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SVVN PU COLLEGE, NERALURU IBJECT : PHYSICS Chapter : MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE 1. A wheel of radius Im rolls forward half a revolution on a horizontal ground. The magnitude of the displacement of the point of the wheel initially in contact with the ground is N2n 2) V2 3) ve +4 Ayn KEY:3 HINT: Horizontal distance covered by the wheel in half revolution = xR. AY Final So the displacement of the point which was initially in contact with ground = AA"= (RY (2) =Ve +4 (as R= Im) 2. A particle, moving with uniform speed v, changes its direction by angle @ in time t. Magnitude of its average acceleration during this time is, 1200 2)2sin® — sy IZ gy Meg t 2 t t 2 KEY2 v vs 0 vo o yy _ 2vsind /2 1 A particle travelling along a straight line traverse one third of the total distance with a velocity ¥, ‘The remaining part of the distance was covered with a velocity ¥,for half the time and velocity for the other half of the time, Find the mean velocity of the point averaged over the whole motion of time: EAU 3) 4 4) Hah Thay, Tata, ae KEY:1 HINT: Let the time taken for one third distance be ty, then 1, = £ , where d is the total length of the Xs journey. Let the time taken for next 24/3 distance be “ 4d Thus, the total time taken for the journey is + —44@_ di +1 +40) MWh) MV) +h) Thus the average velocity = Totaldirtnce Total time BK HV) CArzIA) WF) 4. A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate a from some time, after which it decelerates at a constant rate and comes to rest. If the total time lapsed ist, then the maximum velocity acquired by the car is ( 2) 2) am apt » (222) f 9) a= oye 4 woe \ ap } \ af ap a+p KEY:4 HINT: Let the car accelerate at rate @ for time f. Then maximum velocity attained v0 +a, ‘Now, the car decelerates at a rate ff for time (1-1) and finally comes to rest, then, 0-7 part) = Br— Ps (a+ py = pr a+p 5. A particle starts with a velocity of 2ms“' and moves in a straight line with a retardation of 0.1 ms”. The first time at which the particle is 15m from the starting point is 1) 10s 2)20s 3)30s 4) 40s KEY HINT: 1s=21-Ex(0 I)for t=10s 6. A particle returns to the starting point after 10s. if the rate of change of velocity during the motion s constant, then its location after 7s will be same as that after Dis 2) 2s 3)3s 4) 4s KEY:3 HINT: This is the case when velocity and acceleration of the body both are in opposite direction so body will fitst moves in direction of velocity and then will move in direction of acceleration. in the given question it is said that body returns to initial position after 10 sec {this case can be treated same as motion of body in vertical direction with constant acceleration downwards and thrown upwatd initially} means velocity of body will be zeto at 5 sec. displacement will be symmetric about the zero velocity time 0 will be at same position at time 3 see which will be at 7 sec, so best possible answer is option 3 7. Velocity of a body moving along a straight line with uniform retardation a reduces by 3 of its initial velocity in time to, The total time of motion of the body till its velocity becomes zero is, a Ay a4 4 5h a3 A body starts from rest with uniform acceleration a, its velocity after n seconds is v. The displacement of the body in last 3s is (assume total time of journey from 0 to n second) v(6n= 2v(6n-9 2v(2 2w(n- » (en 9) 2) 2u(6n-9) 5) Ont) 9 MOD) Now, 0=u-at ort KEY: And. Displacement in last 3s will be S=S,-S ( (=3))] | on 2 ‘A car moving with a velocity of 10m/s can be stopped by the application of a constant force F ina distance of 20m. If the velocity of the car is 30m/s, it can be stopped by this force in: 1) 100 m 2120 m. 3) 180m 4) 160 m. KE’ HINT: According to the 3° equation of motion’ -1 After applying the