Academic Background Essay

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Academic Background Essay

Crafting an essay on one's academic background may seem deceptively simple, as it revolves around
personal experiences and educational journey. However, the task comes with its unique set of
challenges that can make the process quite demanding. First and foremost, the writer must navigate
the fine line between humility and self-promotion. Balancing the portrayal of accomplishments
without appearing boastful requires a delicate touch.

Furthermore, constructing a coherent narrative that connects various educational milestones can be
challenging. The essay should not read like a mere chronological listing of achievements but rather a
compelling story that provides insight into the individual's growth, challenges faced, and lessons
learned. This demands thoughtful reflection and a keen awareness of the overall message the writer
wants to convey.

Addressing the prompt effectively is another hurdle. One must resist the temptation to veer off-topic
or delve into unnecessary details. Maintaining a focus on the academic aspects and their relevance to
personal and professional development is crucial.

Additionally, expressing oneself in a unique and engaging manner while adhering to formal writing
conventions poses its own set of difficulties. Striking the right tone that is both professional and
authentic is a constant challenge throughout the essay.

Moreover, the writer needs to pay attention to detail, ensuring clarity, coherence, and proper grammar
usage. The essay should be polished and error-free, as any oversight can detract from the overall
quality of the piece.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on one's academic background may seem straightforward, it
demands a careful blend of humility, storytelling prowess, and adherence to writing conventions. It is
a nuanced task that requires time, self-reflection, and attention to detail to create a compelling
narrative that effectively communicates the writer's educational journey.

If you find yourself struggling with similar assignments or need assistance with academic writing,
various resources are available to help. Professional writing services, , offer
support in crafting essays and more, ensuring that your academic work meets high standards.
Academic Background Essay Academic Background Essay
Using Oral Corrective Feedback And Understanding Of...
Research Concept Paper

Research title: Using Oral Corrective Feedback Collaborate with Written Corrective
Feedback to Encourage long term improvement and understanding of English Writing

Introduction Nowadays, English is one of important languages in the world because it is

used as an international language in all fields around the world. From this reason, it is
necessary to know all aspects of this language. Academic English writing is also an
important skill since it is used extensively in higher education and in the workplace
makes English writing ability becomes a necessary skill. However, many Thai
students who don t have good writing ability are not able to write accurately even
English major students. This study will find out the way to improve writing skill in
university students. The researchers believe that one of the factors affecting the writing
ability is the way of giving corrective feedback of teachers and the feedback can help
learners develop their writing skill. There are two types of corrective feedback which
usually found in university writing courses: written corrective feedback and oral
corrective feedback. However, the lecturers normally use only written corrective feedback
in their classes. This teaching strategy still has a gap that some students don t understand
why the mistakes are not correct. Moreover, this gap of using only one method of using
corrective feedbacks cannot make students improve their writing ability.
Inequality In Flowers Of AlgernonBy Kurt Vonnegut
Aaliyah Arellano
11 16 17
Language Arts
Analysis Essay Throughout history, there has been inequalities in many areas of
civilizations. This can be seen in ancient times when there were kings and queens and
common people and can even be seen today with rich and poor. Some groups have tried
to push for equality for all, while others push against it. There is no example through
history where pure equality is achieved. One example of inequality in current day, is the
fact that housing costs have soared in the Denver metro area, while wages have stayed
still. This has caused lower wage earners to downgrade housing or even become
homeless. In ¨Flowers of Algernon¨ by Daniel Keys the story talked about a guy named
Charlie, who was mentally impaired, who got an operation done to make him smart. In
¨Harrison Bergeron¨ by Kurt Vonnegut it addresses how the government felt that they
were more important than everyone else. They made people with above average
intelligence and beauty wear masks or headphones to impair them so that they were
equal to the average people. The theme of the stories is perfect equality cannot exists
because it causes depression and more inequality.

In ¨Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, the government tried to make above average
people impaired so that everyone would be equal. The government failed because no
one was really equal. The people with above average beauty were required to wear
masks so that no one could really see how beautiful they were. In the text, it states,
Their faces were masked, so that no one,seeing a free and graceful gesture feel like
something the cat drug in . (Bergeron 2) Harrison, the main character, realized that the
handicaps were not making him equal to everyone they were actually making him
depressed and angry. In the text, it states, Harrison the straps of his handicaps harness
like wet tissue paper, tore straps guaranteed to support five thousand pounds. (Bergeron
5) This proves my point because the government thinks that they are more important than
everyone else by requiring these handicaps. There are many ways to express yourself
but in ¨Harrison Bergeron¨ they showed how to make people unequal and impaired. In
the story, not being able
Immanuel Kant On Good Will
The good will is what we want to do unless something external prevents us from
accomplishing it. It rests on good intentions, which are at the source of our every
action. However, the circumstances we find ourselves into may disrupt our good
intentions, and the results may not be what we had expected. On such terms, we should
not be held accountable for the negative results, since our very first intention was to do
good. I other words, the good will is good in itself, by virtue, and it is independent from
any type of inclination. In Kant s mind we all have good intentions when doing
something, and for such reason, we can t be accounted guilty for doing something wrong
if the original intention was to do something good. Basically, he implied
Bertrand Russel s Enlargement Of Self
Bertrand Russel was born on 18th May 1872. He was a British philosopher,
mathematician, historian, writer, social critic and also political activist. Numerous
points of his life, he considered himself a socialist, and a liberal. He was born in
Monmouth shire into one of the most upper class families in Britain. Russel led the
British revolt against idealism, In the early 20th Century. He is one of the founders of
analytic philosophy. He then died on 2nd February, 1970. There are many points that
Bertrand Russel illustrated in the book. The points that he talked about are the
enlargement of self, and he also talks about the value of philosophy.
One point that Bertrand Russel talked about is the enlargement of self. In the book he
stated, All acquisition of knowledge is an enlargement of self, but this enlargement of
self is best obtained when it is not directly sought. Russell s expression Enlargement of
self expresses for the person of understanding, wide interest, self motivation, and
reflection. He also used the phrase a share in infinity indicates the approach of brief
philosophy. Enlargement of one s self takes a straight view to escape from the circle of
our everyday lives. When you see ... Show more content on ...
Philosophy unable to tell us with definite what is true without raising any doubts. Also,
suggest many possibilities which enlarge our thoughts and free them from despotism.
While abbreviating our feeling of certainty as to what we think things are, it increases
our knowledge as to what they may be. It also removes person from being arrogant but
to be more
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The executive dashboard focuses on the key performance indicators of the business and
target audience is the top management of the company. At a glance, it should provide the
business performance information to the management board of the company. The main
difference between executive dashboard and other dashboards lies in the simplicity in the
presentation and organization of the data. It should be very easy to read, flexible and be
insightful to the managementto take decision.

