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How To Write A Philosophy Essay

Writing an essay on the intricacies of crafting a philosophy essay may seem like a paradox in itself.
Delving into the world of philosophical discourse requires a delicate balance between clarity of
thought and the artful expression of complex ideas. The difficulty lies not just in conveying one's
understanding of philosophical concepts but in navigating the intricate web of logic, reasoning, and
critical analysis that defines the discipline.

First and foremost, one must grapple with the abstract nature of philosophical concepts. Unlike
concrete subjects, philosophy often deals with ideas that transcend the tangible, making it a
challenge to articulate thoughts with precision. The need for clear and concise language becomes
paramount as writers attempt to bridge the gap between the abstract and the comprehensible.

Furthermore, the task of constructing a philosophy essay involves a rigorous engagement with
various philosophical traditions and schools of thought. It demands not only a deep understanding of
the chosen topic but also the ability to synthesize and present ideas coherently. This synthesis is
where the true difficulty lies, as it requires the writer to navigate through diverse perspectives,
identify common threads, and present a unified argument.

Another layer of complexity arises from the demand for critical thinking. Philosophy essays are not
merely about regurgitating information; they necessitate a thoughtful analysis of the subject matter.
The writer must scrutinize their own assumptions, question established norms, and construct a well-
reasoned argument that withstands philosophical scrutiny.

Moreover, the precision required in philosophical writing can be a double-edged sword. While it's
crucial to be clear and concise, it's equally important to avoid oversimplification. Balancing depth and
accessibility is a perpetual challenge, as the writer strives to make profound ideas understandable
without sacrificing their inherent complexity.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the art of writing a philosophy essay is a demanding task that
goes beyond the conventional challenges of academic writing. It requires a keen intellect, a nuanced
understanding of philosophical concepts, and the ability to navigate the intricate terrain of abstract
ideas. Yet, for those willing to undertake this intellectual journey, the rewards are not only in the
completion of the essay but in the deepened appreciation for the complexities inherent in
philosophical inquiry.

For those seeking assistance in navigating these complexities, a resource like
offers a valuable solution. Similar essays and a myriad of other writing services can be accessed to
facilitate the academic journey and provide support in tackling the challenges posed by philosophical
How To Write A Philosophy EssayHow To Write A Philosophy Essay
Stopping Gang Violence in Toronto
There have been many approaches taken to get rid of gang violence from the streets of
Toronto. Whether it be by having tougher law s or taking guns off the street, very few
methods have yet to be effective. When it comes to looking at a complex situation
such as gang violence there are many factors that affect the reasons as to why people
join gangs in the first place.Whether it is due to poverty, peer pressure, boredom or
despair (Grabianowski). Gang violence can never be fully gotten rid of due to the fact
that there will always be people who commit crimes whether it be just an individual or
a group of people, however we can reduce the amount of people who choose to choose
that pathway in their life.One of the most effective ways of getting rid of gang violence
off the streets of Toronto is by having more activities provided for the youth in the
communities with higher gang related crimerates.

