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Unique Persuasive Essay Topics

Writing an essay on the topic of "Unique Persuasive Essay Topics" can present a unique challenge in
itself. The difficulty lies in the paradox of the task: the expectation to come up with novel and
compelling ideas while adhering to the conventions of persuasive writing. Crafting a truly unique
essay requires extensive research, critical thinking, and creativity to identify topics that are not only
original but also relevant and engaging.

One of the primary challenges is navigating the balance between uniqueness and persuasiveness.
While it's essential to choose a topic that stands out from the typical repertoire of persuasive essay
subjects, it's equally important to ensure that the chosen topic has enough substance and scope to
support a compelling argument. This necessitates thorough brainstorming and evaluation of potential
topics to find the elusive intersection of novelty and persuasiveness.

Moreover, the process of generating unique persuasive essay topics involves grappling with the
limitations of conventional thinking and exploring unconventional perspectives. It demands the
ability to think outside the box, challenge conventional wisdom, and delve into niche or overlooked
areas that have the potential to spark interest and provoke thought.

Additionally, writing persuasively about a unique topic requires a deep understanding of the subject
matter and the target audience. It entails conducting extensive research to gather relevant evidence
and insights that can support the argument and address potential counterarguments. Crafting a
persuasive essay on a unique topic demands meticulous attention to detail, clarity of expression, and
strategic use of rhetorical devices to effectively convey the intended message and sway the
audience's opinion.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Unique Persuasive Essay Topics" poses a
considerable challenge that necessitates creativity, critical thinking, and thorough research. It requires
navigating the delicate balance between originality and persuasiveness while engaging in
unconventional thinking and addressing the expectations of persuasive writing. Despite the inherent
difficulty, mastering this task can lead to the development of valuable skills in research,
argumentation, and communication.

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Unique Persuasive Essay TopicsUnique Persuasive Essay Topics
Human Nature In The Workplace Environment
Human Nature How has the workplace environment treated people? Has it been life
changing to know the day will be amazing or to feel as though working like a dog and
getting nowhere? Every human must go to work to make money and provide for their
family. If not, they will not live a happy, successful life. Their kids will be miserable as
they may not have the luxury of clean clothes and food to feed their infinite hunger.
Millions of people have jobs, but may not feel valued or excited to go to them. They
may feel overworked and undervalued with no purpose, or may not have a strong
support system in their workplace. Human nature can both positively and negatively
affect the workplace environment. Supervisors are very important towards the
workplace environment. Without them, workers may slack off and not get the job
done as efficiently as needed. To be a well liked supervisor, they need to care and
understand their employees. If a supervisor acts like a robot and just gives orders, the
employees will not respect them as much as if they cared and asked them how their
day is going and what they can do to help. This will give workers a feeling of comfort
while at the job. The supervisors also need to recognize the hard work that is
completed by the employees. This will make workers feel valued and purposeful. If
people are not recognized for the hard work, it can cause dissatisfaction within their
career and make them feel like they are doing immense amounts of
Treatment Of Depression And Anxiety
treatment methods.

Depression and Anxiety causes too many problems and tears apart many people s
lives. We see many of these problems spark up in as early as the adolescents to late as
the elderly. More specifically, Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety
Disorder are the main culprits of many people s mental illnesses and often times, these
disorders occur simultaneously or sequentially. First of all, Major Depressive Disorder,
often shortened to MDD, is a mental disorder that can negatively affect a person s daily
life activities and according to Anxiety and Depression Association of America,
approximately 6.7% of the U.S. population has this mental illness (2014). It is often
diagnosed based on the severity and frequency of ... Show more content on ...
Majority of the time, MDD comes in extended episodes. Some people experience MDD
once in their life, while others struggle with it on a daily basis, but regardless of how
often, the signs and symptoms are fairly the same.

Major Depressive disorder is a relatively common mental disorder, so, much research
has been done on what causes and what to expect from this disorder. With many
possible causes to this disorder, researchers have narrowed it down to three, which are
commonly accepted as the leading causes of MDD. The three causes include:
intrapsychic, environmental, and biological (Fitzgerald Cataldo, 2012). Intrapsychic,
meaning occurring inside the mind, can be attributed to Major Depressive Disorder
because many researcher believe that the disorder stems from the internalizing of
negative events. The saying it s all in your head is a quite fitting quote for this subject
at hand. When people start to have pessimistic thoughts and blame themselves for
negative experiences and start believing the positive outcomes in their lives have all
happened because of sheer luck and not because of their own skills, they start to
experience a prolonged feeling of helplessness (Fitzgerald Cataldo, 2012). They end up
thinking in their head that they are worthless or useless in whatever they do. The
environmental cause is a theory
Supraventricular Tachycardia
Supraventricular tachycardia:
Supraventricular Tachycardia is a cardio vascular disease which occasionally results in
abnormally fast heartbeat which is not related to exercise, stress or illness.

Early doctors were researching arrhythmia in heart beat as a result of unknown abnormal
neuro cardio mechanisms of the heart, one of theories was that SA and AV nodes were
interfering with each other s bio electrical impulses another theory was that the right
side of the septum was hypersensitive to electrical impulse, all were more else on the
right track because we know now that SVT is a result of a faulty electrical connections
of the heart.

