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CBSE SAMPLE PAPER - 02 Class 11 - Mathematics ‘Time Allowed: 3 hours General Instructions: 4. This Question paper contains - five sections A, B, C, D and E. Each section is compulsory. However, there are Internal choices in some questions. 2. Section A has 18 MCQ'’s and 02 Assertion-Reason based questions of 1 mark each. 3. Section B has 5 Very Short Answer (VSA)-type questions of 2 marks each, 4, Section C has 6 Short Answer (SA)-type questions of 3 marks each. 5. Section D has 4 Long Answer (LA}type questions of 5 marks each, 6. Section E has 3 source based/ase based/passage based/integrated units of assessment (4 marks each) with sub parts Section A ‘The domain of the function f(x) = V7 —T + vO— a 8) (0, 6) bRe 9,6) 4) none of these a,b, a, are real and (a + bi)? = + 8 then (b+ ia)? = a) Bia b)-a-i8 a-ip @ Bt ia “The solution set ofthe nequation: 22-2 — 24 1.< Qe Wis 4) none of these bxen ©) ll set @xew If co different numbers are taken {rom the set (0,1, 2, 3, 10}, then the probability that their sum as well as [1] absolute difference are both multiple of 4, is 2 4 ag de oF oF Let F be the set of paallelograms, F the set of rectangles, Fy the st of shombuses,F the set of squares and F; [1] the set of trapeziums ina plane. Then F may be equal to a) Fg Fy DEAN Fy OFLUF5 FLU FRU FQUF; Jima a* sin( 4), 2, b> 1s equal to ab b) blogea C)alogeb Oa ‘The number of terms in the expansion of (a+ b+ o)"9is a) 85 ba ou 65 ‘The mean and standard deviation of 100 items are 50, 5 and that of 150 items are 40, 6 respectively. ‘What isthe variance ofall 250 items? a) 53.3 +b) 55.6, 9593 508 “The sum ofan infinite GP is & an its common ratio is — 2. The fist term ofthe GP is 216 ys ©) 20 diz a) seex + tan x ) None of these see x tan x ) tan x- see x ‘The intercept cut off by a line from y-axis is twice than that from x-axis, and the line passes through the point (1, 2). The equation of the line is aaxty=4 byaxty+4=0 ©)2x-y¥= @2x-yta= lim 2 on Ve a) does not exist bo oT =, where 2= 1 +21, then If (is al me 921 4) none of these ‘The coordinates ofthe foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point (2, - 3, 4 on the y= 2) @,0,4) 34) 062.34) 0,-3.0) If the line 3x + dy = 24 = 0 intersects the X-axis atthe point A and the Y-axis atthe point B, then the incentre of the triangle OAB, where O isthe origin, is a4 das 9G4) 922 If Cys + 2C8C yg) + 7Cyg + 1 = "Ca then n is equal to: a) 20 o19 tin 2 isequato ao y1 ©) None of these o-4 “The solution set for |x| >7 a) (—00,-7)N (7,00) ) none of these ©) (7, 00) & (—00,—7)U (7,00) Assertion (A): The value of sin(-690°) cos(-300°) + cos(-750%) sin(-240°) = 1 Reason (R): The values of sin and cos is negative in third and fourth quadrant respectively a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct) Both A and R are true but Ris not the explanation of A. correct explanation of A. 6) Ais tue but Ris false. @) Ais false but Ris tue Assertion ay: (35 es) + ACU = Mey a Reason (R): "Cy + MC) = MG, a) Both A and Rare true and R isthe correct _b) Both A and R are true but R is not the explanation of A. correct explanation of A. 6) A is true but R is false. @) Als false but Ris true. Section B ten Aston snl A+B) tan A-tan BS A-B) For any two sets, prove that: AU (ANB) =A. ‘An umn contains 5 white, 7 red, and 8 black balls. If four balls are drawn one by one with replacement, what is the probability that all are white? Prove that: OR IA and B are mutually exclusive event, P (A) = 0.35 and P (B) = 0.45, find P (B’) ‘What are the points on X-axis whose perpendicular distance from the straight line £ + 2 — Lisa? = {3,5,7), B= (2,6, 10) and R be a relation from A to B defined by R= {(x, y): x and y ae relatively prime). Then, write R and R Section C Evaluate : 5+ 12. Solve the inequality 2 + £ + 2 < 11 forreal x. oR Solve systems of linear inequation: > < 3< ty,2>0 In the expansion of (x +)", sums of odd and even terms are P and Q respectively, prove that 1.20242) = (c+ a) (ea ih. P?