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 Leibigs method fused mass by boiling it with  On treating sodium fusion extract
 Carbon and hydrogen are distilled water with sodium nitroprusside,
detected by heating the  This extract is known as sodium appearance of a violet colour
compound with copper(II) oxide. fusion extract. further indicates the presence of
 Carbon present in the compound  Test for Nitrogen sulphur
is oxidised to carbon dioxide  The sodium fusion extract is  S +¿
(tested with lime-water which boiled with iron(II) sulphate and  nitrogen and sulphur both are
develops turbidity) then acidified with concentrated present in an organic compound,
 hydrogen to water (tested with sulphuric acid sodium thiocyanate is formed. It
anhydrous copper sulphate, which  The formation of Prussian blue gives blood red colour and no
turns blue) colour confirms the presence of Prussian blue since there are no
C+ 2CuO ∆ 2 Cu+CO 2 nitrogen free cyanide ions

 Sodium cyanide first reacts with  Na+C+ N + S → NaSCN
 2 H +CuO ∆ Cu+ H 2 O –

→ iron(II) sulphate and forms  Fe3 +¿+S CN → ¿¿

 sodium hexacyanoferrate(II  If sodium fusion is carried out
C O2 +Ca(OH )2 →Ca CO3 ↓+ H 2 O with excess of sodium, the
On heating with concentrated
 thiocyanate decomposes to yield
sulphuric acid some iron(II) ions
5 H 2 O+Cu SO 4 (White ) →CuSO 4.5 H 2O ( Blue ) cyanide and sulphide.
are oxidised to iron(III) ions

which react with sodium
 Lassaignes test NaSCN + 2 Na → NaCN + Na2 S
hexacyanoferrate(II) to produce
 Nitrogen, sulphur, halogens and iron(III) hexacyanoferrate(II)  Test for Halogens
phosphorus present in an organic (ferriferrocyanide) which is  The sodium fusion extract is
compound Prussian blue in colour acidified with nitric acid and then
 The elements present in the  6 CN – + Fe2+¿ →¿ ¿ treated with silver nitrate
compound are converted from  3¿  A white precipitate, soluble in
covalent form into the ionic form ammonium hydroxide shows the
by fusing the compound with  x H→2 O Fe 4 ¿ presence of chlorine
sodium metal.  yellowish precipitate, sparingly
 Na+C+ N ∆ NaCN  Test for Sulphur soluble in ammonium hydroxide

shows the presence of bromine
 2 Na+ S ∆ Na 2 S  The sodium fusion extract is

acidified with acetic acid and lead  yellow precipitate, insoluble in

acetate is added to it ammonium hydroxide shows the
Na+ X ∆ Na X (X =Cl , Br∨I )
→ presence of iodine.
 A black precipitate of lead
– +¿→ AgX ¿
 X + Ag
 Cyanide, sulphide and halide of sulphide indicates the presence of
sulphur  X represents a halogen – Cl, Br or
sodium so formed on sodium
 2– 2+¿→ PbS (Black )¿ I
fusion are extracted from the S + Pb
 If nitrogen or sulphur is also
present in the compound, the

sodium fusion extract is first  The mass of water produced is solution of potassium hydroxide
boiled with concentrated nitric determined by passing the which absorbs carbon dioxide.
acid to decompose cyanide or mixture through a weighed U-  Traces of nitrogen oxides formed,
sulphide of sodium formed during tube containing anhydrous if any, are reduced to nitrogen by
Lassaigne’s test. calcium chloride passing the gaseous mixture over
 These ions would otherwise  Carbon dioxide is absorbed in a heated copper gauze
interfere with silver nitrate test another U-tube containing ( P−P1 ) P2 V 2
for halogens  =
concentrated solution of T1 T2
 Test for Phosphorus potassium hydroxide  P = pressure of moist gas
 The compound is heated with an  These tubes are connected in  P1 = pressure due to water vapour
oxidising agent (sodium series
 P – P1 = pressure of dry gas
peroxide) increase in masses of calcium
 V1 = vol of gas in ml
 The phosphorus present in the chloride and potassium hydroxide
compound is oxidised to gives the amounts of water and  T1 = Temperature of gas in K
phosphate carbon dioxide  P2 = pressure of gas at STP
 The solution is boiled with nitric  percentage of carbon =  T2 = 273 K
acid and then treated with 12 x m2 x 100  V2 = vol of nitrogen at STP
ammonium molybdate. 44 x m  Percentage of nitrogen =
 A yellow colouration or  percentage of hydrogen =
28 x V 2 (STP) x 100
precipitate indicates the presence 2 x m2 x 100 22400 x m
of phosphorus 18 x m  Kjeldahs method
  Nitrogen
 The compound containing
Na3 P O4 +3 HN O3 → H 3 P O4 +3 NaN O3 methods
 Two nitrogen is heated with
 Dumas maethod concentrated sulphuric acid.

