Essay Grader Online

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Essay Grader Online

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Grader Online" can be quite challenging due to the
nuanced nature of the topic. One must delve into the intricacies of automated essay grading systems,
considering both their advantages and limitations. The task involves conducting thorough research to
comprehend the various algorithms employed in online essay graders, as well as critically evaluating
their effectiveness in providing accurate assessments.

Furthermore, addressing the evolving landscape of technology and education requires staying abreast
of the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Balancing technical details
with user-friendly language poses an additional challenge. Communicating the potential impact of
essay graders on the educational landscape, including their role in streamlining assessment processes
and potential implications for student learning, adds another layer of complexity.

To successfully navigate these challenges, a comprehensive understanding of both the technical and
educational aspects of online essay grading is essential. Crafting a coherent and well-structured essay
that engages readers while presenting a nuanced perspective requires finesse.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the intricacies of "Essay Grader Online" demands a careful blend
of technical knowledge, critical analysis, and effective communication. It is a task that challenges
one's research skills, analytical thinking, and ability to convey complex ideas in a digestible manner.
For those seeking assistance or more in-depth explorations of similar topics, a valuable resource is , where a variety of essays and related content can be explored and ordered.
Essay Grader Online Essay Grader Online
Ambiguity Of Changez s Suicide
As the final scenes of the story begin to unfold, the reader is left open to interpretation.
The reader gets ever so close to revealing the relationship between Changez and his guest;
however, Hamid concludes the novel leaving behind a trail of frustration and ambiguity.
This not only gives the reader the task of constructing the conclusion to however he or
she sees fit, but also to understand the human connection that is apparent between these
two people. The ending is foreshadowed through symbols and characters throughout the
course of the novel. Hamid illustrates how things are judged based on racial appearances
and the mannerisms that come with those doctrines. These begin to shape Changez s
impressions of the United States. During his... Show more content on ...
He looks away from the religious and political sense of the word. The idea can be
represented in various situations and in various ways throughout the novel. Changez
argues how being an American and watching as his country invades foreign lands is an
act of terrorism. And, as a result, the stranger is then a fundamentalist and so too is the
reader who listens to his story. Changez can also be considered the fundamentalist as
his Pakistani ethnicity and his motives cause him to fall under the stereotype of a
religious extremist. Changez never fits this stereotype; however, the general public is
so caught up with judging people based on their racial appearances that he is stopped
at an airport solely due to a superficial inspection. Pakistani cabdrivers were beating
beaten to within an inch of their lives; the FBI was raiding mosques, shops, and even
people s houses (94). America was in chaos; however, its chaos was directed at a race
and not an individual. Instead of only the small fraction of extremists, it singled out
millions of people and brought forth turmoil to the entire
Essay On Cinematic Techniques In Tim Burton
Tim Burton, arguably one of the most iconic directors in the world, is responsible for
many popular films including Frankenweenie, Alice in Wonderland, and Beetlejuice. His
movies are easily distinguishable due to his unique style of directing, which involve the
brilliant use of cinematic techniques. Two cinematic techniques incorporated in his films
are color and sound, which are used to establish the tone and mood of the scenes. If the
tone and mood are not accurately shown, underlying messages could be easily
misunderstood or overlooked. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, and
Edward Scissorhands all have a common message: appearances can be deceptive.
Therefore, the cinematic technique of sound and color are essential... Show more content
on ...
Another cinematic technique that Burton incorporates throughout his films is sound.
Sound establishes the mood of the scene and complements the cinematic technique of
color. For example, in Corpse Bride, Burton not only uses vibrant colors as a contrast
to the real world but sounds as well. The scenes presented in the real world were very
uptight and bland, however, in the underworld, we are given an array of different
sounds and music, involving a lively band playing groovy music. This sets a mood of a
lively vibe in comparison to the depressing mood in the real world which is also similar
to Willy Wonka s factory in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The exterior scene
displaying Willy Wonka s factory is silent and no music is heard. This leads to an
assumption that Mr. Wonka is an isolated man, however, as the film progresses, it is
presented that he is a unique and quirky individual. The songs made by the oompa
loompas reflect his odd and creative character. This is yet again an example of a
misunderstood character, similar to that of Edward in Edward Scissorhands. When
Edward s castle comes into view, ominous music begins leaving the audience with an
anxious or uneasy feeling. However, when Peg meets Edward in
Pankovich 3 person, instead of scary music playing, an angelic choir is replaced giving
a mood of the innocence of Edward. These are some of the many examples where Burton
uses music to demonstrate that looks can be deceptive. By
Demographic Winter and Its Effects on the Society Essay
Descalzo, Mary Philline T.
September 13, 2013
English 10 WFW1
Concept Paper Final Draft: Demographic Winter and Its Effect on Society

