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1. Electroscope was invented by William Gilbert.

2. Lightning conductor was invented by Benjamin Franklin.
3. There are 7 major tectonic plates. The Pacific plate, the Eurasian plate,
the African plate, the Antarctic plate, the Indo- Australian plate and
the South American plate.
4. The biggest earthquake ever recorded of magnitude 9.5 happened in
1960 in Chile.
5. Bacteriophages are viruses that infect only bacterial cells.
6. Ear has three bones- Malleus, Stapes and Incus.
7. Stapes is the smallest bone in human body.
8. Coral reef is a ridge of rock in the sea formed by the growth and
deposit of corals. Coral reef is a massive structures made of limestone
deposited by coral polyps.
9. The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve was the first biosphere reserve in India.
10.There are 106 existing National Parks in India.
11.Pseudomonas and Achromobacter are denitrifying bacteria.
12. Project Tiger was launched in 1973.
13. Tiger population in India is 3167 according to census of 2022.
14.Asiatic Lion is endemic to India. They are protected in Gir National Park
in Gujarat.
15. John Milne invented seismograph.
16.A dog whistle is a type of whistle that emits sound in the ultrasonic
17. Sound produced by earthquake, volcanic eruption and ocean waves
are examples of infrasonic waves.
18.Rhinoceros, elephants, whales and octopuses communicate via
infrasonic sounds.
19. Luna 25 was the failed moon mission of Russia.
20.Parakram Diwas is observed on 23 January to mark the birth
anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
21. National Girl Child Day is observed on 24 January.
22. National Youth Day is observed on 12 January to mark the birth
anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.

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