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Journal of Embedded Systems and Processing

Volume 3 Issue 3

Cryptography: Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption

Mr. Anurag Rawal, 2Mr. Gaurav, 3Mr. Hitesh Khanna, 4Prof. Gaganjot Kaur
Student, 4Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Manav Rachna University, Faridabad, Haryana, India

With the arrival and outbreak of high speed internet, www (World Wide Web) and growth of
social media, online transaction, application and business, organization across the globe
produce too much amount of data every second. Data Security is the most basic and extreme
measures to ensure secure passage of information through internet. As the number of user’s
increases rapidly throughout the globe tremendously which directly entice cracker for doing
cyber-attack. Moreover data security is becoming necessity as we are heading towards
digital globalization. In this paper we have discuss the 2 types of encryption i.e., Symmetric
and Asymmetric. We briefly explain them how these encryption techniques work and in the
end explain which one of these techniques is best and why.

Keywords: Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, Ciphers, Ciphers Text, Cryptosystem.

INTRODUCTION come the requirement of securing our

Cryptography is a Latin word privacy by ways of Cryptography.
compromised of two word Krypts and Cryptography plays a significant role for
graphhein which means “hidden or secret” secret writing. It is the art of securing
and “study or writing”, respectively. Thus, data. Cryptography is used to assure that
cryptography is an art or way and the the contents of a message are very
science behind secret writing. confidentiality transmitted and wouldn’t
be altered. Cryptography provides range of
Cryptography is about composing a set of security goals to make sure of privacy of
protocols so that no one can understand the information. The idea of encryption by
data except sender and receiver thus which we can encode our valuable data
cryptography is very convenient for data in secret code and not to be able
integrity and authentication purposes. readable by unauthorized person even it
Cryptography has evolved too much from is hacked.
classical cipher, in which letter
substitution took place to modern day Cryptography plays an important role in
cryptosystem in which it is very difficult securing information during data
for people to decrypt and encrypt data too transmission which is a big issue for both
easily. sender and receiver. Thus, cryptography
Today’s our entire world is relying on web emerges as a significant tool for safer
and its application. Information security communication.
plays significant role in securing modern
communication systems. The most Cryptography allows the data or
important objectives of information information to transmit through network in
security are authentication, confidentiality, unidentified ways so that the intruder’s
data integrity and non-repudiation here cannot understand the data. Due to the

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Journal of Embedded Systems and Processing
Volume 3 Issue 3

mechanism of cryptography only sender The above block diagram shows how
and intended receiver can read or cryptography works, simple message or
understand the message. Cryptography has information which is readable gets
evolved throughout its lifetime, starting converted into cipher text and then
from letter substitution to modern day converted back to plain text with the help
unbreakable public key cryptosystem. of decryption.

Applications of cryptography include e- Objective of cryptography

commerce, online truncation through 1. Authentication: This mechanism
credit or debit cards, crypto currencies, pc facilitates to establish proof of
passwords, and military communications. identities. This method assures the
In Cryptography there are some origin of the message is properly
Significant Terms: known.
Plain Text 2. Access Control: This principle states
Secrete message or information which is that who have the control over the
readable and will be encrypted. access of data.
Cipher Text or Encrypted Text 3. Availability: The principle of
Data obtain after encrypting the availability states that resources ought
information with the help of a key is to be out there to approve users.
known as cipher text. 4. Confidentiality: This Principle states
Key that only sender and receiver can
It is a word or value that is used for process the content of message or
encryption of plaintext and decryption of information.
cipher text. 5. Integrity: This mechanism assures the
Encryption data or information reaches to
It is the technique of converting the data receiver will remain the same.
into encrypted form i.e. In non- 6. Nonrepudiation: This mechanism
understandable format with the help of key refers to the ability to ensure that a
is called encryption user cannot deny the sending of data
Decryption or message that they originate.
It is the technique of converting the
encrypted data in plain text i.e. In LITERATURE SURVEY
understandable format with the help of key We studied many attacks which can be
is called decryption. done on cryptography encryption standard
Crypto Analyst to find it’s strength. The basic intention of
Crypto Analyst is the person who is expert a hacker or attacker is to break encryption
in breaking cipher text, cipher and algorithm by means of finding plaintext
cryptosystem. from cipher text to obtain the key. Some of
the attacks that were used by attacker are
discussed as follows:
 COA (Ciphertext Only Attacks): In this
attack the attacker has a set of cipher
text from which he or she computes the
 KPA (Known Plaintext Attack): In this
attack the attacker knows plaintext of
Fig: 1. A simple block diagram to
some cipher text from which he or she
understand Cryptography
have to determine other cipher text.
 CPA (Chosen Plaintext Attack): In this