For years, people have in mind that the world s population has been increasing annually.
While it is true that a daily increment of 215,060 and yearly growth of 1.10% is
happening on our world population of 7,174,592,903 (United Nations, Department of
Economic and Social Affairs Population Division, population Estimates, and Projections
Sections), the demographic trend is actually changing in contrast to the beliefs of many.
Historical events that occurred in the past, particularly the World Wars, have paved the
way for the eradication of a large portion of mankind, but it also resulted to ... Show more
content on ...
Russia s birth rate fell from 2.4 in 1990 to 1.17 today a decline of more than 50% in less
than 20 years. Each year, there are more abortions than live births in the Russian
Federation (Demographic Winter).
In U.S. alone, Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is almost 3.5 in the early 1960s, then began
declining sharply to below 3.0 in 1965, to about 2.5 (and temporarily holding steady)
in the late 1960s, and down to about 1.8 by the mid 1970s. Hence, the TFR fell by
almost half between the early 1960s and the mid 1970s. After a decade of stability at a
level of about 1.8, the total fertility rate rose slowly after 1986, reaching 2.08 in 1990. It
presently stands at a little over 2, just slightly below the replacement level of 2.11
(Fluctuating Fertility: The Baby Boom and the Baby Bust).
Japan s TFR has continued to fall since dropping below 2.0 in 1975. It slumped to an all
time low of 1.26 in 2005. The number of babies born in the nation in 2012 fell by 13,705
from the previous year to hit a new low of 1,037,101 (Durden).
With such data on hand, we now ask: what are the factors that led to demographic
winter? According to the documentary film Demographic Winter: a Decline of the
Human Family, fertility decline is caused by (1) economic prosperity, (2) sexual
revolution, (3) women in the labour force, (4) Divorce revolution, and (5) inaccurate
As developed countries continue to rise in their economic status, a
Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez Essay
Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez

Based on the infamous 1942 Sleepy Lagoon murder mystery and the resulting Zoot Suit
Riots in Los Angeles , playwright Luis Valdez weaves fact and fiction to depict the fate
of 22 young Mexican Americans brought to trial for a murder they did not commit.

Zoot Suit brings together unforgettable characters such as the irreverent El Pachuco and
the charismatic Henry Reyna, an unsuspecting gang leader who finds himself caught in
the middle of the racially turbulent events that rocked Los Angeles during the early 1940s.
Valdez says this production exemplifies the evolution of American society.
The essence about the American experience is about cultural fusion, Valdez says. Zoot
Suit has influences ... Show more content on ...
It s very gratifying to get the immediate reaction from the audience, he says. Many
young playwrights tend to want to move toward making movies, mainly because of the
potential to reach a world wide audience. However, you can t see your viewers reactions.
At the age of 6, Valdez got his first taste of theater when he was cast to play a monkey
for his school s production of Christmas in the Jungle.