The abnormally fast heartbeat caused by SVT, lasts in episodes lasting for several hours.
During an episode
Myth Of Mekos
Mekos, a warrior among gods, served a series of oracles known as the Congregation of
Intellect. After being struck by a course of flashbacks it was revealed to him that he
was a prosperous war hero who led his army of Aspians to many victories. He was
struck down by a ruthless king. During his siding with death, the oracles resurrected him
with an agreement for him to serve the Congregation of Intellect. These oracles created
the Law of Burdening which cast a source of dark magic onto every entity in the land.
This magic bound all the organisms including humans to have deformities which either
enhanced or decreased their physical and mental capabilities causing them to all be
equal. The oracles created this so they would divide the power between... Show more
content on ...
His journey to their lair is met by an immense chasm. Crevices through the ground
showed streaks of lava creating bubbles and slowly rising. The oracle s know Mekos is
starts to tremble and the rocks above him begin to collapse. They keep falling until the
ground splits and separates. There is no more rock to jump on until a large chunk of it
falls into the lava flowing to a pit. Mekos immediately unsheathes his chain only to
hook it to a massive boulder and swing across it to the still ground. A debri of hardened
igneous that glimmered steamed his way. Mekos swings his blades and demolishes
the barrier. A deep hallway is revealed behind him. He proceeds to run down the
hallways not hesitating to destroy any relics found. Finding the secret door to the lair
he doesn t knock. Instead he bashes it open with his foot revealing a small room with
dimly lit candles. A mysterious figure appears from the darkness. The oracles are not
here... They have left me to destroy you. You will not stop them! with no words Mekos
swiftly sways his hand, disemboweling the beast that proposed threat to his quest to
defeating the oracles and restoring the land to its original
Essay On Les Miserables
The Love Triangle of the French Revolution In the book and movie adaptation of Victor
Hugo s Les Miserables, a struggle for love exists between three characters. Eponine and
Cosette pursue Marius Pontmercy throughout the story. Whereas Eponine and Marius
seem to know each other well in the movie, Cosette and Marius believe they are in love
after simply looking at one another. Marius is presented with a choice, and he picks
Cosette. However, Marius should have decided to pursue a relationship with Eponine
rather than Cosette because his interactions with Eponine were more meaningful.
Through their brief encounters, it is clear Marius and Cosette did not know each other
well enough to declare love. The first time Marius believes he loves Cosette is when
they look at each other for the first time. She looked at him steadily, with a sweet and
thoughtful look which made Marius tremble from head to foot (Hugo 167). They know
nothing about each other, not even their names, so there is no way they love one... Show
more content on ...
In the course of the story, Eponine s parents force her to help with their dirty work and
illegal schemes. During that time, she was alone, and she witnessed horrible actions.
Now, she meets Marius, and they learn about each other s lives. Upon witnessing him
rally rebels, Eponine finally sees nobility in the world and no longer feels alone.
Throughout their interactions, Marius grows to enjoy her presence as a friend, even
going so far as to give her the nickname Ponine. This shows the audience they know
each other well enough for him to say that comfortably. Moreover, as she dies from a
bullet wound, he willingly holds her and sings with her. When the life drains from her
body, he, along with others in the barricade, weeps for her. If he did not love her in
some way, he would not have gone through that trouble to comfort her as she
A Brief Look at Hypersonic Flight
Hypersonic flight should be investigated in details to allow designing space craft
according to the severe environment of their flight conditions. Typically when a reentry
vehicle descents through the atmosphere, when a capsule or a space vehicle approaches
the relatively dense atmosphere, a strong and detached bow shock takes place ahead of
the vehicle which is detached from its nose. It is subjected to wide range of pressure, heat
transfer and shear levels. The shock encounters the conversion of a large amount of
kinetic energy into thermal energy. This large energy density results in high temperature
of the gas mixture where dissociation and ionization takes place. The plasma flow is
created which impinges on the vehicle wall. To sustain this immense amount of heat
transfer the space craft must be equipped with suitable Thermal Protection System
(TPS). Their role is essential for the success of the reentry maneuver, but their design is
difficult due to the heat transfer phenomena is too complex to be understood completely
and properly. In real flight conditions, the flow along the stagnation point presents very
different situations from the gas at rest in front of the shock up to the wall of the
downstream. Across the bow shock the flow gains a large amount of thermal energy, it
leads to high temperature and excites the different internal energy mode of the gas
particles. Immediately after the shock there is a region of non equilibrium flow. The
excitation process
Fraud And The Health Care Fraud Essay
On November 21, 2013, Theanna Khou pleaded guilty to dispensing and selling
OxyContin from his Huntington Pharmacy without medical necessity from fraudulent
prescriptions issued by a clinic ( Health care fraud investigations, 2014). Khou billed
Medicare for filling prescriptions that patients never received. This story is becoming a
norm for the health care industry, because the growing financial prosperity of the health
industry. Corruption and crime is changing, turning from drug dealing to a safer haven
that has less legal management, organization, and more wherewithal the business of
health care fraud.
Health Care Fraud Fraudulent misrepresentation (fraud) is defined as the intentional
deceit for personal gain (Clarkson, Miller, Cross, 2012). Fraud occurs when a person
knowingly represents an intentional deception as a fact to gain benefits they are not
entitled. The boundaries between fraud and abuse seem to be confused; the degree of
intent distinguishes fraud from abuse. Under HIPAA, it is considered a felony to
intentionally implement a scheme to defraud any health care benefit program or to
obtain money or other property owned or controlled by a health care benefit program by
means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises (Shepard, 2004, para.
1). Health care fraud is an intentional act to deceive in order to receive greater
reimbursement for services, whereas health care abuse is conduct which is not consistent
with acceptable

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