recurving, but differ from plain arch, as classification of loops and whorls are done by
the ridges rise higher in the center, giving the ridge counting and tracing. By ridge count it
pattern the appearance of a tent. A tented arch means the enumeration of the number of ridge
may have a core and no delta, or a delta and no characters touching or passing between the core
core. and delta, excluding core and delta. In loops, it
LOOP (60%) -A loop is a pattern in which one is suggested to begin the count from the core to
or more ridges enter on either side of the the delta. Whorls, ridge tracing is meant, the
impression and by making a recurve pass out method of ridge coursing using the two deltas as
or terminate on the side as the ridge. It has a the focal points. The tracing of the number of
core and a delta. intervening ridges and the designation of their
corresponding symbol are representing as

1. Tracing always commence from the lien drawn between the core and the
point of the left delta. delta.
2. Tracing goes across the pattern
following the lower contour of such N.B. - It applies only to loops.
pattern till it ends at a relative point
nearest to the right delta. 2. Ridge tracing – Is the process of tracing
3. If the traced ridge ends, it is necessary the ridges that emanate from the lower side of
to drop perpendicularly to a point on a the left delta towards the right delta to see where
ridge found below and continues the it flows in relation to the right delta.
4. Whorls with regard to their respective
tracings are divided into 3 classes:
Inner, Meet, and Outer Whorls and are DIFFERENT APPLICATION OF
 If the traced ridge reached the relative TECHNIQUES OF PERSONAL
point nearest the right delta, and goes IDENTIFICATION INCLUDING
above or inside it and there are three or DACTYLOSCOPY IN RELATION TO
more ridges intervening between such CRIME DETECTION AND
ridge and the right delta, it is called an INVESTIGATION
INNER Whorl and being represented by
the capital letter “I” .
 If the traced ridge reached the relative
point and goes above or below the right
delta with one or two ridges intervening DIFFERENT APPLICATION OF
between such delta and the traced ridge, TECHNIQUES IN DETECTION,
of if the traced ridge run directly to the COLLECTION, AND PRESERVATION OF
right delta, it is adjusted as a MEET FORENSIC EVIDENCE RELATED TO
Whorl and is indicated by the capital FRICTION RIDGES AND OTHER MEANS

 If the traced ridge reached the relative

point and goes below or outside the right
delta with three or more ridges
intervening between such delta and the
traced ridge, it is an OUTER Whorl, and EVIDENCE PRESERVATION OF
designated by capital letter “O”. CHANCE FINGERPRINTS
1. Whenever scene fingerprints have been
Relative Point - is the point of the ridge found, confirmation by a witness shall be
directly opposite the right delta when and made prior to collection.
imaginary line is drawn. 2. Whenever scene fingerprints have been
1. Ridge Counting – It refers to the found, they shall be developed and
process of counting the intervening photographed prior to collection in order to
ridges that touch or cross an imaginary clarify the position of an object and
positions of fingerprint

impressions. Picture taking shall be made has been recorded since parts of the object that
by providing the fingerprinted object with carry the print will be seen in the picture.
a label containing the name of incident,
date and hour taken, place, witnesses,
signatures, collector’s affiliation and name, PRESERVATION OF PLASTIC
etc. FINGERPINTS - When a fingerprint has been
3. Whenever fingerprints are collected by left in material that has hardened or is able to
lifting (printing0 then the grain of wood, withstand transport, and when it is on an object
pattern, or other characteristics original to that is small and easily transportable, it may be
the object near the fingerprints shall be sent directly to the crime laboratory. If
lifted at the same time with lifting tape, etc. removing the plastic print poses some special
to clarify the place where the fingerprints problem, it should be photographed using
are impressed. In addition, the name of oblique light to bring out as much detail as
incident, date and hour collected, object of possible. The fingerprint impression may then
collection, place of collection, signature of be preserved by an appropriate casting material.
witness, and collector’s affiliation and
name shall also be entered on the back of PRESERVATION WITH FINGERPINT
the lifting paper. LIFTERS - Frequently, curved surfaces, such as
 A scene fingerprint collection report doorknobs, with latent fingerprints present are
shall be prepared to clarify the difficult to photograph or do not lend themselves
relationship between the incident and to the use of cellophane lifting tape. For such
the place of collection. surfaces, elastic or rubber lifter material works
 On the scene fingerprints collection well. Rubber lifters are commercially available
report, all scene fingerprints collected items made of thin, rubbery material coated with
should be numbered in serial order, an adhesive. The adhesive is protected by a
and be entered so as to clarify which transparent celluloid material removed prior to
fingerprint was collected at which use and replace onto with different fingerprint
place by attaching a scene sketch. powders.
 Meanwhile, for those fingerprints
collected without taking photographs, PRESERVATION WITH FINGERPINT
it necessary to clarify the impressed LIFTING TAPE - The most common method
positions and directions by solidly of collecting latent fingerprint evidence today is
illustrating objects of collection by special transparent cellophane tape. The
portions thereof, etc. material is supplied in rolls and is usually 1 or 2
inches wide. After the surface is dusted with
PRESERVATION BY PHOTOGRAPHY - fingerprint powder, the tape is placed over the
Prints found at the scene of a crime preferably print. Care must be taken to prevent any air
should be preserved by photography. This pockets. The tape is smoothed down over the
procedure has many advantages, including its print with the aid of a signer and then drawn
leaving the object intact so that further off. Particles of fingerprint powder adhere to the
photographs can be taken if the first are sticky surface of the tape and thereby transfer
unsuccessful. It also makes it easier to produce the finger.
the evidence before a court of law if the print IDENTIFICATION OF FINGERPRINT -
The identification of a fingerprint is to compare

two fingerprints with each other, to indicate their
characteristics, and to determine whether they LETTER OF IDENTIFICATION - A letter of
match or do not. identification shall be prepared by entering
Since latent fingerprints are often partial therein such necessary matters as the kind (latent
and unclear, their identification often encounters fingerprints, finger seal, formally impressed
difficulties. Therefore, those who are engaged fingerprints, or so) and number of pieces of
in identification should make a correct identification material, identification item,
identification. This also applies to the identification process, identification result,
identification of palm prints, middle phalange identification date and identifier.
prints, basic phalange prints and footprints. Meanwhile, in general, a photograph
showing the identification material enlarged
METHOD OF IDENTIFICATION - Method three times is attached indicating on the
of identification include those for comparing photograph matching characteristics by
characteristics (type and position) of friction indication lines and numbers for easy
ridges, of sweat pores (sweat gland outlets comprehension.
appearing on friction ridges like eyes of needles)
and of friction ridge edges (straight, projecting,
arch, pocket, table, etc.). In general, however, a COURT PRESENTATION OF
method by characteristics of friction ridge which FINGERPRINT EVIDENCE
are understandable easily and objectively is
used. In testifying to fingerprint identification,
the expert often prepares charts to visually aid
EXAMINATION OF MATERIALS - In the court and jury in understanding the nature of
identification, the following matters should be his testimony. Many times it is undoubtedly
examined with the identification material: difficult for the laymen to perceive, from a vocal
1. Conditions of collection (method of explanation alone, the full import of an expert’s
collection, situation of both the object testimony, due to its technical nature;
impressed and the fingerprint left on the consequently, some graphic representation of the
scene, time elapsed, etc.). facts presented is amply justified and rewarded.
2. Kind of pattern, position impressed.
3. Kind of finger. The preparation of the charts is ultimately the
4. Situation of impression (whether sole responsibility of the expert using them. As
slipped, twisted, duplicated or not; either matter of interest to law enforcement personnel
surface or true skin; and reversal engaged in fingerprint work, a brief explanation
fingerprint). of such charts follows, along with suggestions
and remarks based on long experience in these
CHARACTERISTICS - Characteristics of a
latent fingerprint and of the formally impressed
fingerprint shall be compared, and matching
points of characteristics shall both be noted by
indication lines with numbers for
referencing. The indication lines and numbers
shall be entered in red.

DIFFERENT EQUIPMENT USED IN 2. Ink Roller – is a rubber made roller
TAKING FINGERPRINTS designed to spread the fingerprint
ink to the slab.
KINDS OF FINGERPRINT IMPRESSIONS 3. Fingerprint Ink – is a special form
1. ROLLED of ink designed for taking
2. SIMPLE/PLAIN fingerprint impression sometimes
submitted with a printer’s ink.
ROLLING 4. Fingerprint card – is an 8” x 8”
 the manner of placing fingerprints card designed for recording
a. thumb – rolled towards fingerprint impression
the body 5. Card holder – usually a fixed card
b. remaining four fingers – holder placed in a flat table designed
rolled away from the body to prevent the movement of the card
LATENT FINGERPRINT IMPRESSIONS in the course of the taking of the
 hidden, fingerprints found at the crime fingerprint.


1. flashlight – using the oblique focusing
2. fingerprint powder – black if the
background is white; white if the
background is black; blue if the surface
is hairy, like leaves; ninhydrin solution
(spray) for ceilings
3. lifter – like cello tape
4. fingerprint brush – should not touch
the surface of the fingerprint impression
5. latent print card – where the lifted
impression is transferred


1. fingerprint card
2. fingerprint card holder
3. fingerprint slab
4. fingerprint roller
5. fingerprint ink
Basic Instrument in taking prints:
1. Ink Slab – is a metallic or glass
plate where the ink is spread for

FORENSIC BALLISTICS Ballistics, Exterior or External Ballistics and
Terminal Ballistics. From the time the guns was
Ballistics is the science of the motion of fired until it reaches the target and have its
the projectile and the condition that affects their maximum effect. At present ballistics is
motion. It is a science in itself for it is an orderly branches into four (4) and this is due to its
arranged knowledge, which is a product of series subsequent used in solving problems in
of experimentation, observation and connection with the administration of justice
testing. Ballistics is not an exact science rather particularly cases involving firearms and
it is applied physics or applied science, which is ammunition which is termed as Forensic
subject to changes and improvement depending Ballistics.
upon the demands of the modern civilization.
Motion refers to the mobility or movement of BRANCHES OF BALLISTICS
the projectile from the time it leaves the shell Internal (Interior) ballistics- Which treats the
empty; it leaves the gun muzzle and until it motion of the projectile while it is still inside the
reach its target or fall in the ground. firearm (chamber/barrel/ which extends from the
A projectile is any metallic on non-metallic ball breech to the muzzle.
which is propelled from a firearm. Its motion
can be categories into three general types: a. Firing pin hitting the primer
b. Ignition of the priming mixture
3 TYPES OF MOTION The priming mixture (composing
1. Direct Motion = is the forward motion of the KCLO3, sulfur and carbon)
of the bullet or shots out of the shell by located either at the cavity rim or at the
the action of the expansive force of center of the primer upon the striking
gases from burning gunpowder. effect of the firing pin will ignite and
2. Rotatory motion = is the action of the such action is known as “Percussion
bullet passing through a rifled bore action”.
barrel firearm which is either twisted to c. Combustion of the gun powder/powder
the left or to the right. charge or propellant.
3. Translational = is the action of bullet d. Expansion of heated gas.
once it hits a target and subsequently e. Pressure developed
ricocheted. f. Energy generated
g. Recoil of the gun
Origin of the Word Ballistics Is the equal and opposite reaction of the
The word Ballistics was derived from gun against the forward movement of the bullet
two Greek words. The word “ballo” and the upon explosion. The backward or rearward
word “ballein” which literally mean, “to movement of the gun in relation to the forward
throw”. movement of the bullet.
The term also said to have been derived Jump is another portion of the recoil action
from the Roman war machine called “Ballista”, characterized as the backward and upward
a gigantic catapult that was used to furl missiles movement of that takes place before the bullet
or large object at a distance like stone, dead leaves the muzzle.
animal or even dead person. h. Velocity of the bullet inside the barrel
The study of Ballistics in the early age is It is the relative speed of the bullet per
divided into (3) three Divisions: Internal unit of time while it is still inside the barrel
expressed in feet per second.

i. Rotation of the bullet inside the barrel a. Terminal Accuracy-It refers to the size of the
j. Engraving of the cylindrical surface of the bullet grouping on the target.
bullet b. Terminal Energy-Is the energy or force of
External (exterior) Ballistics- It is concerned the projectile when it strikes the target same as
with the flight of the bullet after leaving the striking energy.
barrel. It is extended from the muzzle of the gun c. Terminal Velocity-Is the speed of the bullet
to the target or any attributes to the motion of upon striking the target.
the projectile while it is in its flight and before d. Terminal Penetration-Is the depth of entry
reaching the target. of the bullet in the target.

a. Muzzle Blast-Is the noise created at the

muzzle point of the gun. Forensic Ballistics- The word Forensic was
b. Muzzle energy-Energy generated at the derived from the latin word “Forum” meaning
muzzle point measured in foot-pound. “Market Place” where people gathered for
c. Trajectory-Refers to the parabola-like flight public disputation or public discussion. Also
of the projectile from the time it leaves the defined as the study of the motion of projectile
muzzle until it hits the target. It is also described as applied to law or simply the science of
as the actual curve path taken by a bullet during firearm identification by means of the
its. ammunition fired through them.
D. Range-It refers to the imaginary straight
distance between the muzzle of the gun and the
Field Investigation –refers to the work of an
 Accurate Range= the distance within
investigation in the field. It concerns mostly
which the shooter or gunner has control
with the collection, marking, preservation,
of his shots.
packing and transmission of firearms evidences.
 Effective Range = the distance within
It includes the study of class characteristics of
which when the bullet was fired it is still
firearms and bullets
capable of inflicting fatal injury.
 Maximum Range= the distance that a Technical Examination – refers to the
projectile can be propelled from a examiners who examine bullets and/or shells
firearm. The farthest distance the bullet whether fired from the suspected firearms
could travel. submitted; and/or to determine also whether
Velocity-Refers to the rate of speed of the bullet or not cartridge cases were loaded or ejected
(during its flight) per unit of time usually from the suspected firearm submitted. Reports
express is feet per second (ft/sec.) are made by the examiners and testify in court
Pull of Gravity-It is the downward reaction of regarding their report.
the bullet towards the earth surface due to its
weight. Legal Proceedings – presentation of Ballistics
Air Resistance-Refers to the force of the air reports, firearms, bullets, cartridges cases and
encounter by the bullet in its flight. allied exhibits in court.

Terminal Ballistics- Deals with the effects of

the projectiles impact on the target.

SEVEN (7) PROBLEMS IN BALLISTICS gunpowder. (FBI manual of Firearms
AND SOLUTION Identification).
1. Given a bullet- To determine the
caliber, type, and make of firearm from CLASSIFICATION OF FIREARMS
which the bullet was fired.
2. Given a fired shell- To determine the Two General Classifications of Firearms
caliber, type, and make of firearm from (According to Interior Barrel Construction)
which the fired cartridge case was fired.
3. Given two or more fired bullets- To 1.Smooth Bore Firearms = Firearms that have
determine whether or not they were no rifling (lands and grooves) inside their gun
fired from one and the same firearm. barrel.
4. Given two or more fired cartridge- To Examples: Shotguns and Musket
determine whether or not they were Musket
fired one and the same firearm. an ancient smooth bore weapon
5. Given a fired bullets and suspected designed to shoot a single round lead ball. They
firearm- To determine whether or not are considered a muzzle loading firearms.
the bullet was fired from a suspected Matchlock musket
firearm. came into being about the end of the
6. Given a fired cartridge case and a first quarter of the Fifteenth century.
suspected firearm- To determine Flintlock musket
whether or not the fired cartridge case was first introduced at the beginning of the
was fired from suspected firearm. eighteenth century.
7. Given a firearm- To determine whether
or not is serviceable. 2. Rifled Bore Firearms = Firearms that have
rifling inside their gun barrel.
TYPES OF FIREARMS Examples: Pistols, Revolvers, and other
modern weapons.
Legal Definition of Firearm
Firearms or arms as herein used, MAIN TYPES OF FIREARMS
includes rifles, muskets, carbines, shotgun, (According to the Caliber of the projectile
pistol, revolvers, and all other deadly weapons, propelled)
to which a bullet, ball, shot, shell, or other
missiles maybe discharge by means of gun 1. Artillery = Refers to those type of firearms
powder or other explosives. This term also that propels projectile with more than one inch
includes air rifle, except such of being of small diameter.
calibre and limited range used as toys. The Examples: Cannons, Mortars and
barrel of any firearm shall be considered a Bazookas:
complete firearm for all purposes hereof. (Sec 2. Small Arms = Are firearms that propels
877 Revised Administrative Code/ Sec. 290 projectile with less than one inch diameter and it
national Internal Revenue Code). can be handled, moved and operated by one
Technical Definition man.
Firearm is an instrument used for the Examples: Machine gun, shoulder arms
propulsion of projectile by means of the and handguns.
expansive force gases coming from burning 2.1 Machine guns

Is any weapon which shoots, or is  cylinder bore type = which the bore
designed to shoot, automatically or semi- size is the same throughout the barrel
automatically more than one shot, without  choke bored gun = designed with a
manual reloading, by a single press of the diminishing or reducing bore diameter
trigger. type towards the muzzle. This type is
Machine gun is a type of designed to cause an effect to the travel
firearm that is primarily designed for of the shots. It makes the shots travel
military use. Even in investigation of longer before it spreads.
shooting cases done in the city, it is not  “paradox gun”.= still in a very rear
usual or common to encounter this type occasions another type of shotgun can
of firearm having been used. It can be be observed to be having rifling only a
grouped in three general types: few inch from its muzzle points.

Sub Machine Gun Handguns = those type of firearms that are

Is a light, portable form of machine gun, designed or intended to be fired using one hand.
utilizing a pistol size ammunition, having a Ex. Pistols and Revolvers
shoulder stock that may or may not be folded a. Pistol
and designed to be fired with both hands.
In early firearm history, all handguns are
SHOULDER ARMS generally called as pistols. The word pistol owes
its origin to either the Italian city of Pistoia, or
Shoulder Arms are those types of firearm that Pistole, a coin that was supposed to be the same
were normally fired from the shoulder. diameter as the bore of the weapon.
Rifles= A shoulder weapon designed to fire a There were three classes of pistols in the period.
projectile with more accuracy through a long The single shot pistol, the semi-automatic and
rifled bore barrel, usually more than 22 inches. the revolving pistols now known as the
Carbine = A short barrel rifle, with its barrel revolver.
rifle, measuring not longer than 22 inches. It The most powerful handgun in the
fires a single projectile though a rifle-bore either world is once considered MAGNUM .44 now
semi-automatic or fully automatic, for every caliber .50 manufactured in Israel. The word
press of the trigger. “MAGNUM” originated in England.
Muskets = is an ancient smoothbore and muzzle 2.7 MM KOLIBRI AUTO
loading military shoulder arms designed to fire a is the smallest centerfire cartridge of
shots or a single round lead ball. A more commercial manufacture it was used it the
detailed discussion of musketeers can be found equally small Kolibri semi-auto pistol
on chapter 8 in the discussion of ignition introduced about 1914.
system. b. Revolver
Revolver is a type of firearm
Shotgun = A smooth bore and a breech loading designed to position cartridge into
shoulder arms designed to fire a number of lead position for firing with the aid of a
pellets or a shots in one charge (FBA Manual) rotating cylinder serving as its chamber.
The barrel construction of shotgun may There are two types of revolvers
also be found in different bore construction. according to its mechanical firing

manipulation of the under/over forearms of
Single action, a type of revolver that needs a the gun.
manual cocking of the hammer before squeezing Examples: Shotgun and pistols
the trigger and the other is 5. Bolt Action Type = Type of firearms in
Double action, a type of revolver that does not which reloading takes place by manipulating
need manual cocking. Just press the trigger and the both back and forth.
it both cocked and released the hammer causing Examples: Rifles, shotguns and machine
a much faster firing. guns.
6. Lever type (Break type) = loading takes
HOW DID THE GUN GET ITS NAME? place by lever action on the firearms.
Before guns were invented, Examples: Rifles and shotguns.
there were many types of spring-driven catapults
that hurled large stones: the springal, the ACCORDING TO POWER AND
trebuchet, the arbalest and a wheeled catapult FLIGHT SPEED
known as a mangonel. These were all known as LOW-POWERED FIREARM
gyns, a now obsolete shortening of the word, firearms using cartridges giving a
engine. It is possible that gun came from gyn, muzzle velocity of less than 1850 ft/sec
but it is much more probable that it derived from HIGH-POWERED FIREARM
mangonel which was familiarly known in the firearms using cartridges giving a
early medieval days as a gonne. All this muzzle velocity between 1925 and 2500
catapults threw stones and so did the early ft/sec
powder-loaded cannons. HIGH-INTENSITY FIREARM
firearms using cartridges giving a
TYPES OF FIREARMS muzzle velocity of over 2500 ft/sec

(According of Mechanical Construction) MISCELLANEOUS TYPES OF GUN

1. Single shot firearms = types of firearms 1. Cane gun, knife pistols, cell phone
designed to fire only one shot every loading. gun, etc. = devices principally designed
Examples: Single shot pistols, Revolvers for other purpose to which a gun
and shotguns. mechanism is incorporated also called as
2. Repeating Arms = A type of firearms Freakish gun.
designed to fire several loads (shot) in one 2. Flare gun = designed for tracing or
loading. sending signals or locating enemy
Examples: Automatic pistols revolvers troops.
rifles and shotguns. 3. Freakish gun = a tool in which firearm
3. Automatic F/A = type of firearms that mechanism is attached to prevent easy
constitutes a continuous firing in a single identification.
press of the trigger and while the trigger is 4. Gas gun = generally referring to all gun
press. designed from firing tear gas.
Examples: Machine guns and rifles 5. Harpoon guns = refers to a barbed
4. Slide Action type = types of firearms in spear in hunting large fish.
which loading take place by back and forth 6. Liberator = U.S. government made
smooth bore gun used in Europe during

war designed to fire an automatic colt
pistol cartridge caliber .45.
7. Multi –Barrelled gun = refers to all GENERAL TYPES OF AMMUNITION
types of gun containing a number of Dummy (fake) model- A type of ammunition
barrels. which merely resembles the genuine one. It is
8. Paradox gun = a type of gun which carefully made replica of a cartridge, usually of
contains lands and grooves a few inch tool steel and dimensioned to be used by
from the muzzle point. weapons instructor, inspector and repairman
9. Tools = are those devices which when checking the functioning of the weapon.
resembles a gun designed but are
Drill Ammunition- It is a type of ammunition
generally used for construction of
that is completely inert, without explosives and
are use in military training to practice loading
10. Traps = refers to gun used for trapping
and manipulation of the gun. It is also called
animals that are fired to woods
“Dummy” although in the strict sense there is a
11. Zip Gun = refers to all type of
homemade gun.
Blank Ammunition- An ammunition without a
TYPES OF AMMUNITION bullet, containing gun powder that is designed to
Legal Definition generate a loud noise to indicate firing.
Ammunition refers to loaded shell for
rifles, muskets, carbine, shotgun, revolvers and Live Ammunition- In term applied for complete
pistols from which a ball, shot shell or other unit of unfired cartridge.
missiles maybe fired by means of gun powder or CLASSIFICATION OF CARTRIDGE
other explosive. The term also includes
ammunition for air rifles as mentioned I. According to the Location of the Primer
elsewhere in the code. (Chapter VII, Sec.290 of  Pin-Fire = is a type of cartridge in
NIRC as well as Sec 877 RAC) which the ignition cap (primer) is
concealed inside the cartridge case and
Technical Definition has a pin resting upon it.
Ammunition refers to a group of  Rim fire = is a type of cartridge in
cartridge or to a single cartridge. Cartridge is a which the priming mixture is located at
complete unfired unit consisting of bullet (ball), the hallow rim of the case can be fired if
primer (cap), cartridge case (shell) and the cartridge is tuck by the firing pin on
gunpowder (propellant). the rim of the case (cavity rim).
Origin  Center fire = t refers to cartridge in
which primer cup (ignition cap) is
The word cartridge was derived from centrally placed in the base of the
the Latin word “Charta” meaning – a “paper” cartridge case and the priming mixture
and also from the French word “Cartouche” is exploded by the impact of the firing
meaning – a rolled paper. This only indicates pin and with the support of the anvil.
that the first type of cartridge was made up of a
rolled paper. It was about the turn of the 16th
century that the term “cartridge” comes to use.

1. RIMMED TYPE --- term used to indicate the bore diameter
--- the diameter of the rim is slightly greater measured from two opposite lands.
than the diameter of the body of the cartridge Calibers in cartridges in
case. e.g. caliber .25, .32 auto, super .38. inches and their approximate
3. RIMLESS TYPE equivalent in mm and use:
--- the diameter of the rim is smaller than the THREE SYSTEMS OF MEASURING
diameter of the body of the cartridge case. e.g. CALIBER
caliber 8 mm x 59.
4. REBATED TYPE  English system – expressed in
--- the diameter of the rim is smaller than the thousandths of an inch ( cal. 380)
diameter of the body of the cartridge case. e.g.  American system – expressed in
caliber 8 mm x 59. hundredths of an inch ( cal. 38 )
5. BELTED TYPE  European or continental system –
--- there is a protruding metal around the body of expressed in millimetre.
the cartridge case near the rim. e.g. caliber 338 Inches MM.
magnum, 13.9 x 99. Cal. .22 about 5.59 mm- used in
CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO revolver, pistol and rifles
CASE SHAPE Cal. .25 about 6.35 mm- used in
1. Straight – all rimmed shell and most pistols and rifles.
centerfire revolver cartridges. Ex. Cal. Cal. .30 about 7.63 mm-
38 special (mauser) – for carbines and other rifles
2. Tapered – very rare but being used in Cal. .30 about 7.63 mm (luger)
so-called “magnum jet” Cal. .22. Cal. .32 about 7.65 mm for
3. Bottleneck – ex. 5.56mm cartridge cases automatic pistols and revolvers
4. Belted – ex. .30 magnum Cal. .380 about 9 mm- used for
IV. CLASSIFICATION OF Cal. .357 used in magnum .357
EFFECTS Cal. .45 about 11 mm – used in
1. penetrators - pierce targets using a automatic pistols
single bullet, Cal. .50 used in .50 cal. Machine gun
2. high explosives - burst before hitting Note:
their target, fragmenting into thousands  To convert millimeter calibration to
of penetrating pieces or becoming a inches, multiply the caliber in
high-speed jet of molten metal, and millimeters by 0.03937 or divide by
3. Carrier projectiles - break open near 25.4.
the target to deliver leaflets, radar-
deceiving materials, or sub munitions  To convert inches calibration to
(small ammunition). millimeters, multiply the caliber in
inches by 25.4 or divide by 0.03937.
Caliber .250- 3000

--- 3000 is the muzzle velocity of the bullet in is generally used in pistols and other high power
feet per second. The .250 is the caliber in guns.
thousandths of an inch.
Caliber .30 - 06 According to their Maximum Effect to
--- the ‘ 06 is the shortened form of 1906. the their targets
year when the cartridge was introduced. The .30 
is the caliber. Ball Type – Is a type of bullet, which is
Caliber .30 - 30 intended for anti-personnel and general
--- the second 30 refers to the weight in grains of use.
smokeless powder first loaded in this cartridge  Armor piercing – is a type of military
when it was introduced. bullet designed to penetrate light steel
Caliber 7.92 x 57mm. armor. Its mechanical construction
--- the 57mm. Is the measurement of the case makes it capable of penetrating through
length and 7.92 mm is the caliber. some light vehicles.
 Explosive Bullet - Is a small bullet
containing a charge of explosive, which
will detonate on impact.
 Incendiary Bullet –Type of military
The word “Bullet” was derived from bullet used to cause fire in a target,
French word “Boullette” which means a small generally designed to use by aircraft
ball. This term is generally used when we are armament in order for the fuel tanks to
referring to projectile fired from any small arms, ignite.
which has a variety of form, especially during  Tracer Bullet – a type of military bullet
the earlier history. In a more technical sense, capable of leaving visible marks or
bullet refers to a metallic or non-metallic traces while in flight giving the gunner
cylindrical ball propelled from a firearm it is the chance to observe the strike of the
sometimes called as shots or slugs. shot or make adjustments in the event of
Bullets have various types depending a miss
upon their specific nature and purpose. In
general bullet can be classified as either Lead or CARTRIDGE CASE
Cartridge Case is the metallic or non-
GENERAL TYPES OF BULLETS metallic tabular container usually of brass (70%
copper and 30% zinc) designed to unite the
Lead Type – is a type of a bullet that is bullet, primer and the gunpowder into one unit.
basically composed of lead metal. It’s used was It is also known as shell or casing
due to its density; having a good weight is a .
small size and easy for casting. FUNCTIONS OF THE CARTRIDGE CASE
1. It locates the bullet properly relative to the
bore of the firearm.
Jacketed Type – Is a type of bullet consisting of 2. It is used to carry the means of ignition.
the regular lead core, coated with a copper alloy 3. It provides gas seals at the breech against an
in order to prevent lead fouling of the barrel and unwanted escape of propellant gas upon firing.

