Essay Speech Sample

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Essay Speech Sample

Writing an essay on the topic "Essay Speech Sample" may initially seem like a straightforward task,
but delving into the intricacies of crafting a compelling and coherent piece can prove to be quite
challenging. The challenge lies not only in the selection of appropriate content but also in the art of
seamlessly blending information, structure, and eloquence.

Firstly, defining the purpose and scope of the essay can be a daunting task. One must decide whether
the essay will be informative, persuasive, or a combination of both. Identifying the target audience
and tailoring the content to suit their interests and level of understanding adds another layer of

The process of conducting thorough research to gather relevant and credible information is time-
consuming. Sorting through the vast sea of information available and selecting the most pertinent
details to support your argument or message requires a keen analytical mind. Ensuring that the
information is up-to-date and aligns with the essay's focus is essential for credibility.

Structuring the essay is an art in itself. Arranging ideas logically, maintaining a coherent flow, and
incorporating transitions between paragraphs demand a meticulous approach. Crafting a captivating
introduction to grab the reader's attention and a compelling conclusion to leave a lasting impression
further heightens the challenge.

The linguistic aspect of writing can be demanding as well. Striking the right balance between formal
and engaging language, avoiding redundancy, and maintaining a clear and concise expression are
crucial aspects. Proofreading for grammatical errors and refining the language for clarity and
precision contribute significantly to the essay's overall quality.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic "Essay Speech Sample" requires a blend of research
skills, critical thinking, creativity, and linguistic finesse. It is a task that demands time, effort, and a
commitment to excellence. However, the reward lies in the satisfaction of producing a well-crafted
piece that effectively communicates ideas to the intended audience.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, various resources are
available. Professional writing services, such as , offer the option to order custom
essays tailored to specific requirements. These services can provide valuable support for individuals
navigating the complexities of essay writing.
Essay Speech Sample Essay Speech Sample
Filter Feeder Essay
After years of only being able to study the impact of small filter feeders near the
surface of the water, a group of scientists in Monterey Bay, California, have invented a
camera and laser device that can record data on the effects of filter feeders deep in the
ocean.[1][2][4] This device, given the name DeepPIV (particle image velocimetry),
spent June to December 2015 observing 2 species of giant larvaceans in the bay.
Because larvaceans don t form their mucus house in a lab, this was the first time
scientists have gained insight as to how these mucus membranes play a role in oceanic
Each day, giant larvaceans create a filmy membrane up to a meter across that encases the
creature. By beating their tail, the larvaceans then pump ocean water into the membrane,
which acts as a filter that catches nutrients in the water that the larvaceans can eat. When
the membrane gets too clogged, the larvaceans discard it, and it quickly sinks to the
ocean floor, carrying carbon with it. Because of the speed at which the mucus sinks, the
carbon containing pellets of animal excrement bypass animals and drops to depths that
hold carbon for long expanses of time. As Sari Giering, a ... Show more content on ...
As concerns about the ocean and how it will be affected by climate change rise, turning
to animals may be our best bet. After all, discovered about the same time as this were
caterpillars that are able to digest plastic. In both cases, scientists may be able to harness
animal capabilities to protect the environment. Unfortunately, DeepPIV only collected
flow measurement from 24 creatures.[1] Furthermore, only the footage of 10 giant
larvaceans was analyzed.[4] Although more research is needed, I believe these
discoveries could lead to more breakthroughs in the fields of climate science and
oceanography, and possibly even help us find ways of protecting oceans from increased
acidity and
Similarities Between The Hunger Games And The Truman
To begin this brief explanation of contrast between these pieces of literature/media I
need to begin with the main connection between the two. The greatest main theme both
of these pieces hold is that of control over people, knowledge, and the media. The main
premise of both indicates this for instance Hunger Games is about how a collective
government controls the people through fear and the media and enforces this by creating
a gladiator battle between the districts for all to watch. In the Truman Show we have the
same collective force controlling our main characters world but in the form of a reality tv
show director. In both pieces as the entire situation unfolds it is used as entertainment for
the masses. The large similarities between... Show more content on ...
First we start with Truman while not being the most interesting person overall the
situation he s placed in makes him a perfect character to dissect and discuss. The main
trait show is his drive to become an adventurer to travel past the confines of the world
he s trapped inside. I completely agree with his view on his fake world even though it
is much safer and ideally perfect I feel as though the freedom of choice of what
happens around you outweighs any feeling of security such a place could provide.
This is proven by how he reacts after realizing his world is fake after this event his
main goal becomes escaping his fake reality. Last we take a look at Katniss from the
Hunger Games her main traits I find are a little cliche for the genre of book she resides
in ,but nonetheless she has traits to identify. The largest trait portrayed throughout the
book is that of tenacity and unrelenting mettle. This is shown time and time again
through the book for example she first shows this tenacity when its explained how in
the past after her mother became catatonic after her father s death she had to assume
the role of caregiver and even through all the adversity she faced she persevered. The
drive of hers is best shown in the games as her will to live and bring home prosperity to
her family and district allows her never fall into the state of despair and continue on no
matter how gruesome the games became. With me
Model Of A Soup Pan
What do you think of when you hear pre 1950 s music? Do think of Frank Sinatra? Ella
