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Social Problem Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of a "Social Problem" can be a challenging task that requires a
thoughtful and analytical approach. The difficulty lies in the broad and complex nature of social
problems, as they encompass a wide range of issues affecting individuals, communities, and
societies. Tackling such a topic requires in-depth research, critical thinking, and the ability to navigate
through various perspectives and opinions.

One of the challenges is selecting a specific social problem to focus on, as there are countless issues
to choose from, such as poverty, inequality, discrimination, environmental issues, and more. Once a
topic is chosen, the writer must delve into extensive research to gather relevant data, statistics, and
scholarly articles to support their arguments.

Crafting a coherent and well-organized essay on a social problem also involves analyzing the root
causes, effects, and potential solutions. It requires the writer to consider the historical context,
societal norms, and cultural factors that contribute to the issue at hand. Moreover, addressing the
complexity of social problems often involves grappling with ethical dilemmas and conflicting

The writing process itself can be challenging as writers must strike a balance between being
informative, persuasive, and empathetic. Presenting a compelling argument while maintaining
objectivity can be demanding. Additionally, conveying the urgency of addressing the social problem
and inspiring readers to take action adds another layer of difficulty.

In conclusion, writing a compelling essay on a social problem requires a combination of research

skills, critical thinking, empathy, and effective communication. It is not just about presenting facts
but also about creating awareness and fostering a deeper understanding of the issue. Despite the
challenges, successfully navigating through the complexities of a social problem essay can lead to a
powerful and impactful piece of writing.