4. Serves as waterproof container for the 10. Crimp= is the cylindrical groove on the
propellant or powder charge. mouth of the shell designed for two purposes:
5. Acts as the insulator between the propellant One (1) is to hold the bullet and prevent it from
and the hot walls of the chamber in a rapid firing being pull out from the shell and Two (2) to
of firearms. offers resistance to the bullet out of the neck to
ensure burning of the gun powder.
PARTS OF THE CARTRIDGE CASE 11. Vent or Flash hole= is the hole at the
bottom of the primer pocket as the passage way
1. Base= the bottom portion of the cartridge for the priming mixture to impart an ignition to
case which contains the head stamp the propellant charge.
marking on the base of the shell
containing the caliber, manufacturer and Primer
in some cases including the date, trade Primer (also called CAP) is the ignition
name, and batch number. system of the cartridge used in a center fire type,
2. Rim= is the part of the cartridge designed containing a highly sensitive chemical
to limit the forward movement of the compound that would easily ignite or bursts into
cartridge to chamber. flame when struck by the firing pin. It may
3. Extracting grooves= is the circular either be Berdan or Boxer type. It is also known
groove near the rim of the shell designed as the percussion cup.
for automatic withdrawal of the case
4. Primer Pocket=is that part of the shell NUMBER OF FLASH HOLE / VENT
which provides the means for the primer
to be put in the central position. Its 1. Boxer primer (one flash hole) –
function is extended to: (a) hold the favorite in U.S. invented by Col.
primer in place; (b) to provide means to Edward Munier Boxer in 1869.
prevent the escape of gas; (c) to provide 2. Berdan (European Type) – two flash
solid support for primer anvil. holes or vents invented by Hiram
6. Body= is the cylindrical part of the shell Berdan of New York in 1850’s.
which house the gunpowder.
7. Shoulder= that part of the cartridge case THE COMPOSITION OF A PRIMER
which support the neck of the cartridge which is
evident in a bottleneck type. 1. Potassium Chlorate - 45%
8. Cannelure= is the cylindrical groove in 2. Antimony Sulfide - 23%
the outer surface of the cartridge case designed 3. Fulminate of Mercury -
to secure the shell to the chamber as well as 32%
prevent bullet from being push down to the
powder charge. In some instance it is even being PARTS OF THE PRIMER
utilized for identification. 1. Primer Cup= Is the brass gilding metal
9. Neck= is that part of the shell which is cup which contains the priming mixture,
actually occupied by the bullet. This is obvious the disc and the anvil.
in a bottleneck type of shell but not with the 2. Priming Mixture= Is the highly
straight type. sensitive chemical compound which
ignites by the mechanical blow of the

firing pin. It is also called as percussion Width of the lands = is dependent upon the
powder. bore diameter of the gun, grooves, width and
3. Anvil= Is that portion of the primer number. The lands are the remainders of the
which provides solid support and absorbs circumference after subtracting all the grooves
the blow of the firing pin causing friction width.
that would initiates ignition. Width of the Grooves = is measured as the
4. Disc= Is a thin paper or foil which is shortest distance between the two dies or edge of
pressed over the priming mixture in order a grooves.
to protect it from moisture attack. Direction of Twist = rifling inside the barrel of
Gun Powder the gun is either twisted to the left or to the right
Gunpowder (also called as propellant which cause bullet to rotate as it passes through
or Power Charge) is that mixture of chemicals of the bore, in order to ensure gyroscopic stability
various compositions designed to propel the in its flight.
projectile by means of its expansive force of gas Pitch of Rifling = it is the measure of the
when burned. twisting of the lands and grooves. It refers to the
Two of the most popular individual measure of the distance advance by the rifling in
whose name is always attached to gunpowder order to make a complete turn inside the barrel.
discovery were Roger Bacon and Berthold Depth of the Grooves = the groove’s depth if
Schwartz. Let’s take a short description of how measured on a radius of the bore. Grooves are
their names are always mentioned in the history. usually few thousandths of an inch deep, which
equal to the height of the lands.
Individual Characteristics- Are meant for
those characteristics which are being determined
Class Characteristics- Are those properties or
only after the firearm has already been
attributes of a firearm which can be determined
even before the manufacture of the gun.
1. Steyer Type= is the type of rifling
having four (4) lands and grooves, right
Bore diameter (caliber or gauge) it is diameter
twist and the width of the lands grooves.
to which the bore was reamed. The distance
(4 RG=L)
measured between two opposite lands inside the
2. Carbine Type = rifling having (4) lands
bore in a hundredths or thousandths of an inch.
and grooves, right twist, the width of the
In most express in either caliber in inch or in
grooves is two (2) times the width of the
lands (4RG2X).
Number of lands and grooves = the number of
3. Smith and Wesson = rifling having (5)
lands an grooves inside the barrel of a given
lands and grooves, right hand twist , the
firearm are always the same or equal. It may run
width of the land and grooves are equal.
from 3 to 8, but the most in the modern firearm
are five and six.
4. Colt = type of rifling having six (6)
 Lands = are the elevated portion of the
lands and grooves, left twist, the width
bore of the firearm.
of the grooves is twice (2) the width of
 Grooves = are the depressed portion of
the lands. (6LG2X)
the bore between the lands.

5. Browning = type of rifling having (6) barrel that is poorly aligned to the
lands and grooves, right hand twist, the cylinder.
width of the grooves is twice the width 7. Slippage Marks = marks found on fired
of the lands. (6RG2X) bullets passing through either on oily or
6. Webley = Rifling having seven (7) oversize barrel.
lands and grooves, right hand twist, the
width of the groove is three time larger MARKS FOUND ON FIRED
than the boarder of the lands. (7RG3X) SHELLS
7. Winchester = Rifling having six (6)
lands and grooves, right hand twist, the 1. Firing Pin Mark = mark generally
width of the grooves is three time larger found at the base portion of the cartridge
the width of the lands. case more specifically near center of the
primer cup in a center fire cartridge or at
MARKS FOUND OF FIRED the rim cavity of a rim-fire cartridge.
BULLETS Considered as one of the most important
marks for identification of firearms
1. Land Marks = marks left on a fired using fired shell.
bullet caused by its contact to the 2. Breech Face Mark = mark found at the
elevated portion (lands) of the bore of base portion of the shell cause by
the firearm. It appears as slight backward movement to the breech face
depressions or scratches the cylindrical of the block of the firearm.
surface of the fired bullet. 3. Extractor Mark = mark mostly found
2. Groove Marks = marks found on a at the extracting groove of the fired
fired bullet caused by the grooves of the cartridge case. Cause by its withdrawal
barrel which is the same number as that from the chamber.
of the landmarks. 4. Ejector mark = mark generally found
3. Skid Marks = Marks that are generally on cartridge case fired from an
found on fired bullet from a revolver. It automatic firearms. It is located near the
is more or less located at the anterior rim of the case cause by the throwing of
portion of the fired bullet due to its shell from the firearm to the area of
forward movement from the chamber to shooting.
the barrel of the gun before it initially 5. Shearing Mark = sometimes called
rotates. “Secondary Firing Pin mark” found in
4. Stripping Marks = marks found on the primer near the firing pin mark.
those bullet fired from a “loose-fit” 6. Magazine Lip Mark = marking found
barrel wherein the rifling are already at the two sides of the rim cause by the
been badly worn-out. magazine lips during the loading of the
5. Worn-out in the rifling of the firearms cartridge into the magazine for firing.
can be cause by either chemical reaction Chamber Mark = mark mostly found around
brought about by rust (corrosion) or the body of the fired cartridge case cause by the
through excessive use (erosion) irregularities of nips inside the walls of the
6. Shaving Marks = marks commonly chamber.
found on bullet fired from a revolver In fired cartridge case either of the
cause by its forward movement to the Firing pin mark and the Breech face

marks can be used as basis for which also varies in different firearm
identification, in the absence or none use manufacturer.
of these two, both the ejector and
Micrometer- It is used for the same purpose as
extractor marks can be utilized as
that of the caliper. Measuring tool frequently
secondary choice.
used in firearm/toolmark examinations for
measuring class characteristics such as
thickness, width, or diameter. The device
consists of an outer thimble and inner spindle
joined by a fine pitch screw mechanism.
Analytical or Torsion balance- It is an
instrument used to determine the weight of Onoscope- Is a small instrument used in
bullets and shotgun pellets for possible examination of the inner surface of the barrel in
determination of the type, caliber and make of determining the irregularities inside the bore.
firearm from which it was fired. Also help to
solve problem involving fragmented bullet that Stereoscopic- Used for preliminary
will be very difficult to determine its caliber by examinations of fired bullets and fired shells to
measuring its base diameter. determine the relative class characteristic or for
orientation purposes. Also used to close up
Bullet comparison- It designed to compare examination of tampered serial number.
fired bullets or fired shells with their individual
markings and proved their identity. Shadowgraph- It is basically designed for the
preliminary determination of firearm
Bullet recovery box- It is an instrument in characteristics.
crime laboratory as well in firearms company
design for test firing. It is usually made of Taper gauge- It is an instrument designed to
metallic box with 12X12”96 measurement. It is measure the diameter of the bore of the firearm.
used in crime laboratory to obtain test bullets
and to safety test shells and ensure that they are
obtained without damage.

Chronograph- It is an instrument designed to

measure velocity of the bullet.

Caliper- Is one of the simple instruments used

in the laboratory design to measure the caliber of
firearms, bullets and shells. Following are
measured in firearms; The bore diameter, in
bullets, its base diameter and in shell, the
diameter of its body or its mouth in some case.

Electronic gun marker- It is an instrument used

in marking bullets, shells or firearms.

Helixometer- Purpose of examining the bore of

the firearm more specially its pitch of rifling.
The pitch of rifling is the distance advance by
the rifling of the gun barrel in one complete run

FORENSIC CHEMISTRY AND confirms the result of the
TOXICOLOGY preliminary test;
 conclusively identifies
CHEMISTRY IN RELATION TO  determines if blood is of human
CRIME DETECTION or animal origin
 if human blood, there appears a
white ring in the tube
PROTOCOLS IN HANDLING  determines the blood group, if
COURT ROOM is pink
the result if blue when exposed to ammonia
fumes, it gives off pink
 determines whether stain is  if positive, haemocromagen crystals will
blood or another substance be produced
2. CONFIRMATORY TEST  color of the crystals is salmon pink
 confirms the result of the
preliminary test;
 conclusively identifies SCIENTIFIC PROCEDURES IN THE
 determines if blood is of human OTHER TOXICOLOGICAL
or animal origin CONCERNS
 if human blood, there appears a
white ring in the tube
 determines the blood group, if
 if positive, haemocromagen crystals will EVIDENCE
be produced
 color of the crystals is salmon pink

 determines whether stain is
blood or another substance

LIE DETECTION AND TECHNIQUE internal changes in respiration, circulation and
glandular action.
Polygraph - popularly referred to as lie detector. Fear – is the emotional responses to specific
- measures and records several psychological dangers that appear to be potentially beyond
indices such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration person’s defensive powers. The lying person’s
and skin conductivity while the subject is asked fears detection of the lie, causing physiological
ansanswers a series of questions. changes to take place in his body. These changes
- literally means "many writings". can be recorded with the polygraph instrument
- is derived from two Greek words and diagnosed by the examiner.
"Poly"- which means many and
"Graphos"- which means writing. Stimulus – is the force or motion reaching the
Lie Detection - is the practice of determining organism from the environment and excites the
whether someone is lying. receptors. In short, it is any force that arouses
Polygraphy – is defined as the scientific the organism or any of these parts to activity. In
detection of deception through the use of polygraph examination, stimuli are presented to
polygraph. subject in the form of question.
Polygraph – is a device or instrument for the Reaction – is defined as any activity aroused in
recordings of chart in blood pressure, pulse beat, an organism by a stimulus. It is an action or
respiration and galvano-skin reflexor, as mental attitude evoked by an external influence.
indicative of emotional excitement especially of Response – is any activity of a previous activity
lying, when questioned. of an organism or of an affect or (muscles or
_ is a combination of two words, “poly” glands) organs or part of the organism resulting
meaning many and “graph” meaning a chart. from stimulation.
Deception – is art of deceiving or misleading Polygraphy – is scientific methods of detecting
usually accomplished by lying. Lying is the deception done with the aid of a polygraph
uttering or conveying falsehood creating a false instrument.
or misleading impression with the intention of
affecting wrongfulness of the acts, opinion and Polygraph = (derived from the Greek words
affection of another. Poly) = many or several and Graph = (writing
Detection – is the act of discovering the chart) is a scientific instrument capable of
existence, presence of fact of something hidden recording simultaneously changes in blood
or obscure. Methods of detection is based on the pressure, pulse rate, respiration and skin
fact that involuntary bodily changes accompany resistance as indicative of emotional disturbance
detection, the apparent effects observed, being especially of a lying subject when being
the physiological changes accompanying the questioned.
emotion of fear – primarily fear of consequence LIE DETECTION
or exposure. In every criminal investigation, the truth
Emotion – is derived from the word “emovere” must be established to ensure proper prosecution
meaning to stir up, agitate or move. It is of offenders. Criminal investigators must exert
agitation, disturbance or tumultuous physical or all effort to determine lying not only on the part
social movement constituting a departure from of the suspect but as well as to everyone
the usual calm state of the orgasm as a loose involved in the criminal act – witnesses, victims,
strong feeling, an impulse to avert action and etc.

In establishing the truth, criminal caused by a physiological phenomenon
investigators apply various methods such as: present in muscles called Micro tremor.
observation; mechanical lie detection; use of 7. NUERO LINGUISTIC
drugs that inhibits the “inhibitor”; hypnosis; and PROGRAMMING – this method has made
interrogation. the calm that by watching a person’s eye
LIE defined: movements, an interviewer can determine if
 Any untruthful statement; Falsehood; a person is remembering the past events.
Anything that deceives or creates false 8. BRAIN WAVE FINGERPRINTING –
impression; uses brain-reading technique to determine
 To make untrue statements knowingly, whether specific information is stored in a
especially with intent to deceive; To subject’s brain.
give an erroneous or misleading 9. MICRO-EXPRESSION – are unconscious
impression; expressions that surface as a limbic part of
LIE is synonymous to: Deceit; deception; our brain sort, gather and assess information.
fabrication; falsehood; and untruth. SEVEN UNIVERSAL EMOTIONS
DETECTION -The act of detecting, discovery,  Anger
perceiving, finding, or uncovering something  Contempt
obscure.  Disgust
 Fear
1. INTOXICATION – is a psychological state  Surprise
induced by the consumption of alcohol. This 10. POLYGRAPH – it is based on the theory
method use intoxicating beverages to bring that once a lie has been made or that
out mental state of stupefaction. emotion evoking stimulus has been given
2. HYPNOSIS – is a special psychological conscious mental effort of a normally
state with certain psychological attributes conditioned person causes physical ang
resembling sleep only superficially. psychological changes in the body which is
3. WORD ASSOCIATION TEST – a capable of being recorded, diagnosed and
psychological test intended to reveal interpreted.
associative connections between stimulus
words and free verbal response. NON-SCIENTIFIC METHODS IN
psychoactive medication used to obtain ORDEAL defined:
information from subject who are unable or  A severe test of character or endurance;
unwilling to provide it otherwise. a trying course of experience.
5. PSYCOLOGICAL STRESS  A medieval form of judicial trial in
EVALUATOR – detect guilt revealing, which the accused was subjected to
laryngeal micro tremors which exist in the physical tests, as carrying or walking
voice and are associated with stress lying. over burning objects or immersing the
6. COMPUTER VOICE STRESS hand in scalding water, the result being
ANALYZER - it id based on the hypothesis considered a divine judgment of guilt or
that there are infrasonic components of innocence.
human voice not audible to the observers

ORDEAL  In one end of the scale, the
 Is a term of varying meaning closely accused is placed in the other
related in the Medieval Latin “Dei end, a counter balance.
Indicum” meaning “Miraculous  The person will step out of the
decision.” scale listened to a judge deliver
 Ancient method of trial in which the an extortion is the balance and
accused was exposed to physical danger her back in. If he were found to
which was supposed to be harmless if he be lighter than before then he
was innocent. should be acquitted.

AYUR-VEDA 3. Boiling water ordeal

o “Hindu book of health and science” The  Used in modern Africa.
earliest known reference of the methods  The method is that the subject will
for detecting deception. plunged their right arms into the boiling
o Come before lie detection (seen through pot to the elbow and step into the other
outside manifestation) side of the fire. All are told to undergo
o Basis of the invention of polygraph the test without a murmur.
machine.  And when all are finished, they are told
o Traditional way not scientific. to return at the same time the next
EARLY METHODS OF DETECTING  The one who by that time had lost some
DECEPTION (ORDEAL): or showed blisters would prove the thief
(Point out who is the one who steal
1. Red hot iron ordeal among his tribe mates).
 Practiced on the hill tribe of
Rajhmal in the North Bengal 4. Ordeal by rice chewing
 Accused placed his tongue to a  Practiced by Indians
red hot iron nine times (9)  It is formed with a kind of rice called
unless burned sooner. sathee, prepared with various
 If burned, he is put to death. incantations.
 Not only that (licking the iron),  The person on trial eats, with his face to
he is also made to carry the the and then spits upon an eyeful leaf.
metal into his hands.  If the saliva is mixed with blood or the
 It is doubtful whether the ordeal corner of his mouth swell or he
is meant to determined the trembles, he is declared then a liar.
physiological changes occurring
in description for if this so, 5. Ordeal of the red water
many false observations must  Used in a wide region of
have been made. Eastern Africa.
 The ordeal of the “sassy bark”
2. Ordeal by balance or red water is used.
 Practiced in the Institute of  The accused is made to fast for
Vishnu, India. twelve hours.
 Scale of balanced is used.

 Then swallow a small amount of c. India
 Then he will be imbibed in dark 9. Eating Ordeal of Coarsened
colored water.  Involves partaking of food.
 This water is actually an emetic  Accused was given dry rice to
and if the suspects ejects all the swallow.
rice, he is considered innocent  Practiced in:
of the charge, Otherwise, the a. China
accused is guilty/. b. Alexandria, Egypt

Combination of Drinks and Food Ordeal 10. Trial of the Eucharist

 The accused first fasted for 12 hours and  This trial is reserved for the
then given small amount of rice to eat clergy, and administered with
followed by large amount of black pomp and ceremony.
colored water.  If the accused was guilty, the
 If the concoction was vomited, the Angel Gabriel will descend
accused was pronounced innocent; from heaven and prevent the
Otherwise, guilty. accused from swallowing the
 And practiced by “West African food given to him.
Regions”  Practiced in European countries.
6. Trial by Combat
 A fight between the accuser and 11. Ordeal of the Bier
the accused, whoever lost the  The corpse was brought on a bier of
battle will be the adjudged boughs after which the natives would
guilty. ask the corpse if it has been bewitched.
 Originated from India and one  If the victim died by witchcraft, the bier
of the examples of this: a rich was supposed to know more and if the
man or accuser could hire sorcerer show killed him was present,
somebody or bigger one to fight the corpse will touch him.
the accused. After the fight the  Practiced in Australian and European
loser is adjudged guilty of Countries.
12. Ordeal by heat and fire
7. Trial by Torture  The accused was compelled to
 The accused was put into a walk bare footed through a fire;
severe physical test. if he remains unhurt then he is
8. Drinking Ordeal innocent.
 The accused was given a  Practiced in a. East Germany -
decoction to drink by a priest – b. Early Scandinavian Countries
if innocent; no harm befalls - c. Early England
him, but if guilty, will die. 13. Ordeal of Boiling Oil or Water
 Practiced in:  The accused was forced to dip
a. Nigeria his hands into the boiling water
b. Brahamic India

or oil and ask to pick up stone in  The accuser and accused each
it. were made to stand with arms
 If he remains unhurt then he is crossed on their breasts.
innocent.  The one who endured the
 Practiced in Asian Countries. longest was deemed to have told
the truth, the other, is the liar.
14. Ordeal of Red hot Needle  Practiced in Europe.
 Red hot needle was drawn
through the lips of the accused, 18. Donkey’s Tail Ordeal
if innocent; no blood will be
seen flowing out.  Psychological theory, the
 Practiced in Wanaka, East donkey placed in one room
Africa. alone and observed it, and if the
donkey cried is a judged of
15. Ordeal of the Tiger guilty of crimes, because deep
 Accuser and accused were in side and conscience he is
placed together in the same and guilty.
a tiger set loose upon them.
 If both were spared, further
elimination followed. TYPES OF LIES
 With such means of redress, Lie- refers to either untruthful or falsehood
there were probably not very statement any act of deceives.
many plaintiffs. Lying- is an uttering or conveying falsehood,
 Practical in Siam. creating a false or misleading information.

16. Ordeal by Combat 1. White lie/ Benign lie- is used to avoid the
 Accuser and accused report to a harmful and realistic implication of the
duel where the winner was truth. It is basically to lubricate interpersonal
adjudged innocent. relationship.
 Those not proficient in weapons 2. Black lie – telling an untruth and attributing
and those who could not afford it to a false source. A lie who accompanies
to do so could hire champions in pretensions and hypocrisies.
the field to do the fighting for 3. Red lie – a lie common to communist
them. countries. It is used to destroy common
 This type of ordeal is vividly ideologies by means of propaganda.
dramatized in the movie 4. Aggressive lie - are self-serving and may
“Ivanhoe” based on the novel of potentially damage others. Most people
the same title (became the only would see them as clearly immoral.
legal ordeal) 5. Bold-faced lie – lie that is told when it is
 Practiced in England, time of obvious to all concerned that it is a lie.
“King Henry III”. 6. Perjury – making verifiably false statement
on a matter under oath in a court of law.
17. Test of the Cross ordeal

7. Malicious lie – a pure dishonesty to obstruct 2. Compulsive liar – are those who
justice it is very pure and unjustifiable kind continually lies as their habit. They feel
of lie that is intended purely to mislead. discomfort of telling the truth.
8. Altruistic lie – are those lies are told to 3. Occasional liar – are those who seldom to
benefit someone else, to reduce suffering. tell lie. They are quick to ask forgiveness.
Used to comfort, protect and support the 4. Panic liar – are those who lie to avoid the
deceived. consequences of confession. They are afraid
9. Pathological lies – are those that are told of the embarrassments and they believe that
even when there is little or no apparent gain confession will just make the matter worse.
to the person who is lying. A lie made by 5. Occupational liar – are considered to be
persons who cannot distinguish what is right practical liars for they lie when it has a
or wrong. higher pay off than telling the truth.
10. Emergency lies defensive lies – used when 6. Tournament liar – are those who love to lie
the truth may not be told because of the and excited by the challenges of not being
harm that would come of it. detected. For them an interview is a contest
11. Humorous lie (Jocose lie) – those aimed at that they want to win.
amusing the listener and any intent to 7. Psychopathic liar – are the most difficult
deceive is transient and teasing. type; these person have no conscience and
12. Bluffing – is an act of deception that is not show no regret.
usually seen as immoral because it take 8. Ethnological liar – are those who are taught
place in the context of the game. not to be a squealer.
13. Exaggeration – is when the most 9. Pathological liar – are those person who
fundamental aspect of a statement is true but cannot distinguish right from wrong due to
the degree of its truthfulness is incorrect. the sick mind.
14. Minimization – the result of an individual 10. Black liar – are those who always pretend
attempt to dampen the external appearance what he is and what he thinks of himself.
of more deeply experienced emotions is 11. White liar – are those who don’t usually
minimization of emotional expression. think of themselves as true “liars”. They
15. Neutralization – an effort to mask justify their lies as harmless and beneficial.
emotional response by adapting a poker
16. Substitution – is a common mechanism of POLYGRAPH AND OTHER LIE DETECTION
hiding ones true feelings. TECHNIQUES
17. Promotion lie – a kind of lie used in
advertisements that is used to influence the
consumer to buy the products.
Liar- a person who tells lies. USING POLYGRAPH MACHINE AND
1. Sociopathic liar – are those who lie OTHER SIMILAR EQUIPMENT
continuously to get their own way without

Rubber convoluted tube which is ten (10)
1. It is an invaluable aid but not a substitute for inches in length corrugated rubber attached to
an investigation. the chest and abdominal area of the subject. One
2. It is not a lie detector but it is a scientific end of the tube is sealed and the other end is
diagnostic instrument. connected to the instrument by a rather thick
3. It does not determine facts; it records walled rubber tube considerably larger in
responses in which the subject knows to be diameter than the pneumograph tube itself, it
true. expands and contracts as the subject breathes.
4. It is as accurate as the examiner is competent.
5. The test should not be administered unless The beaded chain another component of
enough facts of the case have been established the pneumograph assembly is used to fix in
to permit the examiner to prepare a complete place the rubber convoluted tube.
set of suitable questions.
6. A test must not be administered without the Pneumograph recording unit is made up
voluntary consent of the subject. of brass bellows, a frame, crankshaft,
7. No indication or presumption of guilt will be countershaft, adjustable fulcrum, baring
entertained or a written report submitted with adjusting screw, pen cradle and pen
because the subject refuses to undergo the test. centering control. Volume changes of
8. A test should not be administered until all the chest caused by breathing is
accusations have been explained and transmitted to the chest assembly to the
understood by the subject. recording unit.
9. No attempt should be made on the use of Galvanograph (GSR) – the body's response to
polygraph machine intesting physical or mental electricity was measured and found to be an
capacity of the subject. indicator of deception due to changes that occur
10. The reliability of polygraph examination within the body when a person is deceptive . The
depends on the examiner. human body’s resistance to and conductance of
POLYGRAPH MACHINE - Is a device that electrical current fluctuates, and these fluctuations
measures and records physiological variables such as that occur during structured questions techniques are
blood pressure, pulse, respiration and skin recorded by the polygraph instrument through the
conductivity while the subject is asked and answers use of two components that are attached to the
a series of questions pointer and index fingers of the examinee.
Pneumograph - the component is made up of two
corrugated rubber tubes that wrap around the GALVANOGRAPH COMPONENT:
examinee’s lower and upper chest area the section • Finger electrodes assembly which has
of the instrument records respiratory movements. a finger electrode plate and retainer
The examinee breathing rate and inhalation and bond attached to the left index and ring
exhalation pattern. The examinee’s normal breathing finger of the subject. And a connecting
pattern and respiratory movement are analyzed plug designed to fasten the system to the
throughout the examination, and the examiner polygraph machine.
reviews changes that occur during the structure • Recording pen unit which is usually 7
examination. inches in length.

• Amplifier unit which is made to AS ACCEPTED FORMATS USED BY
support the galvanometer in converting SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY
electrical to mechanical current.
Kymograph- is the motor that drives the chart
paper under the recording pen.

• A motor which drive or pull the paper or

chart under the recording pen at the rate
of 6 to 12 inches per minute. CHART INTERPRETATIONS OF
• The chart must travel at uniform speed POLYGRAPH EVIDENCE BUT NOT
to facilitate valid interpretations. Chart LIMITED TO CHART MARKINGS, RULES
rolls are approximately 100 ft. Holes OF CHART INTERPRETATION,
spaced ½ inch apart. The paper is EVALUATION OF POLYGRAPH RESULTS
imprinted with horizontal lines at ¼ inch
interval twenty (20) divisions and
vertical lines at 1/10 inch interval with
heavy lines at ½ inch divisions across
the paper which represents 5 seconds of
time. Pulse rate per minute may be
computed by multiplying the number of
beats counted in one division by 12.

The Parts of KEYMOGRAPH:

Chart is a rolled graph paper composed of 12
divisions in sixty (60) seconds run designed to
measure the rate of various body functions.
• Rubber roller which pull the paper out
of the machine.
• Paper rail guide serves to secure or
ensure the chart paper’s forward
movement without shaking.





CRIME DETECTION AND alone or in connection with other facts, the
INVESTIGATION identity of the perpetrator that can be inferred.
evidence which may identify the criminal by
means of clues, personal properties, or the
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION – is an art characteristics patterns of procedure deduced
which deals with the identity and location of the from the arrangement of objects at the scene.
offender and provides evidence of guilt through ADMISSION-is a self-incriminatory statement
criminal proceedings. by the subject falling short of an
CRIME SCENE SKETCH- a drawn overlay of acknowledgement of guilt.
the crime scene indicating the position or exact SURVEILLANCE - It is the observation of
location where the body of the victim lie is/ persons, places, and vehicles for the purpose of
found including the physical evidence. obtaining information concerning the identities
INTERVIEW – a simple inquiry/ conversation of criminals and their activities.
type elicitation of information(s) from a willing SURVEILLANT - The surveillant is the person
victim/ witness relevant to a certain crime/ who conducts the surveillance or performs the
incident/ event under investigation. observations.
INFORMATION- data gathered by an SUBJECT- The person, place or vehicle being
investigator from other persons including but not observed by the surveillant
limited to both the suspect and the victims COVERT Surveillance- when the subject is not
INTERROGATION-skillful questioning of aware that he is being observed.
hostile witness & suspects. OVERT SURVEILLANCE – When the
INSTRUMENTATION-scientific examination subject is aware that he is being tailed.
of real evidence; application of SHADOWING or TAILING- It is the act of
Instrument and other scientific aids or methods shadowing, tailing or following a Person or
of the physical sciences in detecting crime. persons.
REACTIVE RESPONSE- addresses crimes UNDERCOVER OPERATION- it is a police
that have already occurred. operation wherein the investigator assumes a
PROACTIVE RESPONSE- to anticipate fictitious in order to infiltrate the ranks of the
criminal activity; investigation is conducted criminals for the purpose of obtaining
before the crime is committed; the suspect is information
identified before Committing a crime. INFORMANTS- are a person who provides
PREVENTIVE RESPONSE- prevention privileged information about a person or
through deterrence is sometimes achieved by organization to an agency. The term is usually
arresting the criminal and by aggressive used within the law enforcement world, where
prosecution. they are officially known as confidential or
CONFESSION- is a direct acknowledgement of criminal informants (CI), and can often refer
the truth of the guilty fact as charged or of some pejoratively to the supply of information without
essential part of the commission of the criminal the consent of the other parties with the intent of
act itself. malicious, personal or financial gain.
CIRCUMSTANCIAL EVIDENCE-is Informant – is a person who gives information
identification established indirectly by proving to the police.
other facts or circumstances from which, either

a. Anonymous- Do not wish to be identified INVESTIGATION AND TOOLS OF
b. Rival- elimination- eliminate competition INVESTIGATION;
c. False- no value
d. Frightened- motivated by anxiety 1. INFORMATION
e. Self-Aggrandizing Informants - an It is the knowledge/data which an
informant that is conceited, overconfident, investigator acquired from other persons and
and arrogant. records.
f. Mercenary Informants – Sales information.
He/she could be one of the members of
g. Double-Crosser Informants - he/she gives
a. Regular Sources – records, files from
information, but the objective is also to get
government and non-government agencies, news
more information from the police and their
b. Cultivated Sources – information
h. Women Informants - She could be an
gathered upon initiative of the investigator from
associate of the syndicate. She uses her
informants, vendors, taxicab driver, GRO, and
body to obtain more information.
i. Legitimate Informants – gives information
c. Grapevine Sources – these are
for a legitimate reason/s
information coming from the underworld
INFORMER- is a person who gives
characters such as prisoners and ex-convicts.
information with reward, money or a gift.
MOTIVE - is that which induces the criminal to
act. INTERVIEW – Is a conversation with
• Vanity – for self-aggrandizement in a purpose, motivated by a desire to obtain
order to get favorable attention. certain information from the person being
• Civic Mindedness – Gives information interviewed as to what was done, seen, felt,
because it’s a duty as a concerned heard, tasted, smell or known.
citizen. This is the questioning of a person
• Fear – Gives information in order for believed to possess knowledge that is in official
his/her to be protected. interest to the investigator.
• Repentance or avoidance of INTERROGATION –is a questioning
Punishment– Gives information due to of a person suspected of having committed an
changes of his values, belief, and offense or a person who is reluctant to make full
convection. disclosure of information in his possession
• Gratitude or Remuneration which is pertinent to the investigation.
• Revenge , Jealousy and Competition
What are the purposes of Interrogation?
INTENT - is the accomplishment of the act.  To obtain confession to the crime
 To induce the suspect to make
 To learn the facts of the crime
 To learn the identity of the accomplice

 To develop information which will lead  Sister
to the recovery of the fruits of the crime
 Grandparent
 To discover the details of other crimes
participated by the suspect  Grandchild
 Uncle
 Aunt
 Nephew Niece
It is the application of instruments and
methods of physical science to the detection  Guardian Ward
of crimes. In cases where there are no
significant physical evidence to be found, CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD
then the use of instrumentation is relatively INVESTIGATOR
unimportant.  Perseverance
 Endurance
RIGHT OF THE PERSON  Incorruptibility, honesty & integrity
ARRESTED, DETAINED OR  Intelligence & wisdom of Solomon
UNDER CUSTODIAL  Knowledge of psychology & other
INVESTIGATION (RA 7438) natural sciences
a. The right to remain silent  Acting ability
b. The right to have competent and independent  Mastery in oral & written
counsel, preferably of his own choice, who shall communication
at all-time be allowed to confer privately with  Keen power of observation &
the person arrested, detained, or under custodial description
investigation.  Courage
c. If such person cannot afford the service of his  Working knowledge of Criminal law,
own counsel, he must be provided with a Evidence, Criminal procedure & special
competent and independent counsel by the laws
investigating officer.  Sense of justice & fair play
d. Shall be allowed visits by or conferences with  Ability to “read between lines”
any members of his immediate family, or any
 Working knowledge of martial arts &
medical doctor or priest or religious minister
firearms proficiency
chosen by him or by any member of his
immediate family or by his counsel, or by any
national non-governmental organization duly
1. Perseverance
accredited by the Commission of Human Rights
2. Intelligence
of by any international non-governmental
3. Honest
organization duly accredited by the Office of the
4. Understanding of the people and
Note: Immediate Family includes:
5. Keen power of observation
 Spouse
 Fiance or Fiances
 Parent
 Cnild
 Brother

Main Objective
SOURCE, RELIABILITY AND . To create an accurate objective visual
ACCURACY OF INFORMATION record of the crime scene before any item is
moved as possible physical evidence.
TECHNIQUES, DO'S AND DON'TS IN THE Guidelines for taking photographs of a
. Photographs of a crime scene should
UNDERCOVER BACKGROUND be taken as soon as possible, before note taking,
INVESTIGATION; sketching or a search for evidence begins.
CODES AND CIPHERS; . The pictures should illustrate the
original, uncontaminated condition of the crime
ELICITATION; NEED TO KNOW. . Photographs should be taken of the
PRINCIPLE crime scene only, without spectators or
(REFER TO THE MODULES) police personnel.
. To adequately present the crime scene
ARREST AND HOW IT IS MADE (RULES initially, the photographs must form
OF COURTS RULE 113 SE. 2) an organized sequence and show all
relevant locations and objects.
Section 1. Definition of arrest. — Arrest is the . The crime scene photographs must
taking of a person into custody in order that he progress from general to specific
may be bound to answer for the commission of
an offense. (1)

Section 2. Arrest; how made. — An arrest is

made by an actual restraint of a person to be The Major Types of Pictorial Views
arrested, or by his submission to the custody of 1. Long- range photograph of the
the person making the arrest. overall scene
Distance: From the doorway to the
No violence or unnecessary force shall be used room and other corners of the room
in making an arrest. The person arrested shall 2. Mid- range photograph
not be subject to a greater restraint than is
Distance: Eight or ten feet from the
necessary for his detention. (2a)
3. Close- up photograph
CRIME SCENE PROCESSING; A The photos that are overview (locale
COLLECTION OF EVIDENCE AND and approach route)
CHAIN OF CUSTODY, Mid-range (10-20 feet) tell a story that
helps establish the modus operandi of
the offender.
Close-up photos are essential for
establishing the corpus delicti of a
criminal act.