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Journal of Embedded Systems and Processing
Volume 3 Issue 3

attack the attacker has the text of his

choice encrypted which means he or
she has the cipher-text and plain-text Example of symmetric Encryption
pair of his or her choice through which DES
he or she can determine the encryption DES stands for data Encryption popular,
key. evolved within the early 1970 and uses the
 Dictionary Attack: In this attack the Fiestel characteristic for encryption and
attacker maintain the dictionary of decryption information. Encryption and
cipher-text and the corresponding decryption key are equal in DES.
plain-text and to decrypt the data he or It is block cipher which has 64 bit block
she refers to that dictionary. size out of which 56 bit for key period and
 Brute force Attack: In this attack the rest 8 bit for errors detection. It makes use
attacker determine the key by of 16 spherical of permutation for
attempting all possible keys. This encrypting statistics. Decryption procedure
attack takes too much amount of time. is identical precisely as of encryption with
 MIM (Man in Middle Attack): In this the difference that decryption is done in
attack the attacker determine the key reverse order.
during key exchange step in public key
cryptography. AES
 Fault analysis Attacks: In this attack AES stands for Advanced Encryption
the attacker introduce some error in the standard, published in early 1977 to
algorithm and study the error to get overcome the drawback of DES. It is a
some resourceful information which symmetric block cipher which means
results in breaking of algorithm. encryption and decryption key are exactly
same. It has a 128 bit block size with
What is Asymmetric Encryption variable key length of 128, 192 or 256 bits.
In symmetric encryption there is only one It encrypts 128 bits data block into 10(128
key which is also known as private key bits), 12(192 bits) and 14(256 bits) round
which is used to encrypt and decrypt text. respectively according to the key size,
In nowadays era this personal or mostly 256 bit key length is used. AES
symmetric key can be a series of numbers permutation has four stages of substitute
alphabets and individual Ex. bytes, shift rows, mix columns and add
AsddErTY8944. round key.

Suppose Alice wants to send an encrypted What is Asymmetric Encryption

message to bob through internet, so she Asymmetric encryption uses 2 keys i.e.,
first tells bob about the private key through private key and public key. Different
which she done encryption. Alice must encryption key is used in both end for
find a way other than internet to tell bob secure communication between 2 parties.
about this encryption key. She can use Suppose Alice want to communicate with
postcard or she can handover the key to tom then tom have to tell Alice his public
tom saying that “Anytime in future if she key through which she done encryption.
needed to communicate securely she can Tom does not find a way to tell Alice
use this private key for encryption” . about the public key as no one can decrypt
Moreover, bob can use that key for the message. Note that if Tom want to
encryption too. communicate with Alice than Alice must
generate her own private – public key pair
and send the public key to Tom.