brakes car will come to rest v = 0 2as 10, iv (2) 20=9%20 =1800m 0. A ball is bouncing elastically with a speed 1 m/s between walls of a railway compartment of size 10m in a direction perpendicular to walls. The train is moving at a constant velocity of 10 m/s parallel to the direction of motion of the ball. As seen from the ground: ‘A) The direction of motion of the ball changes every 10 seconds B) Speed of ball changes every 10 seconds ©) Average speed of ball over any 20 seconds interval is fixed. D) The acceleration of ball is the same as from the train 1) B,C, Dare correct 2) Only Bis correct 3) Only A is correct 4) Only Dis correct KEY:1 HINT: In this problem. We have to keep in mind the frame of the observer. Hence, we must be clear that we are considering the motion from the ground. Compared to velocity of trains (10 mis) speed of ball is less (1 m/s). ‘The speed of the ball before collision with side of train is 10 + 1 = 11 mvs. Speed after collision with side of train = 10 - 1 = 9 mvs, As speed is changing after travelling 10 m and speed is I m/s hence, time duration of the changing speed is 10, Since, the collision of the ball is perfectly elastic. There is no dissipation of energy hence, total momentum and kinetic energy are conserved Since, the train is moving with constant velocity hence, it will act as inertial frame of reference as ‘hat of Earth and acceleration will be same in both frames. We should not confuse with non — inertial and inertial frame of reference. A frame of reference that is not accelerating will be inertial Two trains, each of length 100m, moving in opposite directions along parallel lines, meet each other with speeds of SOkmh!and 4okmh. If their accelerations are 30cms" and 20cms™ respectively, find the time they will take to pass each other. 1)10¥40—405 2)10¥33 -50s 3)10V22-S0s 4) 1042-405 KEY:2 HINT: V,,, = 50+40=90kmh"" = 25ms~ 4g =30+20 = S0cms” =0.5ms* lip Sj rat +5 Gl 2 = 1004100= 2514505" Solving, we get = 10V33 —50s A police van moving on a highway with a speed of 30kmi* fires a bullet at a thief’s ear speeding away in the same direction with a speed of 192km h". Ifthe muzzle speed of the bullet is 150ms”, with what speed does the bullet hit the thief's ear? 1)100ms* 2)210ms" 3)52.5ms~ 4) 10Sms™ KEY:4 HINT: Speed of police van 0x5 2 ms" The muzzle velocity, that is, the velocity of bullet with respect to van is [ite on = ate rent [ee ant Late lend = [ate n+ [Fe pea 14, 3150425 = 875 pps 33 Speed of thict's eur = 1925 = 160 yoo 83 ‘Now velocity of bullet with respect to the thief"s car ler = [nit Ian “Lo eins = BS 160 os me 3S Hence, the bullet hits the thief"s car with speed 105s” A swimmer capable of swimming with velocity v relative to water jumps in a flowing river having velocity u. The man swims a distance d downstream and returns back to the original position. Find out the time taken in complete motion. » 9) 24v F ow KEY:3 HINT: Total time = Time of swimming downstream + Time of swimming upstream Velocity of the man during swimming downstream = v-+u Velocity of the man during swimming upstream = y—u f= booms + d =“4 view Two particles A and B start from rest and move for equal time on a straight line. Particle A has an acceleration of 2m /s* for the first half of the total time and 4m / s? for the second half. The particle B has acceleration 4m /s? for the first half and 2m /s? for the second half. Which particle has covered larger distance? DA 2B 3) Both have covered the same distance 4) Data insufficient KEY:2 HINT: Area under v+t graph gives displacement. We can see that area for B is greater than area of A. Hence B has covered langer distance. 