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Assessing Land Degradation and Desertification Level in Selected Areas in Lolengs,

Bayabas, Toril Using Vegetation Density Analysis Data


1 Study Site

The research is being carried out in Lolengs, Toril Davao City (7°06'31"N 125°37'16"),

which is approximately 30 kilometers from the University of Mindanao Campus and 13.78

meters above sea level—an area consisting of various forest types and plantations.

2 Research Question

In addition to the diverse forest types and plantations found in Lolengs, the state of the land

remains a matter of concern. Therefore, this study was done to examine the condition of the

area and its degradation level. The study specifically sought to achieve the following goals:

1. Compare the species composition and forest structural features of two mixed forests,

2. Determine the pioneering species found in the selected sites and,

3. Provide basic ecological information regarding the successional development of the

forests and asses if they are degraded based on the collected data.

3 Materials and Methods

Quantitative research is an empirical approach focused on systematically collecting and

analyzing numerical data to understand, describe, or predict phenomena. Vegetation Density

Analysis is undertaken to determine the structure of the forest and assess its condition by

collecting data through various sampling methods such as:

 Plot lay out/Point Quadrant Method and Vegetation Survey

 Canopy Cover

 Tree Density and Basal Area

 Tree Height

3.1 Plot lay out/Point Quadrant Method and Vegetation Survey

Sampling Design

Sixty meter transects were established in each selected sites. In each transect, six (6) 10 x 10

m plots were established for the assessment of trees. Smaller subplots measuring 5 x 5 m

were established to assess the understory including the shrubs, herbs, and grasses. We then

measure the trees closer to each plots or established quadrants. Its diameter at breast height

(DBH) is measured at 1.3 meters using a calibrated diameter tape. On the other hand, height

is measured by visual estimates or Suunto Clinometer. To determine the abundance,

diversity, and richness of plant species, every species of vegetation within the designated area

was accounted for.

Measurements of Physical Attributes

Every physical attribute measurement was performed exclusively within the designated sites

in order to ascertain the vegetation properties of the sampling location. Air temperature and

relative humidity were measured using a thermo-hygrometer. Canopy cover influences light

penetration and it is measured using a convex spherical densitometer. Leaf litter thickness
was measured using a ruler. The researcher estimated the percentage of canopy and ground

cover. The many vegetation types seen along the transect were documented, including their

dominating species and distinctive features.

Floral Identification and Assessment of Status

Plant species were identified using a local guide or expert and flora taxonomy keys.

Additional diagnostic characteristics, such as the morphology of flowers, fruits, leaves, and

roots, were also recorded to aid in further identification.

Statistical Analysis

The analysis of species diversity indexes involved the examination of species richness,

abundance, evenness, dominance, and species important value. The calculations are as


Number of individuals of a species ∈all quadrats

Total area sampled

Total number of individuals of a species x 100

Relative Den sity =
Total areTotal number of occurrences of all speciesa sampled

Frequency value for a species x 100

Relative frequency=
Total of frequency value for all species

Dominance=Total basal area of each tree of a species ¿ all plots ¿

The total area of all the measured plots

Dominance for a species x 100

Relative dominance=
Total dominance for all species

Spe cies Important Value ( SIV )=Relative Density+ Relative frequency + Relative Dominance

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