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Anti Abortion Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of abortion, especially one with an anti-abortion stance, can be a
challenging endeavor. The issue of abortion is highly sensitive and controversial, surrounded by
deeply rooted beliefs, moral considerations, and legal complexities. As a writer, you must navigate
through a myriad of emotions, ethical dilemmas, and contrasting perspectives to present a coherent
and persuasive argument.

Expressing an anti-abortion viewpoint involves treading carefully to avoid alienating readers who
may hold opposing beliefs. It requires a nuanced understanding of the ethical, religious, and societal
dimensions of the topic. Developing a compelling thesis that articulates your stance while
acknowledging the complexity of the issue is essential. You'll need to delve into medical, legal, and
ethical aspects, presenting evidence and reasoning to support your perspective.

Moreover, addressing counterarguments with respect and diligence is crucial in maintaining the
integrity of your essay. Anticipating and refuting opposing viewpoints strengthens your position and
demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Researching the historical context, legal precedents, and the impact of anti-abortion policies is also
vital for constructing a well-informed essay. Balancing factual information with persuasive language
helps build a convincing case.

Furthermore, conveying empathy and understanding towards individuals who may have experienced
abortion or advocating for a pro-choice stance is essential. Striking a balance between assertiveness
and compassion can contribute to the overall effectiveness of your essay.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of abortion, particularly one with an anti-abortion
perspective, requires careful consideration, empathy, and a thorough understanding of the
multifaceted issues surrounding this controversial subject.

If you need assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, various services, including , offer professional help in crafting well-researched and thought-provoking essays
on a variety of topics.
Anti Abortion Essay Anti Abortion Essay
Essay On Leopo
Since the company is considering a large technology upgrade, I have included two
possible laptop and phone options for my position. One option is Apple products, the
other is not, as the company is exploring the option of switching primarily to Apple
products. The first option (option A) is a combination of a Lenovo laptopand Samsung
Galaxy Note 8 mobile phone. The second option is a combination of the iPad Pro and
iPhone8. Either option would suit my needs well and could be chosen based upon if the
company switches to Apple or stays with the PC/Android based products.
The computer in option A is the Lenovo IdeaPad Miix 510. The features that this
computer owns include a large screen and the capability of using the machine as a laptop
... Show more content on ...
The chosen computer is the iPad Pro tablet. Functioning as such, the iPad Pro is light,
portable, and has a long lasting battery, suitable for longer trips required for the
position. It has a standard RAM of 256 GB and a quick processor at 2.4GHz with a clear
resolution screen that will make completing tasks easier and faster.
I have also chosen to complete the iPad Pro with the additional keyboard, as it is not
included with the machine (unlike the Lenovo IdeaPad Miix 510). This is an additional
cost, but necessary to complete the job.
In addition to the computer and keyboard for option B, I have chosen the iPhone 8. The
connectivity between two devices will make transferring information from one to the
other effortless and easy to manage. The iPhone 8 has a faster CPU, which is nearly
70% faster than its predecessor and this difference means that I will be able to have
decision making information for our customers. While upfront costs are quite substantial,
the necessity of a phone is essential.