 Sketches are useful in questioning of a. Locality- give picture of the scene, the crime
suspects and witnesses as well as in the and its environs, including neighbouring
writing of investigative reports. buildings, roads etc.
 Ground- picture of the scene of the crime with
 A rough sketch is prepared indicating its nearest physical surrounding
the actual measurement of things with c. Details- the immediate scene only
scale and proportion observed and d. Exploded/ cross projection- gives the clear
oriented to the North Pole. All necessary impression of the scene in cases where blood
information are placed in the sketch. stains or bullet holes are found


• Rough Sketch —A draft representation of all

essential information and measurements at a
crime scene. This sketch is drawn at the crime
scene. It shows all recovered items of physical
evidence, as well as other important features of
the crime scene

• Finished Sketch —A precise rendering of the

crime scene, usually drawn to scale. This type is
not normally completed at the crime scene

• Unlike the rough sketch, the finished sketch is

drawn with care and concern for aesthetic

 Sketches are excellent companions to

photograph. Where photograph provide
exact details, sketches offer accurate
information about the placement of
objects and they show relationship and
distances between things.


a. Measurement
b. Compass direction
c. Essential items
d. Scale and proportion
e. Legend
f. Title


Criminal Investigation- is an art which deals PARRICIDE

with the identity and location of the offender and Parricide
prove his guilt in a criminal proceeding. (Dr.
Pedro S. Solis) Any person who shall kill his father,
Criminal Investigation- it is the systematic mother, or child, whether legitimate or
method of inquiry that is more a science than an illegitimate, or any of his ascendants or
art. The logic of scientific method must descendants, or his spouse, shall be guilty of
however, be supplemented by the investigator's parricide.
initiative and resourcefulness. The sequences of
the investigation should be regarded by The elements of parricide are:
scientific, operating framework that requires 1. A person is killed by the accused.
improvising on the part of the investigator. 2. The person killed is the father, mother
(Charles Swanson Jr., Neil Chamelin and or child (not less than three days old),
Leonard Territo) whether legitimate or illegitimate, or the
Art- Intuition, felicity of inspiration or by ascendant or descendant or the spouse of
chance the accused.
Science- adequate professional preparation and The relationship with the other ascendant or
abundance of certain qualities descendant (grandfather or grandson) must
Investigator- is the person who is charged with be legitimate. The spouse killed must be
the duty of carrying out the objectives of legitimate wife or husband. But the father,
criminal investigation. mother or child may be legitimate or
 is an individual who gathers illegitimate. If the child killed is less than
documents and evaluates facts three days old, the crime is infanticide.
about crime
Special Crime Investigation- deals with the EVIDENCE NEEDED TO FILE:
study of major crimes based on the application
of special investigative techniques. 1. TESTIMONIAL EVIDNCE-
 the study concentrates more on Affidavit of complaint and witness.
physical evidence; it’s 2. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE-
collection, handling, photograph, video, police report, and
identification and preservation other documents
in coordination with the various 3. OBJECT EVIDENCE – weapons used
criminalists in the crime and autopsy of slain victim.
laboratory. Special crime 4. Other relevant object
investigation involves close
relationship between the
investigator in the field and the
investigator in the laboratory-
the Criminalist.

Any person who, not falling within the
provision of Article 246 (Parricide) of the RPC 1. TESTIMONIAL EVIDNCE-
shall kill another, if committed with any of the Affidavit of complaint and witness.
following attendant circumstances: 2. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE-
photograph, video, police report, and
1. With treachery, taking advantage of other documents
superior strength, with the aid of armed 3. OBJECT EVIDENCE – weapons used
men, or employing means to weaken the and other forensic reports.
defense or of means or persons to insure 4. Other relevant object
or afford impurity.
2. In consideration of a price, reward, or HOMICIDE
promise. Any person who, not falling within the
3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, provisions of Article 246 (Parricide) Revised
explosion, shipwreck, stranding of a Penal Code shall kill another without the
vessel, derailment or assault upon a attendance of any of the circumstances
street car or locomotive fall of an enumerated in Article 248 (Murder) RPC, shall
airship, by means of motor vehicles or be deemed guilty of homicide.
with the use of any other means
involving great waste and ruin. The circumstances that qualify the
4. An occasion of any of the calamities killing to murder must be alleged in the
enumerated in the proceeding paragraph information as otherwise the killing may be
or of an earthquake, eruption of a considered as merely homicide.
volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic,
or any other public calamity. Homicide Investigation - It is the
5. With evident premeditation. official inquiry made by the police on the facts
6. With cruelty, by (deliberately and and circumstances surrounding the death of the
inhumanly augmenting the suffering of person which is expected to be criminal or
the victim, or outraging or scoffing at unlawful.
his person or corpse. The elements of homicide are:
1. A killing exist
The elements of murder are: 2. The accused did the act without legal
1. A killing exists. justification and with intent to kill
2. The accused killed the deceased under 3. The killing is neither murder, parricide
any of the above circumstances nor infanticide.
qualifying the killing to murder.
3. The killing does not constitute parricide Intent to kill is presumed if deaths
or infanticide. results from the unjustified act. If death did not
result from the act, intent to kill is essential to
prove attempted or frustrated homicide
otherwise the crime may be physical injuries


That the deceased child was less
DEATH CAUSED IN THE TUMULTUOUS than three (3) days of age;
AFFRAY  That the accused killed the said
Article 251. Death caused in a tumultuous child.
affray. – When, while several persons, not EVIDENCE NEEDED TO FILE:
composing groups organized for the common
purpose of assaulting and attacking each other 1. TESTIMONIAL EVIDNCE-
reciprocally, quarrel and assault each other in a Affidavit of complaint and witness.
confused and tumultuous manner, and in the 2. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE-
course of the affray someone is killed, and it photograph, video, police report, and
cannot be ascertained who actually killed the other documents
deceased, but the person or persons who 3. OBJECT EVIDENCE – weapons used
inflicted serious physical injuries can be and autopsy of slain victim.
identified, such person or persons shall be 4. Other relevant object
punished by prison mayor. If it cannot be
determined who inflicted the serious physical ABORTION
injuries on the deceased, the penalty of prison ARTICLE 256. Intentional abortion. — Any
correctional in its medium and maximum person who shall intentionally cause an abortion
periods shall be imposed upon all those who shall suffer:
shall have used violence upon the person of the 1. The penalty of reclusion temporal, if he shall
victim. (Act 3815, Revised Penal Code) use any violence upon the person of the pregnant
2. Elements of the offense woman.
Elements of the offense: 2. The penalty of prision mayor if, without using
1) That there be several persons; violence, he shall act without the consent of the
2) That they did not compose groups organized woman. Act No. 3815
for the common purpose of assaulting and 3. The penalty of prision correccional in its
attacking each other reciprocally; medium and maximum periods, if the woman
3) That these several persons quarrelled and shall have consented
assaulted one another in a confused and ARTICLE 257. Unintentional abortion. — The
tumultuous manner; penalty of prision correccional in its minimum
4) That someone was killed in the course of the and medium period shall be imposed upon any
affray; person who shall cause an abortion by violence,
5) That it cannot be ascertained who actually but unintentionally.
killed the deceased; and, ARTICLE 258. Abortion practiced by the
6) That the person or persons who inflicted woman herself or by her parents. — The penalty
serious physical injuries or who used violence of prision correccional in its medium and
can be identified. (Wacoy v. People, supra.) maximum periods shall be imposed upon a
woman who shall practice abortion upon herself
INFANTICIDE or shall consent that any other person should do
It refers to the killing of any child less so. Any woman who shall commit this offense
than three (3) days old. to conceal her dishonor, shall suffer the penalty
Elements: of prision correccional in its minimum and
 That a child was killed; medium periods. If this crime be committed by
the parents of the pregnant woman or either of

them, and they act with the consent of said
woman for the purpose of concealing her RULE OF INCLUSIVENESS
dishonor, the offender shall suffer the penalty of - dictates that every available piece of
prision correccional in its medium and evidence be obtained and where there is a
maximum periods. question as to whether or not a particular item
ARTICLE 259. Abortion practiced by a constitutes an evidence, define it as such
physician or midwife and dispensing of
abortives. — The penalties provided in article - it also requires that standard samples
256 shall be imposed in its maximum period, and elimination prints should always be obtained
respectively, upon any physician or midwife when appropriate
who, taking advantage of their scientific Special Methods of Collecting Specific
knowledge or skill, shall cause an abortion or Physical Evidence
assist in causing the same. Any pharmacist who, 1. Blood
without the proper prescription from a physician, 2. Fingerprints
shall dispense any abortive shall suffer arresto 3. Bullets & Fired Cases
mayor and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos. 4. Firearms, knives & Tools
1. TESTIMONIAL EVIDNCE- b. MARKING – Every collected evidence
Affidavit of complaint and witness. is marked. If they are of the same class or type
2. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE- such as .45 caliber fired empty shells, they are
photograph, video, police report, and marked consecutively such as: RMB 1, RMG 2,
other documents RMG 3 and so forth and so on. Evidence which
3. OBJECT EVIDENCE – weapons used by their nature could not be marked on each
and other forensic reports. surface such as: RMB 1, RMG 2, RMG 3 and so
4. Other relevant object forth and so on. Evidence which by their nature
could not be marked on each surface such as
PHYSICAL INJURIES blood, hairs, fibers, are placed in the plastic
container where that container is then marked.
MARKING/TAGGING AND a. GUNS – Revolvers must be marked
PRESERVATION OF PHYSICAL separately on the frame, butt, cylinder, barrel
EVIDENCE and stock. For rifles, they should be marked on
a. COLLECTION – As an the barrel, frame bolt or slide. All magazines and
evidence is collected, it is accessories shall also be marked.
individually marked with the b. REVOLVER CYLINDER – Aside
initials of the investigator. The from the mark on the cylinder, the chamber
marking tool depends upon the facing the firing pin must be marked as soon as
nature of the evidence. If it is a it is opened for examination. A drawing must
hard object such as metals, the depict the chamber facing the firing pin, the
initial are scratched or engraved respective position of the fire empty shell,
by the use of sharp-pointed steel misfired or dud cartridges. A detailed
which is called stylus. examination on the respective position of this

evidence could make or unmake a claim of self- 4. Chalk
defense. 5. Camera
The posterior face of the cylinder must 6. Notepad and Pen
also be depicted in a sketch to show the 7. Hair Net
respective positions of the smoke rings therein. CHAIN OF CUSTODY
Each chamber containing a fired empty shell
will exhibit this smoke rings at the posterior It refers to the number of persons who
portion of the chambers. When there is handled the evidence from the time of its
discrepancy, the investigator must look for the discovery up to the ultimate disposition of the
answer. The revolver may have been touched or case. This should be minimizing as much as
tampered. possible.
The direction of the rotation of the cylinder must The basic rule is to limit the chain of
also be sketched and noted. Colt revolvers have custody to avoid tampering, substitution or loss.
a clockwise direction of rotation of the cylinder. If the evidence needs laboratory examination,
Smith and Wesson revolvers have a counter the investigator must submit direct to the
clockwise direction of cylinder rotation. laboratory without delegating it to other person.
c. FIRED EMPTY SHELLS, MISFIRED The submission is accompanied by a written
CARTRIDGES – Strictly regulation say they request and to be officially receipted by the
must be marked inside the mouth in cases of receiving officer of the laboratory. The receipt
fired empty cartridges. It is nearly impossible to must have the legible identification of the
mark them inside the mouth, especially .22 receiver, together with his signature, time and
caliber shells. But they could be marked on the date of receipt.
side of the body of the shells, not on the base. If the evidence requires no laboratory
d. BULLETS OR SLUGS – They can be examination, it must be submitted to the
marked on the give or nose, avoiding the land Evidence Custodian duly receipted.
and groove marks. They could also be marked ALTERATION OF EVIDENCE
on the base.
c. TAGGING – Every piece of evidence It is the act of mutilating, altering and
that is collected and marked must be tagged. A contaminating physical evidence.
card is attached by a string to the evidence with 1. Intentional Damage
the proper entry of identification and description Evidence should be protected against
together with the reference to the specific case. malicious destruction.
d. PRESERVATION – perishable 2. Negligence & Accident
material should be preserved by the way or the Utmost care against accidental markings
methods of preservation in order that they will on documents, breakage and destruction of
reach the court in the same physical condition as fragile materials must be observed.
when they were collected from the crime scene.
This is the work of laboratory technician. 3. Natural Cause
Exposure of some evidences may result
to its deterioration. High temperature and
Necessary Preservation Materials humidity may affect certain types of evidence
1. Gloves
2. Face Mask
3. Preservation line/Straw/Police Line

Cases Falling Under the SOCO Category CLOSED- WOUNDS - the skin is not broken
a. Arson open and remains intact.
b. Homicide 1. Superficial
c. Murder a. Petechiae – this is a circumscribed
d. Robbery with Homicide extravagation of blood in the subcutaneous
tissue or underneath the mucous membrane.
TYPES AND CLASSIFICATION OF; The cause of passage of blood from the
capillaries may be due to the increase intra-
OPEN WOUNDS - is a break in the skin's capillary pressure or increased permeability
surface resulting in external bleeding of the vessel. It is not always a product of
1. Incised wound - (Cut, Slash, Slice)- trauma.
This produced by a sharp-edged b. Contusion – is the effusion of blood
(cutting) or sharp linear edge of the into the tissues underneath the skin on
instrument like knife. account of the rupture of the blood vessels
2. Laceration - (Tear, rupture, Stretch as results of application of blunt force or
“Putok) - Is a tear of the skin and violence.
underlying tissues due to the forcible
contact with a blunt instrument. When the blunt force is applied, it
3. Abrasion - Abrasion (scratch, graze, momentarily compresses the blood vessels
friction or impression mark) injury at the point of contact, thereby temporarily
characterized by the removal of the forcing the blood out of the area and setting
superficial epithelial layer of the skin caused up a fluid wave under pressure resulting to
by a rub or friction against a hand rough the rapture of the vessel.
surface. In medico-legal point of view, a
FORM OF ABRASION: contusion as indicated by its external pattern
a. Linear – appears a single site abrasion may correspond to the shape of the object or
b. Multi-linear – rubbed on hard rough weapon used to produce it and possible
object degree of violence applied.
c. Confluent – linear mark of skin. AGE OF CONTUSION
d. Multiple – several abrasion in different 1 day – red

part of body. 2-5 days – green

3. 6-10 days – yellow
4. Puncture wound - Is the result of a thrust 14-15 days –gradually disappear
of a sharp pointed instrument. c. Hematoma (Blood Cyst, Blood tumor) – is
5. Stab Wound - Produced by the the extravagation or effusion of blood in a
penetration of a sharp pointed and sharp newly formed cavity underneath the skin.
edge instrument, like dagger. The force applied causes the subcutaneous
6. Gunshot wound - caused by a bullet or tissue to rapture on account of the presence
similar projectile driving into or through the pf a hard structure underneath. The
body. There may be two wounds, one at the destruction of the subcutaneous will lead to
site of entry and one at the site of exit the accumulation of blood causing it to
generally referred to as through and through. elevate.
2. Deep
a. Musculo-Skeletal Injuries

1. Sprain- partial or complete disruption in the contraction of the muscles. This
continuity of muscular or ligamentous develops 3 to 6 hours and may last 24 to
support of a joint. It is due to blow, kick or 36 hours.
torsion force. Condition Stimulating Rigor Mortis
2. Dislocation- displacement of the articular A. Heat Stiffening – The muscle
surface of bones entering into the formation protein of a dead body will
of a joint. coagulate if it is exposed to 75
3. Fracture- solution of continuity of bone degrees Fharenhieght
resulting from violence or some existing temperature and cause the
pathology. muscle to be rigid.
4. Strain- the over-stretching, instead of an B. Cold Stiffening – If a body will
actual tearing or the rapture of a muscle or be frozen the stiffening may be
ligament which may not be associated with manifested, the cold stiffening is
the joint. due to the solidification of fat
5. Subluxation- incomplete or partial when the body is exposed to
dislocation. freezing temperature.
C. Cadaveric Spasm or
Instantaneous Rigor – Due
b. Internal Hemorrhage – this is due the extreme nervous tension,
rapture of the blood vessels. exhaustion and injury to the
c. Cerebral Concussion – is the jarring or nervous system or injury to the
stunning of the brain characterized by more or chest, instantaneous rigidity of
less complete suspension of its functions, as a the muscles will occur at the
result of injury to the head, which leads to some moment of death.
commotion of the cerebral substance. 3. Stage of secondary flaccidity or
commencement of putrefaction – after
1. CHANGES IN THE BODY OF THE the disappearance of rigor mortis,
DEAD PERSON muscle becomes flaccid and soft, no
longer capable of responding to
mechanical or electrical stimulus. This
Changes in the Muscle – there is complete is due to the dissolution of the muscle
relaxation of the whole muscular system after proteins which have previously been
death. The entire muscular system is contractile coagulated during the period of rigor
for three to six hours after death and later mortis.
rigidity sets in.
Stages of the entire muscles tissues Changes in the Blood after death
pass after death:
1. Stage of primary flaccidity (post – A. Coagulation of the Blood - Blood
mortem muscular irritability) – muscle will coagulate due to the cessation of
are relaxed and capable of contracting circulation. The clotting of blood is slow
when stimulated. and blood may remain fluid inside the
2. Stage of post mortem rigidity blood vessels after death for 6 to 8
(cadaveric rigidity or rigor mortis) – hours.
whole body becomes rigid due to the

B. Post –mortem Lividity or the blood vessels and as a result of
Cadaveric Lividity, or Post –mortem which hemoglobin is liberated after
Suggilation or Pos-mortem Hypostasis death.
or Liver Mortis - The stoppage f the 2. Evaluation of gases in the tissues –
heart action and the loss of tone of blood The offensive odor is due to the gases.
vessels cause the blood to be under the Carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen,
influence of gravity. Blood begins to sulphurated hydrogen, phosphoretted
accumulate in the most dependent hydrogen and methane gases are
positions of the body. If the body is formed.
lying on his back, the lividity will
develop on the back. 3. Liquefaction of the soft tissues – As
decomposition progress, the soft tissues of
Physical characteristics of Postmortem the body undergo softening and liquefaction.
1. It occurs in most extensive areas of the  Non-specific bacterial origin – (ptomaine
most dependent positions of the body. poisoning –decomposition of food)
2. It only involves the superficial layer of  Specific bacterial origin – (salmonella)
the skin.  Botulism – (uncooked food)
3. It does not appear elevated form the rest
4. The color is uniform but the color may BURN
be become greenish at he start of 1. First Degree- there is erythema or
decomposition. simple redness of the skin associated
5. There is no injury of the skin with superficial inflammation and slight
swelling which may subside after a few
Kinds of Cadaveric Lividity hours or may last for several days.
1. Hypostatic Lividity – lividity is still 2. Second Degree- there is vesicle
fluid in from and still inside the blood formation with acute inflammation.
vessels. 3. Third Degree- there is destruction of
2. Diffusion Lividity – blood coagulated the cuticle and part of the true skin.
inside the blood vessels or has diffused 4. Fourth Degree- the whole skin is
into the tissues of the body. destroyed with formation of slough
Putrefaction of the Body which is yellowish-brown or parchment-
Putrefaction – it is the breaking down like.
of the complex proteins into simpler 5. Fifth Degree- there is involvement of
components associated with the the deep fascia and muscles.
evolution of foul smelling gasses and 6. Sixth Degree- there is charring of the
accompanied by the change of color of limb involving subjacent tissues, organs
the body. and bone.
Tissues changes in Putrefaction
1. Changes in the color of the tissue – VIOLATION OF;
There is hemolytic of the blood within

R.A. 8049
ENTITLED “AN ACT REGULATING Section 1. Article 266-A (1)(d) of Act No. 3815,
HAZING AND OTHER FORMS OF otherwise known as "The Revised Penal Code,"
INITIATION RITES IN FRATERNITIES, as amended by Republic Act No. 8353 known as
SORORITIES, AND ORGANIZATIONS "The Anti-Rape Law of 1997," is hereby further
AND PROVIDING PENALTIES amended to read as follows:
"Article 266-A. Rape; When and How
R.A. 8353 Committed. - Rape is committed:
OF THE CRIME OF RAPE, "1) By a person who shall have carnal
RECLASSIFYING THE SAME AS A knowledge of another person under any of the
CRIME AGAINST PERSONS, AMENDING following circumstances
R.A. 7877
Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be
known as "The Anti-Rape Law of 1997." AN ACT DECLARING SEXUAL

SECTION 1. Title. – This Act shall be known R.A. 10364
as the “Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.”
known as the “Expanded Anti-Trafficking in
Section 1. Short Title. -This Act shall be known Persons Act of 2012”.
as the "Safe Spaces Act". (

( R.A.11862
THE PROTECTION AND SUPPORT OF SECTION 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be
TRAFFICKED PERSONS, PROVIDING known as the “Expanded Anti-Trafficking in
Section 1. Title. This Act shall be known as
the "Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of TERRORISM
2003". (
( s/2020/06jun/20200703-RA-11479-RRD.pdf)

SPECIALIZED CRIME INVESTIGATION 1. Any person who, having found lost property,
2 WITH INTERROGATION AND shall fail to deliver the same to the local
INTERVIEW authorities or to its owner;
2. Any person who, after having maliciously
ROBBERY damaged the property of another, shall remove
The law on robbery in the Philippines can be or make use of the fruits or object of the damage
found on the following articles of the Revised caused by him;
Penal Code: 3. Any person who shall enter an enclosed estate
Article 293 or a field where trespass is forbidden or which
Who are guilty of robbery – Any person who, belongs to another and without the consent of its
with intent to gain, shall take any personal owner, shall hunt or fish upon the same or shall
property belonging to another, by means of gather cereals, or other forest or farm products
violence or intimidation of any person, or using
force upon anything shall be guilty of robbery.
Elements of Robbery:
1. Unlawful taking of personal property USURPATION
2. The property must belong to another Usurpation is the occupation of real
3. The taking is done with violence against property or any real rights in property belonging
an intimidation of any person of force to another by means of violence against or
upon things intimidation of person(RA 3815, 1930, Section
4. The taking is with intent to gain 312). According to the Revised Penal Code of
the Philippines (1930) this includes altering
BRIGANDAGE boundaries or landmarks (RA 3815, 1930,
Brigands, also known as Highway Section 313).The elements of the offense are:1.
Robbers, are a group of more than three armed Occupation of another’s real property or
persons forming a band of robbers for usurpation of a real right belonging to another
the purpose of committing robbery in the Person;2. Violence or Intimidation should
highway, or kidnapping persons for the purpose be employed in possession the real
of extortion or to obtain ransom or for any other property or in usurping the real, trial.3. The
purpose to be attained by means of force and accused should be animated by the intent to gain
According to the Anti-Piracy and Anti- CULPABLE INSOLVENCY
Highway Robbery Law of 1974, Brigandage is Also known as fraudulent insolvency.
the seizure of any person for ransom, It is committed by any person who abscond
extortion or other unlawful purposes, or the with his property to the prejudice of his
taking away of the property of another by means creditors. Insolvency refers to situations where
of violence against or intimidation of a debtor cannot pay the debts she owes.
person or force upon things of other Culpable Insolvency is the fraudulent
unlawful means, committed by any person on disposal or concealment and or disposal of
any Philippine Highway. properties of a debtor to defraud his
creditors. Swindling also known as Estafa, it is
THEFT an act of defrauding another person
According to the 1930 Revised
Penal Code of the Philippines, theft is SWINDLING AND OTHER DECEIT
committed by any person who, with intent to Swindling, commonly known as "estafa" in
gain but without violence against or intimidation the Philippines, is a crime against property that
of neither persons nor force upon things, shall involves deceit, fraud, or false pretences. It is
take personal property of another without the
primarily governed by the Revised Penal Code
latter's consent.
Theft is also committed by the (RPC) of the Philippines, specifically under Title
following Thirteen on "Crimes Against Property."

Estafa is the act of defrauding another by 1. Any ammunition factory and other
using deceit, false pretences, or fraudulent acts. establishment where explosives,
It can involve misappropriating money, goods, inflammable or combustible materials are
or any other personal property. stored.

CHATTEL MORTGAGE 2. Any archive, museum, whether public

or private, or any edifice devoted to
Therein, the condition being that the sale culture, education or social services.
shall be void upon the seller paying to the
purchaser a sum of money or doing some 3. Any church or place of worship or other
other act named. If the condition is performed building where people usually assemble.
according to its term the mortgage and
sale immediately become void, and the
4. Any train, airplane or any aircraft,
mortgagee thereby divested of his title.
Offenses Involving Chattel Mortgage vessel or watercraft, or conveyance for
According to the Revised Penal Code of transportation of persons or property
the Philippines (1930), the following are
considered offenses involving Chattel mortgage. 4. Any building where evidence is kept for
1. Knowingly removing personal property use in any legislative, judicial,
mortgaged to any province or city other than administrative or other official
the one in which it was located at the proceedings.
time of the execution of the mortgage without
the written consent. 5. Any hospital, hotel, dormitory, lodging
2. Selling or pledging personal property
house, housing tenement, shopping center,
already mortgaged or any part thereof,
under the terms of the Chattel Mortgage public or private market, theatre or movie
Law without the consent of the mortgage house or any similar place or building.
written on the black of the mortgage and duly
recorded in the CM Register 6. Any building, whether used as a
dwelling or not, situated in a populated or
ARSON AND OTHER CRIMES congested area.
Section 3. Other Cases of Arson. The penalty of
Section 1. Arson. Any person who burns or sets Reclusion Temporal to Reclusion Perpetua shall be
fire to the property of another shall be punished by imposed if the property burned is any of the
Prision Mayor. following:

The same penalty shall be imposed when a person 1. Any building used as offices of the
sets fire to his own property under circumstances government or any of its agencies;
which expose to danger the life or property of
another. 2. Any inhabited house or dwelling;

Section 2. Destructive Arson. The penalty of 3. Any industrial establishment, shipyard,

Reclusion Temporal in its maximum period to oil well or mine shaft, platform or tunnel;
Reclusion Perpetua shall be imposed if the
property burned is any of the following: 4. Any plantation, farm, pastureland,
growing crop, grain field, orchard,
bamboo grove or forest;

4. Any rice mill, sugar mill, cane mill or electrical, chemical, or electronic
mill central; and contrivance designed to start a fire, or
ashes or traces of any of the foregoing are
5. Any railway or bus station, airport, found in the ruins or premises of the
wharf or warehouse. burned building or property.

Section 4. Special Aggravating Circumstances in 4. If the building or property is insured for

Arson. The penalty in any case of arson shall be substantially more than its actual value at
imposed in its maximum period; the time of the issuance of the policy.