I use to bring my lunch in a paper bag and I remember when we were getting ready to
prepare for the play, my teacher took my bag, ripped it up and used it to make papier
mache, he recalls. We made masks for our costumes out of paper mache; and I got a
monkey mask made from my lunch bag. I also got a tail and I remember our costumes
were really nice, made with nice material. I was so excited.
Valdez never got to perform in his school play because the week before the play, his
family, who were farm workers, were evicted from their home and had to move.
They play went on without me, he says. I never got to act and I was very disappointed.
That event created this hole in me; and I think from then on I ve been trying to fill it
through my work.
Valdez s experience in a farm worker family provided much encouragement and drive
when he founded El Teatro Campesino. In 1965, Valdez left the San Francisco Mime
Troupe to join Cesar Chavez in organizing farmworkers in Delano, Calif. Valdez
Lovers stopped in time, unable to proceed to the lip...
Lovers stopped in time, unable to proceed to the lip locking trophy of affection. A
simple four letter word that has changed the world by its beauty and awe. What are
these interesting pictures of words and love? The Kiss, a dramatic scene unfolding
before everyone created by Auguste Rodin, and LOVE, the simplistic sucker punch
created by Robert Indiana, are wonderful creations that have both an impact and a
meaning. These two sculptures have graced the art world with all their beauty leaving
some breathless. They mean so many different things with different imagining, reside in
separate parts of the world, but some sculptures are more well known. In this case LOVE
is more Known.
To begin with, we all think of love as this beautiful, ... Show more content on ...
The only words he would see were God is love. and he became involved in it to show his
love spiritually. The italicized O can be interpreted as it can roll away
Joseph 2 and break the square like structure of the display. This is meant to show how
fragile love can be. The colors of the piece of work are red and blue. A color pattern
that is pleasing to the eye, but to Indiana shows an honor to his father who worked at a
Phillips 66 gas station. Whatever this word means to you, your interpretation will
probably not be what it means to him.
Then, everything with artful beauty is normally put out on display in museums for
everyone to see, point fingers, and ohh and ahh . The Kiss is memorialized in the Musée
Rodin, a museum dedicated to the artist. Originally was a hit at its unveiling in its first
exhibit in 1877 in Paris. It was originally going to be a part of another sculpture The
Gates of Hell , but later it got a full sized version in 1889. It was shown at Salon de la
Société Nationale des Beaux Arts in 1889 for its first public appearance. One year
later, it was moved to Musée du Luxembourg, where it became no longer free to the
public due to its almost provocative nature. The Kiss only resided there for another
eighteen years before being hulled to its current home at Musée Rodin in Paris, France.
Some pieces of work are flaunted in open areas for all to see. LOVE is showcased in
New York City
Social Strain Theory
The complex nature of crime in contemporary Australian society is often attributed to
various social explanations of crime, wherein there is an interaction between the
individual and the surrounding environment. Strain Theory is a sociological and
criminological idea advanced by Robert Merton, articulating the social strain inflicted on
people to conform to idealistic expectations. In this way, crimecan be empirically
explained through the key tenets of Strain Theory. The objective of this essay is to
evaluate why the societal pressure placed on individuals leads to criminal behaviours
through ideas of lack of resources, unstable relationships and minority groups.
Offenders are purported to succumb to crime through a lack of means to achieve ... Show
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Empirical evidence suggests that there is a direct link between poverty, unemployment
and lack of education with minority group offending (Cunneen, 2005), which can explain
the overrepresentation of cultural minorities in the Criminal Justice System. The
acculturation process, which outlines the way in which ethnic groups conform to the
dominant cultural surroundings, potentially explains this. Specifically, it is postulated
that these unattainable desires create ethnic specific stressors that undermine
psychological well being , hence, creating a higher susceptibility of engaging in
deviances through ritualistic observations and frustrations with the unrealistic means of
achieving such materialistic goals (Pérez, Jennings Gover, 2008). Moreover, it is
particularly problematic for minority groups to live in contemporary Australian society
due to this widespread, though predominantly indirect systemic racism, inhibiting
prospects for securing a conventional job. Marginalisation of these ethnic subcultures
thus, result in a lack of means to achieve Australia s culturally prescribed goals. These
inequalities this can facilitate impoverishment of communities due to hardships in
receiving adequate education, hence inability to attain employment to maintain financial
stability. In this instance, frustration
Begin Before Birth Research
We have known for a long time that how we turn out depends on both our genes and our
environment. What we now realize is that the influence of the environment begins in the
womb, and how the mother feels during pregnancy can change this environment and can
have a lasting effect on the development of her child. (Karraa, W. (2012, September 28).
Begin Before Birth; Reproductive Researchers Reach Wide Audiences with New
Interactive Website. In Science and Sensbility. Retrieved October 31, 2015, from http:/
/ before birth reproductive researchers reach wide
audiences with new interactive website/). I have found countless books, articles,
websites, even applications for phones dedicated to pregnancynutrition,... Show more
content on ...
But when depression, anxiety and low self esteem is baseline for a mother...that baby
is likely to be experiencing the same thing. What can I do, as a pregnant mother, to
ensure that my mental health is in the best state in can be? It has really been a lesson in
learning to let things go and ask myself how important is this? I am finding that this is
good practice for me and hopefully I will continue it after pregnancy. I am using physical
activity, if endorphins make me happy...they should make baby happy. I am learning and
implementing breathing and grounding techniques to reduce anxiety and racing
thoughts. I have learned with my therapist that my body is pretty used to constantly
being in a state of high alert. I do not want to pass this to my baby. Education...simply
learning about these factors has influenced greater awareness and desire to improve my
quality of living for my unborn baby, but also for myself. These factors not only
influence my unborn baby...but as we learned throughout the class the caregiver s, in this
case my, state of being also impact the ability to affect secure attachment with a new
infant. Basically, we know that these changes are healthy changes but starting them early
in pregnancy may very well increase the overall health of my baby. Being aware of your
unborn baby at all times is the first stage in bonding with her and making sure you have a
good relationship in the future. (Stoppard, M. (2008). Conception, Pregnancy Birth: The
Childbirth Bible for Today s Parents (revised ed., p. 192). N.p.: Penguin,

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