1B Two boys are standing at the ends A and B on ground, where AB=a, The boy at B starts running in a direction perpendicular to AB with velocity vi. The boy at A starts running simultaneously with constant velocity v and catches the other boy in a time t, where t is 16, 18, Be A train accelerates from rest at a constant rate o for distance x1 and time t.. After that it retards to rest at constant rate fi for distance x2 and time t3. Which of the following relations is correct? ene . yS%e2ih 4 LP » KEY:2 (i) Los 1 pe 0 ht (2) Further Vag = @) ‘And 0= vu Bhs () From Eqs. (i) and (iv) we have 7 |, Then from Eqs (i) and (ii) 4 Zhe na calm day a boat can go aross a lake and retum in time Ty ata speed V. Ona rough day there is uniform current at speed v to help the onward joumey and impede the return journey. If the time taken to go across and return on the rough day be T, then T/Ty is pier? a ir KEY:2 ay 1ev iv? s 23V, Vev Voy VR (sviv?-v') 1 2s/V ve l-v/P? The distance between two trucks moving towards each other is decreasing atthe rate of 10m/s. It these trucks travel with same speeds is same direction the separation increases at the rate of Smis. The velocities ofthe trucks are: 1), =82mish,=1.5mis 2) Vi=T.Smis,¥;=2.5m!s 3) H,=Smis,V,=Smis 4) V,=Sm/s V,=2.Sm/s KEY: HINT: According to the given equation First case: Separation between the trucks decreases atthe rate of 10nv/s, Due to the opposite relative motion of trucks towards each other- ¥,+¥, =10(conditiongiven)...(0) Second case: Separation between the trucks inereases due to the opposite relative motion of trucks away from each other — ¥,—V, =5...(2)(Condition given) From equation (1) and (2), we get HINT: 7, =25 and T= v TIT,= 19, 20, 21 22, WaT 5mis By putting the value of Yin equation (1) TS4¥;=10 V,=2.5mis An object falling through a fluid is observed to have acceleration given by a= g—bv where g = gravitational acceleration and b is constant, After a long time of release, itis observed to fall with constant speed. The value of constant speed is Es ne 3)bg 4b > z KEY:1 HINT: Here, a= g—bv ‘When an object falls with constant speed y,, its acceleration becomes zero. g gn by =00ry=£ The velocity of a particle moving in the positive direction of x-axis varies as v - SV . Assuming that at t= 0, particle was at x= 0. What is the acceleration of the particle? 1) 125 ms 2) 75 misy 3) 5 mis 4) 2.5 mis KEY:1 HINT: v? = 25x. Comparing with y? =2as, we have a =12.Sm/s? The motion of a particle is described by the equation v = at . The distance travelled by the particle in the first 4s (ais a constant) 1) 4a 2) Ida 3) 6a 4) 8a KEY:4 HINT: Equation of motion is u = at womens Oca ale aa integrating it we get. : H [nap we nid af 2 The displacement ofa particle moving ina straight line is deseribed by the relation ,s = +121 27 Heres is in metre and tis in second, The distance covered by partile in first 5s is 120m 2)32m 3)24m, 4)26m KEY:4 HIN ry=Ba12-4 at Comparing wth v=“2.=12=4¢, u=12m/s and a =—Am/3? Velocity will become zeto at0 =12-4f, of f, =3s Since the given time = Ss is greater than 1, Distance > [displacement] 23 24, 2s 26. Distance d (ap +hean(2y= Which ofthe following represents uniformly accelerated motion? iva Dae ) b 3)t= 4) x= Viva or (x+a)=bP orx=-a4 be (Comparing this equation with general equation of uniform accelerated motion, s = 5, +ul -a,u=0 and acceleration = 2b. We see that s, x e ‘A particle moves along the positive branch ofthe curve y=where x=", xand y are measured in meters and t in second. At (=2s, the velocity of the particle is 1) 23-4) mis 2) 4742} mis 3) 2144] mis 4) 4?