1. If committed with intent to gain; 4. If during the lifetime of the

corresponding fire insurance policy more
2. If committed for the benefit of another; than two fires have occurred in the same
or other premises owned or under the
3. If the offender is motivated by spite or control of the offender and/or insured.
hatred towards the owner or occupant of
the property burned; 5. If shortly before the fire, a substantial
portion of the effects insured and stored in
4. If committed by a syndicate. a building or property had been withdrawn
from the premises except in the ordinary
The offense is committed by a syndicate if its is course of business.
planned or carried out by a group of three (3) or
more persons. 6. If a demand for money or other
valuable consideration was made before
Section 5. Where Death Results from Arson. If by the fire in exchange for the desistance of
reason of or on the occasion of the arson death the offender or for the safety of the person
results, the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua to death or property of the victim.
shall be imposed.
Section 7. Conspiracy to commit
Section 6. Prima Facie evidence of Arson. Any of Arson. Conspiracy to commit arson shall be
the following circumstances shall constitute prima punished by Prision Mayor in its minimum period.
facie evidence of arson:

1. If the fire started simultaneously in MALICIOUS MISCHIEF

more than one part of the building or Malicious mischief are attempts against
establishment. another's property inspired sometimes by hatred
or desire for revenge and sometimes by
the mere pleasure of destroying. According
2. If substantial amount of flammable
to the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines,
substances or materials are stored within Any person who shall deliberately cause the
the building note necessary in the business property of another any damage not failing
of the offender nor for household us. within the terms of the next preceding chapter
shall be guilty of malicious mischief. The
3. If gasoline, kerosene, petroleum or elements of the crime of malicious mischief
other flammable or combustible are:• That the offender deliberately caused
substances or materials soaked therewith damage to the property of another;• That such
or containers thereof, or any mechanical, act does not constitute arson or other
crimes involving destruction;• That the act of

demanding another's property be committed itself, can sustain a conviction even in capital
merely for the sake of damaging it offenses. While,
Extra-judicial confession- is one made
RELEVANT SPECIAL PENAL LAWS in any other place or occasion and cannot sustain
ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING a conviction unless corroborated by evidence of
RA 9160 the corpus delicti.

RA 9194
RA 10167
INTERROGATION –is a questioning
RA 10365 of a person suspected of having committed an
offense or a person who is reluctant to make full
RA 1092 disclosure of information in his possession
which is pertinent to the investigation.
What are the purposes of Interrogation?
a. To obtain confession to the crime
(RA 8293 AS AMENDED BY RA 10372) b. To induce the suspect to make
AND AMMUNITION ACT c. To learn the facts of the crime
PD 1612 ANTI-FENCING LAW d. To learn the identity of the accomplice
PD 533 ANTI- CATTLE RUSTLING LAW e. To develop information which will lead
RA 10168 to the recovery of the fruits of the crime
f. To discover the details of other crimes
participated by the suspect
Emotional Appeal
Place the subject in the proper frame of
SYMPTOMS OF GUILT mind. The investigator should provide
emotional stimuli that will prompt the subject to
unburden himself by confiding. Analyze the
subject’s personality and decide what motivation
would prompt him to tell the truth, and then
provide those motives through appropriate
emotional appeals.
CONFESSION Sympathetic appeal
The requirements are: The suspect may feel the need for
a. It must be supported by other sympathy or friendship when he is apparently in
corroborative evidence. trouble. Gestures of friendship may win his
b. Corpus delicti must be established cooperation.
separately, and
c. The confession must be voluntary. Kindness
The simplest technique is to assume that
Compare the two (2) kinds of confession. the suspect will confess if he is treated in a kind
Judicial confession- is one made before and friendly manner.
a court in which the case is pending and in the Extenuation
course of legal proceedings therein and, by

The investigator indicates he does not This is the questioning of a person
consider his subject’s indiscretion a grave believed to possess knowledge that is in official
offense. interest to the investigator.

Shifting the blame

The interrogator makes clear his belief BASIC ASSUMPTIONS
that the subject is obviously not the sort of
person who usually gets mixed up in a crime like Nobody has to talk to law enforcers. No
this. The interrogator could tell from the start law compels a person to talk to the police if he
that he was not dealing with a fellow who is a does not want to. Therefore, people will have to
criminal by nature and choice. be persuaded, always within legal and ethical
limits, to talk to law enforcers.
Mutt and Jeff
Two (2) Agents are employed.
This makes interviewing an art.
 Mutt, the relentless
investigator, who is not
going to waste any time
The interview of a witness can be
because he knows that the
described by its acronym ‘IRONIC’ which
subject is guilty.
stands for Identity, Rapport, Opening Statement,
 Jeff, on the other hand, is
Narration, Inquiry, and conclusion.
obviously a kind-hearted
man. Identity—prior to the commencement
Bluff on a Split Pair of an interview, the investigator should identify
This is applicable when there is more himself to the subject by name, rank and agency.
than one suspect. The suspects are separated and Except when there is no need to know the
one is informed that other has talked. officer’s identity.
Pretense of Physical Evidence Rapport—it is good to get the positive
The investigator may pretend that feeling of the subject towards the investigators,
certain physical evidence has found by such friendly atmosphere is a vital for both the
laboratory experts against him. subject and the investigator to have a better
Jolting interaction.
May be applied to calm and nervous
Opening Statement—The investigator
subjects by constantly observing the suspects, must have to indicate why the subject is being
the investigator chooses a propitious moment to contracted.
shout a pertinent question and appear as though
he is beside himself with rage. The subject may Narration—The witness should be
be unnerved to the extent of confessing: allowed to tell all he knows with little
interruptions from the investigator.
Inquiry—after all information have been
INTERVIEW given by the subject, that is the time for the
investigator to as question to clarify him about
Is a conversation with a purpose, the case under investigation.
motivated by a desire to obtain certain
information from the person being interviewed Conclusions—After the interview, it is
as to what was either done, seen, felt, heard, but proper to close the interview with outmost
tasted, smell or known. courtesy and thanking the subject for his

What are the rules to be observed in DYING DECLARATION
questioning? Dying Declaration or Ante Mortem Statement
 Questions to be asked on the dying
a. One question at a time person:
b. Avoiding implied answer  What is your name, address and
c. Simplicity of the questions other personal circumstances?
d. Saving faces  Do you believe that you are
e. Avoid close ended questions (yes or no) about to die?
f. Positive attitude  Do you have any hope of
recovery from your injuries?
CONFESSION– is the direct acknowledgement  Tell me how you were injured.
of guilt arising from the commission of a crime.  Tell me the name and
Types of Confession description of the person who
injured you.
a. Extra-Judicial Confession – those  Do you swear to the truth f your
made by the suspect during custodial statement?
b. Judicial Confession– those made by the
accused in open court. The plea of guilt may be PART OF FIES GESTAE
during arraignment or in any stage of the
proceedings where the accused changes his plea
SEC. 42. Part of res gestae. — Statements made
of not guilty to guilty. by a person while a startling occurrence is taking
ADMISSION– is a self-incriminatory statement place or immediately prior or subsequent thereto
by the subject falling short of an with respect to the circumstances thereof, may
acknowledgement of guilt. It is an be given in evidence as part of the res gestae.
acknowledgement of a fact or circumstances So, also, statements accompanying an equivocal
from which guilt maybe inferred. It implicates act material to the issue, and giving it a legal
significance may be received as part of the res
but does not incriminate. It is also an gestae.
acknowledgement that a fact, action or
circumstances are true which strongly infer or A declaration is deemed part of the res
directly admit guilt but lacks the detail of the gestae and is admissible as an exception to the
elements of the crime. hearsay rule when the following requisites are
RULES TO BE OBSERVED IN TAKING present: (1) the principal act, the res gestae, is a
CONFESSION OR ADMISSION startling occurrence; (2) the statements were
made before the declarant had time to contrive
1. Confession or admission must be taken
or devise; and (3) statements must concern the
preferably in writing and under oath occurrence in question and its immediately
2. It must be written in the language attending circumstances.7
known and understood by the accused, if
not it must be clearly translated In this case, we find that all the
3. It must be freely and voluntary given by requisites are present. The shooting incident is a
the accused startling occurrence, and the statements of
Belen, which concern the shooting incident as he
4. Under the New Constitution, it must be
was identifying his assailants, were given before
taken in the presence of competent and he had time to contrive or devise a false
independent counsel chosen by the statement. The mere fact that it took Belen three
accused (3) days before he was able to give his statement

does not remove such statement as part of res

There are two tests in applying the res

gestae rule to determine whether or not
statements should be admissible as part of res
gestae: (1) the act, declaration or exclamation is
so intimately interwoven or connected with the
principal fact or event that it characterizes as to
be regarded as a part of the transaction itself;
and (2) the evidence clearly negates any
premeditation or purpose to manufacture
testimony.8 To ascertain whether the evidence
negates fabrication, spontaneity of the
statements must be determined.

Res gestae comprehends a situation

which presents a startling or unusual occurrence
sufficient to produce a spontaneous and
instinctive reaction, during which interval
certain statements are made under such
circumstances as to show lack of forethought or
deliberate design in the formulation of their
content.9 As long as the statements were made
voluntarily and spontaneously so nearly
contemporaneous as to be in the presence of the
occurrence, although not precisely concurrent in
point of time, such must be admissible as part
of res gestae, if the statements were made under
circumstances which exclude the idea of design
or deliberation.10 While there is no hard and fast
rule, this Court has considered a number of
factors to determine spontaneity. In People v.
Estibal, the Court held:

DRIVING 1. DPWH - responsible for determining
Traffic traffic law, pattern, draw, origin, and
 It refers to the movement of persons, destinations, studies of persons and
goods, or vehicles, either powered by things, planning, approving, funding and
combustion system or animal drawn, construction of national roads
from one place to another for the  Provincial Government
purpose of travel.  Municipal Government
 It was derived from the word trafficare /  Chartered Cities
traffico which mean “to carry on trade”.
 It refers to the skillful use of means to  It is the process of giving
accomplish a purpose. training and practice in the
Accident actual application of traffic
 Any unexpected occurrence which safety knowledge.
results to unintended death, injury or Safety Training
damage to property.  The three principles that have
Traffic Accident been emphasized as effective in
– Any accident involving travel the prevention of traffic
transportation on a traffic way. accidents are known as the three
Traffic Accident Investigation (3) E’s of traffic: engineering,
– Systematic process of establishing education, and enforcement.
facts and circumstances pertaining to a traffic
B. EDUCATION 1. Comprehensive
C. ENFORCEMENT  This method places the student
D. ECOLOGY / ENVIRONMENT into real life of driving situation
E. ECONOMY from the beginning.
2. Traditional Instruction
A. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING  This type of instructions
 It is the science of measuring traffic and depends on instruction-student
travel. communication.
 It is the study of the basic laws relative to 3. Commentary Driving Method
traffic law and regulations.  The student-driver accompanied
 It is the application of this knowledge to by an instructor.
the professional practice of planning, 4. Simulated Conditions and Off the
deciding and operating traffic system to Road Training
achieve safe and efficient transportation of  The behavior of the driver –
persons and goods. subject placed in condition will

be relatively analogous to 2. Land Transportation Office (LTO) –
normal behavior. responsible for (1) registration of motor
vehicle, (2) issuance of driver license
TWO METHODS OF SIMULATION and (3) enforcement.
PRESENTLY ADOPTED ARE: 3. Land Transportation Franchising and
Regulatory Board (LFTRB)-
1. Partial Simulation Method responsible to prescribe and regulate
This method has the specific aim of transport routes, grant, deny and
training for the “subtask” of the driving task. suspend or cancel land transport
2. Global Simulation 4. MMDA – traffic enforcement within
Training is simulated in traffic situations Metro Manila Area
and conditions with the use of simulations. 5. Local Government Unit‘s (LGU’s)-
Simulator responsible in setting the policies
- It is a static machine with all the concerning traffic within their respective
important features of a car used in driving provincial, city or municipality.
method or driving training.
- The theory which asserts that man ENFORCEMENT
exhibits a constant difference of life energy and
mood states. 1. Police Traffic Law Enforcement
 This is performed by the police
C. TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT and other agencies; includes
detection and apprehension
 This field deals mostly on the
implementation and enforcement of 2. Court Traffic Law Enforcement
traffic laws and rules and regulations.  This is performed by the court
 This is a part of enforcement involving by prosecution, adjudication,
the arrest, issuance of Temporary and penalization.
Operator’s Permit (TOP) or Inspection
Report Summons, or warning of any Kinds of Enforcement ACTION
persons who is believed to have violated
a law, ordinance, or regulation 1. Traffic Arrest
pertaining to the use of traffic roads. – consists of taking a person
into custody for the purpose of holding or
AGENCIES RESPONSIBLE IN TRAFFIC detaining him to answer a charge of law
ENFORCEMENT violation before a court.
 Arrest is made when:
1. Department of Transportation and  Offense committed is serious
Communication (DOTC) – responsible  Detention is necessary to avoid continued
in policy making, planning, violation
programming, coordinating,  There is reasonable doubt that the violator
implementing, regulating traffic affairs. will not appear in court.

2. Traffic Citation  Presidential Decree Nr. 1181
– is made of having violator It provides for the prevention, control and
appear in court without physical arrest. abatement of air pollution from motor
vehicles and for other purposes.
THREE (3) TYPES OF TRAFFIC  Letter of Instruction Nr. 551
CITATION It directs the law enforcement agencies to
a. Temporary Operator’s Permit (TOP) implement the pollution control program.
– A traffic citation used in the enforcement of
traffic management measures (DOTC MC No.
93-693) and other special laws by the LTO. E. TRAFFIC ECONOMY
b. Traffic Violation Receipt (TVR) – A
It deals with the benefits and adverse
traffic citation used in the enforcement of traffic
effects of traffic to our economy. Traffic
management measures (MMDA Traffic
operation is designed to expedite the movement
of traffic. However, with the prevailing traffic
c. Ordinance Violations Receipt (OVR)
congestion during rush hours in any given
– A traffic citation used in the enforcement of
locality adversely affect the economic status of
traffic management measures by local
the commuting public.
government by virtue of RA 7160.
3. Traffic Warning WHISTLE SIGNALS
– is an enforcement
action which does not contemplate  One long blast - stop.
possible assessment of penalty by the  Two short snappy - go.
court or otherwise as a result of warning  Three blast - for assistance or for the
alone. motorist to be attentive.
1. Visual Warning – usually used when you IN THE REGISTRATION
have observed a minor violation and is indicated
by gesture of the hand and or of the head.

2. Verbal Warning – also a form of traffic

safety education by telling the driver about his RENEWAL OF MOTOR VEHICLES
violation and explains the hazards of such

3. Written Warning – gives the spirit of verbal TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES

warning through citation
Traffic Control
D. TRAFFIC ECOLOGY OR ENVIRONMENT It refers to procedures, devices, and
The study with potentially disastrous communication systems that help vehicles and
population explosion, changes in urban vessels safely share the same roads, rails,
environment due to scale and density of new waterways, or air space. These include traffic
urban concentration and new activities carried signs, pavement markings, traffic signal, priority
out , air population, water pollution and control, and restraints.
crowding, especially transport congestion which
result therein.

TRAFFIC LIGHTS 5. Flashing Red
It is defined as a signal operated
manually, electrically by which traffic is  This is the same as a STOP SIGN
alternatively commanded to stop and permitted  Stop at the designated line
to proceed.  Vehicles will be crossing from the other
1. Steady Red  Expect pedestrian to cross at the
pedestrian lane
 STOP at designated line.  Proceed when clear
 Vehicles will be crossing from the other 6. Flashing Yellow
 Expect pedestrian to cross at the  This is the same as the yield sign
pedestrian lane.  Proceed through the intersection with
 Unless specified you can TURN RIGHT caution
after a FULL STOP to clear traffic  You have the right of way over a
coming from the left. flashing red light
2. Steady Green  Vehicles on the other side will proceed
after coming to a full stop
 GO
 It is the turn of the vehicles on the other 7. Steady Green and Steady Left/Right Arrow
side to STOP.
 Pedestrians are not allowed to cross the  Vehicles can go straight or vehicles on
pedestrian lane in front of you. the left lane can make a left turn
 Unless specified, you can move up to  Vehicles can go straight or vehicles on
the middle of the intersection and make the right lane can make a right turn
a left turn when clear.  The RIGHT GREEN signal might or
 Vehicles going straight have the right of might NOT have a road sign disallowing
way a right turn while the Red light is ON
 Do not anticipate a green light.
3. Steady Green Arrow Device installed for the purpose of
regulating (imposed legal restriction), warning
 GO (caution sign having equilateral triangle shape
 Vehicles turning left can do so. with one side horizontal and red boarders) and
 On coming straight traffic is still on red informative or guiding (guide signs having a
t give way for vehicles turning left. rectangular shape with blue background) traffic
 Do not anticipate a green arrow. by means of words or symbols.
4. Steady Yellow (Amber)

 Prepare to stop 1. CAUTION SIGNS, WARNING SIGNS,

 It is the turn of the vehicles on the other AND DANGER SIGNS:
 These signs convey messages that
side and will be given the GO signal
shortly. certain road conditions exist on a certain
 Do not beat a yellow light. stretch of the road or on street requiring
the driver to more ATTENTIVE and are
prepared for such road conditions.

 Warn motorist of approaching one or more places. Where distances are
hazardous road conditions. shown, the figures expressing them shall
 Seek caution for approaching road be placed after the name of the locality.
hazards. Examples:
 Call the reduction of speed. Bus Stop - Jeepney Stop - Pedestrian
 These signs have an equilateral Crossing - Distance/ Destination Sign
triangular shape with one shape
 Triangular in shape and have a red REGULATORY SIGNS
colored border.  These signs require the driver not only
to be more attentive as in caution signs
2. GUIDE SIGNS, INFORMATION SIGNS but also require the driver to
 These signs are modified signs that PERFORM a specified act.
actually give spatial or DIRECTIONAL  Intended to inform the road user of
INSTRUCTIONS for the driver to take. special obligations, instructions or
 These signs are designed to provide the PROHIBITIONS which they must
driver with information that MAY OR comply.
MAY NOT use but will assist him in  Round, Inverted Triangle or Octagonal
one-way or another. and color are Red.
 Guide motorist along established routes.
 Inform the driver of the proper routes. Division of Regulatory Signs:
 Help motorist along the way in the most 1. Priority Signs
simple and direct method.  These are intended to regulate priority
 Round/Rectangular, white on blue over a particular road section of
background. roadway intersection.
2. Prohibitory Signs
Division of Informative Signs:  These signs can be used on specified
1. Advance Sign section of the road, which will be easily
 These are the names and distances of the seen by motorist to indicate regulation,
principal destination served by the which is prohibitive or restrictive in
intersecting road. nature.
2. Direction Signs 3. Mandatory Signs
 Direction sign shall be placed at the  These signs are intended to notify the
right of intersections to show the road users of special rules in which they
direction and destination of a route. must comply for the safety and
3. Place Identification Signs convenience and smooth flow of traffic.
 These maybe used to show the frontier Examples:
between two countries or for the Stop - Speed Limit – Yield - No Blowing of
purpose of showing the beginning and Horns - No Entry - No Parking - No
or end of built-up areas. Left/Right Turn - Width, Length, Height,
4. Confirmatory Signs Weight Capacity - No U Turn - No
 These are used to confirm the direction Overtaking
of a road. They shall bear the name of

The color and shape symbolism of PAVEMENT MARKINGS
international standard signs are based Lines and symbols on roadways are
largely on the following principles: used to warn and direct drivers and to control the
1. Signs surrounded by a red triangle give flow of traffic.
waning of some hazards. Types of pavement markings:
2. Signs surrounded by a red ring 1. Pavement Markings
sometimes also with a red diagonal bar, 2. Curb Markings for Restriction
normal indicate prohibition. 3. Object Markings
3. Signs on blue and green rectangular 4. Reflectorized Markings
background give information.
4. Signs on blue disc give positive 1. SINGLE WHITE DOTTED LINE
instruction.  On two-lane road separates
traffic moving in separate
These are areas within the roadway
constructed in a manner to establish physical
channels through which vehicle traffic is 2. SINGLE WHITE CONTINUOUS
guided. LINE
It is part of traffic control devices designed to:  Separates traffic moving in
1. Segregate pedestrians and vehicles; opposite direction.
2. Control streams of traffic in order to 3. DOUBLE YELLOW LINE WITH A
minimize conflict, expedite traffic flow DOTTED WHITE LINE IN BETWEEN
or increase safety.  Absolutely no parking.
Classification: A yellow line with a dotted white line means
1. Pedestrian Island (Pedestrian Islands). - that you cannot overtake if the solid line is on
Constructed between the pedestrian your side.
sidewalk and the road pavement to prevent 5. YELLOW CONTINUOUS LINE ON
the pedestrian from using the roadway in ROAD PROVIDED WITH A PASSING
passing and to prevent motor vehicles from LANE
using the sidewalk for parking and passing These are common on mountain roads.
purposes. 6. CROSSWALK a.k.a. PEDESTRIAN
2. Traffic Islands. These are the raised LANE
portion in the middle of the traffic way Stop for pedestrians on an intersection with no
constructed to separate the streams of motor traffic light.
vehicles traversing on opposite directions and 7. DIRECTIONAL ARROWS
the time preventing motorists from using the  Indicates directions of permitted
opposite lane for overtaking. traffic movement.
These includes: 8. STOP LINES
a. Division island These are painted across pavement lanes at
b. Channelizing island traffic signs or signals.
c. Rotary island 9. BARREL LINES
A new concept in reducing the seriousness of

10. CURB MARKINGS stationary, or for
These are markings placed on the curbs or edges similar dangerous
of the traffic for restriction or for parking circumstances.
regulation purposes.
11. OBJECT MARKINGS The e rates of speed hereinabove prescribed
These are markings placed on objects on the shall not apply to the following:
road or beside the road like humps, rocks or
similar hazardous objects on the side of the road. (1) A physician or his driver when the
12. REFLECTORIZED MARKINGS former responds to emergency calls;
These are markings or gadgets designed to
reflect and become luminous when hit by (2) The driver of a hospital ambulance
vehicles’ light. on the way to and from the place of
accident or other emergency;
(3) Any driver bringing a wounded or
MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPEED sick person for emergency treatment to a
Type of Roadway Passenger Motor hospital, clinic, or any other similar
Cars and Trucks place;
Motorcycles and
Buses (4) The driver of a motor vehicle
1. On open country belonging to the Armed Forces while in
roads, with no blind 80 km 50 km use for official purposes in times of riot,
corners not closely insurrection or invasion;
bordered by
habitations. (5) The driver of a vehicle, when he or
2. On “through his passengers are in pursuit of a
streets” or 40 km 30 km criminal;
boulevards clear of
traffic, with no (6) A law-enforcement officer who is
blind corners, when trying to overtake a violator of traffic
so designated. laws; and
3. On city and
(7) The driver officially operating a
municipal streets, 30 km 30 km
with light traffic, motor vehicle of any fire department,
when not designated provided that exemption shall not be
construed to allow unless or unnecessary
“through streets”.
fast driving of drivers aforementioned.
4. Through
crowded streets, 20 km 20 km
intersections at
“blind corners”,
passing school
zones, passing other
vehicles which are

3. Through highway/ railroad crossing- the
PRINCIPLES OF RIGHT OF WAY driver shall bring to a full stop before
traversing to an intersection. If there is
1. (Section 42, a) In case of two vehicles no hazard the driver may slowdown to
approaching or entering as intersection 5mph.
at the same time, the driver of the 4. Police /emergency vehicle- all drivers
vehicle on the left shall yield the right should yield to emergency to emergency
of way; however, the driver of any vehicle except as directed by traffic
vehicle travel at an unlawful speed enforcer. Fire trucks are accepted to
forfeits this right. speed limit but they are prohibited to
2. (Section 42, b) In case of a vehicle have unnecessary speed.
approaching but has not yet entered the 5. From private road to highway- vehicle
intersection, its driver shall yield the from private road must yield to that on a
right of way to vehicle already within highway.
such intersection or turning therein to RULES GOVERNING PARKING
the left across the line of travel of the PROHIBITED PARKING
first mentioned vehicle. Places where parking is prohibited:
3. (Section 42, c) In case of a vehicle on a 1. Near an intersection
highway within a business or residential 2. Crosswalk/ pedestrian lane
district, its driver shall yield the right of 3. Within 6 meters from drive way of any
way to pedestrian crossing the highway response installation, fire hydrant and
within crosswalk, except at intersection private roads
where traffic is regulated by a peace 4. Double parking
officer of a traffic signal… 5. Sidewalks, alleys, foot of the bridge
4. (Section 42, d) In case of vehicle 6. Places wherein official signs are posted
traversing a through-highway, its driver
should bring it to a full stop before Section 32. Exceeding registered capacity. -
crossing. However, if it is clear and no No person operating any vehicle shall allow
hazards exist, the vehicle may slow more passenger or more freight or cargo in
down to 5 miles per hour instead of a his vehicle than its registered carrying
full stop. capacity. In the case of public utility trucks
Exception to the Right of Way Rules or buses, the conductor shall be exclusively
Right of way rules do not apply in the liable for violations of this section or of
case of a vehicle entering a private road or Section thirty-two, letter (c) hereof:
drive. The right of way is in favor of all Provided, That the conductor, before being
vehicles utilizing the highway. (Section 43) employed by any public service operator,
shall get a permit or license from the
1. Intersection- when two or more vehicle Commission and pay five pesos annually for
is entering an intersection the one on the said license or permit issued in his favor,
left will give way to the right vehicle. and the same is renewable on or before the
2. Pedestrian- drivers should yield to last working day of the month of his birth,
pedestrian crossing except at attaching a readily recognizable photograph
intersection whereas the movement of and after presentation of a medical
vehicles is regulated by a police officer. certificate of fitness of applicant.

Passenger trucks may be allowed to colored riding lights on each of the four corners
construct any cargo carrying device at the not more than ten centimeters from the top.
rear or at the side of the truck, subject to the All motor vehicles shall be equipped
approval of the Commissioner: Provided, with devices for varying the intensity of light,
however, That the total weight of the device, and the driver must dim the headlights or tilt the
including the cargo, shall not exceed one beams downward whenever the vehicle is being
hundred kilos. operated on well-lighted streets within the limits
(b) Carrying of passengers and freight on of cities, municipalities, and thickly populated
top of vehicles. - No person operating a barrios or districts, or whenever such vehicle
motor vehicle shall allow any passenger to meets another vehicle on any public highway.
ride on the cover or top of such vehicles:
Provided, however, That subject to such HITCHING
conditions as may be contained in permits
that may be issued by the Commissioner, COUNTER FLOW
baggage or freight may be carried on the top
of a truck provided the weight thereof does ILLEGAL U-TURN
not exceed twenty kilos per square meter
and is distributed in such a manner as not to
endanger the passengers or stability of the THE RULE ON OVERTAKING
(c) Riding on running boards. - No driver Section 39. Overtaking a vehicle. - The driver
shall permit any person to ride on the of any motor vehicle overtaking another vehicle
running board, step board, or mudguard of proceeding in the same direction shall pass at a
his motor vehicle for any purpose except to safe distance to the left thereof, and shall not
make repair or adjustment in the motor or to again drive to the right side of the highway until
collect fares. safety clear of such overtaken vehicle except
that on a highway, within a business or
residential district, having two or more lanes for
LAWS ON; the movement of traffic in one direction, the
HEADLIGHTS driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass
Every motor vehicle of more than one another vehicle on the right. Nothing in this
meter of projected width, while in use on any section shall be construed to prohibit a driver
public highway shall bear two headlights, one on overtaking and passing, upon the right, another
each side, with white or yellowish light visible vehicle which is making or about to make a left
from the front, which, not later than one-half turn.
hour after sunset and until at least one-half four
before sunrise and whenever weather conditions Section 40. Driver to give way to overtaking
so require, shall both be lighted. vehicle. - The driver of a vehicle about to be
Additional lamps and light may be overtaken and passed by another vehicle
carried, but no red lights shall be visible forward approaching from the rear shall give way to the
or ahead of the vehicle. Trucks, buses, trailers, overtaking vehicle on suitable and audible signal
and other similar vehicles must carry, while in being given by the driver of the overtaking
use on any public highway during night-time, vehicle, and shall not increase the speed of his

vehicle until completely passed by the direction where the driver of a vehicle
overtaking vehicle. may overtake or pass another vehicle on
the right. Nothing in this section shall be
Section 41. Restrictions on overtaking and construed to prohibit a driver overtaking
passing. or passing upon the right another vehicle
which is making or about to make a left
(a) The driver of a vehicle shall not turn.
drive to the left side of the center line of
a highway in overtaking or passing (d) The driver of a vehicle shall not
another vehicle proceeding in the same overtake or pass, or attempt to pass, any
direction, unless such left side is clearly other vehicle, proceeding in the same
visible, and is free of oncoming traffic direction, between any points indicated
for a sufficient distance ahead to permit by the placing of official temporary
such overtaking or passing to be made in warning or caution signs indicating that
safety. men are working on the highway.

