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Essay Importance Of Computer Education

Writing an essay on the importance of computer education can be both challenging and rewarding.
On one hand, the topic is broad and multifaceted, requiring a comprehensive understanding of the
role of computers in education, society, and individual development. On the other hand, it is a topic
that has been explored extensively, making it crucial to bring a fresh perspective and present unique

The difficulty lies in striking a balance between providing a comprehensive overview of the
significance of computer education and delving into specific aspects that make the essay stand out.
Researching and gathering relevant information is a time-consuming process, as technology is
constantly evolving, and staying current with the latest developments is imperative. Additionally,
addressing the potential challenges and criticisms associated with computer education adds another
layer of complexity to the task.

Crafting a well-structured and coherent essay requires careful planning and organization. It involves
creating a clear thesis statement, developing logical arguments, and supporting them with credible
evidence. Balancing technical details with accessibility for a broader audience can be challenging, as
the essay needs to cater to readers with varying levels of familiarity with the subject.

Moreover, the essay should go beyond a mere enumeration of facts and statistics. It should engage
the reader by offering insightful analysis, thought-provoking reflections, and, where applicable,
personal anecdotes or examples. This requires a deep understanding of the topic and the ability to
communicate complex ideas in a clear and compelling manner.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the importance of computer education demands a combination of

research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. It's a task that requires dedication,
time, and effort to ensure that the final piece not only educates the reader but also leaves a lasting
impression. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, various resources are
available, including online writing services like , where expert writers can provide
support and guidance.
Essay Importance Of Computer Education Essay Importance Of Computer Education
Hugh Bear Reflection
About The Movie The story of a vengeful man. The film s lead role portrayed by
Leonardo DiCaprio. He is really a great actor. Character s name is Hugh Glass. Hugh
Glass is very experienced hunter. He hunts sable and he sells sable s fur. Hugh s wife
died. She was Native American. Hugh has got a son. His son name is Hawk. Hawk is
always next to his father s. He learns lots of things by his father s. Hugh and his son
works in the hunt team. One day they are hunting. Savages are attacking them. Hugh and
his team trying to escape. Hugh s team is losing many men. They are getting on the boat
and they are running away. They take a long way in the river. They are camping in the
forest. John Fitzgerald is the bad guy of the movie. John Fitzgerald portrays the... Show
more content on ...
John Fitzgerald is a killer and he is very fond of money. He doesn t like Hugh s son.
Fitzgerald wants to get rid of him. One day, Hugh is alone going to hunting. He walking
in the woods and seeing bear cubs. He is carefully taking aim but he can t see mama
bear. He is hearing mama bear s voice and he is turning back to quickly. Giant bear is
attacking him. Hugh is fighting with bear. Bear maul him. Hugh is killing it at the
last moment. Hugh s friends are hearing the sound of a gun and they re coming next to
Hugh. He seriously injured and he has bleeding a lot. They re trying to cure. Hugh
couldn t speak anymore. They clothe bearskin him and they are making stretcher.
They decide to continue on the path in this way. They are taking a long way and they
are tired. They can t carry Hugh anymore. So they decide to leave him. Someone needs
to stay with Hugh. Because Hugh still can t talk and can t walk. He always needs help.
The captain chooses three people in the group. Hawk , killer John Fitzgerald and
kindhearted Bridger. The Captain s name is Henry Andrew. Henry loves Hugh and Henry
thinks that it is owed a debt of gratitude. Because
the contested plains book review Essay
The Contested Plains: Indians, Goldseekers, and the Rush to Colorado Written by Elliott
West. I chose to write about this book because of the large range of events and transitions
that occurred throughout the American West that the author includes in the text. Elliot
West highlights the struggles that many endured while trying to create better
circumstances for not only themselves but also their families by moving to the west.
He chronicles the adaptations that many white settlers arriving in the west faced in
order to be able to make a living for themselves. But another reason why I found the
book interesting was because of the way Elliot West provided perspective for each side
of the struggle over the American West. He gives us the... Show more content on ...
It is a heavy, soft metal easily molded into jewelry but hopeless for implements. Its
appeal comes from three qualities. It is rare. It is remarkably inert and will combine
with almost nothing around it the source of its incorruptible image. And it is shiny.
(West. 97) I thought this was interesting because so a lot of the violence and conflicts
between Native Americans and the white settlers happened because of Gold. It is hard
to imagine that so many people suffered and lost their lives over the possession of
something that is practically useless. Many Native American tribes were kicked off of
their land because the land that they were occupying at the time was known to contain
gold. And several massacres occurred because of this. Elliot West talks about one of
these massacres in his book. The sand creek massacre occurred on November 29, 1864
when a seven hundred man military force from the Third Colorado regiment attacked
and massacred a large number of Cheyenne Indians who ironically even had an American
flag flying over their camp. Two hundred men, women, and children were killed and
mutilated by the military force. Although there are other reason why this massacre
happened, for example the many raids and skirmishes between Native Americans and
whites at the time. But Gold was still one of the main reasons behind not only this
massacre, but also other acts of violence against Native Americans. Another aspect of the
book that
Theories Of The Deterrence Theory
The deterrence theory, also referred to as the deterrence doctrine, deals with formal
social control, in the form of judges, law enforcement officers, and the law itself.
According to the deterrence doctrine, there are three ways punishment is carried out. The
first way, is by the severity of the punishment. The deterrence theory explains that a
person is less likely to commit a crimeif the punishment for that crime is more severe.
Punishment for deviant activities and crimes can range from less severe to more severe.
The second way is that punishment for a crime can either more or less assured.
According to the deterrence doctrine, people will be less likely to commit a crime if they
know they will be punished for their deviant or illegal actions. The third way is that
punishment for committing a crime can be expeditious or passive, depending on the
circumstance of the situation. According to Thio, Taylor, and Schwartz (2013) In general
deterrence the punishment of a criminal deters the general public from committing
crimes; in specific deterrence the punishment of a criminal deters the criminal alone from
committing more crimes. (page 29)
The purpose of testing the deterrence doctrine is to conclude if individual
characteristics are directly tied with the weight individuals place on new information
pertaining to their risk perception. According to Thomas, Loughran, and Piquero
(2013), This research has examined how the cognitive decisions of adolescent
offenders are influenced by judgement processes, including risk perceptions. In this
study, there are three hypotheses. Hypothesis number one holds that how an individual
responds to new experiences and information will differ from person to person and as
a result, risk perceptions will vary from person to person. (Thomas, Loughran, and
Piquero. 2013. Page 13) Hypothesis number two(a) holds that both psychological
factors and cognitive factors play a role in determining an individual s risk perceptions,
and that people with anxiety, behavioral problems, and low verbal IQ will possess low
risk perceptions. (Thomas, Loughran, and Piquero. 2013. Page 13) Hypothesis number
2(b) holds essentially the opposite of hypothesis 2(a)., in that individuals with

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