Fitzgerald? T Bone Walker? Well a thing all three of them have in common is that they
influenced and were influenced by the culture at the time. A great model that can
represent the culture changing at the time is my model of a souppan. The soup pan is not
perfect by any means, as in my opinion it is impossible to perfectly show how American
culturechanged throughout the 1900 s. One way a soup pan represents cultural changeis
how sub or fringe culture can be added to the overall culture. The soup changes as
society adds ingredients to it. If we add a carrot and onion to a tomato soup, it is not
really tomato soup anymore. It is. . .tomatonionarrt soup?... Show more content on ...
For example like how classical music does not really affect today s music, classical
music had been strained out of the pot and pushed aside. Classical music is still there
however, some people might not want the soup, maybe they want to go over to the
raw ingredients and eat them. They would be weird, but they can. Another idea that
supports this model is that when new generations are born they might not like the
soup being made so they slowly while mom and dad are not watching change the soup
slightly to fit their palate. As social politics progressed some of the music that was
rooted in either racism or misogyny. The new generation of people changed the
definition of how to be popular. Out went the old fashioned older white man classical
musicians and in came the younger more diverse group of singers like Ella Fitzgerald.
Fitzgerald would not of been able to be popular/as popular if not for the progression of
the United State s social society. White society started to recognize African Americans as
people and not as animals or property . Society picked out the ingredients they did not
like from the soup and tossed them out while the older generation was
Ashley Graham Research Paper
Ashley Graham Wiki, Net worth, Weight loss, Married, Salary, Bio Short Bio Ashley
Graham is an American super hit model for plus sized clothing store named Lane
Bryant. She was born on 30th October 1987 in Lincoln, Nebraska and grew up there.
Ashley s birth sign is Libra. The father name of Ashley Graham is not mentioned in her
bio but her mother name is Linda Graham. Her nationality is American and she is of
white ethnicity. In 1999, she attended Scott Middle School and then transferred to next
school named Lincoln Southwest High school in 2005. She is the eldest sister and
has two younger sisters. Career, Salary, and Net worth After attending a model
convention, she made a deal with Wilhelmina Models in 2001 and In 2003, with Ford
Models. Then soon in April 2007, she was profiled by Vogue magazine. She earned
great fame and showed up on and the issue of Glamour editorial These Bodies are
Beautiful at Every Size in October 2009. Without keeping the gap in her journey, she
appeared in a controversial Lane Bryant TV commercial in 2010. She involved in
various campaigns during the year 2011 and 2012. She continuously designed a
lingerie line for Addition Elle, a Canadian plus size clothing retailer in 2013. Wiki
reported that she appeared on the issue for international s Harper s Bazaar pre fall... Show
more content on ...
She has a sparkling pair of brown eyes and brown hair. She is unique from other
models existing in the industry as she works for the plus sized clothing store. She has
the pear shaped body and looks gorgeous. She has thick and sexy lips on her round
face. Ashley Graham has heavy personality with weight around 91kg but she is trying
her best for weight loss. She is not only model but also a famous actress. She is 30
years old but still manages to look flawless. Even without weight loss; Ashley Graham is
the perfect example of size doesn t define
Marijuana as Medical Treatment
Marijuana as medical treatment Should marijuana become legal in our country as a
prescription and clinical drug for medicinal treatment? Imagine somebody that you love
lying in bed at a hospital and having just undergone chemotherapy for their cancer
treatment; Side effects of chemotherapy like constantly vomiting, fatigue and pain are
difficult to tolerate every day. Doctor can prescribe medication, but any of it has
absolutely no effect in relieving the intolerable pain of nausea and headache. Medical
marijuana as a treatment and pain reliever is nothing new; people have used it for ages.
Patients in countries where marijuana is legalized describe this plant as the first drug that
has a treatment benefit over treatments and medicinal drugs. This plant may be the only
possibility to reduce their physical pain, but if there is no legalization of medical
marijuana in their country, what should they do? Dr. Sunil K. Aggarwal with his group
of medical researchers and doctors argues that there are many confirmed medical
advantage of marijuana, but science reporter, Colin Lowry, argues that marijuana has
damaging mentally effects.
Firstly, Dr. Sunil K. Aggarwal s with his colleague dr. Nishi Whiteley arguments about
the medical advantages have both supporting indication and proofs. Nevertheless, he
agrees with Lowry, that not every cannabis ingredients are positive. He says that even
though, the ingredients of
Juvenile Delinquency and the Criminal Justice System
There are so many issues facing our society today, especially in the criminal justice
system. Within the criminal justice system, juvenile delinquency is an issue that I find
the most overlooked and it is a problem that is growing, particularly in the poorer areas.
The term juvenile delinquency refers to the antisocial or criminal activity under the age
of 18 which violates the law. Everyone is affected by juvenile crime, parents, teachers,
families and neighbors. It is essential that programs are implemented to help with
juvenile delinquents. Although delinquency rates have decreased dramatically, the effect
of delinquency still affects the victims of crime, the perpetrators and even the bystanders.
There are many interventions that attempt to lower the rate of juvenile delinquency; some
are successful while others are waste of resources.
Juvenile delinquency has two main risk factors; parenting style as the number one and
peer group as the second. While many programs exist to help delinquents, those that start
after the occurrence of the behavior tend to be less effective. While the programs that
intervene prior to the occurrence of the deviant behavior often end up more effective.
The programs that intervene before the onset of the deviant behavior are known as
prevention programs. Parenting style plays a huge part on determining a child s future in
delinquent behaviors. For instance, permissive parenting leads contain neglecting child s
activities and also lack of

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