Above is the comparison table between the Lenovo IdeaPad Miix 510 and the Apple
iPad Pro. While both computers are impressive, upon further inspection, the Lenovo has
a larger screen and an impressive RAM capability, yet it does not have the battery life of
the iPad Pro. However, as noted before, there is an additional processor. It also has
Bluetooth capability that will allow communication between phone and computer, quite
similar to Apple/Mac s feature mentioned
Motivation Observation
How is a community formed? I have attended many churches and it can be difficult at
times to be included as the rest of the congregation already has latent knowledge about
each other which puts you on the outside. It can be difficult traversing the multitude of
societal rules in order to become part of the community. Although the early church was
encouraged to continue to meet together as, Let us not give up meeting together, as
some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as
you see the Day approaching (New International Version 2011, Hebrews 10:25).
However, it can be difficult to make those personal and deeper connections in order for
members of the church to encourage one another. Over a period of seven weeks spanning
the months of August to October, I undertook an ethnographic study of the evening meal
called dinner which took place before the Eventide service at St. Elphaba s of the Vale.
My ethnographic research was completed using the participant observationmethod
during a Sunday evening from 6 6.30pm. By using this specific methodology I was
able to engage in all the rituals involved with participating in the meal as well as
observe the interactions of my informants around me. Each week I primarily studied
one specific aspect of the meal service ritual, therefore, I have decided to write one
account which is a combination of all of my weeks of participant observation. The
primary theories which I will be using to interpret my observations are Bronislaw
Malinowski and Marcel Mauss theories of exchange, specifically concerning the Kula
ring as well as Emilie Durkheim s theory of the sacred profane dichotomy.
St Elphaba s is situated in the Hills district of Sydney, Australia where the median total
income of an individual, excluding Government pensions and allowances, for 2015 was
$53,238 which is significantly higher than the Australian average of $44,854 (The Hills
Shire (A): Region Data Summary 2017). This was reflected in the socio economic
positions of the members of the congregation. In the course of conversation with many of
my informants, they volunteered their jobs which included doctors, lawyers, builders or
some who owned their own successful
Ethos, Pathos and Nuclear Energy
Ethos, Pathos and Nuclear Energy Something always curious and provoking happens
in science writing. Gwyneth Cravens is an author of five novels and many
publications, and one who studies a topic in great detail. She creates an enormous
work about nuclear energy for the last decade. Cravens s research in her last published
book titled Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy has led her to do
an about face on the issue. In her article Better Energy which was published in May 2008
in Discover magazine, she disputes and claims that nuclear energy is currently best
alternative and should be considered as our future energy source. At the beginning Better
Energy she commences by introducing James Lovelock, who was greatly... Show more
content on ...
Cravens shows that fossil fuels cannot be considered as a future energy source because
of its baleful impact on environment and people in society. Those people who read
this article would definitely disagree of using fossil fuels for power generation. She
creates a bond between herself and the audience by finding something in common.
Also, despite listing several frightening facts about fossil fuels, she conveys that
America s electricity demand is going to rise by almost 50 percent in next two decades
(583). Furthermore, she adds that all energy sources, such as the wind and sun are not
going to save our planet. According to Cravens, these sources of energy are either
impractical or will years to make a consequential impact, and therefore cannot be found as
efficient and will be unable for supply the energy demands of United States. Carvens s
sentiment greatly affects her audience to see that nuclear energy is the only
environmentally considerable energy source. Also, she gets in touch with her readers
through their outlook, which helps them link with what she is trying to persuade them to
see. This helps strengthen her argument and makes the audience to eventually support
her case about nuclear energy. In spite of the fact that Cravens argument is well
composed and skillfully uses ethos and pathos, her argument is slightly weakened and
lacks some points in opposition. The views of the opposition are somewhat not
explained. She provides hardly any
Helen Keller My Life
The Novel, the Story of My Life written by Helen Keller is an autobiography of the
initial twenty two years of Helen Keller s life. Helen Adams Keller was born in
Tuscumbia, a small town of northern Alabama on June 27, 1880.The Story of My Life
teaches a lesson on perseverance. Helen Keller was an incredible woman. She had
complete faith in herself. With grit, determination, and spirit she, could accomplish far
more than many people expected. She never made any excuses, she worked hard and
made things happen. She is a constant reminder that nothing is impossible. She was deaf
and sightless yet that didn t stop her from achieving her dreams. Despite her
circumstances she never gave up, she fought with her disabilities and became a world
famous... Show more content on ...
Helen wrote on topics such as blindness prevention, hope, faith, atomic energy etc.
Helen s optimism and courage inspired many people. Most people try to avoid risk
taking but according to Helen life is an adventurous journey. Risk taking is not
everyone s cup of tea. Despite of being handicapped she took lots of adventurous
activities like cycling, camping, horse riding and even swimming. Taking risk is a
part of life and obviously, part of growing up. You can be anything you want, just keep
holding on and stay strong. Helen wanted to share her views to the world and she
achieved her goal by becoming an author. She wrote The Story of My Life to inspire
people and to share her views towards life. Later she became a social activist. She had a
keen interest in activism because she was concerned about other people disabilities.
She worked for the welfare of differently abled people. She dedicated the rest of her life
working on behalf of deaf and blind people and she helped them in overcoming their
fears. The Story of My Life taught us many things. It teaches us the importance of a
good mentor. Helen s teacher Anne Sullivan was a perfect example of a

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