For those who may find the task overwhelming or need assistance, it's worth noting that similar
essays and more can be ordered on platforms like , where professional writers can
provide guidance and support in crafting well-researched and thoughtful essays on various topics.
Social Problem EssaySocial Problem Essay
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return this month, Grey s executive producer Debbie Allen talked to TVLine about
what s in store for the docs at Grey Sloan Memorial. In addition to revealing what
happens in the aftermath of season 13 s cliffhanger, Allen revealed to TVLine that the
upcoming season will find Meredith going through her own self analysis and her own
rediscovery of herself. What does this mean exactly? Well, you ll have to tune into the
two hour premiere at the end of the month to know for sure, but we do
Bilbo Baggins Ending
Frodo Baggins lived among the peaceful hills called The Shire, among with his friends.
It was a normal, but peaceful day in The Shire, where Frodo sat by the tree in the woods,
and read a book. During Frodo s reading, he hear a wagon rattling closer from the roads,
and singing. Immediately Frodo knew who the voice of the singing is. His friend
Gandalf The Gray arriving to see his old friend Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo has carried a ring
that belong to a dark evil which stirs in Mordor. The ring has passed on to Frodo,
knowing the threat it can cause, making Frodo to make an unexpected journey to save
his home, and the world. Frodo and Gandalf rode together across The Shire, left his cart,
and said I m glad your back , and Gandalf arrived at the gates of Bilbo Baggins. The day
Gandalf arrived at Bilbo house is his birthday. During that day, night time arrived and
celebrated Bilbo s 111th birthday. Before the party was coming to an end, the crowd
yelled speech Bilbo speech . Bilbo accepted their request and stood on top of barrels to
prepare to give a speech to his audience. During his speech, Bilbo said near his ending I
don t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as
well as you deserve. . The audience were surprised that Bilbo, who have known him for
many years, would say... Show more content on ...
Frodo and Sam took this opportunity to reach MT. Doom. There they reach the gates
of the tower where the eye is placed on top of the tower. Just when they are getting
close, Smeagol returns, and attack Frodo. Sam pulled Smeagol away from Frodo, and
hold him off. While both are fighting, Frodo ran straight toward the entrance, and stood
at the edge where the fire flows like a river. Frodo took out the ring and hold it out the
edge but the will of the ring continues to corrupt his mind. Making Frodo use the ring
and walk
American Imperialism In Cambodia
The Cambodia of the late 19th and 20th century was a far cry from the once great
Khmer Empire famous for its engagement in ambitious state projects such as the
building of Angkor Wat. In 1884, France integrated Cambodia into its Indochinese
colony. France lost its grip on Cambodia in 1941 to Japanese invasion during World War
II but attempted to gain it back at the war s end. At the conclusion 1954 Geneva Accords
that concluded the eight year long First Indochina War, Cambodiagained its
independence. During the conflict, Cambodian elites such as Saloth Sar (Pol Pot) were
receiving western education in Paris, a hotbed for radical Communist ideology at the
time. After returning to Cambodia, in 1962, Pol Pot assumed leadership of the Communist
... Show more content on ...
The agrarian reorganization of society was the main concept taken directly from Mao
s Great Leap Forward. Pol Pot hoped to overcome Cambodia s lack of materials and
technology through exploitation of the population s labor potential on collectivized
farms. This program also tied in an extreme level of xenophobia, as Pol Pot saw
Cambodia s cities as exhibition centers for unholy western ideals of capitalist
commerce and industry, and education. In its exile of Cambodians from cities, the
Khmer Rouge killed all intellectuals and civil servants of the former western aligned
regime, as the Party saw them as people likely to have absorbed western ideas, and
therefore, as threats to the Communist society. People were forced onto to collectivized
farms on the countryside with the intention of creating a self sufficient one class state
society of peasants, which in turn would free Cambodia from international interference.
However, in practice, those already living in the countryside at the onset of this
program, the so called base people, enjoyed a higher societal ranking as the Khmer
Rouge viewed them as model citizens for the new order. Loung Ung describes this class
as many [who] have never ventured out of their village and have not been corrupted by
Power In Lord Of The Flies Essay
The book Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is about a group of boys who
were in a plane crash and landed on an island, along to survive. All over the world
countries run on a hierarchical system, and the people at the top establish rules and
consequences to keep people in line. Those important people use objects to give power,
like a crown. The same concept was also created by Ralph on the island, he attempted to
create a hierarchyand essentially a governmentfor everyone on the island to stay
humane,just like around the world. The novel is about power, as a result of which the
boys created a small government, as well as represent power through objects.
At the beginning of the novel the group of boys establish a chief of their group. They
hold an election and vote for Ralph to be the main chief and for Jack to be the main
hunter. Ralph, Jack, and Simon go on a expedition of the island, and figure out that
they need to find food. They end up coming across three pigs, and as Jack prepares to
kill the pig he hesitates at the last minute. Ralph calls a meeting in order to make rules
for the island and the boys. Jack agrees with Ralph, and then creates a punishment for
those that break the rules. These steps for creating a government on the island are very
similar to the steps that people around the world follow to create their government. A
quotation from the text that explains this is, Shut up, said Ralph absently. He lifted the
conch. Seems to me we ought
Cities Of Chicago Chapter Summaries
BELIEF SYSTEMS 1. In Chicago there were many different ritualistic events and
activities in which the people were involved, many of which thousands of people would
gather just to hear about. Two thousand people gathered on the sidewalk and street
outside the offices of the Chicago Tribune... The people were gathered to hear the news
about the big fair that was coming up. This fair was deep in the hearts of the Chicago
people, just as the superbowl is in the hearts of Americans in today s world.

2. The community of Chicago was very close, and very outgoing in itself. The wait was
electric, for Chicago was a prideful place... So far the year had been a fine one. Chicago
s population had topped one million for the first time, making the city the second most
populous nation after New York. (pg 13) Chicago takes pride in everything about the
city. From its population to its world famous fair, the city beams in the light of its pride,
and failure is seen as a humiliating disgrace. ... Show more content on ...
Beneath the gore and smoke and loam, this book is about the evanescence of life, and
why some men choose to fill their brief allotment of time engaging the impossible,
others in the manufacture of sorrow. In the end it is a story of the ineluctable conflict
between good and evil, daylight and darkness, the White City and the Black. (xi) This
shows the contrast between the White City and the Black City. One, perfect, beautiful,
magical, the other dark, filthy, evil. The two work together yet against each other in the
battle to win over the hearts of the people who visit, and those who decide to stay

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