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Five Page Essay

Writing a five-page essay can be a challenging task that requires careful planning, research, and
organization. The difficulty lies not only in meeting the length requirement but also in developing a
coherent and well-structured argument or analysis within those pages. Here are some aspects that
make this task challenging:

1. Conciseness: Crafting a meaningful and comprehensive discussion within the limited space
of five pages requires the writer to be concise and to the point. It becomes essential to
convey ideas clearly without unnecessary elaboration.
2. Thorough Research: To support the essay's thesis or main argument, thorough research is
necessary. Gathering relevant information, statistics, or examples within the confines of five
pages demands a keen ability to select and present only the most pertinent details.
3. Structural Constraints: A five-page essay typically follows a standard structure, including
an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Compressing complex ideas into this
format while maintaining clarity and coherence can be demanding.
4. Argument Development: Developing a compelling argument or analysis within a limited
space requires careful planning. Each paragraph must contribute meaningfully to the overall
thesis, and transitions between ideas must be seamless.
5. Editing and Revision: Due to the brevity of a five-page essay, every word counts. Editing
becomes crucial to eliminate unnecessary words and ensure clarity. Striking a balance
between being concise and thorough is a constant challenge.

Despite these difficulties, mastering the art of writing a concise, informative, and well-argued five-
page essay can be a valuable skill. It enhances one's ability to communicate effectively and structure
thoughts coherently.

In instances where the task seems overwhelming, seeking assistance from platforms like can provide a solution. Professional writers can offer guidance and even create
custom essays tailored to specific requirements. This option can be particularly helpful for
individuals who may be pressed for time or seeking additional support in honing their essay writing
skills. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on , providing a resource for
those looking for expert assistance in navigating the challenges of academic writing.
Five Page Essay Five Page Essay
J. R. R. Tolkien Biography
J.R.R. Tolkien, formally acknowledged as John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, is an author
best known for his Lord of the Ring trilogy and children s book The Hobbit . He was
born on January 3, 1892 in Bloemfontein, South Africa to his English parents, Mabel
and Arthur Tolkien. He was their eldest son and had a younger brother, Hilary Tolkien.
In 1896 when Tolkien was just three, [him and his mother and brother] paid a visit to
his mother s family in England. While there, his father unexpectedly died from a
hemorrhage, leaving the family penniless; so Mabel decided to remain in Sarehole,
England with her family. When he became 12, his mother died from diabetes in 1904
and the boys were sent to a boarding school in Birmingham, England under the care of
their relative, Father Francis Morgan.... Show more content on ...
While attending he fell in love with another orphan, Edith Bratt, who he was forbidden
to marry until he was 21 by Father Morgan. He married her once he discovered he was
to be drafted into the Great War (WWI) and worked as a lieutenant. He fought in the
Battle of Somme, in which almost all of his friends were killed. Soon after, he
developed a disease similar to typhus, which allowed him to be discharged back to
England. Immediately after, he was on the Oxford Dictionary Staff, and then became an
English professor at Oxford University and the University of Leeds. While teaching at
Oxford, he became intrigued with Finnish, which provided a basis for his own created
language, Quenya. While there, he continued to create new
Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables is a childhood classic created in 1908 by Lucy Maud
Montgomery. It quickly became a popular book for children to read as it was easily
relatable. In the book an old couple living on a farm adopted an orphan boy to help
with work, however, when Matthew the old farmer went to get the child at the
railway station, he instead found a girl. Since he couldn t leave the child by herself he
took her with him back home to Green Gables. When Marrilla, the sister of Matthew,
saw the child, she went with Anne to the orphanage to send her back. When she
arrived she saw how terrified the girl, whose name she learned was Anne, looked when
she saw who she was going to be handed over to, so she decided to keep her, and hence...
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This is when Mrs. Lynde, Green Gables nosy neighbor, came to visit the family when she
learned that they had gotten a girl instead of a boy. When Anne was presented to her
she talked about how skinny Anne was and how her hair was so red. Anne being close
enough to hear what Mrs. Lynde said to Marrilla got very mad and told Mrs. Lynde
rude things about her. After this confrontation Marrilla had a talk with Anne about
saying things to her guests and told her she must apologize. In the book Anne said she
would not apologize to Mrs. Lynde so Marrilla shut her up in her room until she did.
In the movie however it was completely different, with a much more dramatic effect.
This time when Marrilla told Anne to apologize Anne said she would rather go back to
the orphanage than go apologize to Mrs. Lynde. Though this may not seem like a big
change from the book it most definitely is. During the beginning of the book you can
see how much Anne adores Green Gables, and it is easily apparent that she would never
give Green Gables away. It is a definite change to the story and how Anne feels about
where she is. Soon after that the filmmakers created another mistake, forgetting to put a
church into the movie. In both tellings of Anne of Green Gables Marrilla was a very
religious woman and tried to make Anne religious too. Every Sunday she made Anne
go to the community church, or at least, you assume so. Throughout the entire movie
you never see Anne going to church, although you see her becoming more religious. As
well, in one scene of the movie you get to see Anne walking with Marrilla and another
woman, who they address as Mrs. Allen, one of the churches class teachers, as said in
the book. Once again though, there is no mention of the church, there is also no reason
to believe they left it out because of religious purposes as they would skip the religious
remarks completely then, and
Essay On Stalingrad
The battle between Russia and Germany in the summer of 1941 is known as the largest
land theatre of war in history. It was the most horrific war of all time. Stalingrad was
called Tsaritsyn until 1925, it was then renamed Stalingrad in honor of Josef Stalin. The
cities name was changed again in 1961 to Volgograd, meaning Volga City. This
monumental battle is considered a turning point in the war on the Eastern Front. The
invading Gerans saw the conquering of Stalingrad as essential to their campaign in Russia
, because from this strategic point on the Volga River they could launch further assaults
in the Caucasus. The Russians were determined to defend the city in any way as an
important industrial and transportation center. Stalingrad stretched... Show more content
on ...
Army Group South under Field Marshal Fedor von Bock would undertake the offensive.
On June 28, 1942, operations began with significant German victories, But Germany lost
the war because Hitler was stubborn and made poor decisions, was not prepared for the
war, and had bad timing.
Hitler was stubborn and made poor decisions and assumption. Stalingrad, located in
Southwest Russia on the Volga River was a major industrial city and a communication
center for the Soviet Union, and was also named after the Soviet leader Josef Stalin. This
made the city important to Stalin and also important to Hitler because he hated Stalin.
The turning point of the battle came with a huge Soviet counteroffensive (code named
Operation Uranus) which was planned by Generals Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov,
Nikolay Nikolayevich Voronov, and Aleksandr Mikhailovich Vasilevsky. It was launched
in two spearheads, about 50 miles north and south of the German salient with Stalingrad
at the tip. The counteroffensive surprised the Germans, because they thought the Soviets
were incapable of carrying out such an attack. The operation was a deep

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