This will provide the overall performance of business to the executives, without
spending more time drilling down to the root causes. As it provides the end to end
business units details, top executives need not login to different systems of the company
to understand the business performance. It provides the overall view of the business
performance. It also makes sure that this data is available in the accessible formats as
per users needs. As the business growth is recorded and tracked, the overall performance
of the company at the end of quarterly or half yearly is transparent to the management

It should be always aligned with the business goals and the company strategy. Make the
data available logically on the dashboard and ensure data can be grouped and viewed
either as a whole or department wise. It should make sure to display only the required
information at high level. By providing too much information, it can become useless to
the top executives to understand and take any useful
Live Free Or Die By Saul Bellow
Live Free or Die. These words spoken by General John Stark in 1809 echoed across our
country during the time of America s early existence and still resonate with our citizens
today in the early twenty first century. Freedom is a right on which our country was
founded and that many Americans have fought to protect and preserve over the past two
centuries. As such, to speak illy of freedom would be blasphemous; however, that is
exactly what Saul Bellowdoes throughout his literature. Saul Bellow was a decorated
American Canadian writer who published numerous books throughout the 20th century
winning awards that spanned from the Pulitzer Prize to the Nobel Prize for Literature.
He was born on June 10th, 1915 in Quebec, Canada were he spent... Show more content
on ...
Throughout all three of his novels, Bellow fostered a close relationship between his
main character and one of their family members through the implementation of various
types of literary devices in Dangling Man, he does so with Joseph s wife. This bond
between both characters was demonstrated when Joseph purposely with held
information from his spouse Iva to spare her rather than [sparing himself] (Dangling
Man, 199). Bellow implemented this action to symbolize their relationship and the
love he felt towards her. In this scene, Joseph showed that he cared enough about his
wife to try and protect her from the truth and would sacrifice his own peace of mind
rather than her s. As such, Bellow forced the reader to recognize the that a Joseph and
Iva had a very close relationship through marriage. In the forefront of Seize the Day,
Tommy is addressing his relationship with his father when he was younger and stated
that [he] could turn to him in a time of crisis or need (Seize the Day, 15). Bellow placed
this specific line in the beginning of the novel to symbolize the trust that Tommy and his
father once shared and to verify existence of their relationship. Bellow further bolsters
the existence of their relationship later in the novel when Tommy shares with the reader
the fact that they have the same name. This is a special bond held between a son and a
father that is passed down from generation to
Julia Gillard Research Paper
Prime Minister Julia Gillard Student Name : Emerson Sherwood Early Life: Julia
Gillard was born on the 29th of September,1961 in Wales.Her father John Gillard, her
mother Moira Gillard and her sister Alison Gillard all lived together in Barry, Vale of
Glamorgan. In 1966, her family moved to Adelaide, South Australia for her health after
she suffered a bout of bronchopneumonia which is a disease that inflames the lungs.
Early Careers: After completing University, graduating with bachelors of law and arts,
she joined law firm Slater and Gordon. She became partner in 1990 specialising in
industrial law. In 1996, she joined the Victorian Labor Party to become chief of staff to
the leader. Start of political life: In 1982, she moved from
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corporation determine their future. Environmental scanning monitors, evaluates, and
disseminates the information from both the internal and external environments within
the corporation. The internal and external elements are strategic factors that determine
the corporation s future. Environmental scanning can be conducted through a simple
SWOT analysis that describes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as
strategic factors for an organization. The internal environment of the corporation is the
strengths and weaknesses variables within the organization. The external... Show more
content on ...
A.O. Smith Water Products Company A.O. Smith Water Products Company is an
industry leader in the manufacturing of gas and electric residential and commercial water
heaters. They offer production and services in the United States as well as major
international markets. Since the company was founded it places a premium on
engineering excellence. This has resulted in many firsts in both residential and
commercial water heaters and boilers (PRN Newswire , n.d.). The company has an
ongoing commitment to innovative and continuous improvement in their products.
Because of their quality products and services, A.O. Smith Water Products Company has
become one of the most trusted and requested brands in the water heater industry. A.O.
Smith Water Products Company provides warranty services for all of their products. The
company does incur extra costs because of it. Product defects are low, but they can still
be expensive. Each product that moves through the warranty process cause charges from
customer service, manufacturing expense, and additional packaging and shipping
charges. Global suppliers can increase taxes and shipping costs, which could force them
to change suppliers. The cost of marketing is a potential weakness because of the
economy. Magazines and other marketing sources could start charging more. A.O. Smith
Water Products Company believes in environmental sustainability, which increases costs

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