-Q?=(x?- a?" Find the number of integral terms in the expansion of (51? + 718)1024, Find the coordinates of the foot of perpendicular drawn from the point A (1,84) to the line joining the points B (0,-1,3) and C2,-3,1). Hence, find the image of the polnt A inthe line BC. oR Shove that the point (0, 7,10), (-1 6, 6) and (-4, 9, 6) ae the vertices of aright angled isosceles triangle. If the leters of the word ASSASSINATION are arranged at random. Find the probability that: No two A’s are ‘coming together lesa) Find the range ofthe function f(2) Section D Find the mean and standard deviation for the following data: Chosineval [010 | 10.20 | 2020 | 0 [080 | woo] c070 | r200 [020 | vam | reoeney [a] 2 [afte] s[sf[sf2fe] s | ‘A class has 175 students, The following description gives the numberof students studying one oF more ofthe ‘subjects in this class: mathematics 100, physics 70, chemistry 46; mathematics and physics 30; mathematics and chemistry 28; physics and chemistry 23; mathematic, physic and chemistry 18, Find i. how many students are enrolled in mathematics alone, physics alone and chemistry alone, the number of students who have not offered any of these subjects. OR Ina survey of 25 students, it was found that 12 have taken physics, 11 have taken chemistry and 15 have taken mathematics; 4 have taken physics and chemistry; 9 have taken physics and mathematics; 5 have taken chemistry and. mathematics while 3 have taken al the three subjects, Find the number o f students who have taken i. physies only; Ai chemistry only; Ii. mathematies only; iv. physics and chemistry but not mathematics; +. physics and mathematics but nat chemistry vi. only one of the subjects; Vii atleast one ofthe thre subjects; vill. none of the three subject Find the vertex, axis, focus, directrix and length of latusrectum of parabola y? - 8y- x + 19 oR Find the equation of the hyperbola whose foci are (4,2) and (,2) and eccentricity is 2. Differentiate Ify = show that % = (see x tan x + see x) Section E Read the text carefully and answer the questions: One moming a big circus arved inthe Ramleela maidan at Delhi The artival ofthe circus was Seen in the ‘morning at 08:00 AM by Gopal. He passed this information on 08:15 to 2 other residents ofthe ely. Each ofthese 2 people then informed the other 2 residents at 08:30, and again at 08:45, they reported the arrival ofthe cireus every 2 to other uninformed residents ‘This chain continued the same way till 12:00 PM, By 12:00 PM enough people were informed about the arrival of the circus. (By 12:00 PM total how many people were informed about the arival ofthe circus? a) 131017 ) 131000 9 65536 ) 141000 By 10:00 AM total how many people were informed about the arival ofthe circus? 300 ) 300 sit a) 256 From 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM how many people were informed about the circus? a) 7936 ) 7000 98000 «) 7680 oR ‘What are the three terms between 16 and 256? 