(b) The driver of a vehicle shall not (e) The driver of a vehicle shall not
overtake or pass another vehicle overtake or pass, or attempt to overtake
proceeding in the same direction, when or pass, any other vehicle proceeding in
approaching the crest of a grade, not the same direction in any "no-passing or
upon a curve in the highway, where the overtaking zone."
driver's view along the highway is
obstructed within a distance of five REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8750
hundred feet ahead, except on a highway
having two or more lanes for movement AN ACT REQUIRING THE
of traffic in one direction where the MANDATORY COMPLIANCE BY
driver of a vehicle may overtake or pass MOTORISTS OF PRIVATE AND PUBLIC
another vehicle: Provided, That on a VEHICLES TO USE SEAT BELT
highway within a business or residential DEVICES, AND REQUIRING VEHICLE
district, having two or more lanes for MANUFACTURERS TO INSTALL SEAT
movement of traffic in one direction, the BELT DEVICES IN ALL THEIR
driver of a vehicle may overtake or pass MANUFACTURED VEHICLES
another vehicle on the right.
Section 1. Short Title. — This Act shall be
(c) The driver of a vehicle shall not known as the "Seat Belts Use Act of 1999."
overtake or pass any other vehicle
proceeding in the same direction, at any Section 4. Mandatory Use of Seat Belts. — For
railway grade crossing, not at any their own safety, the driver and front seat
intersection of highways unless such passengers of a public or private motor vehicle
intersection or crossing is controlled by are required to wear or use their seat belt devices
traffic signal, or unless permitted to do while inside a vehicle of running engine on any
so by a watchman or a peace officer, road or thoroughfare: Provided, That for private
except on a highway having two or more vehicles, except for jeeps, jeepneys, vans, buses
lanes for movement of traffic in one and such other private vehicles as may be

determined in the Implementing Rules and sale of the said vehicles as determined by the
Regulations (IRR), front and back seat IRR thereon: Provided, That manufacturers,
passengers are likewise required to use their seat assemblers and distributors of jeepneys may
belt devices at all times. install a pelvic restraint or lap belt only in the
driver's and front seat passengers' seats and this
In the case of public motor vehicles, the driver shall be considered as substantial compliance
shall be required to immediately inform and with the requirements of this Act.
require the front seat passengers upon boarding a
vehicle of running engine to wear the prescribed REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10054
seat belts. Any passenger who refuses to wear
seat belts shall not be allowed to continue AN ACT MANDATING ALL
For special public service vehicles such as MOTORCYCLE HELMETS WHILE
school services and other similar vehicles as DRIVING AND PROVIDING PENALTIES
may be determined by the IRR, seat belt devices THEREFOR
should be provided and used by both drivers and
front seat passengers as defined herein and the Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be
first row passengers immediately behind the known as the "Motorcycle Helmet Act of 2009".
driver at all times while inside a vehicle of
running engine. Section 3. Mandatory Use of Motorcycle
Helmets. - All motorcycle riders, including
Operational motor vehicles, both public and drivers and back riders, shall at all times wear
private, which are not equipped with the standard protective motorcycle helmets while
required seat belt devices, are given one (1) year driving, whether long or short drives, in any type
from the issuance of the IRR by the Land of road and highway.
Transportation Office (LTO) to retrofit
appropriate seat belt devices in their vehicles. Standard protective motorcycle helmets are
appropriate types of helmets for motorcycle
Section 5. Children Prohibited to Sit in Front riders that comply with the specifications issued
Seat. — Infants and/or children with ages six (6) by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
years and below shall be prohibited to sit in the
front seat of any running motor vehicle. The DTI shall issue guidelines, which should
include the specifications regarding standard
Section 6. Coverage. — This Act, in the interest protective motorcycle helmets.
of public safety, shall apply to drivers and front
seat passengers of public and private motor Section 4. Exemption. - Drivers of tricycles
vehicles and other vehicles as may be shall be exempted from complying with the
determined by the IRR thereon. mandatory wearing of motorcycle helmets as
provided in this Act.
Section 7. Provisions for Seat Belt. — This Act
further requires car manufacturers, assemblers Section 5. Provision of Motorcycle Helmets. -
and distributors to ensure that seat belt devices A new motorcycle helmet which bears the
are properly installed before the distribution and Philippine Standard (PS) mark or Import

Commodity Clearance (ICC) of the Bureau of REPUBLIC ACT No. 10666
Product Standards (BPS) and complies with the
standards set by the BPS shall be made available AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE SAFETY
by every seller and/or dealer every time a new OF CHILDREN ABOARD MOTORCYLES
motorcycle unit is purchased and which the
purchaser may buy at bis option. Failure to Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be
comply with the requirements provided under known as "Children’s Safety on Motorcycles
this section shall constitute a violation of this Act of 2015".
Section 4. Prohibition. – It shall be unlawful for
Section 6. Implementation. - The Department of any person to drive a two (2)-wheeled
Transportation and Communications (DOTC), motorcycle with a child on board on public
with its attached agency, the Land roads where there is heavy volume of vehicles,
Transportation Office (LTO), is mandated by there is a high density of fast moving vehicles or
this Act to issue guidelines necessary to where a speed limit of more than 60/kph is
implement the provisions of this Act. imposed, unless:

The DTI, through the BPS, is mandated to (a) The child passenger can comfortably
utilize the United Nations Economic reach his/her feet on the standard foot
Commission for Europe (UNECE) Protocols peg of the motorcycle;
with regard to the standards that will be
applicable to the approval or disapproval of (b) The child’s arms can reach around
motorcycle helmets that will be sold in the and grasp the waist of the motorcycle
Philippines. rider; and

The DTI, through the BPS, shall conduct a (c) The child is wearing a standard
mandatory testing of all manufactured and protective helmet referred to under
imported motorcycle helmets in the Philippines. Republic Act No. 10054, otherwise
All manufacturers and importers of standard known the "Motorcycle Helmet Act of
protective motorcycle helmets are required to 2009."
secure a PS license or ICC prior to the sale and
distribution of their products. The BPS shall Section 5. Exception. – Notwithstanding the
issue periodically a list of motorcycle helmet prohibition provided in the preceding section,
manufacturers and importers and the brands this Act shall not apply to cases where the child
which pass the standards of the BPS to be to be transported requires immediate medical
published in a newspaper of general circulation attention.
or in its website.
Upon the effectivity of this Act, only those
standard protective motorcycle helmets bearing An Act Defining and Penalizing Distracted
the PS or ICC mark shall be sold in the market. Driving

Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be

known as the "Anti-Distracted Driving Act".

Section 4. Distracted Driving. - Subject to the habal", trolleys, "kuligligs", wagons,
qualifications in Sections 5 and 6 of this Act, carriages, carts, sledges, chariots or the
distracted driving refers to the performance by a like, whether animal or human-powered,
motorist of any of the following acts in a motor are covered by the provisions of this Act
vehicle in motion or temporarily stopped at a red as long as the same are operated or
light, whether diplomatic, public or private, driven in public thoroughfares,
which are hereby declared unlawful: highways or streets or under
circumstances where public safety is
(a) Using a mobile communications under consideration.
device to write, send, or read a text-
based communication or to make or (c) The provisions of this Act shall not
receive calls, and other similar acts; and apply to motorists of motor vehicles
which are not in motion, except those
(b) Using an electronic entertainment or which are stopped momentarily at a red
computing device to play games, watch light, or are pulled over to the side of the
movies, surf the internet, compose road in compliance with a traffic
messages, read e-books, perform regulation.
calculations, and other similar acts.
Section 6. Exemptions. - The provisions of this
Section 5. Extent of Coverage - Act shall not apply to the following:

(a) The operation of a mobile (a) A motorist using a mobile phone for
communications device is not emergency purposes, including, but not
considered to be distracted driving if limited to, an emergency call to a law
done using the aid of a hands-free enforcement agency, health care
function or similar device such as, but provider, fire department, or other
not limited to, a speaker phone, emergency services, agency or entity;
earphones and microphones or other and
similar devices which allow a person to
make and receive calls without having (b) A motorist using a mobile phone
to hold the mobile communications while operating an emergency vehicle
device: Provided, That the placement of such as an ambulance, a fire truck, and
the mobile communications device or other vehicles providing emergency
the hands-free device does not interfere assistance, in the course and scope of his
with the line of sight of the or her duties.
Section 9. Liability of Owner and/or Operator
(b) Wheeled agricultural machineries of the Vehicle Driven by the Offender. - The
such as tractors and construction owner and/or operator of the vehicle driven by
equipment such as graders, rollers, the offender shall be directly and principally
backhoes, payloaders, cranes, held liable together with the offender for the fine
bulldozers, mobile concrete mixers and unless he or she is able to convincingly prove
the like, and other forms of conveyances that he or she has exercised extraordinary
such as bicycles, pedicabs, "habal- diligence in the selection and supervision of his

or her drivers in general and the offending driver REPUBLIC ACT No. 11229
in particular.
An Act Providing for the Special
This section shall principally apply to the Protection of Child Passengers in Motor
owners and/or operators of public utility Vehicles and Appropriating Funds Therefor
vehicles and commercial vehicles such as
delivery vans, cargo trucks, container trucks, Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall known
school and company buses, hotel transports, cars as the "Child Safety in Motor Vehicles Act".
or vans for rent, taxi cabs, and the like.
Section 4. Mandatory Use of Child Restraint
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10916 System in Motor Vehicles. It shall be unlawful
for the driver of a covered vehicle not to
An Act Requiring the Mandatory Installation properly secure at all times a child, in a child
of Speed Limiter in Public Utility and Certain restraint system while the engine is running or
Types of Vehicle transporting such child on any road, street or
highway unless the child is at least one hundred
MANDATORY INSTALLATION OF fifty (150) centimeters or fifty-nine (59) inches
SPEED LIMITER in height and is properly secured using the
regular seat belt. The child restraint system shall
No covered vehicle shall be allowed to run in be appropriate to the child’s age, height and
any road, street or highway in the Philippines weight, and approved in accordance with
without a standard speed limiter in accordance Section 6 of this Act.The requirements of this
with the standards and specifications approved section shall not apply to circumstances where
by the DOTr. the child restraint system would put such child
in a greater danger, such as:
REGISTRATION (1) During medical emergencies;

No covered vehicle shall be registered by the (2) When the child transported has a medical or
LTO or given a franchise by the LTFRB without developmental condition; or
the standard speed limiter installed and set in the
vehicle. (3) Other analogous circumstances prescribed
under the implementing rules and regulations

The DOTC shall, in accordance with acceptable Notwithstanding the child being secured in a
international standards, determine the child restraint system, at no instance shall such
specifications of the speed limiters that may be child be left unaccompanied by an adult in a
allowed to be installed in the covered vehicles. motor vehicle.
The LTO or the LTFRB, shall supervise and
inspect the setting of speed limiter Section 5. Children in Rear Seats. - No child
corresponding to the maximum allowed in the twelve (12) years and below of age shall be
route plied by a particular covered vehicle. allowed to sit in a front seat of a motor vehicle
with a running engine or while such child is

being transported on any road, street or highway, or otherwise market the use of substandard or
unless the child meets the height requirement set expired child restraint system.
forth in Section 4 of this Act and is properly
secured using the regular seat belt in the front REPUBLIC ACT No. 10586
Section 6. Safety Standards for Child Restraint UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL,
Systems. - The Department of Trade and DANGEROUS DRUGS, AND SIMILAR
Industry (DTI) is mandated to use standards set SUBSTANCES, AND FOR OTHER
forth in United Nations Regulation 44 and PURPOSES
United Nations Regulation 129 including its
evolving standards and other acceptable Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be
international standards in the approval or known as the "Anti-Drunk and Drugged
disapproval of child restraint systems that will Driving Act of 2013″
be manufactured, sold, distributed and used in
the Philippines. Such standards shall be
periodically updated based on current United MOTORCYCLE CRIME FREVENTION
Nations Regulations concerning Child Restraint ACT RA 11235.

All manufacturers, importers, distributors and

sellers of child restraint systems are required to DRUNK DRIVING
secure from the Bureau of Product Standards AN ACT PENALIZING PERSONS
(BPS) a Philippine Standards (PS) mark license DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF
or Import Clearance Certificate (ICC) license ALCOHOL, DANGEROUS DRUGS, AND
prior to the marketing, sale and distribution of SIMILAR SUBSTANCES, AND FOR
their products. The BPS shall issue periodically OTHER PURPOSES
a list of child restraint systems manufacturers, Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be
importers and distributors, and the brands which known as the "Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving
pass its standards to be published in a newspaper Act of 2013″.
of general circulation or in its website.
Section 6. Conduct of Field Sobriety, Chemical
The use of child restraint system acquired prior and Confirmatory Tests. – A law enforcement
to the effectively of this Act shall be officer who has probable cause to believe that a
allowed: Provided, That such device is not person is driving under the influence of alcohol,
expired. dangerous drugs and/or other similar substances
by apparent indications and manifestations,
Section 7. Prohibition on Substandard or including over speeding, weaving, lane
Expired Child Restraint System. - It shall be straddling, sudden stops, swerving, poor
unlawful for any person, company, partnership, coordination or the evident smell of alcohol in a
sole proprietorship, manufacturer, distributor, person’s breath or signs of use of dangerous
and/or importer to manufacture, use, import, drugs and other similar substances, shall conduct
sell, distribute, donate, lease, advertise, promote, field sobriety tests.

If the driver fails in the sobriety tests, it shall be
the duty of the law enforcement officer to 3. The One-Leg Stand
implement the mandatory determination of the For the last test, you must be able to stand on
driver’s blood alcohol concentration level one leg while keeping the other foot raised at
through the use of a breath analyser or similar least six inches above the ground and keep the
measuring instrument. position for 30 seconds. This measures your
balance and coordination.
If the law enforcement officer has probable
cause to believe that a person is driving under Section 9. Acquisition of Equipment. – Within
the influence of dangerous drugs and/or other four (4) months from the effectivity of this Act,
similar substances, it shall be the duty of the law the Land Transportation Office (LTO) and the
enforcement officer to bring the driver to the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall acquire
nearest police station to be subjected to a drug sufficient breath analyzers and drug-testing kits
screening test and, if necessary, a drug to be utilized by law enforcement officers and
confirmatory test as mandated under Republic deputized local traffic enforcement officers
Act No. 9165. nationwide giving priority to areas with high
reported occurrences of accidents. For purposes
Law enforcement officers and deputized local of acquiring these equipment and for the training
traffic enforcement officers shall be responsible seminars indicated in Section 10 hereof, the
in implementing this section. LTO shall utilize the Special Road Safety Fund
allotted for this purpose as provided under
Section 7 of Republic Act No. 8794, entitled:
DRUG TESTING "An Act Imposing a Motor Vehicle User’s
Field sobriety tests refer to standardized tests to Charge on Owners of All Types of Motor
initially assess and determine intoxication, such Vehicles and for Other Purposes". Additional
as the horizontal gaze nystagmus, the walk-and- yearly appropriations for the purchase of breath
turn, the one-leg stand, and other similar tests as analyzers and drug-testing kits shall be provided
determined jointly by the DOH, the annually under the General Appropriations Act.
1. The Eye Test Section 4. Driver’s Education. – Every
The law enforcement officer will move an object applicant for a motor vehicle driver’s license
from side to side, and you must be able to follow shall complete a course of instruction that
its movement with your eyes from a foot away provides information on safe driving including,
from your face. This tests for involuntary but not limited to, the effects of the consumption
jerkiness of the eyes, which is a common of alcoholic beverages on the ability of a person
symptom for those under the influence of to operate a motor vehicle, the hazards of
alcohol or drugs. driving under the influence of alcohol,
2. The Walk-and-Turn dangerous drugs and/or other similar substances,
To demonstrate your ability to maintain your and the penalties attached for violation thereof.
balance, you’ll walk heel-to-toe in a straight line
nine steps forward, turn around, and walk For professional drivers, every applicant for a
another nine steps back. Wobbliness or failure to driver’s license or those applying for renewal
complete the nine-step walk is a possible thereof shall undergo the driver’s education
indicator of intoxication. herein stated.

The driver’s license written examination shall as to cause it to emit or make any unnecessary or
include questions concerning the effects of disagreeable odor, smoke or noise.
alcohol and drug intoxication on the ability of a
person to operate a motor vehicle and the legal HORNS-
and pecuniary consequences resulting from Every motor vehicle shall be provided
violation of the provisions of this Act. with a horn or signalling devise in good working
order: Provided, however, That no horn or
Section 13. Direct Liability of Operator and/or signalling device emitting an exceptionally loud,
Owner of the Offending Vehicle. – The owner startling, or disagreeable sound shall be installed
and/or operator of the vehicle driven by the or used on any motor vehicle.
offender shall be directly and principally held
liable together with the offender for the fine and All authorized emergency vehicles, such as
the award against the offender for civil damages ambulance and police cars and fire wagons used
unless he or she is able to convincingly prove for emergency calls shall be equipped with a
that he or she has exercised extraordinary bell, siren, or exhaust whistle of a type approved
diligence in the selection and supervision of his by the Commissioner, and no such device shall
or her drivers in general and the offending driver be installed or used in any other vehicle.
in particular.
No vehicle not classified as a motor vehicle
This section shall principally apply to the under this Act shall be equipped with a horn or
owners and/or operators of public utility signaling device similar to the horn customarily
vehicles and commercial vehicles such as used on motor vehicles.
delivery vans, cargo trucks, container trucks,
school and company buses, hotel transports, cars SMOKE-BELCHING
or vans for rent, taxi cabs, and the like.


Republic Act 10642, or the Lemon Law, endeavors
to protect consumers should they purchase new, albeit
EARLY WARNING DEVICES nonconforming, motor vehicles from manufacturers,
distributors, dealers, or retailers (collectively,
“Seller”). This Primer seeks to present the rights of
ROAD WORTHINESS OF VEHICLES such consumers, and the concurrent obligations of the
Seller under the Lemon Law.
Every motor vehicle propelled by an VEHICLE
internal combustion engine shall be equipped The Lemon Law covers only brand new
with a muffler, and whenever said motor vehicle motor vehicles: meaning vehicles constructed entirely
passes through a street of any city, municipality, from new parts, and have never been sold nor
or thickly populated district or barrio, the operated in any country. The Lemon Law further
muffler shall not be cut out or disconnected. No limits its coverage to only common four-wheeled road
motor vehicle shall be operated in such a manner vehicles such as cars, pick-ups, vans, sports utility
vehicles, and Asian utility vehicles. It specifically

excludes motorcycles, delivery trucks, dump trucks, outstanding complaint. The DTI shall likewise
buses, lawn mowers, heavy equipment, and farm retain the services of other government agencies
equipment. or qualified independent private entities in the
DEFECTS COVERED ascertainment of the validity of the consumer’s
The Lemon Law covers those irreparable complaint. Any cost incurred in establishing the
nonconformities which substantially impair the use, validity of the consumer’s complaint shall be
value, or safety of these new vehicles and prevent borne jointly by the consumer and the
such motor vehicles from conforming to the manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer or
manufacturers’ or distributors’ standards or retailer;
specifications. However, the Lemon Law specifically
excludes the following causes of nonconformity: (3) The complaint shall be deemed valid if it is
Noncompliance by the consumer of the obligations independently established that the motor vehicle
under the manufacturer’s or distributor’s does not conform to the standards or
warranty such as: specifications set by the manufacturer,
a. Modifications upon the motor vehicle which were distributor, authorized dealer or retailer;
not allowed by the manufacturer or distributor;
b. Abuse or neglect of the motor vehicle; and (4) Upon failure of the negotiation or mediation
c. Damage to the vehicle due to accident or force between the manufacturer, distributor,
majeure. authorized, dealer or retailer and the consumer,
the parties shall execute a certificate attesting to
(5) At any time during the dispute resolution
FILING OF COMPLAINT period, the manufacturer, distributor, authorized
dealer or retailer and the consumer shall be
Section 8. Remedies for Dispute Resolution. – encouraged to settle amicably. All disputes that
The DTI shall exercise exclusive and original have been submitted for mediation shall be
jurisdiction over disputes arising from the settled not later than ten (10) working days from
provisions of this Act. All disputes arising from the date of filing of the complaint with the DTI.
the provisions of this Act shall be settled by the
DTI in accordance with the following dispute (b) Arbitration
resolution mechanisms:
In the event there is a failure to settle the
(a) Mediation complaint during the mediation proceedings,
both parties may voluntarily decide to undertake
(1) The principles of negotiation, conciliation arbitration proceedings.
and mediation towards amicable settlement
between the manufacturer, distributor, (c) Adjudication
authorized dealer or retailer and the consumer
shall be strictly observed; (1) In the event that both parties do not
undertake arbitration proceedings, at least one of
(2) In the course of its dispute resolution efforts, the parties may commence adjudication
the DTI shall endeavour to independently proceedings, administered by the DTI. The DTI
establish the validity of the consumer’s shall rely on the qualified independent findings

as to conformity to standards and specifications Notice of Appeal to the Adjudication Officer,
established herein. In no case shall adjudication and with a copy duly furnished the adverse party
proceedings exceed twenty (20) working days; or parties on any of the following grounds:

(2) In case a finding of nonconformity is arrived (i) Grave abuse of discretion;

at, the DTI shall rule in favor of the consumer
and direct the manufacturer, distributor, (ii) The decision/order is in excess of
authorized dealer or retailer to grant either of the jurisdiction or authority of the Adjudication
following remedies to the consumer: Officer; and

(i) Replace the motor vehicle with a similar (iii) The decision/order is not supported by the
or comparable motor vehicle in terms of evidence or there is serious error in the findings
specifications and values, subject to availability; of facts.
The Secretary of the DTI shall decide on the
(ii) Accept the return of the motor vehicle appeal within thirty (30) days from receipt
and pay the consumer the purchase price plus thereof. A party seeking further appeal from the
the collateral charges. decision of the Secretary of the DTI may file a
case for certiorari to the Court of Appeals under
In case the consumer decides to purchase Section 4, Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of
another vehicle with a higher value and Court.
specifications from the same manufacturer,
distributor, authorized dealer or retailer, the
consumer shall pay the difference in cost. TRAFFIC ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION

In both cases of replacement and repurchase, the DEBRIS – scattered broken parts of vehicles
reasonable allowance for use, as defined in this caused by collision
Act, shall be deducted in determining the value SKID MARKS – marks left on the roadway by
of the nonconforming motor vehicle; and tires which are not free to rotate due to sudden
application of brakes
(3) In case a nonconformity of the motor vehicle KEY EVENT – an event on the road which
is not found by the DTI, it shall rule in favor of characterizes the manner of occurrence of a
the manufacturer, distributor, .authorized dealer motor vehicle traffic accident
or retailer, and direct the consumer to reimburse SCUFF MARKS – are signs left on the road by
the manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer tires that are sliding or scrubbing while the
or retailer the costs incurred by the latter in wheel is still turning
validating the consumer’s complaints.
TRAFFIC UNIT – is any person using a traffic
An appeal may be taken from a final judgment way for travel, parking or other purposes as a
or order of the Adjudication Officer which pedestrian or driver, including any vehicle, or
completely disposes of the case within fifteen animal which he is using. It applies not only to
(15) days from receipt thereof.1âwphi1 The motor vehicle but also to:
appeal shall be taken by filing a Memorandum 1. Pedestrians;
of Appeal with the Secretary of the DTI, with 2. Cyclists;
3. Street cars;

4. Horse-drawn (animal-drawn) 2. Motor Vehicle Non-Traffic Accident – is
vehicles; any motor vehicle accident which occurs
5. Farm tractors; and entirely in any place other than a traffic way.
6. Other road users in almost any
combination. e.g. accident on a private driveway.
Example: A traffic accident could 3. Non-Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident – is
involve a cyclist and a pedestrian. any accident occurring on a traffic way
TRAFFIC ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION involving persons using the traffic way or travel
DETERMINES THE FOLLOWING: or transportation, but not involving a motor
vehicle in motion.
a. WHAT happened? e.g. pedestrian and cyclist in a traffic
b. WHO and WHAT was way.
Hit-and-Run Accident
c. WHERE did it happen?  This is characterized by one of the
d. WHY did it happen? involved persons ran away from
e. HOW did the accident the accident scene to evade
occur? responsibility.
f. WHEN did the accident
1. If the driver is in imminent danger of
event that results in unintended injury or
being seriously harmed by any person or
property damage attributable directly or
persons by reason of the accident.
indirectly to the action of a motor vehicle or its
2. If the driver reports the accident to the
loads. Included are: nearest officers of the law.
1. Accidental injury from inhalation of 3. If the driver has to summon a physician
exhaust gas; or nurse to aid the victim.
2. Fires;
3. Explosion; CHAIN OF EVENTS
4. Discharge of firearm within the motor
vehicle while in motion; Chain of Events in Vehicular Accident:
5. Collision between a motor vehicle and a Perception of Hazard
railroad train or street car on Seeing, feeling or hearing and understanding
stationary rails or tracks; the usual or unexpected movement or condition
6. Failure of any part of the motor vehicle that could be taken as a sign of the accident
while the vehicle is in motion. about to happen
Start of Evasive Action
TYPES OF ACCIDENT The first action taken by a traffic unit to
1. Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident – is any escape from a collision course or otherwise
motor vehicle accident occurring on a traffic avoid the hazards
way. Initial Contact
e.g. ordinarily collision between A first accidental touching of an object of
automobiles on a highway. collision course with by a traffic unit in motion
Maximum Engagement

Is the greatest collapse or overlap in a  Collision on road with Motor Vehicle
collision versus:
a. other motor vehicle in traffic
e. railroad train
Disengagement b. pedestrian
The separation of traffic unit in motion from f. fixed object
an object with which it has collided. Force c. parked motor vehicle
between the object ceases at this time g. other objects
Stopping or Final Position d. bicycle
The place and time when the object involved
in an accident finally come to rest without THE LAST CLEAR CHANCE PRINCIPLE
application of power The doctrine of the last clear chance”
Injury - Hazardous physical effect of accident should serve to guide the conduct of all drivers.
POINT OF NO ESCAPE – is that place and In layman’s language, it means “The Driver who
time after or beyond which the accident cannot is better position to prevent the accident has the
be prevented by the traffic unit under responsibility of preventing the accident”. The
consideration. prevention of traffic accident is first
FINAL POSITION – is the place and time responsibility of all drivers.
when objects involved in an accident finally
come to rest without application of power. THE STATE OF NECESSITY PRINCIPLE
1. Art. 11, Par. a provides:
SEVERITY OF ACCIDENT Any person who, in order to avoid an evil or
The result of the accident, either death, injury, does an act which causes damage to
injuries and property damage another, provided that the following requisites
 Fatal accident are present:
Any motor vehicle accident that First. That the evil sought to be avoided
results in death to one or more persons actually exists;
 Non-fatal accident Second. That the injury feared be greater
Any motor vehicle accident that than that done to avoid it; and
results in injuries other than fatal (death) to one Third. That there be no other practical
or more persons and less harmful means of preventing it.
 Property damage accident 1. A state of necessity exists when there is a
Is any motor vehicle accident clash between unequal rights, the lesser
where there is no death or injury to person but right giving way to the greater
only to the motor vehicle or to another property right. Aside from the 3 requisites stated
injury or death to animal in the law, it should also be added that the
necessity must not be due to the
KEY EVENTS negligence or violation of any law by the
 Running off road actor.
a. motor vehicle in traffic 2. The person for whose benefit the harm
 Non-collision on road: has been prevented shall be civilly liable
a. overturning in proportion to the benefit which may
b. Other non-collision have been received. This is the only
justifying circumstance which provides

for the payment of civil
indemnity. Under the other justifying
circumstances, no civil liability
attaches. The courts shall determine, in
their sound discretion, the proportionate
amount for which law one is liable



Acts and omissions, whether intentional
or unintentional, prohibited and penalized by
traffic laws, rules and regulations and local
ordinances which are classified as follows:
1. Grave Violation a traffic violation
committed in willful or wanton
disregard for the rights or safety of
persons which poses a real threat of
serious injury to the driver, his/her
passengers or the general public, or
which may cause undue ruin or
substantial damage to property as listed
in the Violation Demerit Point Schedule
(Appendix 1).
2. Less Grave Violation a traffic violation
identified as having been committed so
as to endanger or be likely to endanger
any person or property which is not so
serious as to qualify under the
immediately preceding classification as
enumerated in the Violation Demerit
Point Schedule (Appendix 1).
3. Light Violation may refer to a minor or
simple infraction of traffic laws, rules,
regulations and ordinances and those not
otherwise classified as grave or less

ARSON 3. Reduce the temperature
 is a rapid oxidation process, a chemical ELEMENTS OF FIRE
reaction resulting in the evolution of Heat - a form of energy generated by the
light and heat in varying intensities transmission of some other form of energy, as in
 A result of chemical reaction known as combustion or burning.
combustion, where fuel and oxygen
react with one another Heat Sources:
 Open flame
COMBUSTION - occurs when fuel or other  Hot surfaces
material reacts rapidly with oxygen, giving off  Electrical circuit
light, heat, and flame.  Friction
 Combustion does not always result in  Sparks
flame, because a flame is only visible  All sources of ignition
when substances undergoing
combustion vaporize, but when it does, Oxygen - a colorless, odorless gas and one
a flame is a characteristic indicator of of the compositions of air which is
the reaction. approximately 21% by volume.
Name one fuel that burns without producing a
Oxygen Sources:
Oxygen Requirements
1. 21 % of normal oxygen
PYROLYSIS- Decomposition of materials
1. 12 % - no fire
caused by high temperature
2. 78 % of nitrogen
Vaporization - For liquids to burn, they must be
2. 14 % - flash point
heated to produce ignitable mixture in air
3. 1 % of other gases
3. 21 % - fire point
3. Fuel - any substance which reacts chemically
FIRE TRIANGLE THEORY with oxygen and produces flames. The most
important element of fire.
The graphical representation of the three
elements of fire, namely: Oxygen, Heat, and FUEL SOURCES:
1. Solid - molecules are closely packed together
Each side is just as important as either 2. Liquid - molecules are loosely packed
of the other two sides. There cannot be fire 3. Gas - molecules are free to moved
without all the three parts present in equal

Using the same theory, there are three The fire, triangle theory describes the
ways to extinguish fire: three elements, of a fire as shown in Figure 1.1.
Another explanation of the requirement of
1. Remove the fuel combustion uses a four-sided figure called
2. Cut-off the oxygen supply tetrahedron as shown in Figure 1.2. Both

theories are used to explain what causes fire. 3. Heat (Temperature)
The fourth element of the tetrahedron
explanation is known as chemical reactivity, or Heat is the energy component of the fire
chemical reaction. tetrahedron. When heat comes in contact with a
fuel, the energy supports the combustion
For Combustion to occur, four process.
elements are necessary:
Flash Point -the lowest temperature at which a
1. Oxygen (oxidizing agent) solid or liquid material produces sufficient
2. Fuel vapors to burn under laboratory conditions.
3. Heat = initiates burning
4. Self - sustaining chemical reaction.
Fire Point - the lowest temperature at which the
These elements can be graphically a liquid in an open container at which vapors
described as the fire tetrahedron. Each element evolve fast enough to support combustion
of the tetrahedron must be in place for
combustion to occur. This theory is extremely = burning continues
important to students of fire suppression, COMBUSTION REACTIONS/PROCESS:
prevention, and investigation. Removing any
one of the four elements combustion will not • Causes pyrolysis or vaporization of solid and
occur. If ignition has already started, the fire is liquid fuels and the production of ignitable
extinguished, if one of the elements is removed vapors or gases;
from the reaction. • Provides the energy necessary for ignition;
• Causes the continuous production and ignition
COMPONENTS/ELEMENTS OF THE of fuel vapors or gases to continue the
FIRE TETRAHEDRON: combustion reaction.
1. Oxygen (Oxidizing Agent)
Oxidizing agents are those materials that
yield oxygen or other oxidizing gases during the 1. Incipient Phase (Initial Stage/Growth)–
process of a chemical reaction. under this stage, the following characteristics are
observed: normal room temperature, the
2. Fuel (Reducing Agent) temperature at the base of the fire is 400-800 °F,
ceiling temperature is about 200 °F, the
Fuel is the material or substance being pyrolysis products are mostly water vapor and
burned in the combustion process. carbon dioxide, small quantities of carbon
Flammable Liquids = are those which have a monoxide and sulphides maybe present.
flashpoint below 100˚F (37.8˚C), such as 2. Free Burning Phase (FULLY
gasoline, acetone, and ethyl alcohol. DEVELOP STAGE)– it has the following
characteristics: accelerated pyrolysis process
Combustible liquids = are those which have a take place, development of convection current:
flashpoint at or above 100˚F (37.8˚C) such as formation of thermal columns as heat rises,
kerosene and fuel oil. temperature is 800-1000 °F at the base of fire,
1200-1600 °F at ceiling, pyrolytic
decomposition moves upward on the

walls(crawling of the flame) leaving burnt there will be a very intense fire
patterns (fire fingerprints), occurrence of that is capable of causing flames
flashover. to jump at a certain distance in
3. Smoldering Phase (DECAY STAGE) the form of fireball. Fireballs
– this stage has the following characteristics: can travel to a hundred yards
oxygen content drops to 13% or below causing with in a few seconds.
the flame to vanish and heat to develop in layers, 3. Biteback - a fatal condition that takes
products of incomplete combustion increase in place when the fire resists
volume, particularly carbon monoxide with an extinguishment operations and become
ignition temperature of about 1125 °F, ceiling stronger and bigger instead.
temperature is 1000-1300 °F, heat and pressure 4. Flash Fire – better known as dust
in the room builds up, building/room contains explosion. This may happen when the
large quantities of superheated fuel under metal post that is completely covered
pressure but little oxygen, when sufficient with dust is going to be hit by lightning.
supply of oxygen is introduced, backdraft The dust particles covering the metal
occurs. burn simultaneously thus creating a
violent chemical reaction that produces
DANGEROUS BEHAVIOR OF FIRE a very bright flash followed by an
Fire is so fatal when the following
conditions occurred: SOURCES OF IGNITION

1. Backdraft – it is the sudden and rapid TRANSMISSION OF HEAT

(violent) burning of heated gases in a
confined area that occurs in the form of The physical methods by which energy
explosion. This may occur because of in the form of heat can be transferred between
improper ventilation. If a room is not bodies are conduction and radiation. A third
properly ventilated, highly flammable method, which also involves the motion of
vapors maybe accumulated such that matter, is called convection.
when a door or window is suddenly Conduction – it is the transfer of heats
opened, the room violently sucks the by molecular activity with in a material or
oxygen from the outside and medium, usually a solid. Direct contact is the
simultaneously, a sudden combustion underlying factor in conduction. Example, if you
occur, which may happen as an touch a hot stove, the pain you feel is a first
explosion (combustion explosion). result of conducted heat passing from the stove
2. Flashover – it is the sudden ignition of directly to your hand. In a structural fire,
accumulated radical gases produced superheated pipes, steel girders, and other
when there is incomplete combustion of structural members such as walls and floors may
fuels. It is the sudden burning of free conduct enough heat to initiate fires in other
radicals, which is initiated by a spark or areas of the structure
flash produced when temperature rises Convection – it is the transfer of heat
until flash point is reached. through a circulating medium, usually air or
a. When accumulated volume of liquid. Heat transfer by convection is chiefly
radical gases suddenly burns, responsible for the spread of fire in structures.

