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Arguable Essay Topics

Crafting an essay on "Arguable Essay Topics" can be a challenging endeavor, as it requires not only a
deep understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to present compelling arguments that
engage readers. The difficulty arises from the need to navigate through diverse perspectives and
conflicting opinions while maintaining a coherent and well-structured narrative.

One of the challenges is identifying arguable topics that are not only relevant but also have sufficient
depth for meaningful exploration. The process involves extensive research to gather credible sources
and diverse viewpoints, adding to the complexity of the task. Additionally, selecting a stance and
supporting it with evidence requires a careful balance to avoid biased arguments.

The art of constructing a persuasive essay lies in presenting a well-organized and logical flow of
ideas. Maintaining coherence while transitioning between paragraphs and ensuring a clear thesis
statement are crucial aspects of the writing process. This demands a high level of critical thinking
and analytical skills to effectively convey the intended message.

Moreover, the challenge extends to addressing counterarguments and potential rebuttals. A well-
rounded arguable essay acknowledges opposing viewpoints and provides a thoughtful response,
demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the topic. This not only adds depth to the essay but also
strengthens its overall persuasiveness.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Arguable Essay Topics" requires a combination of research,

critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The process is intricate, demanding a careful
selection of topics, thorough research, and the ability to present a coherent and persuasive argument.
It's an intellectually demanding task that, when executed successfully, showcases the writer's
prowess in navigating complex subjects. For those seeking assistance, similar essays and more can be
ordered on , where professional writers can provide support in tackling the
intricacies of arguable essay topics.
Arguable Essay TopicsArguable Essay Topics
The National Language For England Essay
England, birthplace of Shakespeare, situated in western side of Europe, is a country
which is a part of United Kingdom, shares its borders with Scotland (to south) and
Wales (to west). It comprises most of southern island of Great Britain. It is separated
by Europe by English Channel and North Sea. The national language for England is
English and has a fascinating blend of ethnic groups and international cultures. It has
a land area of 130,279 km2 (50,301 sq mi) with total population of 54,786,300 (2015
estimate). In fact England alone makes up for 80% of population in Europe. Major
cities include London, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Sheffield out of which London
being largest the most populous city. Great Britain is the third most populous island in
the world. It does has a wide variety of religion according to 2011 census out of which
Christianity is the most widely practiced of all. Population in england currently holds 65
million (approx in 2014) and considering the current migration rate (185,000), birth
death rate is projected to increase almost 10 million by the year 2039 i.e., a 15%
increase. Seeing current demographic conditions it will be approx 71 million by 2027.
The political system of England consists of parliamentary system constitutional
monarchy. There has been no government for England since early 1700. Currently it is
governed by parliament of United Kingdom, though other countries still have
decentralized government. HEALTHCARE IN ENGLAND: Healthcare
1984 Doublethink Analysis
The Role of Doublethink in The Government of 1984 War is peace. Freedom is
slavery. Ignorance is strength, . The following quote originates from the infamous
novel, 1984 by George Orwell. The significance of this popular quote was to display an
example of the action of doublethink. Doublethink is the act of having two contradictory
thoughts at the same time and believing both are true. Doublethink plays an influential
role in the novel, 1984. The novel takes place in a super state by the name of Oceania
which covers the entire continents of our America in reality. The main character of this
novel is Winston Smith, a thirty nine year old Party member who works at the Ministry
of Truth correcting errors in past publication who has a... Show more content on ...
For the Party, the past not fixed and permanent; its reality is evident only in records,
(Becnel 11). Throughout the novel, it was often mentioned that the Party hired workers
such as the main protagonist, Winston, to alter history the way they wanted it. If the
Party has control over what was written down in history, they can easily manipulate their
citizens to believe anything that they claim is true. This ability of control over history
has also opened up the opportunity to alter the memories of the citizens of Oceania.
Being able to control the memories of the people and causing them to believe one thing
and another is an example of doublethink. The Party used doublethink in order to increase
and strengthen their power over the citizens. Power is also a factor that revolves around
the action of doublethink. Becnel mentions the importance of doublethink and power in
his critic upon the novel, Doublethink is the foundation on which the Party s power rests,
(Becnel 11). Becnel s claim basically states that in order to maintain and strengthen their
power, the Party must resort to doublethink in order to have better control of their
citizens. Although the Party has taken actions such as altering history and having a great
amount of control over the people to express doublethink, they have also done expressed
doublethink in
Sisika And Jordy Chapter Summaries
#4 As minorities and members of the Blackfoot community, Jordy and Sisika had to
overcome constant adversities to succeed. Their everyday lives were overwhelmed with
struggles and conflict. Throughout, Sisika and Jordy made strong connections and
worked together. By doing so they began to reverse the previous struggles of Blackfoot.
Sisika and Jordy have more in common than their origins, and they both continuously
overcome their differences. Even when ridiculed, Sisika and Jordy eventually overcame
their problematic pasts. Jordy, Sisika, and the community all went from struggling
individuals to having a sense of community and importance. That s what makes them all
a whole. Jordy and Sisika overcame the... Show more content on ...
With an unpresent family, Jordy grew up in foster care moving around. When Jordy
moved back to the Blackfoot community, the atmosphere was foreign. Jordy had to
adjust to a different life, different people, and different responsibilities in order to
succeed. Sisika was isolated from the other horses in the wild and had to adjust to life
on her own. Then, when she was taken to Blackfoot, she had to readjust. Sisika and
Jordy eventually became unstoppable together. This is a perfect symbol of what
Blackfoot s are capable of. Even though Jordy and Sisika started alone they never gave
up. The duo grew into something to look up to, to strive for, and to

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