2) 32,64,128 by 64,32,128 6) 16,32,64 4) 16,32,256 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: la A restaurant offers 5 choices of appetizer, 10 choices of the main meal, and 4 choices of dessert. A customer can ‘choose to eat just one course, or two different courses, or all the three courses. Assuming all choices are available. Using the above information answer the following questions: (the customer has a 2-couse meal, the number of ways of doing this is: 238 b) 110 9200 329 (ii) Hf the customer has a 3-course meal, the number of combinations i: 2) 300 ) 200 ono asr (ii) How many dltferent possible meals do the restaurant offer ie:The number of possible meals is: 2) 300 b) 329 9310 200 oR [A person who eats an appetizer andthe main meal has 2) 20 choices 1) 50 choices. 40 choices 4) 60 choices Read the text carefully and answer the questions: 14) ‘Anand and Sri went for walking. Anand observes a bird on a top tre with an angle of elevation A. The distance between Anand and the tree on the ground is 3 m and height of the tree on which bird is siting is 4m. At the ‘same time Sri observes another bird on the top of house with angle of elevation B. The distance between Sri and hhouse on the ground is 5m and height of the house where bird is sitting s 12m, / / bie (Find the value of cos A + sin B. Gi) Find the value of sin(A +B). Solution (CBSE SAMPLE PAPER - 02 Class 11 - Mathematies Section A U6) ‘Explanation: For f(x) be real, we must have, 2-1>0and6-2>0 = > yand2—6 <6 :. Domain = [1,6] Bia Explanation: (a + bi)?= a + 48> iC + 48) =ifa + bi)” sia 8 =(la-b® =P] “Take conjugate (ia - bY? = ia +b)? +i =ia+ 6 (© null ser — 15.25 +15 <0 [Multiply the inequality throughout bythe LCM = 52x-1)-369+15<0 = l0x-5-9K +15-<0 Sx+10<0 => x<-10, but ven x € W Hence the solution st wl be nll se oF ‘Explanation: Total number of ways of selecting 2 different numbers from (0,1, 2, .. 10) = Mc = 55 Leto numbers selected be x and y Then, x+y andx-4=4n = 2x= 4{m +n) and 2y: = x=2(m+ 0) andy = 2(mn-m) xcandy bth ar even numbers a 6 10 Reshired probably = & (FLU PRU PAUP, Explanation: We know that Every rectangle square and rhombus sa pralelogram ‘But, no wapezium isa paalleogrm This, F)= FU FRU FU Fy wo pana fn in() 2 The numberof terms inthe exparsion of (+ + )!2 = AHELEA eae ven that, mean of 100 tems, Fi = 50 “Mean of 150 items, #159 = 40 and standard deviation of 100 items, 7100 = 5 ‘Standard deviation of 150 tems, a9 = 6 ‘Variance of all the 250 items = (oso)? = (7.4567? = 55.59 = 55.6 the frst term = 16. @tanx-seex sina) = ee x tan x) las, § 0, so andy are ofthe same sig. 06= 2 and y= 3) r(x =-2 and y=) Hence, /—5 + 12 = (2 + 34) or (2-3. Herea+S+E<11 Se cd =n ‘Multiplying both sides by 6, we have 11x<66 Dividing both sides by 13, we have x6 “Thus the solution sets (20,6) Given at, Aes8< hyeoo 4.< eet) <6 {uly by (1) meas 336 tow, 31+ > dad 3x+3<6 "Cas Oya" Sat +, Q=ny2lae"Cya ta. Also (2 — a)" ="Cp2"="C2"!a+"Cp2™2a2 4... +(1)"Cya (0) () Sing and atng() an) weave (+a o.-a)= (P+ OF +O 224 2+ 20q+82+ @2-209 2P? + 2? = 2(P? +Q7) (i) Maliptying) and (i) we ave (+a) e-9=@ + QP- (aang? ‘The general erm T,.1 Inthe expansion of (5!2 + 71®)!024js given by 2H, spe ob Hp Tran= (2G, SIE x 5? x 798 Typ = MC, SE x G4 7 (Clearly, 7.1 will be an integer, i 178s an imeger such that © ream assume 128 values ‘Hence, there are 128 integral terms in the expansion of (54? + 748024, The equation ofa line joining the points B(0,~1,8) and C2, ~8, —1) is F = (Oi — 5 + 3k) + (2 — 0) + (-3 +1} + (1-3) = #=(-74 Bh) + NQi 25 — 4h) = FH (ai+(-2a—N}+ Car4 ai ‘Any point online BC is tothe fom (2A,-2A—1,-404 3) Suppose foat of the perpendicular drawn from point A tothe ine BC be T(2A, ~2A ~ 1, ~4A 43) A189 Poy2 Direction Rats of line ATi (2A +1, 201 ~ 8, ~4—1) Direction Rais of BCI (20,341, 13) =(2,-2.