- KEY33 pint: v,-&—24-, da 2 At2s, vy, =4mis A patticle has an initial velocity of 3/ +47 and an acceleration of 0.47 +0.37. Its speed after 10s is 1) 10 units: 2) 7 units 3) V2 units 4) 8.5 units KEY:3 HINT: y= what =(31+4))+(047+0.37)(00)= (78 +73) va y(7) +(7) =7V2 units ‘Water drops fall at regular intervals from a tap which is Sm above the ground, The third drop is leaving the tap a the instant the frst drop touches the ground. How far above the ground. the second drop at that instant: 1) 2.50m 2)3.75m_ 3) 4.00m 4) 125m KEY: HINT Let the regular interval is t, When the third drop is about to fall, the first drop strikes the ‘ground. First drop has fallen for time: 21 hs 2™ drop has fallen for time: ¢ Parop :5=L029" 2"! drop: 1 J ge =1.25m 8 ‘The distance of the second drop above the ground is 5 — 1.25 3.75 m 27. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower of height h. Afier I second, another stone is dropped. from the balcony 20 m below the top, both reach the bottom simultaneously. What is the value of ? 1) 31.25 m 2) 100m 3) 120m 4)130m KEY HINT: According tothe equation 1. pausdge oder badge 2 dan -ordat0" dam abet) u=0 in both case because stone s dropped from rest. From the equation (1) and (2) we get 1 = gt=25 1 =2Ssecond ha Zx10%(25) = 31.25 28. A body is projected upwards with a velocity u. It passes through a certain point above the ground, after (,. Find the time after which the body passes through the same point during the return journey. Ms) Mes) es) ne) 29, 30. Suppose Vv be the velocity attained by the body after time, 4, = 2, “ Let the body reaches the same point at time f,.. Now velocity will be downward with same magnitude vy then un et, on Gi) (=i) > 2¥= (4-4) 2v_2 g 8 ie J A ball is dropped from an elevator at an altitude of 200m, How much time will the ball take to reach the ground ifthe elevator is moving down with velocity 10m/see. Elevator 1 ort, (u-et) 4 ‘ —— )-1+V41s 2i+Vva, Vis 4)1-Vals KEY:1 st=-Lr vals A balloon rises from rest on the ground with constant acceleration g/8. A stone is dropped from the balloon when the balloon has risen to a height of H. Find the time taken by the stone to reach the ground. i i D,|— 2)2.|— 3)2, 4) 4, Ve is Nye nae t => gt? ~2ut-2H =0 32. gt —Jgitt—-2H =0 = gt -2YgH + Jeltr-2H -0 Vai | fgt-2NTT | + Vit [ Yge—2V7t |=0 = (te Slee) =0-90-2 A body falls freely from the top of a tower. It covers 36% of the total height in the last second before striking the ground level. The height of the tower is 1) 50m 2) 75m 3) 100m 4) 125 m KEY:4 HINT: Let height of tower is h and body takes t time to reach to ground when it fall freely. @ et see body travels = 0,36h of the time ie in (t— 1) sec it travels =h—036h = 0.64h Now applying equation of motion for (t~ 1) sec, we get iD) From (i) and (ii), we get t= 5 sec and h = 125 m From the top of the tower of height 400m, a ball is dropped by a man, simultaneously from the base of the tower, another ball is thrown up with a velocity SOn/s; at what distance will they meet from the base of the tower? 0.64) 1) 100 m 2) 320m 3) 80m 4) 240m KEY:3 HINT: Let the first ball meet at a heights from ground 400 Adding 50t=400, we get 1=8sec Now substituting the value of “tin (i), We get s=50%8—4i10%64=80m A ball is dropped vertically from a height d above the ground . It hits the ground and bounces up vertically to a height d/2. Neglecting subsequent motion and resistance, its velocity v varies with the height h above the ground is correctly shown in For the given condition, initial height h=d and velocity of the ball is zero. When the ball moves downward its velocity increases and it will be maximum when the ball hits the ground: just after the collision, it becomes half and in opposite direction, As the ball moves upward, its veloci again decreases and becomes zero at height /2. This explanation match with graph (1) A ball is released from the top of a tower of height h, take time T to reach the ground. What is the position of the ball (from ground) after tim h Th 8h 1h 1) om 72m 3am a), 5 dF 7 ) 18 KEY:3 HIN Loe We have h= +27" 38 r 1 (ry in™ second, distance fallen = g( 4} = 3 ase 26(3) h_8h 7” A stone is allowed to fall freely from rest, The ratio of