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Vertex Panache FOMMACS General Body Meeting - Minutes

Meeting Name Meeting of the VP FOMMACS MC with Owners - General

Body Meeting
Meeting # VPGM11/2024 Date 11th Feb Venue Conference Hall, Club House,
2024 Vertex Panache
Next Meeting Date TBD Venue TBD


1. To debrief on the recent happening pertaining to the association and also explanation on owner’s

List of Attendees

As per attendance list attached

Conclusions/ Decisions Arrived

At the close of the meeting the following were noted

1. The current MC members will continue to function normally till the time the Registrar of Societies
responds and calls for election or the 31st of March whichever is earlier. In the event of the Registrar
not responding on time, consensus was that status quo will be maintained.
2. While the above point covers the broader aspect, the bills pertaining to FM services provider, Water,
Electricity, AMCs, El Measure, CCTV, Auditor fees, Gas were mentioned by Treasurer for immediate
3. CCTV work needs to be completed on a war-footing. It was mentioned that all cameras are working
except 5 as on date.
4. The preview theater needs to be made operational asap.
5. The issue raised by Sachin, owner of F G5, about vibration and sound require to be attended
immediately and the same needs to approved without infrastructural changes to entry area. The
proposal need to be approved by the owners group.
6. It was agreed that the communication from the MC needs to be improved for clarity on all aspects
affecting the society

Detailed Minutes

Attendees Minutes Distribution

Attendance list of owners as mentioned above To Owners Group

Previous Meetings- Open Action Points

Mtg #/date Discussion Action

Who Original Remarks/revised

closing closing
date date
Current Meeting
Discussion Who When

1) Protest was lodged stating that the quorum for calling a General Body Mr Sasi Kumar,
Meeting was not met since many of the MC members had resigned. Mr Mr Ravi Jaini and
Naga Murali, MC Member clarified that only 2 resignation were few others
accepted so far and specified them as being that of Mr Pawan and Mrs
Annapurna. He said that the other resignations had not yet been
discussed at the MC level. Further 3 remaining office bearers reiterated
that they have expressed, that they do not wish to continue as both
office bearers and MC members immediately, to the Registrar of
Societies vide their letter dated 7th Feb 2024 and were awaiting a
response from Registrar. When some continued to agitate, an
announcement was made that MC was here to answer queries of
Owners and those not interested could leave.
2) An owner was seen taking a video of the altercation and arguments
happening due to issues mentioned in the above point and a few owners
objected to it.
3) The issue of Rs 1.5 Lacs legal vetting fee of Spreen Energy Contract was
raised and the sequence of events chronologically were discussed, that
included the auditor pointing out that the bill did not include a GST
number, and it appeared that the charges for the one-page report
submitted by the firm were unusually high. Mr. Venkat Nishtala F-1008
and team made some informal inquiries and discovered that the
letterhead of the firm, Tejaswani Financials, displayed the same mobile
number as that of the accountant, Mr. Sai Kotha. It was informed that
there was a discussion with Mr Venkat Nistala that we will await the
Audit Report to get more details as that would form an official document
to quote for MC to seek clarity from the main participants in the entire
episode. It was mentioned that emotions were raised due to this
information reaching a section of Owners in an unplanned manner
without consultation or even a mention to the MC. The show cause
notices to the MC members Mr Sandeep Juluri and Mr Pawan and their
responses stating that Legal Law employee Mrs Krishna Kumari had

asked for cash payment as their Hyderabad Office was being wound up
was informed. The point that cash payments should not have been
encouraged and also non existence of any minutes of approval or
discussion in MC nor even a note for record were observed. It was
mentioned that MC was willing to lodge a Police Complaint if approved
by all owners was also mentioned. Mr Ravi Jaini mentioned that the
sequence of dates pointed to a pre-planned conspiracy. It was decided
that a 3rd Party investigation on the issue will be carried out and team of
Mr Venkat Nistala and Others were requested to suggest such a third
party to MC that could conduct a unbiased detailed enquiry.