The supper-heated gases evolved from a fire are
lighter than air, and consequently rise, they can
and do initiate additional damage. In large fires, CLASS D
the high fireball that accompanies the incident is metal fire such as magnesium (white element
referred to as a firestorm and is an example of burning with dazzling light), sodium (a silver
converted heat. white metallic element), etc.; creates violent
Radiation – radiated heat moves in reaction.
wave and rays much like sunlight. Radiated heat
travels the speed, as does visible light: 186,000 CLASS E
miles per second. It is primarily responsible for flammable gases such as LPG, LNG, etc.; also
the exposure hazards that develop and exist creates violent reaction
during a fire. Heat waves travel in a direct or
straight line from their source until they strike an EXTINGUISHMENT OF FIRE METHODS
object. The heat that collects on the surface of
the object or building in the path of the heat EXTINGUISHING AGENT
waves is subsequently absorbed into its mass 1. Class A – water (all agents)
through conduction. 2. Class B – foam/carbon dioxide (all
Conduction requires physical contact 3. Class C – carbon dioxide/powder (never
between bodies or portions of bodies exchanging use water, soda acid and foam)
heat, but radiation does not require contact or the 4. Class D – special powder
presence of any matter between the bodies. 5. Class E – all agents
Convection occurs when a liquid or gas is in METHODS OF EXTINGUISHMENT
contact with a solid body at a different 1. COOLING – heat absorption.
temperature and is always accompanied by the 2. STARVATION – the removal of the
motion of the liquid or gas. The science dealing fuel.
with the transfer of heat between bodies is called 3. SMOTHERING – by expelling oxygen
heat transfer. 4. Inhibition or the interruption of
chemical chain reaction

CLASS A ORGANIC FUEL – wood and plastics

ordinary solid materials such as wood, paper, INORGANIC FUEL – combustible materials
fabrics, etc. GASEOUS FUEL – LPG
this will be indicated by deep cited fire, leaves
ashes and embers (glowing coals) after burning
flammable liquids such as gasoline, lube oil,
kerosene, paint thinner, etc. Fire fighting operations refers to fire
suppression activities. In general the
CLASS C following procedures should be observed:
electrical appliances; causes electric shock

9. SALVAGE – The activity of protecting
1. PRE-FIRE PLANNING - this activity the properties from preventable damage other
involves developing and defining systematic than the fire. The steps are a) remove the
course of actions that maybe performed in order material outside the burning area, and b)
to realize the objectives of fire protection: protecting or cover the materials by using
involves the process of establishing the SOP in tarpaulins (cotton canvass treated with water
case fire breaks out. proofing).
2. EVALUATION – SIZE – UP (on-the- 10. EXTINGUISHMENT – This is the
spot planning or sizing-up the situation) - this is process of putting out the main body of fire by
the process knowing the emergency situation. It using the 4 general methods of fire
involves mental evaluation by the operation extinguishments.
officer-in-charge to determine the appropriate 11. OVERHAUL – This is the complete
course of action that provides the highest and detailed check of the structure and all
probability of success. materials therein to eliminate conditions that
3. EVACUATION – This is the activity of may cause re-flash; involves complete
transferring people, livestock, and property away extinguishments of sparks or smouldering
from the burning area to minimize damage or (glowing) substances (embers) to
destruction that the fire might incur in case it prevent possibilities of re-ignition or
propagates to other adjacent buildings. rekindling.
4. ENTRY – This is the process of 12. FIRE SCENE INVESTIGATION -
accessing the burning structure. Entry maybe This is the final stage of fire suppression
done in a forcible manner. activities. It is an inquiry conducted to know or
5. RESCUE – This is the operation of determine the origin and cause of fire.
removing (extricating), thus saving, people and 13.
other livestock from the burning building and
other involved properties, conveying them to a SALIENT POINTS OF
secure place
6. EXPOSURE – also called cover RA 6975 - (REFER MODULE 12)
exposure, this is the activity of securing other RA 9263 - (REFER MODULE 12)
buildings near the burning structure in order RA 9592 - (REFER MODULE 12)
to prevent the fire from the extending to
another building.
of restricting the fire at the place (room) where it PHILIPPINES OF 2008
started : the process of preventing fire from (RA 9514)ITS IRR
extending from another section or form one R.A. 9514, WITH EMPHASIS ON
section to another section of the involved SECTIONS 1 TO 9 OF THE LAW;
building. (REFER MODULE 12)
8. VENTILATION – This the operation
purposely conducted to displace toxic gases. It THE FIRE SAFETY INSPECTORS
includes the process of displacing the heated FUNCTIONS
atmosphere within the involved building with
normal air from outside atmosphere. CLASSIFICATION OF ARSON, STAGES

(REFER MODULE 20) The provision of adequate exits is the
most important feature in designing a building
PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE for life safety. Once fire is notified, occupants
PROVISIONS ON THE RPC ON ARSON can leave the building in the least possible time
AND CRIR.ES INVOLVING through exits free from fire, heat, and smoke.
DESTRUCTION; Although panic in a burning building may be
ACT NO. 3815 - uncontrollable, it can be eased with the measures
PD 1613 - (REFER MODULE 13) designed to help prevent panic-an example of
PD 1744- (REFER MODULE 13) this is the exit signs. Panic seldom develops in a
burning building as long as the occupants are
PROVISIONS OF THE BUILDING CODE moving towards exits that have no obstructions
OF THE PHILIPPINES in the path of travel.

Building Code The life safety factor is affected by

many building designs and features-designs and
A standard rules for safety in the features that prevent, reduce, or retard the spread
construction of buildings. Building codes vary in of the fire, such as: fire stops, fire walls, and fire
their fire-resistance requirements in accordance doors.
with the occupancy classification.
Fixed Fire Protection System
Building Code Requirements
Fixed fire protection system installed
1. Intended Occupancy and Use will be in accordance with sound economical
2. Life Safety and engineering practices. These systems insure
3. Fixed Fire Protection System the maximum life safety-or maximum degree of
4. Spacing of Structures - property protection where the size, type of
5. Height Requirements construction, occupancy, or other conditions
6. Fire Retarding Features create severe monetary fire-loss potential.

Intended Occupancy and Use Spacing of Structures

A building design is based upon the Planning and construction of an

occupancy of the individual structure, adequate separation of buildings and structures
considering both the combustibility of the is very important to prevent the spread of fire
contents and the human factors of occupancy. from an adjacent building or from area to area.
Buildings wherein large occupants are Spacing requirements that restrict types of
assembled such as dormitories, schools, occupancies or specified areas have an important
hospitals, where crowds may generate panic bearing upon fire safety. Consideration will be
hazards, call for a higher and greater degree of given to convenience, efficiency, and savings.
fire safety protection than do warehouses and When buildings have different occupancies and
building which are less populated. Buildings that different types of construction are adjacent,
contain high combustible materials call for a maximum spacing requirements have to be
greater degree of fire resistance in the structure. observed.

Life Safety Height Requirements

Owing to the life hazard involved, it is a
good practice to limit the height of structures RELEVANT PROVISIONS ON THE
that have an unusually high degree of OPERATIONAL STANDARD ON
The height of buildings of masonry or CRIMINAL COMPLAINT PROCEDURE
concrete wall and wood construction is generally
limited to a height assumed to be the maximum
at which the fire departments can operate and
fight fire effectively, working from the street
level. The operational limit is usually three (3)
or four (4) stories. Wood frame construction is
generally given lower height limits. Fire
resistive, buildings are commonly permitted
without any height limit, on the theory that the
structural integrity of the buildings will be



d. Within the buildings and premises of public
VICE AND DRUGS and private hospitals, medical, dental, and
DRUG optical clinics, health centers, nursing homes,
dispensaries and laboratories;
- Any chemically active substance rendering a
specific effect on the central nervous system of
man. e. Public conveyances and public facilities
- A chemical substance that affects the functions including airport and ship terminals and train
of living cells and alters body or mind processes and bus stations, restaurants and conference
when taken into the body or applied through the halls, except for separate smoking areas; and
- Is a chemical substance that brings about f. Food preparation areas.
physical, emotional or behavioral change in a
person taking it.
- Any chemical substance, other than food, SECTION 6. Designated Smoking and Non-
which is intended for used in the diagnosis, smoking Areas.—In all enclosed places that are
treatment, cure, mitigation or prevention of open to the general public, private workplaces
disease or symptoms. and other places not covered under the preceding
section, where smoking may expose a person
LAWS ON; other than the smoker to tobacco smoke, the
SMOKING owner, proprietor, operator, possessor, manager
or administrator of such places shall establish
Republic Act No. 9211 smoking and non-smoking areas. Such areas
may include a designated smoking area within
AN ACT REGULATING THE the building, which may be in an open space or
PACKAGING, USE, SALE, separate area with proper ventilation, but shall
DISTRIBUTION AND ADVERTISEMENTS not be located within the same room that has
OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND FOR been designated as a non-smoking area.
All designated smoking areas shall have at least
SECTION 5. Smoking Ban in Public Places.—
Smoking shall be absolutely prohibited in the one (1) legible and visible sign posted, namely
following public places: “SMOKING AREA” for the information and
guidance of all concerned. In addition, the sign
a. Centers of youth activity such as playschools, or notice posted shall include a warning about
preparatory schools, elementary schools, high the health effects of direct or secondhand
schools, colleges and universities, youth hostels exposure to tobacco smoke. Non-Smoking areas
and recreational facilities for persons under shall likewise have at least one (1) legible and
eighteen (18) years old; visible sign, namely: “NON-SMOKING AREA”
b. Elevators and stairwells;
Access Restrictions
c. Locations in which fire hazards are present,
including gas stations and storage areas for SECTION 7. Vending Machines, Self-Service
flammable liquids, gas, explosives or Facilities.—Unless the vending machine has a
combustible materials; mechanism for age verification, the sale or
distribution of tobacco products to minors by

means of a vending machine or any self-service SECTION 11. Signage.—Point-of-Sale
facility or similar contraption or device is establishments offering, distributing or selling
prohibited, except at point-of-sale tobacco products to consumers, shall post the
establishments. following statement in a clear and conspicuous
SECTION 8. Retailer Compliance with Respect PURCHASE BY MINORS OF TOBACCO
to Self-Service Facilities.—Each retailer shall PRODUCTS IS UNLAWFUL” or “IT IS
ensure that all tobacco-related self-service UNLAWFUL FOR TOBACCO PRODUCTS
displays or facilities, advertising, labeling and TO BE SOLD/DISTRIBUTED TO OR
other items that are located in the establishment PURCHASED BY PERSONS UNDER 18
of the retailer and that do not comply with the YEARS OF AGE.”
requirements of this Act are removed or are
brought into compliance with the requirements SECTION 12. Proof of Age Verification.—In
of this Act. case of doubt as to the age of the buyer, retailers
shall verify, by means of any valid form of
SECTION 9. Minimum Age Sales.—Under this photographic identification containing the date
Act, it shall be unlawful: of birth of the bearer, that no individual
purchasing a tobacco product is below eighteen
a. For any retailer of tobacco products to sell or (18) years of age.
distribute tobacco products to any minor;
Advertising and Promotions
b. For any person to purchase cigarettes or
tobacco products from a minor; SECTION 13. Warnings on Cigarette
Packages.—Under this Act:
c. For a minor to sell or buy cigarettes or any
tobacco product; and a. All packages in which tobacco products are
provided to consumers withdrawn from the
d. For a minor to smoke cigarettes or any other manufacturing facility of all manufacturers or
tobacco products. imported into the Philippines intended for sale to
the market, starting 1 January 2004, shall be
It shall not be a defense for the person selling or printed, in either English or Filipino, on a
distributing that he/she did not know or was not rotating basis or separately and simultaneously,
aware of the real age of the minor. Neither shall the following health warnings:
it be a defense that he/she did not know nor had
any reason to believe that the cigarette or any “GOVERNMENT WARNING: Cigarette
other tobacco product was for the consumption Smoking is Dangerous to Your Health;”
of the minor to whom it was sold.
SECTION 10. Sale of Tobacco Products Within Addictive;”
School Perimeters.—The sale or distribution of
tobacco products is prohibited within one “GOVERNMENT WARNING: Tobacco Smoke
hundred (100) meters from any point of the Can Harm Your Children;” or
perimeter of a school, public playground or
other facility frequented particularly by minors. “GOVERNMENT WARNING: Smoking Kills.”

b. Upon effectivity of this Act until 30 June appear in contrast by color, typography or layout
2006, the health warning shall be located on one with all the other printed material on the side
side panel of every tobacco product package and panel.
occupy not less than fifty percent (50%) of such
side panel including any border or frame. g. No other printed warnings, except the health
warning and the message required in this
c. Beginning 1 July 2006, the health warning Section, paragraph f. shall be placed on cigarette
shall be located on the bottom portion of one (1) packages.
front panel of every tobacco product package
and occupy not less than thirty percent (30%) of DRINKING ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR
such front panel including any border or frame. (REFER FROM THE BOOK)
The text of the warning shall appear in clearly
legible type in black text on a white background
with a black border and in contrast by GAMBLING
typography, layout or color to the other printed
matters on the package. The health warning shall REPUBLIC ACT No. 9287 2004
occupy a total area of not less than fifty percent
(50%) of the total warning frame. AN ACT INCREASING THE PENALTIES
d. The warnings shall be rotated periodically, or AMENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS
separately and simultaneously printed, so that OF PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO.
within any twenty-four (24) month period, the 1602, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES
four (4) variations of the warnings shall appear
with proportionate frequency. Sec. 2. Definition of Terms. - As used in this
Act, the following terms shall mean:
e. The warning shall not be hidden or obscured
by other printed information or images, or a) Illegal Numbers Game. - Any form
printed in a location where tax or fiscal stamps illegal gambling activity which uses
are likely to be applied to the package or placed numbers or combinations thereof as
in a location where it will be damaged when the factors in giving out jackpots.
package is opened. If the warning to be printed
on the package is likely to be obscured or b) Jueteng. - An illegal numbers game
obliterated by a wrapper on the package, the that involves the combination of thirty-
warning must be printed on both the wrapper seven (37) numbers against thirty-seven
and the package. (37) numbers from number one (1) to
thirty seven (37) or the combination of
f. In addition to the health warning, all packages thirty-eight (38) numbers in some areas,
of tobacco products that are provided to serving as a form of local lottery where
consumers shall contain, on one side panel, the bets are placed and accepted per
following statement in a clear, legible and combination, and its variants.
conspicuous manner: “NO SALE TO MINORS”
or “NOT FOR SALE TO MINORS.” The c) Masiao. - An illegal numbers game
statement shall occupy an area of not less than where the winning combination is
ten percent (10%) of such side panel and shall derived from the results of the last game

of Jai Alai or the Special Llave portion thereof). - Any person who exercises
or any result thereof based on any control and supervision over the
fictitious Jai Alai game consisting of ten collector or agent.
(10) players pitted against one another,
and its variants. i) Maintainer, Manager or Operator. -
Any person who maintains, manages or
d) Last Two. - An illegal numbers game operates any illegal number game in a
where the winning combination is specific area from whom the
derived from the last two (2) numbers of coordinator, controller or supervisor,
the first prize of the winning and collector or agent take orders.
Sweepstakes ticket which comes out
during the weekly draw of the j) Financiers or Capitalist. - Any person
Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office who finances the operations of any
(PCSO), and its variants. illegal numbers game.

e) Bettor ("Mananaya", "Tayador" or k) Protector or Coddler. - Any person

variants thereof). - Any person who who lends or provides protection, or
places bets for himself/herself or in receives benefits in any manner in the
behalf of another person, or any person, operation of any illegal numbers game.
other than the personnel or staff of any
illegal numbers game operation. Sec. 3. Punishable Acts. - Any person who
participates in any illegal numbers game shall
f) Personnel or Staff of Illegal Numbers suffer the following penalties:
Game Operation. - Any person, who
acts in the interest of the maintainer, a) The penalty of imprisonment from
manager or operator, such as, but not thirty (30) days to ninety (90) days, if
limited to, an accountant, cashier, such person acts as a bettor;
checker, guard, runner, table manager,
usher, watcher, or any other personnel b) The penalty of imprisonment from six
performing such similar functions in a (6) years and one (1) day to eight (8)
building structure, vessel, vehicle, or years, if such person acts as a personnel
any other place where an illegal or staff of an illegal numbers game
numbers game is operated or conducted. operation;

g) Collector or Agent ("Cabo", The same penalty shall likewise be

"Cobrador", "Coriador" or variants imposed to any person who allows his
thereof). - Any person who collects, vehicle, house, building or land to be
solicits or produces bets in behalf of used in the operation of the illegal
his/her principal for any illegal numbers numbers games.
game who is usually in possession of
gambling paraphernalia. c) The penalty of imprisonment from
eight (8) years and one (1) day to ten
h) Coordinator, Controller or (10) years, if such person acts as a
Supervisor ("Encargado" or variants collector or agent;

d) The penalty of imprisonment from office shall be imposed upon any local
ten (10) years and one (1) day to twelve government official who, having knowledge of
(12) years, if such person acts as a the existence of the operation of any illegal
coordinator, controller or supervisor; numbers game in his/her jurisdiction, fails to
abate or to take action, or tolerates the same in
e) The penalty of imprisonment from connection therewith.
twelve (12) years and one (1) day to ten
(10) fourteen (14) years, if such person b) In the case of failure to apprehend
acts as a maintainer, manager or perpetrators of any illegal numbers game, any
operator; and law enforcer shall suffer an administrative
penalty of suspension or dismissal, as the case
f) The penalty of imprisonment from may be, to be imposed by the appropriate
fourteen (14) years and one (1) day to authority.
sixteen (16) years, if such person acts as
a financier or capitalist; Sec. 6. Liability of Parents/Guardians. - The
penalty of imprisonment from six (6) months
g) The penalty of imprisonment from and one (1) day to one (1) year or fine ranging
sixteen (16) years and one (1) day to from One hundred thousand pesos
twenty (20) years, if such person acts as (P100,000.00) to Four hundred thousand pesos
protector or coddler. (P400,000.00) shall be imposed upon any parent,
guardian or person exercising moral authority or
Sec. 4. Possession of Gambling Paraphernalia ascendancy over a minor, ward or incapacitated
or Materials. - The possession of any gambling person, and not otherwise falling under any of
paraphernalia and other materials used in the the foregoing subsections, who induces or
illegal numbers game operation shall be deemed causes such minor, ward or incapacitated person
prima facie evidence of any offense covered by to commit any of the offenses punishable in this
this Act. Act. Upon conviction, the parent, guardian or
person exercising moral authority or ascendancy
Sec. 5. Liability of Government Employees over the minor, ward or incapacitated person
and/or Public Officials. - a) If the collector, shall be deprived of his/her authority over such
agent, coordinator, controller, supervisor, person in addition to the penalty imposed
maintainer, manager, operator, financier or
capitalist of any illegal numbers game is a PROSTITUTION
government employee and/or public official, (REFER FROM THE BOOK)
whether elected or appointed shall suffer the
penalty of twelve (12) years and one (1) day to TEST FOR ALCOHOLISM AND
twenty (20) years and a fine ranging from Three TREATMENT
million pesos (P3,000,000.00) to Five million
pesos (P5,000,000.00) and perpetual absolute
disqualification from public office.

In addition to the penalty provided in the SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF DRUG USE
immediately preceding section, the accessory
penalty of perpetual disqualification from public

FIELD TEST FOR DANGEROUS DRUGS 6. Withdrawal Syndrome – The addict
becomes nervous and restless when he does not
get the drug. After about 12 hours, he starts
sweating. His nose and eyes becomes watery
DRUG ADDICTION and continue doing so increasingly for another
Drug addiction is a state of mind in twelve hours. It is followed by vomiting,
which a person has lost the power of self-control diarrhea, loss of appetite and sleep. Respiration,
in respect of a drug. He consumes the drug blood pressure and body temperature also rises.
repeatedly leaving aside all values of life. In This will continue up to three days. After which,
other words a drug addict will resort to crime the trouble starts subsiding and most of it is
even, to satisfy his repeated craving for the gone in about a week’s time. Complete recovery
drug. The effects of addiction are mainly takes place in three to six months.
deteriorative personality Changes. They include
insomnia, instability, lack of self-confidence
especially when not under the influence of drug. KINDS OF DRUG DEPENDENCE
The addict cannot concentrate on any work. He
avoids social contacts. Slowly, mentally, 1. PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE
physically, and morally he becomes from bad to An adaptive state caused by repeated
worse and a burden to the society. drug use that reveals itself by developing intense
physical symptoms when the drug is stopped;
One or more of the following attributes formerly called addiction
characterizes drug addiction: 2. PSYCHOLOGICAL
1. Compulsion/ Uncontrollable DEPENDENCE
Craving – the addict feels a compulsive craving An attachment to drug use, which arises
to take drug repeatedly and tries to procure the from a drug’s ability to satisfy some emotional
same by any means. or personality need of an individual; formerly
2. Tolerance – it is the tendency to called habituation
increase the dose of the drug to produce the
same effect as to that of the original effect. ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS OF;
3. Addiction – the addict is powerless to
quit drug use. DDB
4. Physical Dependence – the addict’s The DDB is the policy-making body and
physiological functioning is altered. The body strategy-making body in the planning and
becomes sick, inactive and incapable of carrying formulation of policies and programs on drug
out useful activity in the absence of the drug. prevention and control. (under the Office of the
The withdrawal syndromes will occur once the President) (sec. 77, Art IX)
drug use is stopped.
5. Psychological Dependence –  Composition: 17 members (3 as
Emotional and mental discomfort exist to the permanent, 12 as ex-officio, 2 regular
individual. The drug addict feels he cannot do members)(sec. 78, Art IX)
without the drug, consequently if he does not  3 permanent members: to be appointed
take the drug his mental processes are affected. by the President, one to be the
He cannot carry out his work efficiently. Chairman.

 12 ex officio members: Secretary of  Assisted By: 2 Deputies Director General
DOJ, DOH, DND, DOF, DOLE, DILG, (one for Admin, another for Opns) –
DSWD, DFA, and DepEd, Chairman of appointed by the President (sec. 82,
CHED, NYC, and the Dir.Gen of Art IX).
PDEA.  PDEA Operating Units:
 2 regular members: President of the It absorbed the NDLE-PCC (created under E.O.
IBP, and the Pres/Chaiman of an NGO 61), NARCOM of the PNP, Narcotics
involved in a dangerous drug campaign Division of the NBI, and the Customs
to be appointed by the President. Narcotics Interdiction Unit (sec. 86, Art IX).
 The NBI Director and the Chief of the
PNP – permanent consultant of the THE POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE
Board. PDEA


(sec. 81, Art IX)  Cause the effective and efficient

implementation of the national drug
 Formulation of Drug Prevention control strategy,
and Control Strategy,  Enforcement of the provisions of
 Promulgation of Rules and Art II of this Act,
Regulation to carry out the  Undertake investigation, make arrest
purposes of this Act, and apprehension of violators and
 Conduct policy studies and seizure and confiscation of
researches, dangerous drugs,
 Develop educational programs  Establish forensic laboratories,
and info drive,  Filing of appropriate drug cases,
 Conduct continuing seminars  Conduct eradication programs,
and consultations,  Maintain a national drug
 Design special training, intelligence system,
 Coordination with agencies for  Close coordination with local and
community service programs, international drug agencies.
 Maintain international
 PDEA means Philippine Drug BY;
Enforcement Agency. 1. PNP
 It is the implementing arm of the DDB and
responsible for the efficient and effective 2. PDEA
law enforcement of all the
provisions on any dangerous drugs and/ or 3. NBI
precursors and essential chemicals.
 Head: Director General – appointed by the 4. CUSTOMS (EX: BUY-BUST

presence of the suspect or his/her representative
or counsel, with elected public official and a
CHAIN OF CUSTODY OF SEIZED DRUG representative of the National Prosecution
AS AMENDED BY RA 10640) Service (NPS) or the media, who shall be
required to sign the copies of the inventory of
A. Marking, Inventory and Photograph; the seized or confiscated items and be given
Chain of Custody Implementing Paragraph copy thereof. In case of their refusal to sign, it
“a” of the IRR shall be stated “refused to sign” above their
names in the certificate of inventory of the
A.1The apprehending or seizing officer having apprehending or seizing officer.
initial custody and control of the seized or A.1.6 A representative of the NPS is anyone
confiscated dangerous drugs, plant sources of from its employees, while the media
dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and representative is any media practitioner. The
essential chemicals, instruments/paraphernalia elected public official is any incumbent public
and/or laboratory equipment shall, immediately official regardless of the place where he/she is
after seizure and confiscation, mark, inventory elected.
and photograph the same in the following A.1.7 to prevent switching or contamination, the
manner: seized items, which are fungible and indistinct in
A.1.1 The marking, physical inventory and character, and which have been marked after the
photograph of the seized/confiscated items shall seizure, shall be sealed in a container or
be conducted where the search warrant is served. evidence bag and signed by the
A.1.2 The marking is the placing by the apprehending/seizing officer for submission to
apprehending officer or the poseur-buyer of the forensic laboratory for examination.
his/her initials and signature on the item/s A.1.8 In case of seizure of plant sources at the
seized. plantation site, where it is not physically
A.1.3 In warrantless seizures, the marking of the possible to count or weigh the seizure as a
seized items in the presence of the violator shall complete entity, the seizing officer shall estimate
be done immediately at the place where the its count or gross weight or net weight, as the
drugs were seized or at the nearest police station case may be. If it is safe and practicable,
or nearest office of the apprehending marking, inventory and photograph of the seized
officer/team, whichever is practicable. The plant sources may be performed at the plantation
physical inventory and photograph shall be site. Representative samples of prescribed
conducted in the same nearest police station or quantity pursuant to Board Regulation No. 1,
nearest office of the apprehending officer/team, Series of 2002, as amended, and/or Board
whichever is practicable. Regulation No. 1, Series of 2007, as amended,
A.1.4 In cases when the execution of search shall be taken from the site after the seizure for
warrant is preceded by warrantless seizures, the laboratory examination, and retained for
marking, inventory and photograph of the items presentation as the corpus delicti of the
recovered from the search warrant shall be seized/confiscated plant sources following the
performed separately from the marking, chain of custody of evidence.
inventory and photograph of the items seized A 1.9 Noncompliance, under justifiable grounds,
from warrantless seizures. with the requirements of Section 21(1) of RA
A.1.5 The physical inventory and photograph of No. 9165, as amended, shall not render void and
the seized/confiscated items shall be done in the invalid such seizures and custody over the items

provided the integrity and the evidentiary value seized and/or surrendered, for proper disposition
of the seized items are properly preserved by the in the following manner:
apprehending officer/team.
A 1.10 Any justification or explanation in cases (1) The apprehending team having
of noncompliance with the requirements of initial custody and control of the drugs
Section 21(1) of RA No. 9165, as amended, shall, immediately after seizure and
shall be clearly stated in the sworn confiscation, physically inventory and
statements/affidavits of the apprehending/seizing photograph the same in the presence of
officers, as well as the steps taken to preserve the accused or the person/s from whom
the integrity and evidentiary value of the seized/ such items were confiscated and/or
confiscated items. Certification or record of seized, or his/her representative or
coordination for operating units other than the counsel, a representative from the media
PDEA pursuant to Section 86 (a) and (b), Article and the Department of Justice (DOJ),
IX of the IRR of RA No. 9165 shall be and any elected public official who shall
presented. be required to sign the copies of the
A 1.11 The chain of custody of evidence shall inventory and be given a copy thereof;
indicate the time and place of marking, the
names of officers who marked, inventoried, (2) Within twenty-four (24) hours upon
photographed and sealed the seized items, who confiscation/seizure of dangerous drugs,
took custody and received the evidence from one plant sources of dangerous drugs,
officer to another within the chain, and further controlled precursors and essential
indicating the time and date every time the chemicals, as well as
transfer of custody of the same evidence were instruments/paraphernalia and/or
made in the course of safekeeping until laboratory equipment, the same shall be
submitted to laboratory personnel for forensic submitted to the PDEA Forensic
laboratory examination. The latter shall continue Laboratory for a qualitative and
the chain as required in paragraph B.5 below. quantitative examination;