the times taken to fall though the first meter and the second meter distance is a v2-1 2) V2+1 3) v2 4) None of these KEY:2 So position of the ball from the ground is 1, HINT: ten ot zt But 36, Among the four graph shown in the figure there is only one graph for which average velocity over ‘the time interval (0, T) can vanish for a suitably chosen T. Which one is it? Je Ae 3 in graph (3) for one value of displacement there are two different points of time. Hence, for one time, the average velocity is positive and for other time it is equally negative 37. The velocity — time graph of a body is shown in fig. The displacement of the body in 8s is vims"!) 4 6 19m 212m 3) 10m 4) 28m KEY:3 HINT: Displacement = Area under graph 1 2 1x6-1x6+2%4 =2x244(246)x1 +Lx1x6. 2 2 =10m 38, An object is vertically thrown upwards. Then the displacement —time graph for the motion is as shown in 4s 1) Wg ug 2 KEY:2 HINT: Let the particle be thrown up with initial velocity w 1 Displacement (8) at any time tis $= wt —> at The graph should be parabolic downwards as shown in option (2) 39, 40. .cceleration — time graph of the velocity — time graph given in fig: 10 J 22 97 4 For 0 to 5s, acceleration is positive, for 5 to 15s acceleration is negative for 15 to 20s acceleration is positive. The x-t graph for motion of a car is given below. With reference to the graph which of the given statement (5) is/are correct? ph xm) Oe sn 1) > sto 1. The instantaneous speed during the interval t the interval IL The velocity and the average velocity for the interval t = 0s to t 5 are equal and positive. IIL The car changes its direction of motion at t= 5 s IV. The instantancous speed and the instantancous velocity is positive at alltime instants during the interval t= 0 s to t=5 Choose the correct option: 1) 1, Mand 1 2) Mand IIT 3) 11, Mand IV 4)1,11, Mand TV KEY: HINT: I. The instantaneous speed is always positive as itis the magnitude of the velocity at an instant, IL For t= 0s to t= 5s, the motion is uniform. So, the average velocity and the instantaneous velocity are equal. IIL During t= 0s to t = 5s. The slope of the graph is positive, hence the average velocity and the velocity both are positive. During t= 5s to t= 10s, The slope of the graph is negative, hence the velocity is negative. Since, there is change in sign of velocity at t= 5s the car changes its direction at that instant. IV. In figure, instantaneous speed during = 5s to t= 10s is negative at all time instants during the interval, 0s is negative at all time instants during 41, A drunkard is walking along a straight road. He takes five steps forward and three steps backward and so on. Each step is 1m long and takes 1s. There is a pit on the road 11m away from the starting point. The drunkard will fall into the pit after atime of 1)29; 2)21s3)37s— BIS Sol : Since the last five steps covering Sm land the drunkard fell into the pit, the displacement prior to this is (11-5)m=6m. ‘Time taken for first eight steps (displacement in first eight steps=5-3-2m)=8s, ‘Then time taken to cover first 6m of journey = x8 = 245 ‘Time taken to cover last Snr Total time =24+5=29s Key :1 42. Figure shows a particle starting from point A’, travelling upto “B’ with a speed *S* then upto point ‘C’ with a speed ‘25’ and finally upto *A’ with a speed ‘3S’ Its average speed is (in m/s) 1)3.68 2)18S 3)0.98 4)6.28 , -AB Lar, BC_2ar sol: 8S) 28,7? 