When it comes to decreasing or even potentially stopping gang violence on the streets of
Toronto. We need to start by looking at the youth. Because after all they are in fact the
future of the society we live in today. In psychology we learn that most of the children s
developmental process of what is right and wrong occurs during their childhood stage
into their adolesence. In the childhood stage many factors that they incounter can affect
the decision they would make in the future in regards to joining gangs. By getting to the
youth we are able to grab the situation (gang
Ancient Medicine And Western Medicine
Since the beginning of civilization healing has been influenced by many different
issues, such as religion, politics of the time, different philosophies, and vested interest
such as money. There has been conflicts between Eastern and WEstern medicine for a
long time. Eastern medicine is viewed by many people in the West as having no
validity and makes little sense to those who view the body in parts and pieces. Eastern
medicine has long viewed the body as mind, body, and spirit as one entity. To
understand the ideas of Eastern and Western medicines the history of each has to be
taken into consideration. Very often when we think of the evolution of medicine, or
as we refer to it as Western Medicine, we think as far back as 2000 year ago with Galen
in Rome or perhaps 2500 years ago with Hippocrates in Greece. We often sit back and
think of how ancient that was... and how primitive that must have been (Grozs).
Hippocrates, a physician in Greece, believed in scientific reasoning and the power of
healing. His belief continued until the 19th century for 2,300 years. During the second
century Galan, another Greek physician, was the first to promote the key to healing and
soon every health problem was fit into a classification as it is today. His ways were
strict, and only doctors had access to the healing knowledge (everygreenherb). During the
dark ages natural healing was embraced once more. The Arabs brought alchemy and
pharmacy into Western medicine. They introduced new
Effect of the Different Types of Substrates on the...
I. Background of the Study: Official figures show that plastics make up around 25% of
the garbage that metro manila churns out, while an independent survey conducted by
Eco waste Coalition and Greenpeace on the composition of discards on manila bay in
2006 found that 51% were plastic bags,19% sachets and junk food wrappers, 5%
Styrofoam, 1% hard plastics,10% rubber, 13% biodegradable wastes (Cayetano,
Biodegradable plastics are degradable plastics on which the degradation results from the
action of naturally occurring micro organisms such as bacteria, fungi , and algae
(info@epi These plastics are broken down into water, carbon dioxide,
methane and... Show more content on ...
Another three aluminum trays ( 7 x 9 ) were labeled L1, L2, L3. Five hundred grams of
loam soil were placed in each 3 tray. One hundred mL of tap water were mixed with the
soils. Plastics strips labeled C1, C2, and C3 were placed in trays labeled C1, C2 and C3
containing ( compost soils). Plastics strips L1, L2 and L3were placed in trays L1, L2 and
L3 containing ( loam soil ). Five hundred mL of ( sea water ) were placed each in three
glass jars. The jars were labeled S1, S2 and S3. In another three jars, 500mL of tap
water were placed. The jars were labeled T1, T2 and T3. Plastic strips labeled S1, S2
and S3 were placed in jars containing sea water while plastics strips T1, T2 and T3 were
placed in jars containing tap water. The plastic were immersed in different substrates
last September 9, 2008. The set ups were placed in the Biology laboratory room and
were observed from time to time. Physical observations of the plastic strips were made
on the following dates: September 24, 2008,October 6, 2008, and November 15,
2008. Last November 15, 2008, the plastic strips were harvested from the different
substrates. They were washed with tap water and air dried for 48 hours. Physical
changes in each strip were noted and recorded. Pictures of the plastic strips were also
taken to observe changes before they were immersed in the different substrates and after
immersion for about two months. The dry weights in grams of each plastic strips were
Dementia D1 For Assigment
Dementia D1
In this part of the essay I will evaluate how different approaches to caring for people
with dementia can affect individual outcomes. I will evaluate the difference of someone
living at home with dementia and someone who is living in a care home also suffering
with dementia. When living at home with dementia the individual will have professional
help come to them to help with daily tasks such as supervising medication intake,
enabling optimum health and safety at home, providing a patient listening ear and
friendly face, cooking, housekeeping and general errands, helping to facilitate routine,
familiarly and comfort for their loved one at a difficult time. When someone moves from
their home into a care home it can be very ... Show more content on ...
This is where abuse such as financial abuse can happen. Financial abuse could involve:
Forcing someone to give or lend money
Withholding money or assets to the disadvantage of the adult to whom they belong
Using someone s credit or debit card without permission
Being charged excessive amounts for services
Inappropriate use of power of attorney
While financial abuse often goes unreported, short changed revealed that 15% of