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Journal of Embedded Systems and Processing
Volume 3 Issue 3

Why Symmetric is vastly better than

Example of Asymmetric Encryption Asymmetric
RSA Cpu Speed , Memory And Power
RSA is known as after the mathematicians The power consumption, cpu time and
Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and leonard memory needed for RSA is more than that
Adleman. First published in 1977, it is an required for AES encryption. AES can
asymmetric block cipher, which means easily be embedded in smart cards to
that both encryption and decryption key encrypt and decrypt data.
are specific .RSA also known as public
key algorithm as one of the secret is Advances In Factorization
known to absolutely everyone. RSA uses a Public key – Private key approach uses the
variable length encryption block and a multiplication of 2 large prime number.
variable length key. Unauthorized decryption which means
For encryption purpose the RSA user cracking or decrypting of an encrypted
posted the made from high quantity and message with the help of factorization to
one of the top variety that is of the order of find the original 2 numbers.
1028 bit or 309 decimal digits. As advances in mathematical technique of
No one can determine the prime factor of factorization and in cpu continues which
the product from one auxiliary value, leads to the faster cracking of encrypted
which makes it very difficult for attacker data.
to decrypt data or information except user
who knows the secret key. RSA algorithm Authentication Required
ensures the safety of data. As mentioned earlier in this paper that
ECC sending or publishing a public key over the
ECC stands for Elliptic curve internet did not pose problem as it did not
cryptography. First published in 1985, it is allow other party or intercepting party to
based on public key cryptography. ECC decrypt message but it does allow them to
algorithm is an alternative for RSA as it create and send message as if from the
works more efficiently than RSA destined party or user.
algorithm. RSA algorithm is very difficult
to break but ECC algorithm on the other COMPARING EQIVALENT
hand is infeasible to break. To make RSA STRENGTH TABLE
algorithm more secure, user increment the
key size to 3072 bit RSA public key which Table: 1. Above figure illustrate the
work as efficiently as 256 bit ECC public equivalent strength of RSA and AES
key. ECC algorithm works on the
mathematical problem i.e. it is impossible
for anyone to find the logarithm of a
random elliptic curve element with respect
to a publicly known base point (which
works as public key). ECC reduces the
storage problem as it works too efficiently
on smaller key size. It is clear from the above table that AES
provide superior security over RSA using
SYMMETRIC VS ASYMMETRIC 15360 bits is just as secure as the AES
In this section we have discussed the with 256 bits. AES is clear cut better than
drawback and advantages of both RSA.
encryption system.

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Journal of Embedded Systems and Processing
Volume 3 Issue 3

There is only one drawback of symmetric ume13/4-A-Study-of-Encryption-

encryption over asymmetric encryption Algorithms.pdf
which we found that involves a logistics 2. Volume 8, No. 4, May 2017
problem of transmitting symmetric key. International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer Science Review
Suppose a user is buying something from Article Available Online at
e-commerce site, when placing order user© 2015-19, IJARCS
have to enter his credit card details. It’s 358 A Review on Symmetric Key
obvious user want this transmission of Cryptography Algorithms
credit card details should be encrypted. If
symmetric encryption were to be used than e/viewFile/3777/3258
user, somehow, must communicate with 3. International Journal of Computer
the e-commerce site and conveyed them Applications (0975 –8887) Volume
the symmetric key which is quite 61–No.20, January 2013 12 Symmetric
inconvenient to both user and the Algorithm Survey: A Comparative
merchant. Analysis
CONCLUSION 1405.0398.pdf
In this paper we reviewed about 4. International Journal of Computer
Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption. Applications (0975 –8887)
Clearly, each encryption standard has it’s International Conference on
own strength. Advancements in Engineering and
We come to the conclusion that Technology (ICAET 2015) 1
Symmetric encryption is more advanced Asymmetric Algorithms and
than Asymmetric encryption. Symmetric Algorithms
ACKNOWLEDGMENT /number4/icaet4049.pdf
We would like to express our thanks of 5. An overview on cryptography by Gary
gratitude to Accendere Knowledge C. Kessler
Management Services for providing us the
Platform & Opportunity to pursue the pto.html
research. 6.
1. Global journals GJCST_Volume13/4- 9.
A-Study-of-Encryption-Algorithms IJETTCS-2015-01-01-12.pdf/ 10.

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