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Noé Gilson (i6383877)

Born on 19/09/2006
Address: Sint-Hubertusdreef 24, Overijse 3090, Belgium
Phone: +32 460 96 65 65

Dear Sir, Madam,

My name is Noé Gilson. I was born into a French-speaking

family that chose to enroll me in a Dutch-speaking school from the age of 3. Consequently, I
quickly acquired a second language. English came naturally to me through school learning
and its daily use on various social networks and platforms.

Today, I believe I can pursue my studies in any of these three languages.

Since childhood, my interests have been focused on nature, animal evolution, and
environmental causes. Therefore, in my studies, I naturally favored science and mathematics
options to deepen my knowledge in these preferred areas.

In November 2023, after consulting with a career counselor, these preferences were
confirmed. Indeed, the counselor strongly encouraged me to continue my educational journey
with a focus on sciences, particularly at Maastricht University. He also mentioned that this
university perfectly matches my profile (interactive system encouraging intellectual
reflection, more autonomous working method...).

These results have strengthened my initial choices, and I have decided to apply to your
"Circular Engineering" program. This one blends science with the desire to contribute to a
sustainable society, which directly convinced me. Furthermore, with the aim of starting and
financing studies abroad, I have decided to have a part-time student job since the age of 16.

Besides this job, I have continued my activities in youth movements. Since 2023, I have also
participated in a school project, a mini-enterprise, which introduced me to the world of
entrepreneurship. This mini-enterprise is called "Macchini" and sells coffee through a short
distribution chain.

I will turn 18 in September 2024, and I sincerely hope to celebrate it in Maastricht, alongside
other students of the "Circular Engineering" program. I believe I can flourish within your
university, which meets my expectations.

Thank you in advance for considering my application, and I am at your disposal for any
further information.

Best regards,

Noé Gilson
Exhibits : See other uploads on your website

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