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Dear staff, students, families, and my extended friends in Chardon,

It is hard for me to express in words my heartfelt love, appreciation, and care for each of you. I was
welcomed from the very start of my journey and we have transcended so many shared experiences
together. I have been reflecting a lot lately on this journey and how I am being called to serve, lead, and

After careful consideration and conversations with my family, I have chosen to resign from my position
at Chardon High School for personal reasons that need my complete focus. I know that reading these
words may cause a well of emotions, questions, and uneasiness. Please know that it is not my intention
to cause these emotions and I will hold you all in my heart as you process this communication. Dr.
Hanlon has been an extraordinary mentor to me throughout this time, and he will continue to lead you
and this district throughout this transition. Right now, I am asking for privacy for my family.

I will forever be grateful for all the great relationships, innovative programs, and growth we have made
as a school. Furthermore, I value every relationship that I made over the eleven years that I have been
able to serve my alma mater. I wish for the continued success and growth of the students, staff, and
greater school community.

With love and appreciation,

Douglas Murray

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