4) On being asked for the ultimate benefit to the society of the Solar Mr Ravi
Panels, Mr Pawan explained the model and also mentioned that all Jaini and
these details were presented to Owners in an EGM and approved and Mr Sasi
minutes of the same were available on MyGate. Mr Ravi Jaini mentioned
that while the approval in EGM was for 13 years the contract was made
for 16 years. Mr Pawan responded and explained the additional benefit
and when asked informed that currently a cash benefit of 1 lakh per
month was accruing to the society and none of the societies around us
had taken such a good initiative.
5) Regarding issue of Fire AMC and the cheque encashed by a certain
Kavula Ramesh, it was mentioned that while a mistake was certainly
made of issuing a cheque leaving the name blank but those
circumstances were created by the FM Mohan during that time, while it
cannot be condoned, however no loss to the society has occurred as
Prestyn had taken responsibility of the same and all the Fire checks were
conducted by their vendors and reports are present for scrutiny by all
6) When it was explained that the previous FM Mohan had taken money
from vendors those who kept kiosks, all the monies identified by Mr
Sasi were recovered, one of the owners asked if the same FM was
continuing and was informed that he was terminated. It was also
mentioned that immediately a Event Process was made and also the
learnings made MC take measures around the Accounts Process and
induct Mr Venkat Nistala and Mr Ravi Jaini to streamline the payment
and contracts processes thereafter.
7) The issue of Share Certificate was raised and it was informed that earlier
the MC was waiting to hear the response of the Registrar for a letter by
some people to dissolve the MC and hence had earlier mentioned that
they will not sign the certificate till that is clarified and now that the
Registrar has responded asking MC to only rectify the anomalies pointed
out, MC has gone ahead and asked Mr Venkat Nistala on 27.01.2024 to
handover the collected documents for cross verification by the Auditor
for accuracy post which the certificates would be issued. It was also
mentioned that none of the neighboring societies have issued Share
Certificate and no discrimination was or can be made if the same is not
available. The most important document is the Owners Sale Deed that
gives an Owner all the rights.

8) Mr Rakesh Akula asked if their was a system for deciding the rent for the
shops in the society. MC explained that their were two rates being
followed, internal residents were being encouraged and hence were
being charged a lower rate compared to the outsiders.
9) Mrs Sireesha mentioned that the Security aspects revolving around the
CCTV need to be given priority as the security of the inmates and their
children was paramount. It was informed that only 5 out of the 120
cameras were not working and even those will be attended to soon.
10) Mr Sachin took up the issue of his STP. It was mentioned that the issue
will be attended immediately and the costs need to be approved by the
11) Mr Tapash and Mr Vijay Kumar stated that in a group created for Vertex
Panache by some owners and others in WhatsApp (Vertex Panache
Owners Welfare Group) with approximately 270 members there have
been some derogatory comments that were made by a few members
who directed words like ‘pigs’, ‘dog’ ‘pet’ at both of them. Mr Tapash
said that it was unbecoming of a civil society and that too a few
members who claim to have come together for the good of society. He
further mentioned that he had expected senior and mature people in
the group to stop this and delete the text, however it was sad to note
that some of the seniors enjoyed the exchange and participated by using
emoticons. The general consensus was that this was deplorable,
unacceptable and was unanimously condemned. Mr Vijay also
mentioned that unnecessary and baseless rumors were being spread
about him that he was taking free pizza and vegetables/fruits from
vendors. He also requested in interest of the society harmony that we
should not have multiple chat groups.
12) Mr Ranganath mentioned that day to day issues were being neglected
due to all this groupism and disruptive mindset many areas were getting
neglected like cctv, security entry and exit from basement (parkplus),
STP tanks were not being cleaned, signage were required at prominent
places etc. He further stated that the newly formed group in telegram
was discussing about lack of transparency from the MC, whereas they
had removed one member of MC from that group, which is a clear
message depicting their mindset and lack of transparency from them.
13) Mr Bhupesh mentioned that the team that came to his apartment to get
the form and documents for the Share Certificate were fear mongering
and also spoke of fraud by MC etc, which he felt was unwarranted.
14) Mr Vimal Chandak enquired about the progress on the issues pending
with Vertex Management. The same could not be addressed as the Sub-
Committee members had left by then.

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