2 6S CA _ Sar 3S 18S 24 igs ee average speed = 43, A particle moves with constant acceleration along a straight line staring from rest. The percentage increase in its displacement during the 4th second compared to that in the 3°4 second is 1)33% 2)40% —3)66% 4) 77% Sol: Leta be constant acceleration of the particle. Its displacement in n*® second is S,=u+£(2n-1) Oand 2 100 =2100= 40% S,a(2n-1) S, 5 Key :2 44. A person runs along a circular path of radius Sm. If he completes half ofthe circle find the magnitude of the displacement vector, How far the person ran 1) 10m , Sam 2) Sam 3) Sam, 19m 4) 14m, 10m Sol: Displacement = 2r ; Distance =r Key :1 45. A particle moving on a straight line covers one third of total distance with speed v and then reduces its speed by 2 m/s to cover the remaining distance. If the average speed for the whole journey is 4.5 ms, then the value of v is = 1)6m/s 2)3m/s_3)8mis 4) 10 mis Sol : Average speed fame Key :1 46. A boat travels 50 km east, then 120 km north and finally it comes back to the starting point through the shortest distance, The total time of journey is3 hours, What is the average velocity in km b~', over the entire trip:- 10 2100-3174 33.33 Sol : Average velocity = “isplacement time Key 21 47. One car moving on a straight road covers one thirds of the distance with 20 km/hr and the rest with ‘60kn/hr. The average speed is :~ 1)40 km/hr 2) 80 km/hr 3) 462 km/hr 4) 36 kivbr . Total displacement Sol: Average Vi= Totaltime Key 24 48. A particle is moving on a circular path of radius R with constant speed v. During motion of the particle from point A to point B 1) Average speed is w/2 2) The magnitude of average velocity is z 3) The magnitude of average acceleration is av aR 4) Average velocity is zero Sol_ : a)Average speed = Total distance /Total time b) Magnitude of average velocity = Total displacement /Total time ©) The magnitude of average acceleration is = Key :3 49. A particle is moving such tha its position coordinates (x,3)) are : (2m, 3m) at time t '=0, (6m, 7m) at time ¢=2s and (13m, 14m) at time ¢= Ss. Average velocity vector (or) from, t=0 to t=5s is Laguta} 17,4 (ister) 2 F(+3) 3) 2(i+3) oLli}) Sol: Attime ¢=0, the position vector of the particle is At time f= the position vector of the particle is 7 =137-+14) Displacement from 7107; is asiedj)-(2ia3 50. A particle is moving in a straight line covers half the distance with speed of 3m/s. The other half of the distance is covered in two equal time intervals with speed of 4.5m/s and 7.Sm/s respectively. The 1i+11}-. Average velocity, a 5-0 S Or itty a average speed of the particle during this motion is 1) 4.0m/s 2) S.0mvs 3) 5.5mis 4) 4.8mis Sol : If f,and 2t, are the times taken by particle to cover first and second half distance respectively. x/2_x HALE LE, x, =4.5t, and x, =7.54,-—( zg % ti) So, x, 2545, 2 Total time ¢=1,+2t, So, average speed=4m/sec. eT ‘A body travelling with uniform acceleration crosses two points A and B with velocities 20 m’s and 30 m/s respectively. The speed of the body at mid — point of A and B is 1) 25 mis 2) 10V6 mis 3) 24 mis 4) 25.5 mis. Sol: (30) =(20)’ +2a(2s) or 2as = 250 Now, — ¥* =(20)' +2as =650 v=25.Sm/s 51 Key :4 52. Three persons P,Q and R are at three comers of an equilateral triangle of each side ‘a’. They start ‘moving simultaneously with velocity *V" such that ‘P” always moves towards ‘Q’, “Q” always moves towards “R’ and ‘R’ always moves towards ‘P’. After what time they would meet each other at ‘O"? 4 a nf 2% ye Vv wv Vv v Sol +: The three persons follow curvilinear paths to meet at the centroid “O" of triangle, Distance PO=QO0= RO =. a WB R ‘Velocity component with each Moves= Veos30? = 8 2 2a W Key :2 53. A particle starts from rest with constant acceleration. The ratio of space ~ average velocity to the time average velocity is 1 3 4 3 yt ye 9h 43 5 GGG fva [fat dt ar ja fa? fe aw (Sa fas s(F)« Sol :tiae= SV Pee 2aT/3_ 4 FS=AKE 59. A particle moves in a straight line so that its displacement x in metres at time t seconds is given by Vx'—1. Its acceleration in ms at t seconds is = 2 Ds ¥ att (Fy Party xe(Pv For acceleration double differentiate above equation w.r.t time [d(uv)-udv+wdu] Key 33 60, An object is moving with a speed of 