-4 Since, ATs perpendicular BC, 2x (QA +1) + (-2x (-2A—9) + (—4)(—4A ~ 1) = 0 Er aaa + bibs + crc = 0] Sas 2 eds + 10.44=0 1 Coordinates of fot of perpen is (ax (-1),-2« (-4) ~1,-4 (-1) +9) =1-21,7) Suppose P(, 2 be the image ofa pont A with respect othe line BC. So, pint Tis the mid-point of AP. *Goottnates of T = Coordinates of midpoint of AP = (-21,7)= (4H) ‘Equating the corresponding coordinates, pik Stand 7 = ~3y=~Gand2=10 ‘Coordinates of the foot of perpendicular is T(—2, 1,7) and image ofthe point A ts P(—3, —6, 10). oR Let A (0,7, 10), B66) and C C4, 9,6) be the given points. We have, CC-4, 9,6) AO. (1.6.6) Now, AB= V(=1= 0 + (6= 7? + (6= 10}? distance = /(ey ~ 21)* + (yn ~ yn)? + (22 ~ 1)"] VIFIFIB= VI8 =3v2 BO = (441 + OOF + 6- OF yO 9F0= VIB = 3v2 and AC = (4-0) + (9-7) + @— 107° =yierds De AC = VIB =B von) Now, AB? + BC* = (32)? + (3V2)?= 18 + 18= 36 AB? + BC? = AC? [from Eq. ()] ‘Also, AB=BC = 32 Hence, ABC isa right isosceles triangle. Since we have to get the probability that no two A's ae coming together, So, fist we arrange the alphabets except A's s s s s 1 IN _/ Number of ways of aranging all alphabets excopt A= te ‘As we know that there are 11 vacant places between these alphabet. Total Asin the word ASSASSINATION are 3 3.A’s can be placed in 11 place in 4c ways. ut Required Probability = Clearly, for fo be defined, the denominator 2 + 4 0 i “the domain of Fi the sat of all real numbers excluding -4. ‘Now, consider the two cases When +4>0 ie, > 4 Then, 2 +4] =2 +4, = fle) = HE = Bt = 1 fore > —4 When +4 <0i.e,2<—4 Then, 2 +4] = ~(e +4) Isa) fei) Se) = EHH = EH 8 fora <4 1, ites 4 ter={hy, aera ‘The ange of Fis (1,1). section D We make the tbl from the ven dat Class marks | Mid value (x) | d)=xj-a=x)-45 0-10 Here, given that [Number of students in class = 175 [Number of students enrolled in Mathematics = 100 and we have, "Number of students enralled in Physics = 70 ‘Number of students enrolled in Chemistry = 46 [Number of students enrolled in Mathematics and Physics = 30 ‘Number of students enrolled in Physies and Chemisty = 23 "Number of students enrolled in Mathematics and Physics = 28 [Number of students enrolled in all three subjects = 18 ‘We have to fin: |. Number of students enrolled in Mathematics alone, Physics alone and Chemistry alone ‘Venn diagram: Number of students enrolled in Mathematies = 100 = n(M) ‘Number of students enrolled in Physi = 70 = a2) ‘Number of students eared in Chemisty = 4 = a(C) [Number of students enrolled in Mathematics and Physics = 30 n(M 9 P) ‘Number of students enrolled in Mathematics and Chemistry = 28 = n(M rc) ‘Number of students enrolled in Physies and Chemisty =23 = n(P MC) ‘Number of students enrolled inall the three subjects = 18 = (MIN PPC)= 8 “Therefore, we have, nM OP)=e+8 a0=0+18 e=30-18=12 MNE=f+g 28= f+ 18 ‘a= Number of students enrolled only in Mathematics {umber of students enrolled only in Physics {umber of students enrolled only in Chemistry “Therefore, we have, Meate+feg 1o0=a+12+10+18 00-40 a=60 ‘Thus, Number of students enrolled only In Mathematics P=brerdeg 7O=b+12+5+18 b=70-35 5 ‘Thus, Number of students enrolled only in Physics = 35. titdeg 46=c+1045+18 = 46-33, 3 ‘Thus, Number of studems enrolled only in Chemistry = 13 [Number of students who have not offered any of these subjects “Number of students wha have not offered any ofthese subjects 175 = {n(M) + n(P) + n(C) = (MEO P) = (MN C)- P/N.) + WOME P.O) = 175 - (100 + 70+ 45-30-28- 23+ 18) 175-153 = 22 “Thus, Number of requited students who have not offered any of these subjects oR Let P, Cand M be the sets of students who have taken physics, chemistry and mathematics respectively. Let a,b,c, d ef and g denote the number of students in the respective regions, as shown inthe adjoining Venn diagram ‘As per data given, we have asb+e+d=12, brete+e ul, crdefeg+is, bte=a, c+d=9, cr t=5, o=3. From these equations, we get, c=3,f=2,d=6h Nowc+d+ftg=15+3+6+2+g= 15> 8= breretf=Ml+3+e+2=11=> ran ay A} (aL \A a=? 