(SEC. 21: RA 9165 AS (3) A certification of the forensic

laboratory examination results, which
SECTION 21. CUSTODY AND shall be done under oath by the forensic
DISPOSITION OF CONFISCATED, laboratory examiner, shall be issued
SEIZED, AND/OR SURRENDERED within twenty-four (24) hours after the
DANGEROUS DRUGS, PLANT SOURCES receipt of the subject item/s: Provided,
OF DANGEROUS DRUGS, CONTROLLED That when the volume of the dangerous
PRECURSORS AND ESSENTIAL drugs, plant sources of dangerous drugs,
CHEMICALS, and controlled precursors and essential
INSTRUMENTS/PARAPHERNALIA chemicals does not allow the completion
AND/OR LABORATORY EQUIPMENT – The of testing within the time frame, a
PDEA shall take charge and have custody of all partial laboratory examination report
dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous shall be provisionally issued stating
drugs, controlled precursors and essential therein the quantities of dangerous drugs
chemicals, as well as instruments/paraphernalia still to be examined by the forensic
and/or laboratory equipment so confiscated, laboratory: Provided, however, That a

final certification shall be issued on the shall be kept to a minimum quantity as
completed forensic laboratory determined by the Board;
examination on the same within the next
twenty-four (24) hours; (6) The alleged offender or his/her
representative or counsel shall be
(4) After the filing of the criminal case, allowed to personally observe all of the
the Court shall, within seventy-two (72) above proceedings and his/her presence
hours, conduct an ocular inspection of shall not constitute an admission of
the confiscated, seized and/or guilt. In case the said offender or
surrendered dangerous drugs, plant accused refuses or fails to appoint a
sources of dangerous drugs, and representative after due notice in writing
controlled precursors and essential to the accused or his/her counsel within
chemicals, including the seventy-two (72) hours before the actual
instruments/paraphernalia and/or burning or destruction of the evidence in
laboratory equipment, and through the question, the Secretary of Justice shall
PDEA shall within twenty-four (24) appoint a member of the public
hours thereafter proceed with the attorney's office to represent the former;
destruction or burning of the same, in
the presence of the accused or the (7) After the promulgation and judgment
person/s from whom such items were in the criminal case wherein the
confiscated and/or seized, or his/her representative sample/s was presented as
representative or counsel, a evidence in court, the trial prosecutor
representative from the media and the shall inform the Board of the final
DOJ, civil society groups and any termination of the case and, in turn, shall
elected public official. The Board shall request the court for leave to turn over
draw up the guidelines on the manner of the said representative sample/s to the
proper disposition and destruction of PDEA for proper disposition and
such item/s which shall be borne by the destruction within twenty-four (24)
offender: Provided, That those item/s of hours from receipt of the same; and
lawful commerce, as determined by the
Board, shall be donated, used or (8) Transitory Provision: a) Within
recycled for legitimate twenty-four (24) hours from the
purposes: Provided, further, That a effectivity of this Act, dangerous drugs
representative sample, duly weighed and defined herein which are presently in
recorded is retained; possession of law enforcement agencies
shall, with leave of court, be burned or
(5) The Board shall then issue a sworn destroyed, in the presence of
certification as to the fact of destruction representatives of the Court, DOJ,
or burning of the subject item/s which, Department of Health (DOH) and the
together with the representative accused/and or his/her counsel, and, b)
sample/s in the custody of the PDEA, Pending the organization of the PDEA,
shall be submitted to the court having the custody, disposition, and burning or
jurisdiction over the case. In all destruction of seized/surrendered
instances, the representative sample/s dangerous drugs provided under this

Section shall be implemented by the (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon any
DOH. person, who, unless authorized by law, shall
possess any dangerous drug in the following
DRUG REHABILITATION AND quantities, regardless of the degree of purity
OTHER PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES; (1) 10 grams or more of opium;
(2) 10 grams or more of morphine;

(3) 10 grams or more of heroin;

(4) 10 grams or more of cocaine or

SUPPLY REDUCTION cocaine hydrochloride;
Take away drugs from the public
through market denial operations and prevention (5) 50 grams or more of
of diversion from the licit to illicit market; and methamphetamine hydrochloride or
reduce the proliferation of illegal drugs through "shabu";
sustainable alternative development programs
DEMAND REDUCTION (6) 10 grams or more of marijuana resin
Take people away from the lure of drug abuse or marijuana resin oil;
through policy formulation, preventive
education, research, treatment, rehabilitation and (7) 500 grams or more of marijuana; and
reintegration; provision of alternative
development programs and forging cooperation (8) 10 grams or more of other dangerous
with regional and international agencies and drugs such as, but not limited to,
counterparts. methylenedioxymethamphetamine
HARM REDUCTION (MDA) or "ecstasy",
Is an evidence-based approach that is paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA),
critical to engaging with people who use drugs trimethoxyamphetamine (TMA),
and equipping them with life-saving tools and lysergic acid diethylamine (LSD),
information to create positive change in their gamma hydroxyamphetamine (GHB),
lives and potentially save their lives. and those similarly designed or newly
introduced drugs and their derivatives,
DANGEROUS DRUG AND PRECURSORS without having any therapeutic value or
TRAFFICK USE if the quantity possessed is far beyond
( therapeutic requirements, as determined
7/republic-act-no-9165/) and promulgated by the Board in
accordance to Section 93, Article XI of
this Act.
Section 11. Possession of Dangerous Drugs. -
The penalty of life imprisonment to death and a Otherwise, if the quantity involved is less than
fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos the foregoing quantities, the penalties shall be
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos graduated as follows:

(1) Life imprisonment and a fine to, MDMA or "ecstasy", PMA, TMA,
ranging from Four hundred thousand LSD, GHB, and those similarly
pesos (P400,000.00) to Five hundred designed or newly introduced drugs and
thousand pesos (P500,000.00), if the their derivatives, without having any
quantity of methamphetamine therapeutic value or if the quantity
hydrochloride or "shabu" is ten (10) possessed is far beyond therapeutic
grams or more but less than fifty (50) requirements; or less than three hundred
grams; (300) grams of marijuana.

(2) Imprisonment of twenty (20) years Section18. Unnecessary Prescription of

and one (1) day to life imprisonment and Dangerous Drugs – The penalty of
a fine ranging from Four hundred imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years
thousand pesos (P400,000.00) to Five and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00), ranging from One hundred thousand pesos
if the quantities of dangerous drugs are (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos
five (5) grams or more but less than ten (P500,000.00) and the additional penalty of the
(10) grams of opium, morphine, heroin, revocation of his/her license to practice shall be
cocaine or cocaine hydrochloride, imposed upon the practitioner, who shall
marijuana resin or marijuana resin oil, prescribe any dangerous drug to any person
methamphetamine hydrochloride or whose physical or physiological condition does
"shabu", or other dangerous drugs such not require the use or in the dosage prescribed
as, but not limited to, MDMA or therein, as determined by the Board in
"ecstasy", PMA, TMA, LSD, GHB, and consultation with recognized competent experts
those similarly designed or newly who are authorized representatives of
introduced drugs and their derivatives, professional organizations of practitioners,
without having any therapeutic value or particularly those who are involved in the care
if the quantity possessed is far beyond of persons with severe pain.
therapeutic requirements; or three
hundred (300) grams or more but less Section19. Unlawful Prescription of
than five (hundred) 500) grams of Dangerous Drugs– The penalty of life
marijuana; and imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from
Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to
(3) Imprisonment of twelve (12) years Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall be
and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and imposed upon any person, who, unless
a fine ranging from Three hundred authorized by law, shall make or issue a
thousand pesos (P300,000.00) to Four prescription or any other writing purporting to
hundred thousand pesos (P400,000.00), be a prescription for any dangerous drug.
if the quantities of dangerous drugs are
less than five (5) grams of opium,
morphine, heroin, cocaine or cocaine
hydrochloride, marijuana resin or
marijuana resin oil, methamphetamine
hydrochloride or "shabu", or other
dangerous drugs such as, but not limited

(INVESTIGATIVE REPORT WRITING) Adverbs – modifies verbs, adjectives and other
adverbs. e.g. brutally committed, sincerely
RULES IN GRAMMAR AND said, honestly done, etc.
COMPOSITION, Antonyms – are words with opposite
REVIEW OF THE PARTS meanings. e.g. leave – stay, long – short, etc.
CHARACTERISTICS Homonyms – words with similar sounds but
Noun – names a person, place, thing, quality or with different meaning and spelling.
condition. Briefly, it is a name word. e.g. buy – by, borne – born, still –
e.g. persons, books, schools, plants, steel, dear – deer, dye – die, dyeing – dying
nations, pencil, suspect, policeman. Synonyms – words with similar meanings but of
different sounds and spelling.
KINDS: e.g. home – abode, similar – the
1. Common noun- a class or group of same, faster – quickly, brutal – cruel, etc.
persons, places or things. As shown in Linking words – words that bridge the idea of a
the example above. previous paragraph to another
2. Proper nouns – particular or specific e.g. hence, finally, otherwise, further
name of persons, places, things. more, so, yet, etc.
e.g. Baguio City, Ara Mina, Birth Punctuation – is the customary little marks that
Certificate, M-16, Jesus Christ, etc. determine whether a sentence is clear or has a
Pronoun – used instead of a noun. e.g. she, he, doubtful meaning.
they, it, their, these, this, those, whoever,
whomsoever, etc. Kinds;
* Period, question mark, exclamation mark,
Personal Pronoun – indicates the person of the comma, semicolon, colon, quotation marks,
sentence. As in; apostrophe, parenthesis and hyphen
1st person – person speaking.
e.g. I
2 person – person spoken to
e.g. You Report - a story of actions performed by man
3rd person – person spoken of Police Report –
e.g. she, he, it  A chronological or step-by-step account
NOTE: Generally police reports and of an incident that transpired in a given
other reports are in the 3rd persons. time, at a given place.
Verbs – are action words. It denotes  Also defined as an account of an
tenses. e.g. all helping verbs; am, is, are, was & investigation, or an official statement of
were. facts.
The third person of a verb is formed  result from the fact that someone has
by simply adding s or es. e.g. dance – dances, asked for them and needs them for
kill – kills, etc. immediate or future use
While in the case of Regular Verbs – to
form its past tense, add d or ed. CRITERIA FOR GOOD POLICE
e.g. Aggravate – aggravated, connect – REPORTS
connected, recite – recited, etc. 1. Clarity
 clear message; simple, common words
Irregular Verbs – form its past tense by
changing its form. e.g. all helping verbs, write  easy to understand
– wrote, buy – bought, seek – sought, etc. 2. Accuracy
 The report conform to established rules
Adjectives – words that modifies
nouns. e.g. cop – honest cop, image – sweet of syntax, format and grammar
image, documents – questioned  The data must be precise and the
documents, figure – tall figure, etc. information must be factual, hence

assumptions or opinions must be appropriate authorities is sought
avoided beforehand.
 The words used leave no doubt for 8. Impartiality
misinterpretation (use the exact words to  The reporting unit must know what the
suit your purpose; What exactly do you receiving unit needs to know
mean?)  Important data must not be omitted or
3. Brevity added to conceal responsibilities, to
 Avoid wordy and lengthy sentences impute liabilities, or to favour parties.
which tend to make the idea vague  Embellishments must likewise be
 The report must be easily understood. avoided.
 Use of short, simple sentences, and
common words
 The report should provide information THE 5WS AND 1H OF POLICE REPORT
and should not be written to impress. 1. Who?
 Brevity or conciseness means saying  Complete and correct name. The wrong
much in fewer words. name results in failure to locate a
4. Specificity witness or apprehend a suspect. The
 Avoid generalities; use specific words spelling should be correct, including
that bring the reader close to first-hand middle name.
experience.  Exact home address, be it residence or
 Use particular terms that project hues, hotel, and telephone number.
movements, quantities and shapes.  Relative questions under "who," may
5. Completeness include the following:
 the essential elements of information
must be complete (1) Who was the victim? (2) Who was
 thee 5Ws and 1H should be the basic the complainant? (3) Who discovered
guide in writing a report. the crime?
 Intentional or unintentional omission of 2. What?
data may leave the reader asking more
questions. It must be avoided.  This question considers these factors:
6. Timeliness
1) what type of property was attacked,
 A report rendered after a considerable
laps of time is useless and defeats the e.g., building, residence, car, etc. 2)
what type of property was stolen, lost or
purpose of submitting an incident report
 Reports need to be submitted on time to
be useful 3. Where?
7. Security
 All significant incident reports are  This question is concerned with the
considered classified geographical location of the crime
 transmission, handling, and access to scene, property or evidence.
these reports should be limited only to  Relative questions under "where," may
police personnel who are granted the include the following:
same or higher security clearance as the (1) Where was the crime committed? (2)
report Where was the crime discovered?
 place the necessary markings to
emphasize the document classification 4. When?
of the report
 This question includes the date and time
 it is prohibited to divulge its contents to
when the offense was committed,
anybody, except when regulations
property found, suspect apprehended,
permit it, and the approval of

 Relative questions under "when," may CASE REPORT
include the following: This report shall be accomplished by the
investigator or member making preliminary
(1) When was the crime committed? investigation of crimes reported to the police.
(2) When was it discovered? a. The investigating officer shall submit
5. Why? this report at the end of the tour of Duty.
b. This report shall be prepared in the
 Under this heading is listed the object of number of copies required by the
desire which motivated the offense? 2) Department for distribution.
In crimes against persons, the object of c. For uniformity of crime reporting
the attack might be revenge, ransom, or this shall follow the prescribed
sexual pleasure. classification of offenses indicated,
 Relative questions under "why," may while duplicate copy shall remain in
include the following: the precinct concerned of the
(1) Why was the crime committed? (2) corresponding action.
Why were certain tools used? d. The officer assigned to a case shall
make his report at the end of his tour of
6. How? duty
 This question refers to the general
manner in which the crime was
 Circular number 05 issued by the general
committed. Headquarters, Philippine National Police,
 Relative questions under "how," may dated December 10, 1992, is the rule
include the following: “Prescribing a Uniform Police Blotter for
(1) How was the crime the Philippine National Police,”
committed? (2) How did the criminal
get to the scene? References
1. R.A 6975 establishing the
Philippine National Police.
Classifications of Police Reports 2. Rules and Regulations
1. Informal Reports Governing the Philippine National
It is usually a letter or memorandum, or Police.
 A police blotter is a record of daily
any of one of the many prescribed in day-to-day
police operations. It customarily carries three events occurring within the territories and
items besides the text proper, i.e, date submitted, jurisdictions of a given police unit or
subject, and persons or person to whom command. It contains material details
concerning the event for legal and
submitted. It may however, contain many items
of administrative importance along with the statistical purposes.
 Form and Size
subject matter of the text. Actually, most police
 The police blotter shall be a
reports may be placed in this category.
2. Formal Reports record book bound with hard
A formal report suggest the full-dress cover and shall be 12 inches by
treatment, including cover, title page, letter of 16 inches in size.
 The front cover of the blotter
transmittal, summary sheet, text, appendices,
and perhaps an index and bibliography. shall contain the name or
designation of the police force
and the particular police district
or station, together with the
designation of the specific police
unit or substation, the volume or

book number, the series number 4. However, if the arrest is in obedience to a
and the period covered. warrant or warrants, separate arrest reports will
 Contents Of Entry be made for each warrant.
1. Who 5. In preparing the arrest record, it is
2. What important that the full name, first, middle and
3. Why the last, and other personal circumstances of the
4. Where prisoner are entered and all questions on the
5. When form be answered.
6. How 6. It shall bear an arrest number for each arrest
7. Disposition of the Case made.
 Units required maintaining police 7. The number series for arrest shall start from
blotters number 1 on the first day of each year, which
1. Every police station or substation shall be known as calendar year numbering
shall maintain a police blotter. system.
2. All PNP operating units or 8. For example, the first in 2008 shall be 08-1
divisions in the metropolitan Police this means that it is the first case of the calendar
District, in addition to the stations year 2008, and for the next 09-1 and so forth.
and substations shall likewise 9. This report shall be used in controlling
maintain a separate blotter prisoners during the period of investigation.
 Supply Accountability 10. The arrest report shall be filed by the
 General Headquarters, arrest number and crossed-indexed by name
Philippine National Police and all known aliases of the prisoner.
(GHQ< PNP) shall supply 11. It shall carry the serial number of the
police blotters to each PNP complaint/assignment sheet and case report as
command and unit who shall the case may be.
reflect the same on their 12. In an arrest where there has been no previous
property books as accountable complaint/assignment sheet prepared, the desk
items. officer shall make out one and assign a serial
 The PNP Unit Commander shall number at the time of the booking.
be responsible for the proper 13. Immediately after accomplishing the
maintenance, use, safekeeping arrest report, three things to be done:
and accounting of police blotter.  First send to the complaint clerk for the
preparation of a complaint/ assignment
sheet. Second - Send to the records
THE ARREST AND BOOKING REPORT office for name search against the
These reports are required for all alphabetical index file in order to
persons arrested. It shall be made out in full on determine if the prisoner is wanted on
each person arrested. The following are types of some other cases.
arrest and booking records.  Third - Two sets fingerprints of the
a. Arrest Report - This shall be made prisoner shall be taken.
out in full on each persons arrested and  One set shall be forwarded to the NBI
should not be prepared at the time a headquarters; Manila and the
prisoner is booked.  Other set shall be searched by
1. Informal regarding the offender, the charge, fingerprint classification in the
and circumstances of arrest is recorded before fingerprint file, if the department is
the prisoner is locked in jail or released on bond. maintaining one. If the department does
2. The arresting officer is responsible for the not maintain a fingerprint file, only one
arrest report and its completion. set shall be taken and forwarded to the
3. One or more criminal charges may be placed, NBI headquarters, Manila.
on one arrest report.

Findings should be noted in the arrest report. 3. Provincial Office
The arrest report shall be prepared in 4. File Copy
triplicate copy together with one booking
sheet as a fourth copy. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT
1. The original is filed with the arrest Reports provide management with
file number in the Central Record Unit, information on Department activities. Where
2. The duplicate and triplicate copies appropriate, these reports will include
shall be sent to the Fiscal or to the clerk
comparative data on activities and trends, and
of Court as the case may be, together
with the Criminal complaint or will be designed to ensure effective
information and its other supporting communications.
3. The lower portion of the arrest will be The miscellaneous incident report – MI
later on detached and returned to the – can be used to document any incident that is
police department by the fiscal or the not designated under other reporting criteria.
clerk of Court concerned after the The importance of the MI cannot be overstated,
termination of the case, to be filed with
because the miscellaneous incident report
the case record after the disposition of
the case has been annotated on the affords you the means to document anything you
fingerprint of the accused. can imagine. Police officers fail to take
b. Booking Report - The police department advantage of the MI to document questionable
needs a current list of the prisoners in circumstances in incidents when reporting is not
custody, which will indicate the status and required.
disposition of each. It facilitates accounting for TYPES OF INVESTIGATIVE REPORTS
prisoners at the end of each shift, and their 1. Initial Report – is advance
control at all times and on which restrictions on
privileges are noted. information on a new or fresh case
The booking sheet shall be jail file of assigned to an investigator. It is
arrest, arranged alphabetically and serves as a written and submitted immediately
jail register. Information regarding any prisoner after having conducted the initial
I custody is thus immediately available. investigation of the case.
The file shall be kept at the booking 2. Progress Reports – are the result of
counter or immediately available. The file shall
the follow-up investigations of the
be kept at the booking counter or location
convenient for examination when injuries are fresh or new case. It is written and
made. The jail booking report is under the direct submitted every time or whenever
supervision of the booking officer this is done in any development or progress is
order that changes in the change and other accomplished in the follow-up
entries regarding the control of the prisoner may investigation.
be made and the file may be cleared when 3. Final Report- is written and
prisoner is released.
submitted whenever the case is
After release of the prisoner, either by
the police or by the court, the jail- booking sheet solved and classified as closed. It is
is forwarded to the records division where it is categorized as solved and closed
filed according to arrest number. The admitting when the offender is finally arrested,
officer or jailer shall accomplish a jail booking the evidence gathered to warrant
report on four (4) copies, attaching thereto the prosecution and witnesses were
photograph of the inmate to be distributed as located to testify for trial.
1. Headquarters Office
2. Regional Office

1. Spot Investigation Report- The complete
narration on the details of the fire incident as BUREAU OF JAIL MANAGEMENT
gathered by the fire arson investigation during PENOLOGY REPORT
the actual response to the fire incident.

2. Progress Investigation Report- Fire Arson Investigation report- Investigation-on case shall
Investigation team submits progress submit IR on matters subject of initial
investigation report (PIR) within 7days from the investigation
inception of the investigation to MFM/CFM
copy furnished ID,PFM, RD, CHIEF, BFP thru Section 92. Report on pending administrative
ID, BFP-NHQ case- The regional hearing officers shall submit
to their respective RD a monthly report on the
3. Fire Arson Investigation- team submit final
status to all administrative cases pending
investigation report (FIR) within 45 days from
before their offices and likewise monthly report
the inception of the investigation to MFM/CDM
on acted administrative cases.
cop furnished ID,PFM, RD, CHIEF, BFP thru
ID, BFP-NHQ SECTION 161. Monthly report Not later than
REPORTS GENERATED IN PAROLE AND every fifth day of the month, the regional
PROBATION ADMINISTRATION hearing officers are required to submit report to
PROGRESS REPORT – Report on the NHQ. Legal service office indication therein
behavior/conduct of parolee/pardonee while following data or information, among others
under supervision either positive or negative.
With respect to newly filed case the regional
STATUS REPORT – Report prepared when a hearing office shall submit a written report
parolee/pardonee commits another offense within 24 hours from its filing stating therein
during the period of supervision and the case
the designation of an offense, the time and date
filed has not yet been decided by the court.
of filing name of the respondent and other
INFRACTION REPORT – Report prepared when a information deemed necessary.
parolee/pardonee has been subsequently
convicted of another crime. The report shall be submitted through
electronic mail sent to the official electronic
VIOLATION REPORT – Report prepared when a mail address of the national hearing office
parolee/pardonee commits any violation of the
terms and conditions appearing in the Release
Document or any serious deviation or non- VERTICAL MERNORANDUM
observance of the obligation set forth in the
parole/pardon supervision program.

LETTER OF INSTRUCTION 10-19 Come back / Go back / Return
10-20 Exact location
Is a document that provides employees 10-21 Call by telephone / Landline
with steps that the sender is asking them to 10-22 Disregard / Cancel / Ignore
complete. The content of the letter could be 10-23 Arrived at scene
steps for a project, task or presentation. 10-24 Follow-up / Make a report
Typically, letters of instruction are clear and 10-25 Meeting / Eyeball / Appointment
brief. Their main purpose is to instruct the 10-26 Subject / Victim / Casualty
recipient to complete a task. 10-27 Change frequency / Drivers license
10-28 Plate no. of vehicle
10-29 Verify/Observe / Check record
MISSION ORDER 10-30 Water supply / H2O
Is an order issued by a commander to
10-31 Approval/Result / Outcome
subordinates that clearly establish the
10-32 Armed / Man with gun
subordinate commander's objective and the
10-33 Emergency / Urgent
purpose for the operation. It also delineates the
10-34 Crime in progress / Riot
commander's intent, concept of operations, and
10-35 Red alert / Crime Alert
the allocation of available resources to
10-36 Correct time
subordinate commanders.
10-37 Eat food / Reload / Fill Gas / Fuel
REPORTS 10-39 Hurry up / Use light-siren / Rush
10-40 Roving / Silent tour of duty
RADIO 10 CODES and PHONETIC 10-41 Operatives / Members
ALPHABETH 10-42 Disengage / Cancel / Leave
10-43 Information / Status / News
10-0 Caution / Safe tracking 10-44 Regards / Greetings
10-1 Poor signal / Distorted & weak 10-45 Vehicle / Mobile
10-2 Loud and clear / Good signal 10-46 Assist motorist
10-3 Slow down / Slowly 10-47 Crew needed / Electrician
10-4 Roger / Positive 10-48 Excavation / Road repairs
10-5 Relay message 10-49 Traffic situation
10-6 Busy 10-50 State complete details / Accident
10-7 Stop transmitting / Signing off 10-51 Wrecker needed
10-8 Monitor 10-52 Ambulance needed
10-9 Repeat message /Come again 10-53 Heavy traffic / Road block
10-10 Over and out 10-54 Investigator
10-11 Inquire / ask / Query 10-55 Electric power
10-12 Standby / Wait 10-56 Intoxicated person / Alcoholic behaviour
10-13 Road & weather condition 10-57 Hit and run
10-14 Avail / Get / Buy /To pick up 10-58 To direct road traffic
10-15 Response / Answer / Reply / Feedback 10-59 Convoy / Companion / Good buddy
10-16 Problem / Trouble 10-60 Hospital
10-17 Request / Please / Kindly 10-61 Doctors / Medical team
10-18 Record / Log / List 10-62 Medicines

10-63 Assignment completed / Mission 10-106 Modulation going on
Accomplished 10-107 Antenna
10-64 Message / Traffic 10-108 Radio License
10-65 Assignment / tasks 10-109 Uniform / Attire
10-66 Necessary / Needed 10-110 Equipment
10-67 Male person 10-111 Portable Radio
10-68 Deliver / Dispatch 10-112 Base / Mobile Radio
10-69 Received message 10-113 Booster / Amplifier
10-70 Fire alarm 10-114 Power supply
10-71 Nature and size of fire / Type 10-115 Battery pack
10-72 Demonstration / Rally 10-116 Repeater / Phone patch
10-73 Fire trucks 10-117 Computer
10-74 Negative 10-118 Rotator
10-75 Permission to contact 10-119 Coax cable
10-76 Engaging / Proceed to 10-120 Gunshot / Stab wound
10-77 Time of arrival 10-121 Heart attack
10-78 Assistance needed 10-122 CVA (stroke)
10-79 Dead person 10-123 Fracture / Orthopedic emergency
10-80 Kidnapping case 10-124 OB Emergency / Bleeding / Delivery
10-81 Carnapping case 10-125 Hypertensive Emergency
10-82 Prepare / Review 10-126 IN patient
10-83 Vehicle found 10-127 OUT Patient
10-84 Estimated time of departure 10-128 Operator
10-85 Late 10-129 Son / Daughter
10-86 Missing person 10-130 Secretary
10-87 Female 10-131 Relative / Employee
10-88 Telephone No. 10-132 Driver
10-89 Person found 10-133 Wife / Husband
10-90 Robbery / Theft 10-134 National officer
10-91 Unnecessary use of radio 10-135 Regional officer / Group
10-92 Anti-narcotics case 10-136 NTC / Radio Law and Regulations
10-93 Address 10-137 NBI Clearance
10-94 Drag racing 10-138 Police clearance
10-95 Operation 10-139 Necessary papers
10-96 Visitor / Jammer 10-140 Organization’s ID
10-97 Radio check 10-141 Organization’s Base
10-98 Call sign 10-142 Thank you
10-99 Home / House 10-143 With My Love / I Love You
10-100 Office / Place of work 10-144 Welcome
10-101 Statement of account
10-102 Treasurer / Collection PHONETIC ALPHABET
10-103 Money / Cash / Check
10-104 Change frequency A – Alpha
10-105 Reactivated / Mechanic B – Bravo
C – Charlie

D – Delta
E – Echo
F – Foxtrot
G – Golf
H – Hotel
I – India
J – Juliet
K – Kilo
L – Lima
M – Mike
N – November
O – Oscar
P – Pap
Q – Quebec
R – Romeo
S – Sierra
T – Tango
U – Uniform
V – Victor
W – Whiskey
X – X-ray
Y – Yankee
Z – Zulu /Zebra



TECHNICAL ENGLISH 2 (LEGAL  Signature and Notarization - The
FORMS) officer's signature at the end of the
An affidavit of arresting officer, also An affidavit that is submitted in
known as a police officer's affidavit or a compliance with certain legal requirements or
law enforcement affidavit, is a legal document procedures. A compliant affidavit would
that is typically prepared and sworn by a police mean an affidavit that adheres to the
officer or law enforcement official involved in necessary rules and regulations and meets the
an arrest. This affidavit serves as a formal specific criteria set forth by the relevant
statement of the officer's account of the events jurisdiction or court.
leading up to and surrounding the arrest, helping
to establish the basis and validity of the arrest. CONTENTS:
 Heading - The affidavit should have a
CONTENTS: title indicating that it is an affidavit.
 Personal Information - The officer's  Introduction - The affiant, the
name, badge or identification number, person making the affidavit, must
and contact details. introduce themselves and provide their
 Jurisdiction and Case Information - full name, address, and relationship to
The location and date of the arrest, as the case.
well as the case or incident number if  Sworn Statement - The affiant must
applicable. state that the information provided in the
 Arrest Details - A detailed narrative of affidavit is true and accurate to the
the circumstances leading to the arrest, best of their knowledge and belief.
including the reason for the arrest, the This statement is typically made under
officer's observations, any statements oath or affirmation.
made by the person being arrested,  Facts - The affidavit should include a
and any evidence or supporting clear and concise narrative of the
information. relevant facts related to the case,
 Probable Cause - The officer’s providing specific details and supporting
explanation and justification for why evidence, if available.
they believed there was probable cause  Signature and Notarization - The
to make the arrest, which typically affiant must sign the affidavit at the end
involves establishing a reasonable belief of the document.
that a crime has been committed and
that the person being arrested is AFFIDAVIT OF WITNESS
responsible. Affidavit of witness is a statement,
 Sworn Statement - The officer's given under oath and subject to strict
declaration, made under penalty of penalties if proven to be fictitious. The statement
perjury, that the information provided in is the first hand accounts, usually in the proper
the affidavit is true and accurate to the sequence of events, which can be entered in
best of their knowledge and belief. court records as testimonial evidence.