respondents reported that the person living with dementia have been a victim of
financial abuse such as cold calling, scam mail or miss selling. 62% of carers reported
that the person they care for had been approached by cold callers or doorstep sales
people, and 70% reported that telephone callers routinely targeted the person they care
for. Not only have people lost money, but they and their families have also been suffering
stress, exhaustion and frustration as a result.
Physical and emotional abuse can also take place at the individual s home. This can
also be from their carer, family and friends. As there is no one around apart from their
abusers, it is often likely that the abuse goes on without anyone knowing. The person
abusing could also assure loved ones or the carer that the person suffering with dementia
is lying about being abused or isn t mentally able. This is also a problem when it comes
to prosecuting people who have
Cultural Legacy Of The Middle Of Individuals And Spots...
Cultural Legacy is an outflow of the methods for living created by a group and went on
from era to era, including traditions, rehearses, places, objects, aesthetic expressions, and
qualities Cultural Legacy is frequently communicated as either being Tangible or
Intangible Tangible Cultural Legacy (ICOMOS, 2002). It can likewise be a gathering of
assets acquired from the past which individuals recognize, freely of possession, as a
reflection and articulation of their continually advancing qualities, convictions,
information, and customs. It incorporates all parts of nature coming about because of the
association in the middle of individuals and spots through time.
Family tradition is something that everybody ought to esteem and see as an essential
piece of them. The purpose behind this is a man s family custom is a piece of them; it
is the very thing that has gotten them to where they are present. The individual
themselves may not regard or esteem their own particular past and what has been
passed on to them from their precursors however their guardians must do like we read
in Alive Walker s Everyday use. Family tradition is the history, one of kind information,
values and culture that have created by a blend of qualities and environment after some
time. Custom, whether it be national, cultural, our family is a gift of interesting
arrangements of chronicled information; however chief, family tradition is one s history.
It is in charge of how we came to be, it is an
Fred Wilcox s Science Fiction Film, Forbidden Plane has a...
Comparison and Contrast
In the 1956 science fiction film by Fred Wilcox, Forbidden Planet closely resembles
many other pieces of literature. The most obvious resemblance to Forbidden Planet is
Shakespeare s The Tempest. As expected, the characters and plot of Forbidden Planet
closely mirror those characteristics of The Tempest, with the exception that where The
Tempest engages magic, Forbidden Planet utilizes technology. What is more important,
however, is that how the technology works is irrelevant for the purpose of the movie,
which is to entertain and to teach us a lesson about man s control over the elements and
over his own technological creations. Forbidden Planet strongly resembles Shakespeare s
The Tempest through the characterization similar in both the play and the film.
In Shakespeare s The Tempest, Prospero and Miranda became stranded on a remote
island that has no person except for Caliban on it. Prosperon using the magic he has
created, he gradually gains control of the island and turns Caliban into his slave. A
group of sailors is shipwrecked on the island, one of whom falls in love with Miranda,
the lovely daughter of Prospero. Throughout the story, Caliban and other servants plot to
overthrow Prospero, but are caught and taken back to the custody of Prospero.
In the science fiction film Dr. Morbius and his daughter Altaira are in control of a remote
planet when a U.S. spaceship lands on the planet to gather information. Commander
Adams of the
The Gift Of The Magi
The Gift of The Magi
The short story (The Gift of The Magi) was written by O. Henry. O Henry full name
William Sydney porter, he wrote many short stories and one of his best known stories
is (The Gift of The Magi). The story is about a woman named Della who saves up for to
buy her husband Jim to buy him a Christmas gift. She saves up and on Christmas day
she has one dollar and eighty seven cents to buy Jim a gift. she sells her hair and gets
20 dollars for it and buys Jim a gold watch chain for his nice gold watch he owns that
has been passed down from generation to generation. Jim sold his watch to get Della
the chair combs she loved. In the end the all loved one another and didn t care about
the gifts. In the story (The Gift of The Magi) one literary theme is imagery they use
biblical, visual, and tactile imagery. In the story (The Gift of the Magi) there is three
times when Biblical imagery is used. If a queen had lived in the rooms near theirs,
Della would have washed and dried her hair where the queen could see it. Della knew
her hair was more beautiful than any queen s jewels and gifts. (Henry 2). This is a line
from the story is saying that the Queen Sheba would be jealous of Della s hair. Queen
Sheba is a queen from the Bible. if I king had lived in the same house with all his
riches, Jim would have looked at his watch every time they met. Jim knew that no king
had anything so valuable. (henry 3 4). Again, here (The Gift of The Magi) this shows
that Biblical

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