 Kjeldahls method  Nitrogen in the compound gets
H 3 P O 4+ 12 ( NH 4 ) 2 Mo O4 + 21 HN O3 → ( N H 4 ) 3 PO 4 .12 Mo O3 +21 N H 4 N O3 +12 H 2 O
 Dumas method converted to ammonium sulphate

 Quantitative analysis  The nitrogen containing organic  acid mixture is then heated with
compound, when heated with excess of sodium hydroxide
 A known mass of an organic
compound is burnt in the
copper oxide in an atmosphere of  The liberated ammonia gas is
carbon dioxide, yields free absorbed in an excess of standard
presence of excess of oxygen and
nitrogen in addition to carbon solution of sulphuric acid.
copper(II) oxide
dioxide and water 
The amount of ammonia
 Carbon and hydrogen in the
 produced is determined by
compound are oxidised to carbon
dioxide and water ( y
2 ) (
y estimatingZ the amount of y
C X H Y N Z + 2 X + CuO → XC O2+ H 2 O+ N 2 + 2 X + Cu
2 sulphuric2acid consumed 2in the )

 The mixture of gases so produced reaction.
C X H Y +(x + y /4)O2 → x C O2+( y /2)H 2 O
is collected over an aqueous

 It is done by estimating unreacted  adding magnesia mixture which

sulphuric acid left after the org comp AgN O3 AgCl aq N H 3 solubleon ignition yields Mg2P2O7
→ →
absorption of ammonia by 

titrating it with standard alkali org comp MgS O 4 , N H 3 Mg ¿
org comp AgN O3 AgBr aq N H 3 sparingly soluble →
solution → →

org comp H 2 S O4 , CuS O4 ¿ 

  Percentage of P =
→ org comp AgN O3 AgI aq N H 3 insoluble
 N H 3 + H 2 S O4 → ¿ → → 62 x m2 x 100
 Atomic weight 222 x m
 Kjeldahl method is not applicable
to compounds containing  Iodine = 127 
nitrogen in nitro and azo groups  Bromine = 80 H 3 P O 4+ 12 ( NH 4 ) 2 Mo O4 + 21 HN O3 → ( N H 4
and nitrogen present in the ring  Ba = 137
(E.g. pyridine) as nitrogen of  Percentage of P =
 Ag = 108
these compounds does not change 31 x m2 x 100
 Sulphur 1877 x m
to ammonium sulphate
 Percentage of nitrogen =  A known mass of an organic  Oxygen
compound is heated in a Carius  The percentage of oxygen in an
1.4 x V (¿ ml)x N
tube with sodium peroxide or organic compound is usually
N -normality fuming nitric acid. found by difference between the
 Carius method  Sulphur present in the compound total percentage composition
 Halogens is oxidised to sulphuric acid (100) and the sum of the
 A known mass of an organic  It is precipitated as barium percentages of all other elements
compound is heated with fuming sulphate by adding excess of  A definite mass of an organic
nitric acid in the presence of barium chloride solution in water compound is decomposed by
silver nitrate contained in a hard  Percentage of sulphur = heating in a stream of nitrogen
glass tube known as Carius tube 32 x m2 x 100 gas.
in a furnace 233 x m  The mixture of gaseous products
 Carbon and hydrogen present in  Phosphoprus containing oxygen is passed over
the compound are oxidised to  A known mass of an organic red-hot coke when all the oxygen
carbon dioxide and water compound is heated with fuming is converted to carbon monoxide.
 The halogen present forms the nitric acid whereupon phosphorus  This mixture is passed through
corresponding silver halide present in the compound is warm iodine pentoxide (I2O5)
(AgX). It is filtered, washed, oxidised to phosphoric acid when carbon monoxide is
dried and weighed  It is precipitated as ammonium oxidised to carbon dioxide
phosphomolybdate, (NH4)3 producing iodine
 Percentage of halogen =
at mass of X x m1 x 100 PO4.12MoO3, by adding ammonia  2 C+O2 1373 2CO

mass of AgX x m and ammonium molybdate. I 2 O5 +5 CO → I 2 +5 C O2

 phosphoric acid may be
precipitated as MgNH4PO4 by

 Percentage of oxygen
32 x m2 x 100
88 x m
 The percentage of oxygen can be
derived from the amount of
iodine produced also
 The elements, carbon, hydrogen
and nitrogen present in a
compound are determined by an
apparatus known as CHN
elemental analyse
 The analyser requires only a very
small amount of the substance (1-
3 mg) and displays the values on
a screen within a short time.
 Layers Test – bromine
 Beilsteins Test – halogen

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