 Description of the complaint or criminal
case (e.g. the crime involved, complaint
or criminal case
 Commencement - This is the beginning REJOINDER AFFIDAVIT
of the document where the affiant or the Is the response by the petitioner to the
person making the affidavit is identified. counter affidavit filed by the respondent. In
 Averments - Also known as simple terms, first the petitioner files a petition
affirmations, these include a list of all to which a counter is filed by respondent, and
the claims that are being made by the any averments made by the respondent can be
affiant. replied by the petitioner by filing a rejoinder.
 Statement of Fact or Truth - A
statement of fact/truth is what states AFFIDAVIT OF UNDERTAKING
that everything that is mentioned in the This affidavit is voluntarily executed in order to
affidavit is true. A statement of truth attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing
may be something like this: I narration of facts and undertaking under pain of
solemnly swear that the administrative, criminal and civil liabilities, and
aforementioned are true and correct to for whatever legal purpose it may serve.
the best of my knowledge and belief. COUNTER AFFIDAVIT
 Attestation Clause- This is the portion Is an opportunity to present your side of
where the oath made by the affiant is the story and refute the allegations made against
certified. It also consists of the date. you. It should focus on the specific points raised
Signatures - This is the last portion of in the complaint or affidavit and provide clear
the document that includes the signature and concise explanations, evidence, and legal
of the affiant, as well as that of the arguments to support your defense.Jul
AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE Is a document declaring the loss of a
Is a sworn statement by the complainant security usually through theft or destruction. The
stating that he / she is no longer interested in affidavit contains all the details regarding the
pursuing a complaint or criminal case. The loss, such as the owner's name and any
Affidavit of Desistance is filed before the office information pertaining to the security.
or court where the complaint is pending or being
CONTENTS: is a written document that states a
 The type of complainant (e.g. individual narration of facts by two persons relating to the
or business) as well as name and details circumstances of how another person, called
(e.g. nationality and address); herein as the subject, has discrepancies in his/her
 The type of person against whom the records and is seeking to correct the said
complaint or criminal case was filed discrepancies.
(e.g. individual or business) as well as
name and details (e.g. nationality and AFFIDAVIT OF DENIAL FOR NBI
address); and CLEARANCE

Stating that they have never been cause. They shall be in such number of copies as
accused of any crimes in the Philippines nor do there are respondents, plus two (2) copies for the
they have any pending criminal cases. official file. The affidavits shall be subscribed
APPLICATION and sworn to before any prosecutor or
REQUIREMENTS IN THE APPLICATION government official authorized to administer
FOR SEARCH WARRANT oath, or, in their absence or unavailability,
Application for Search Warrant it is a before a notary public, each of who must certify
legal document that is prepared by a law that he personally examined the affiants and that
enforcement officer or prosecutor and presented he is satisfied that they voluntarily executed and
to a judge or magistrate. It requests authorization understood their affidavits. Within ten (10) days
to conduct a search of a specified location or after the filing of the complaint, the
premises in order to collect evidence related investigating officer shall either dismiss it if he
to a criminal investigation. finds no ground to continue with the
investigation, or issue a subpoena to the
JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT RULE (A.M. NO. respondent attaching to it a copy of the
12-8-8-SC) complaint and its supporting affidavits and
Judicial Affidavit Rule. A party who fails to documents. The respondent shall have the right
submit the required judicial affidavits and to examine the evidence submitted by the
exhibits on time shall be deemed to have waived complainant. Within ten (10) days from receipt
their submission. of the subpoena with the complaint and
( supporting affidavits and documents, the
8-sc_2012.html) respondent shall submit his counter-affidavit and
that of his witnesses and other supporting
PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION documents relied upon for his defense. The
A preliminary investigation is an counter-affidavits shall be subscribed and sworn
inquiry or proceeding to determine whether to and certified, with copies thereof furnished by
there is sufficient ground to engender a well- him to the complainant. The respondent shall not
founded belief that a crime has been committed be allowed to file a motion to dismiss in lieu of a
and the respondent is probably guilty thereof, counter-affidavit.
and should be held for trial. (
A preliminary investigation is required colleges-foundation/bachelor-of-science-in-
to be conducted before the filing of a complaint criminology/chapter-7-memo-for-preliminary-
or information for an offense where the penalty investigation-motion-for-reconsideration-and-
prescribed by law is at least four (4) years, two notice-of-appeal/50646662)
(2) months and one (1) day without regard to the
How shall preliminary investigation be A motion for reconsideration is a prime
conducted? opportunity to seek relief from a Court
A complaint must be filed which shall Order.
state the address of the respondent and shall be RULE 52, Rules of Court – Civil Procedure
accompanied by the affidavits of the Motion for Reconsideration
complainant and his witnesses, as well as other
supporting documents to establish probable

Section 1. Period for filing. — A party may file “Art. 183. False testimony in other cases
a motion for reconsideration of a judgment or and perjury in solemn affirmation. – The penalty
final resolution within fifteen (15) days from of arresto mayor in its maximum period to
notice thereof, with proof of service on the
prision correccional in its minimum period shall
adverse party. (n)
be imposed upon any person who, knowingly
Section 2. Second motion for reconsideration. make untruthful statements and not being
— No second motion for reconsideration of a included in the provisions of the next preceding
judgment or final resolution by the same party articles, shall testify under oath, or make an
shall be entertained. (n) affidavit, upon any material matter before a
competent person authorized to administer an
Section 3. Resolution of motion. — In the Court oath in cases in which the law so requires. x x x”
of Appeals, a motion for reconsideration shall be
[Emphasis and underscoring supplied.]
resolved within ninety (90) days from the date
when the court declares it submitted for Elements of the Crime of Perjury
resolution. (n) The elements of Perjury, culled from
Article 183 of the Revised Penal Code, are as
Section 4. Stay of execution. — The pendency follows:
of a motion for reconsideration filed on time and “(a) The accused made a statement
by the proper party shall stay the execution of under oath or executed an affidavit upon a
the judgment or final resolution sought to be material matter;
reconsidered unless the court, for good reasons,
(b) The statement or affidavit was
shall otherwise direct. (n)
made before a competent officer authorized to
receive and administer oaths;
PETITION/APPLICATION FOR (c) In the statement or affidavit,
COMPULSORY CONFINEMENT FOR the accused made a willful and deliberate
DRUG DEPENDENT assertion of a falsehood; and
(REFER FROM THE MODULE) (d) The sworn statement
containing the falsity is required by law or for a
VOLUNTARY CONFINEMENT AND legal purpose.” (Reyes, Luis B., The Revised
THRU REPRESENTATION Penal Code Book II, p. 272, 1998 Ed.)
/2007/Bd.%20Reg.%203%2007.pdf) THE FIRST ELEMENT OF PERJURY: A
EXECUTING A FALSE The first element of the crime of Perjury
AAFFIDAVIT (PERJURY; ITS ELEMENTS requires the offender to a) make a statement
AND PENALTY) under oath, and b) upon a material matter.
Lying under oath is punishable under Therefore, not all lies made in an affidavit or
the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines as the other statement under oath can be subject of a
crime of Perjury. The crime of perjury is perjury complaint. The Revised Penal Code
committed by any person who shall knowingly further requires that the lie, made under oath,
make untruthful statements or make an affidavit, must be upon a material matter.
upon any material matter and required by law. It A material matter has been defined as the main
is punishable by imprisonment of up to 2 years fact, which is the subject of the inquiry, or any
and four months. fact or circumstance which tends to prove that

fact, or any fact or circumstance which tends to legal purpose. Not all affidavits, even if
corroborate or strengthen the testimony relative containing absolute falsehoods, can subject a
to the subject of inquiry, or which legitimately person to the crime of Perjury. The Revised
affects the credit of any witness who testifies. Penal Code requires that the sworn statement or
(Masangkay vs. People, G.R. No. 164443, 18 affidavit must be executed pursuance to a legal
June 2010.) requirement.
THE SECOND ELEMENT OF PERJURY: Thus, in our previous example about the
BEFORE A PERSON COMPETENT TO affidavit concerning a vehicular collision
ADMINISTER OATH containing a false address, if there is a particular
As for the second requirement, all that the law law that requires the submission of an affidavit
requires is the sworn statement or affidavit prior to making an insurance claim, and, more
containing the falsehood be made before a importantly, a particular legal requirement to
person competent to administer oaths. A notary disclose such address in the affidavit or sworn
public is the most common example of a person statement, then the lie becomes a material
authorized to administer oaths. Also, certain matter. More importantly, the person that
public officers are granted such power or executed such false affidavit may arguably be
authority, in relation to the exercise of their liable for the crime of Perjury because the
functions, such as policemen, who in certain affidavit is submitted as part of a legal
capacities, can subscribe to a sworn statement, requirement or in compliance with the law.
thereby fulfilling the legal requisite. THE PENALTY FOR PERJURY
THE THIRD ELEMENT OF PERJURY: Article 183 of the Revised Penal Code provides
WILLFUL OR DELIBERATE that the penalty for the crime of Perjury is
The third element of the crime of Perjury arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision
requires that the person making the false correccional in its minimum period.
statement must do so willfully or deliberately. Arresto mayor in its maximum period involves
The term willfully has been defined as imprisonment from 4 months and 1 day to 6
“intentionally, with evil intent and legal malice, months. On the other hand, Prision Correccional
with consciousness that the alleged perjurious in its minimum period is imprisonment ranging
statement is false with the intent that it should be from 6 months and 1 day to 2 years and 4
received as a statement of what was true in fact. months. Thus, the penalty for Perjury is
It is equivalent to “knowingly.” “Deliberately” imprisonment ranging from 4 months and 1 day
implies “meditated” as distinguished from to 2 years and 4 months.
“inadvertent acts.” Therefore, to satisfy this
requisite, it must appear that the accused knows
his statement to be false or is consciously SUMMON
ignorant of its truth. (Monfort III, et. al. vs. A form prepared by the plaintiff and
Salvatierra, et. al., G.R. No. 168301, 05 March issued by a court that informs the defendant that
2007.) they are being sued or are required to appear in
THE FOURTH ELEMENT OF PERJURY: court. It may be served by a sheriff or other
REQUIRED FOR A LEGAL PURPOSE authorized person, such as the process server.
The final and arguably most significant element, SUBPOENA
for a willful assertion of falsehood to be A written order to compel an individual
punishable as Perjury, is that the affidavit or to give testimony on a particular subject, often
sworn statement must be required by law or for a before a court, but sometimes in other

proceedings (such as a Congressional action or claim is pending therein; (b) if there is
inquiry).Failure to comply with such an order to such other pending action or claim, a complete
appear may be punishable as contempt. statement of the present status thereof; and (c) if
SUBPOENA DUCESTECUM he/she should thereafter learn that the same or
A subpoena duces tecum, or subpoena similar action or claim has been filed or is
for production of evidence, is a court summons pending, he/she shall report that fact within five
ordering the recipient to appear before the court (5) days therefrom to the court wherein his/her
and produce documents or other tangible aforesaid complaint or initiatory pleading has
evidence for use at a hearing or trial. In some been filed.28
jurisdictions, it can also be issued by legislative
bodies such as county boards of supervisors. In Altres v. Empleo29 (Altres), the
SUBPOENA TESTIFICANDUM Court laid down the following guideposts on the
Refers to a process directed to a person evaluation of verifications and certifications
requiring him to attend and to testify at the against forum shopping:
hearing or the trial of an action, or at any
investigation conducted by competent authority, For the guidance of the bench and bar, the Court
or for the taking of his deposition restates in capsule form the jurisprudential
JURAT & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT pronouncements already reflected above
A jurat is a distinct creature from an respecting non-compliance with the
acknowledgment. An acknowledgment is the act requirements on, or submission of defective,
of one who has executed a deed in going before verification and certification against forum
some competent officer or court and declaring it shopping:
to be his act or deed; while a jurat is that part of
an affidavit where the officer certifies that the 1) A distinction must be made between
same was sworn before him. non-compliance with the requirement on
An affidavit is a written statement filed or submission of defective verification,
by an affiant as evidence in a court case. In order and noncompliance with the
to be admissible, affidavits must be notarized by requirement on or submission of
a notary public. The purpose of a jurat is for an defective certification against forum
affiant to swear to or affirm the truthfulness of shopping.
the contents of an affidavit.
CERTIFICATION OF NON-FORUM 2) As to verification, non-compliance
SHOPPING therewith or a defect therein does not
necessarily render the pleading fatally
A certification of non-forum shopping is defective. The court may order its
a certification under oath by the plaintiff or submission or correction or act on the
principal party in the complaint or other pleading if the attending circumstances
initiatory pleading asserting a claim for relief or are such that strict compliance with the
in a sworn certification annexed thereto and Rule may be dispensed with in order
simultaneously filed therewith, (a) that he/she that the ends of justice may be served
has not theretofore commenced any action or thereby.
filed any claim involving the same issues in any
court, tribunal or quasi-judicial agency and, to 3) Verification is deemed substantially
the best of his/her knowledge, no such other complied with when one who has ample

knowledge to swear to the truth of the
allegations in the complaint or petition
signs the verification, and when matters
alleged in the petition have been made
in good faith or are true and correct.

4) As to certification against forum

shopping, non-compliance therewith or
a defect therein, unlike in verification, is
generally not curable by its subsequent
submission or correction thereof, unless
there is a need to relax the Rule on the
ground of "substantial compliance" or
presence of "special circumstances or
compelling reasons."

5) The certification against forum

shopping must be signed by all the
plaintiffs or petitioners in a case;
otherwise, those who did not sign will
be dropped as parties to the case. Under
reasonable or justifiable circumstances,
however, as when all the plaintiffs or
petitioners share a common interest and
invoke a common cause of action or
defense, the signature of only one of
them in the certification against forum
shopping substantially complies with the

6) Finally, the certification against

forum shopping must be executed by the
party-pleader, not by his counsel. If,
however, for reasonable or justifiable
reasons, the party-pleader is unable to
sign, he must execute a Special Power
of Attorney designating his counsel of
record to sign on his behalf.

INTRODUCTION TO CYBERCRIME AND (4) System Interference. — The intentional
ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS alteration or reckless hindering or interference
with the functioning of a computer or computer
Cybercrime is an activity done using network by inputting, transmitting, damaging,
computers and internet. We can say that it is an deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing
unlawful act wherein the computer either as a computer data or program, electronic document,
tool or target or both. or electronic data message, without right or
Cybercrime is any crime that takes authority, including the introduction or
place online or primarily online. That can run transmission of viruses.
the gamut from the aforementioned identity theft
and other security breaches to things like (5) Misuse of Devices.
“revenge porn,” cyber-stalking, harassment,
bullying and even child sexual exploitation.  The use, production, sale, procurement,
Terrorists are collaborating more on the Internet, importation, distribution, or otherwise
moving that most terrifying of crimes into making available, without right, of:
cyberspace  A device, including a computer
program, designed or adapted primarily
THE CYBERCRIME OLFENSES AS for the purpose of committing any of the
PROVIDED BY RA 10175 offenses under this Act; or
 A computer password, access code, or
The following acts constitute the offense similar data by which the whole or any
of cybercrime punishable under this Act: part of a computer system is capable of
being accessed with intent that it be used
OFFENSES AGAINST THE for the purpose of committing any of the
AVAILABILITY OF COMPUTER DATA  The possession of an item referred to in
AND SYSTEMS: paragraphs 5(i)(aa) or (bb) above with
intent to use said devices for the purpose
(1) Illegal Access. – The access to the whole or of committing any of the offenses under
any part of a computer system without right. this section.

(2) Illegal Interception. – The interception (6) Cyber-squatting. – The acquisition of a

made by technical means without right of any domain name over the internet in bad faith to
non-public transmission of computer data to, profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive
from, or within a computer system including others from registering the same, if such a
electromagnetic emissions from a computer domain name is:
system carrying such computer data.
 Similar, identical, or confusingly similar
(3) Data Interference. — The intentional or to an existing trademark registered with
reckless alteration, damaging, deletion or the appropriate government agency at
deterioration of computer data, electronic the time of the domain name
document, or electronic data message, without registration:
right, including the introduction or transmission  Identical or in any way similar with the
of viruses. name of a person other than the

registrant, in case of a personal name; indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual
and organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a
 Acquired without right or with computer system, for favor or consideration.
intellectual property interests in it.
(2) Child Pornography. — The unlawful or
COMPUTER-RELATED OFFENSES: prohibited acts defined and punishable
by Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child
(1) Computer-related Forgery. — Pornography Act of 2009, committed through a
computer system: Provided, That the penalty to
 The input, alteration, or deletion of any be imposed shall be (1) one degree higher than
computer data without right resulting in that provided for in Republic Act No. 9775.
inauthentic data with the intent that it be
considered or acted upon for legal (3) Unsolicited Commercial Communications.
purposes as if it were authentic, — The transmission of commercial electronic
regardless whether or not the data is communication with the use of computer system
directly readable and intelligible; or which seek to advertise, sell, or offer for sale
 The act of knowingly using computer products and services are prohibited unless:
data which is the product of computer-
related forgery as defined herein, for the  There is prior affirmative consent from
purpose of perpetuating a fraudulent or the recipient; or
dishonest design.  The primary intent of the
communication is for service and/or
(2) Computer-related Fraud. — The administrative announcements from the
unauthorized input, alteration, or deletion of sender to its existing users, subscribers
computer data or program or interference in the or customers; or
functioning of a computer system, causing
damage thereby with fraudulent The following conditions are present:
intent: Provided, That if no damage has yet been
caused, the penalty imposable shall be one (1)  The commercial electronic
degree lower. communication contains a simple, valid,
and reliable way for the recipient to
(3) Computer-related Identity Theft. – The reject. receipt of further commercial
intentional acquisition, use, misuse, transfer, electronic messages (opt-out) from the
possession, alteration or deletion of identifying same source;
information belonging to another, whether  The commercial electronic
natural or juridical, without communication does not purposely
right: Provided, That if no damage has yet been disguise the source of the electronic
caused, the penalty imposable shall be one (1) message; and
degree lower.  The commercial electronic
communication does not purposely
CONTENT-RELATED OFFENSES: include misleading information in any
part of the message in order to induce
(1) Cybersex. — The wilful engagement, the recipients to read the message.
maintenance, control, or operation, directly or

(4) Libel. — The unlawful or prohibited acts of
libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised PROCEDURES ON SEIZURE AND
Penal Code, as amended, committed through a PRESERVATION OF DIGITAL
computer system or any other similar means EVIDENCE
which may be devised in the future.



(a) Aiding or Abetting in the Commission of RULES ON CYBER WARRANT

Cybercrime. – Any person who willfully abets ISSUANCE AND VALIDITY OF THE
or aids in the commission of any of the offenses CYBER WARRANT (A.M. NO. 17-11-03-SC
enumerated in this Act shall be held liable. CYBERCRIME WARRANTS
1. Warrant to Disclose Computer Data
(b) Attempt in the Commission of (WDCD)
Cybercrime. — Any person who willfully An order to disclose and accordingly,
attempts to commit any of the offenses require any person or service provider to
enumerated in this Act shall be held liable. disclose or submit subscriber’s information,
traffic data, or relevant data in his/her
CYBER INTELLIGENCE controversial or is possession or control
Cyber intelligence is all about 2. Warrant to Intercept Computer Data
understanding the nature of the risks and threats (WICD)
facing your organization so that you can better
prepare yourself for them. Understanding your An order authorizing law enforcement
opponent goes a long way toward being able to authorities to carry out any or all of the
defend yourself effectively against them. Cyber following activities: (a) listening to, (b)
intelligence helps you understand where they’re recording, (c) monitoring, or (d) surveillance of
coming from; what their motives are; how they the content of communications, including
work; what actions they’re taking right now and procuring of the content of computer data, either
who else might be involved with them. directly, through access and use of a computer
system or indirectly, through the use of
CYBERSECURITY INVESTIGATION electronic eavesdropping or tapping devices, at
Cyber security is all about protecting your the same time that the communication is
computer systems from threats. Threats can occurring
come in many forms, including viruses, spam, 3. Warrant to Search, Seize and Examine
and malware and ransom ware. Cybercrime and Computer Data (WSSECD)
cyber terrorism are also threats to keep in mind An order authorizing law enforcement
when talking about cyber security. Cyber authorities to search a particular place for items
security is concerned with protecting an to be seized and/or examined
organization’s critical infrastructure from 4. Warrant to Examine Computer Data
malware or unauthorized access; cyber (WECD)
intelligence looks at everything else around this Upon acquiring possession of a
core mission. computer divide or computer system via a lawful

warrantless arrest, or by any other lawful evidence/#:~:text=Admissibility.,Privileged%
method, law enforcement authorities shall first 20communication.)
apply for a WECD before searching the said
computer device or computer system for the
purpose of obtaining forensic examination the
computer data contained therein PRESERVATION ORDER
An order requiring a service provider to
keep, retain and preserve:
Where to file an application for a warrant - The integrity of traffic data and subscriber's
Before any of the designated cybercrime information for a minimum period of 6 months
courts of the province or the city where the from the date of transaction
offense or any of its elements has been - Content data for 6 months from the date of
committed, is being committed, or is about to be receipt of the order
committed, or where any part of the computer
system used is situated, or where any of the DESTRUCTION ORDER
damage caused to a natural or juridical person An order requiring the complete or
took place. Cybercrime courts in Quezon City, partial destruction, or the return to its lawful
the City of Manila, Makati City, Pasig City, owner or possessor, of the computer data or any
Cebu City, Iloilo City, Davao City and Cagayan related items turned over to the court's custody
de Oro City shall have the special authority to
act on applications and issue warrants which RULES ON ELECTRONIC EVIDENCE
shall be enforceable nationwide and outside the (
Philippines. electronic-evidence/)

Effective Period of Warrants RA 10173

For the length of time as determined by
the court, which shall not exceed 10 days from AN ACT PROTECTING
Extendible, based on justifiable, for not more IN INFORMATION AND
than 10 days from the expiration of the original COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS IN THE
Extraterritorial Service of Warrants and PURPOSE A NATIONAL PRIVACY
For persons or service providers situated PURPOSES
outside the Philippines, service of warrants and
other court processes shall be coursed through Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be
the DOJ - Office of Cybercrime. known as the "Data Privacy Act of 2012″.


electronic- RA 8792

Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be
Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known as the "Anti-Child Pornography Act of
known as the “Electronic Commerce Act of 2009."
( _9775_2009.html)


PENALIZING THE CRIME OF PHOTO  R.A. No. 8048, Coconut Preservation
AND VIDEO VOYEURISM, PRESCRIBING Act; R.A. No. 8435, Agriculture and
PENALTIES THEREFOR, AND FOR Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997;
OTHER PURPOSES  R.A. No. 9522, the Philippine
Archipelagic Baselines Law;
Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be  R.A. No. 9593, Renewable Energy Act
known as the "Anti-Photo and Video of 2008;
Voyeurism Act of 2009".  R.A. No. 9637, Philippine Biofuels Act;
And other existing laws that relate to the
( conservation, development, preservation,
95_2010.html) protection and utilization of the environment
and natural resources.
RA 8484


COMMITTED RELATIVE THERETO, Section 1. Custody and disposition of seized
PROVIDING PENALTIES AND FOR items. - The custody and disposition of seized
OTHER PURPOSES items shall be in accordance with the applicable
laws or rules promulgated by the concerned
Section 1. Short title. – This Act shall be known
government agency.
as the "Access Devices Regulation Act of


Section 2. Procedure. - In the absence of depository bank for disposition
applicable laws or rules promulgated by the according to the judgment.
concerned government agency, the following
procedure shall be observed: RA 9003

 The apprehending officer having initial AN ACT PROVIDING FOR AN

custody and control of the seized items, ECOLOGICAL SOLID WASTE
equipment, paraphernalia, conveyances MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, CREATING
and instruments shall physically THE NECESSARY INSTITUTIONAL
inventory and whenever practicable, MECHANISMS AND INCENTIVES,
photograph the same in the presence of DECLARING CERTAIN ACTS
the person from whom such items were PROHIBITED AND PROVIDING
 Thereafter, the apprehending officer THEREFOR, AND FOR OTHER
shall submit to the issuing court the PURPOSES
return of the search warrant within five
(5) days from date of seizure or in case SECTION 1. Short Title. — This Act shall be
of warrantless arrest, submit within five known as the “Ecological Solid Waste
(5) days from date of seizure, the Management Act of 2000.”
inventory report, compliance report,
photographs, representative samples and
other pertinent documents to the public REPUBLIC ACT NO 6969
prosecutor for appropriate action.
 Upon motion by any interested party, AN ACT TO CONTROL TOXIC
the court may direct the auction sale of SUBSTANCES AND HAZARDOUS AND
seized items, equipment, paraphernalia, NUCLEAR WASTES, PROVIDING
tools or instruments of the crime. The PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF,
court shall, after hearing, fix the AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES
minimum bid price based on the
recommendation of the concerned SECTION 1. Short Title. — This Act shall be
government agency. The sheriff shall known as the “Toxic Substances and
conduct the auction. Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act
 The auction sale shall be with notice to of 1990.”
the accused, the person from whom the (
items were seized, or the owner thereof 6/republic-act-no-6969/)
and the concerned government agency.
 The notice of auction shall be posted in RA 8749
three conspicuous places in the city or
municipality where the items,
equipment, paraphernalia, tools or
instruments of the crime were seized.
 The proceeds shall be held in trust and
deposited with the government

Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be An Act to Prohibit the Cutting,
known as the "Philippine Clean Air Act of Destroying Or Injuring Of Planted or Growing
1999." Trees, Flowering Plants and Shrubs or Plants Of
Scenic Value along Public Roads, In Plazas,
( Parks, School Premises Or Any Other Public
_8749_1999.html) Ground.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9275 SEC. 3. No cutting, destroying, or

injuring of planted or growing trees, flowering
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A plants and shrubs or plants of scenic value along
COMPREHENSIVE WATER QUALITY public roads, in plazas parks, school premises or
MANAGEMENT AND FOR OTHER in any other public ground shall be permitted
PURPOSES save when the cutting, destroying, or injuring of
same is necessary for public safety, or such
SECTION. 1. Short Title. — This Act shall be pruning of same is necessary to enhance its
known as the “Philippine Clean Water Act of beauty and only upon the recommendation of the
2004.” committee mentioned in the preceding section,
and upon the approval of the Director of Parks
( and Wildlife. The cutting, destroying, or pruning
2/republic-act-no-9275/) shall be under the supervision of the committee.
SEC. 4. Any person who shall cut, destroy or
PUNISHABLE ACTS ABOUT injure trees, flowering plants and shrubs or
LOGGING AND TIMBER CUTTING plants of scenic value mentioned in the
preceding sections of this Act, shall be punished
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 54 by prison correctional in its minimum period to
prison mayor in its minimum period.
Executive Order No. 277, series of 1987,
1. Confiscation of the logs in question and provides: "Section 1. Section 68 of
payment of fine to be imposed in accordance Presidential Decree (P.D.JNo. 705, as
with existing laws, rules and regulations and amended, is hereby amended
suspension of the license and permit to operate (
for six months during the cutting period, for the df)
first offense.
2. Confiscation of the logs in question and
payment of fine to be imposed in accordance REVISING PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO.
with existing laws, rules and regulations; and 389, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE
immediate cancellation of the license and permit FORESTRY REFORM CODE OF THE
to operate; and arrest and detention of the PHILIPPINES
offenders until ordered released by me or by my
duly authorized representative, for the second (
offense. pd_705_1975.html)


RA NO. 9147 violation by an unlawful act or omission of a
public official or employee, or private individual
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE or entity, involving environmental damage of
CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION OF such magnitude as to prejudice the life, health or
WILDLIFE RESOURCES AND THEIR property of inhabitants in two or more cities or
PURPOSES Section 2. Contents of the petition. - The
verified petition shall contain the following:
SECTION 1. Title. — This Act shall be known
as the “Wildlife Resources Conservation and  The personal circumstances of the
Protection Act.” petitioner;
 The name and personal circumstances of
( the respondent or if the name and
republic-act-no-9417/) personal circumstances are unknown
and uncertain, the respondent may be
RA 8550 described by an assumed appellation;
 The environmental law, rule or
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE regulation violated or threatened to be
DEVELOPMENT, MANAGEMENT AND violated, the act or omission complained
CONSERVATION OF THE FISHERIES of, and the environmental damage of
AND AQUATIC RESOURCES, such magnitude as to prejudice the life,
INTEGRATING ALL LAWS PERTINENT health or property of inhabitants in two
THERETO, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES or more cities or provinces.
 All relevant and material evidence
SECTION 1. Title. — This Act shall be known consisting of the affidavits of witnesses,
as “The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998.” documentary evidence, scientific or
other expert studies, and if possible,
object evidence;
 The certification of petitioner under oath
that: (1) petitioner has not commenced
any action or filed any claim involving
the same issues in any court, tribunal or
quasi-judicial agency, and no such other
action or claim is pending therein; (2) if
there is such other pending action or
claim, a complete statement of its
Section 1. Nature of the writ. - The writ is a
present status; (3) if petitioner should
remedy available to a natural or juridical person,
learn that the same or similar action or
entity authorized by law, people’s organization,
claim has been filed or is pending,
non-governmental organization, or any public
petitioner shall report to the court that
interest group accredited by or registered with
fact within five (5) days therefrom; and
any government agency, on behalf of persons
whose constitutional right to a balanced and
healthful ecology is violated, or threatened with

 The reliefs prayed for which may threaten to violate, or allow the violation of any
include a prayer for the issuance of a environmental law, rule or regulation or commit
TEPO. any act resulting to environmental damage of
such magnitude as to prejudice the life, health or
Section 3. Where to file. - The petition shall be property of inhabitants in two or more cities or
filed with the Supreme Court or with any of the provinces.
stations of the Court of Appeals.
All defences not raised in the return shall be
Section 4. No docket fees. - The petitioner shall deemed waived.
be exempt from the payment of docket fees.
The return shall include affidavits of witnesses,
Section 5. Issuance of the writ. - Within three documentary evidence, scientific or other expert
(3) days from the date of filing of the petition, if studies, and if possible, object evidence, in
the petition is sufficient in form and substance, support of the defense of the respondent.
the court shall give an order: (a) issuing the writ;
and (b) requiring the respondent to file a verified A general denial of allegations in the petition
return as provided in Section 8 of this Rule. The shall be considered as an admission thereof.
clerk of court shall forthwith issue the writ under
the seal of the court including the issuance of a
cease and desist order and other temporary WRIT OF MANDAMUS
reliefs effective until further order.
A writ of mandamus is a remedy that
Section 6. How the writ is served. - The writ can be used to compel a lower court to perform
shall be served upon the respondent by a court an act that is ministerial in nature and that the
officer or any person deputized by the court, court has a clear duty to do under law. When
who shall retain a copy on which to make a filing a petition for writ of mandamus, you must
return of service. In case the writ cannot be show that you have no other remedy available.
served personally, the rule on substituted service
shall apply. A writ of mandamus is different from an
appeal. It asks the higher court to order the
Section 7. Penalty for refusing to issue or serve lower court to rule on some issue, but does not
the writ. - A clerk of court who unduly delays or tell the judge how to rule. In an appeal, you
refuses to issue the writ after its allowance or a would be asking the higher court to rule that the
court officer or deputized person who unduly trial court made an error at the trial, such as
delays or refuses to serve the same shall be improperly admitting evidence or giving
punished by the court for contempt without incorrect jury instructions.
prejudice to other civil, criminal or
administrative actions.
Section 8. Return of respondent; contents. - ORDER
Within a non-extendible period of ten (10) days (REFER FROM THE MODULE)
after service of the writ, the respondent shall file
a verified return which shall contain all defences
to show that respondent did not violate or


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