3,d=6,e=5,f=2andg=4, 80, we have: 1. Number of students who offered physics only = 0 = 2. i. Number of students who offered chemistry only = ¢= 5. Ui Number of students who offered mathematics only g = 4. |v, Number of students who offered physics and chemistry but not mathemati = b= 1. -y, Number of students who offered physics and mathematics but not chemist vi. Number of students who offered only one ofthe given subjects =(0-+e + g)=(2+5 +4) vii. Number of students who offered at least one ofthe given subjects = (a+b+c+d+e+f+g)=(2+1+3+6+5+2+4)= 23. ‘lll Number of students who offered none of the three given subjects = (25 -23)=2 54. Given equation Is, ye-y-x+19=0 op ylty + 16=x- 19+ 16 0-4 =x 3.0 Lety-4= Vand x “Then, Eq, (1) becomes, vex will) ‘Now, from Ea, (i), coordinates of vertex are, X=0and¥=0 andy-4=0 “The centre ofthe hyperbola is the mi-point of he ine joining theo Foc So, the coordinates ofthe centre are (432, 222) Le, (6,2) ‘Lec 2a and 2b be the length of transverse andl conjugate axes and et be the eccentric. Then the equation of te hyperbola is fee? _ wat pF a1) "Naw, the distance between tw foc! = 2ae = V(B— 4)? + (2-2)? = ae foci= 4,2) and 291 = YUP = 200 = he =4 2x ax 2=4h-e=2] sartat a2 Now ee ‘and he length of lausrectum = SPa1@-yte=a Peat sb=3 Putting a? = 1 and b? = 3 in equation (i), we get 3 (e-6P-y-2%=3 Ih? + 36 — 12x] - ly? +4 —ay)= 3 = 3x2 + 108 -36x-y2-4 +4 = 3x2 -y2— 36x + 4y + 101=0 ‘This the equation of the required hyperbola. . We have show hat = (se xan + ee) ‘where, its given that yo rams yo (SE a us testing = 14s 2 Hale ite=4 sose-sns oss-imsessog owe esi) Tae? According he chin of ieentaton Earl [one x +ansy] x(Q—anzj-#x Muliplying and dividing by (1 + sine)? [ome x (L4sinz) | x sing) x (ha)? = [eos x (1 +sinzyt 4] +a-sne tx (+singyt [ome (+ na] x (1 saxty? 3 sex (Sec x + tan x) Hence proved Section 36, Read the text carefully and answer the questions: ‘One morning a big circus arrived in the Ramleela maidan at Delhi. The arrival of the circus was seen in the morning at 08:00 AM by Gopal. He passed this information on 08:15 to 2 other residents of the city. Each of these 2 people then informe the other 2 residents at 08:30, an again at 08:45, they reported the arrival of the circus every 2 to other uninformed residents ‘This chain continued the same way tll 12:00 PM. By 12:00 PM enough people were informed about the arrival of the circus () @)r31017 Explanation: 131017 (st Explanation: 511 7) (@)2.64,128, Explanatio a7. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: A restaurant offers 5 choices of appetizer, 10 choices ofthe main meal, and 4 choices of dessert. A customer can choose to eat just ‘one course, or two different courses, oral the three courses. Assuming all choices are available. oom Explanation: 200 (iil) (&) 329 Explanation: 329 (b) 50 chotces, Explanation: 50 chotces. 38, Read the text carefully and answer the questions: ‘Anand and Sri went for walking, Anand observes a bird ona top tee with an angle of elevation A. The distance between Anand and the tee onthe ground is 3 m and height ofthe tree on which bird is sting is 4m. At the same time Sri observes another bird ‘athe top of house with angle of elevation B, The distance between Sei and house on the ground fs Sm and height ofthe house where bied is siting is 12m. () from fig PR= /T6F9 = y25 = 5m. and XZ_= yT44 + 25 = vI60 = 13m iin endow B= sana /B-2 cos A+sinB= 2422 S.A +sinB= 24

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