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Arkusz maturalny nr 2 w formule 2023

Język angielski
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At some point I got really concerned about how much money we were spending on
advertising online and not getting many sales in return. Part of the problem was that it cost
quite a lot to make videos for video advertising. Fortunately, with time and some trial and
error, we learnt our lesson. A couple of years ago I made a decision to divide our ad budget
into print and online adverts, and to target our potential customers more efficiently. This idea
has brought us new clients and seems to be working well.
Are you in your final year of studies and want to learn something interesting? Marketing for
beginners might be just for you. I did it last year – the lecturer was very good and the content
really informative. We learnt a lot about designing effective logos and slogans. We also had
two sessions about how to use the Internet and social media to advertise a product or
a service. Now I can put everything I’ve learnt into practice in my grandfather’s company.
He’s been using only leaflets but really wants to go digital.
I must say I try not to look at ads on the Internet and social media any more – I just scroll
down and ignore them completely. It’s really annoying when they pop up every second and
prevent you from watching a video or reading an article. It gets incredibly frustrating at times.
And what’s wrong with an old-style leaflet, street hoarding or a poster on the wall? I have no
idea why companies waste so much money on digital advertising.
A lot of products and services are advertised on social media now. That’s the way companies
attract new customers and I don’t have a problem with it. If I had a business myself, I would
probably do the same. But what really annoys me is the promises they make and don’t keep.
I once ordered a T-shirt for my girlfriend which was supposed to come the next day. It was
delivered a week later and, as it was too small, I needed to send it back. And guess what?
The promised free return cost me £4! And this sort of thing has happened to me several
times. I’ve had enough of it!
Have you finished school and don’t like the idea of working for someone else? Or maybe
you’ve already started your own business but can’t find customers for your product or
service? If so, sign up for our online marketing course. With us, you’ll find out how to use the
Internet and social media to attract the crowds to your business. We offer lots of knowledge
and practical tips for successful advertising campaigns and all this for £120. Sounds a lot?
Not for what you’re going to get!

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE
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Girl: You wanted to see me, Mr Webster.
Man: Yes, Amy. I know you’ve had some health issues recently and I understand. But
I wanted to tell you I’m not happy with your progress and general attitude.
Girl: I don’t know what you mean.
Man: Amy, you’ve been late to class every day this week and missed the deadline for
your Science project.
Girl: I’ve been late only three times this week, Mr Webster. And I missed the deadline
by only two days. It’s because of my headaches. I have to take painkillers every
Man: I do understand, Amy, but from now on I’d like to see you and your projects on

Hello! My name is Adam Foster and I’m calling about the booking for a birthday party I made
online. I don’t remember the reservation number but it’s in my name so you’ll be able to find
it. I just wanted to let you know that two of our guests won’t be able to come. We’ll still need
three tables though as I wrote on the online form. However, I didn’t know that one of our
guests is a vegetarian, so I’d like to go for a vegetarian option for her. Thank you very much.

Man: Jessica! When did you get back from Paris?
Woman: Thursday night. We had a horrible journey back. Our flight was delayed ten hours
so we were completely exhausted when we got home. And Emma had to go to
work the next day.
Man: Oh, no! But I bet you had a wonderful time over there.
Woman: Yeah, Paris is absolutely stunning – there is so much to see. Actually, one day we
had a big argument about where to go. Emma wanted to spend two days in the
Louvre while I was dying to visit the Rodin Museum.
Man: Let me guess – you managed to convince her, right?
Woman: This time you’re wrong, Sam. We did spend two days in the Louvre but I must
hand it to Emma – it was worth every minute.
Man: And how about the Rodin Museum?
Woman: Well, it’s still on my bucket list, together with the Pompidou Centre and some other
places in Paris.

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE
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Can you imagine living inside a gigantic egg? Well, one person in Beijing is doing just that.
Dai Haifei from Hunan province in China has just graduated from university with a degree in
architecture. Since he couldn’t afford the very high rental prices in Beijing, he decided to
design and build his own accommodation. His egg-shaped mobile home was inspired by an
original architectural project called the ‘City’s Egg’, which Dai Haifei saw at an exhibition in
Shanghai. You might be wondering what his ‘egg’ house actually looks like. Well, it’s a small
cabin just over two metres high at its tallest point, three metres long and two metres wide.
Interestingly, it’s made of natural materials: bamboo, wood chippings and bags of grass
seeds. The house is on wheels and has a solar panel on its roof. There’s just enough space
inside for one bed, a water tank and a small table with a lamp. Dai Haifei placed his house on
the street under the architecture offices where he works, so when he finishes there, quite
often late at night, he just jumps into his egg for a good night’s sleep. And all this completely
rent-free. When you think of it – maybe he’s found a solution for other Beijing residents?

Man: And now, could you tell our listeners what events they can join in to celebrate
the upcoming Chinese New Year in London?
Woman: Yes, of course, with pleasure. There will be lots going on in London, so I’m
sure everybody will find something to see and do. One important thing to note
though – this year Chinese New Year actually falls on Thursday, February
19th, but the main Chinese New Year celebrations in our city are scheduled for
February 22nd. On that day, festivities will start at 10 o’clock with a very lively
New Year’s Parade. And, as always, it will go along Charing Cross Road and
Shaftesbury Avenue until it reaches Chinatown. An official opening ceremony
in Trafalgar Square is planned for 12 o’clock. It will be followed by many
different performances: you’ll be able to see traditional dance, theatre, song
recitals and acrobatics put on by Chinese artists who are coming to London for
this very occasion. On Shaftsbury Avenue there will be a second stage
specially for performances by local artists. This sounds really exciting, doesn’t
it? And that’s not all. Apart from these two main stages, there will be other
things to do in Chinatown, for example arts and crafts stalls, as well as
calligraphy and painting workshops. And the best thing is that you can
participate in the activities and official celebrations completely for free. That is,
of course, unless you want to celebrate the occasion by going to a Chinese
restaurant. But it still shouldn’t cost too much – you can easily get the famous
Chinese dumplings for about £10.
Man: Wow, it does sound like a lovely day out. I’m sure many of our listeners will be
there. Thank you very much for coming to the studio today. Next …

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Strona 3 z 3

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