6.25 m/s and is decelerated at a rate given we 2.59"? where v is the instantaneous speed. The time taken by the object to come to rest would be. 4s 28s HIs 4)28 Sol: When object stops v=0, use integration Key 24 61, The velocity V of a moving particle varies with displacement as x = VW+T, the acceleration of the particle at x= 5 unit will be = 1) V6 unit 2) 24 unit 3) 240 unit 4) 25 unit Sol cd a Key :3 62. The acceleration of a particle is increasing linearly with time t as bt. The particle starts from the origin with an initial velocity vo. The distance travelled by the particle in time ‘t” will be = 1) v9 Lye 2) vglesbr ) vol 3) viet be av Sol : oy use integration to find s=1 relation dv = ' Key :3 63. The velocity v of a particle is given by the ‘equation v = 6t? ~ 6t°, where v is in m/sec and tis time in seconds then :- 1) at t= 0, velocity is maximom 2 3 3) minimum velocity is zero 4) minimum velocity is -2 m/sec 2) at t= <, velocity is minimum dv Sol: 2=0 to know maximum (or) minimum v ol cnow maximum (or) minimu Key :3 64, Ifa particle moves along a straight line according to the law v=2 (x sinx + cos x) then find its a acceleration (i.e. at x= /2 Ged ® tn N= Dz 3 A) zero 2 wi ONE : V=2(xsinx +cosx) for acceleration differentiate above equation w.r.t time. [auv)mudv-vd] 4 65. A particle moves a distance x in time t according to equation x = (tS). The acceleration of particle is proportional to - 1) (velocity)** 2) (velocity)? 3) (distance)? 4) (distance)? Sol. : X=(t+5Y'For acceleration double differentiate above equation w.r-t time Key :2 66. A particle of unit mass undergoes one dimensional motion such that its velocity varies according to v(x)= Bx" where £ and n are constants and x is the position of the particle. The ac ration of the patticle as a function of x, is given by 1) -2np?x 2) 26x" 3)-2npre" 4) -2np?x?* Sol Key 67, A particle moves along x-axis according to the equation x = fit-1. The average acceleration of the particle from t= 2s to t= Ssis = 1) 42 mis® 2) 21 mis? 3) 20 mis? 4) 40 mis? Sol_ + Average acceleration = SHaREE a weet, Key :2 6g, The distance travelled by a particle is directly proportional to t", where t= time elapsed. What is the nature of motion ? 1) Increasing acceleration 2) Decreasing acceleration 3) Increasing retardation 4) Decreasing retardation d's Sol: sceve find Key :4 68. A body moves so that it follows the following relation 2 =—*=2y—1 where vis sped in m/s andt is time in second. If at t= 0, v= 0 then choose the incorrect statement 1) terminal velocity is 1 m/s 2) the magnitude of initial acceleration is 1 3) instantaneous speed is — pee Tet 4) the speed is 1.5 m/s when Sol: Terminal velocity a=0 Initial acceleration v=0 Key :3 70. A particle moves along x-axis in such a way that its co-ordinate x varies with time t according to the ‘equation x = (2-5t+6t?)m, The initial velocity of the particle is =~ 1) -S mis 2) 6 mis 3)—3 mis 4) 3 mis sot sya ata dt ‘eration is one fourth of its initial value Key : 71. The relation 3t = V3x-+6 describes the displacement of a particle in one direction where x is in meters and t in seconds. The displacement, when velocity is zero, is — 1)24m_2)12m 3)Sm_ 4) zero Sol : 3=V3x+6; x=3t-2) Above equation Differencing w.r-t time V=6(t-2) if v= 02; X-0 Key :1 72. Starting from rest ,the acceleration of a particle is a = 2(t—1). The velocity of the particle at t= 5 s is 1) 15 mis 2) 25 m’s 3) Sms 4) None of these Sol :a-2(tel) ; dvidt-2tel); dv=2(teL)at integrating on both sides Jav=fou—nar Key :1 73. The position vector of a particle is given by F =%,(I-at)t, where { is the time and a as well as Hare constant. After what time the particle retums to the starting point ? 1 Da yt xa 4) Sol :Attimet-0r=0 tla {iat} 7-0 74, The co-ordinates of a moving particle at any time t are given by x = at’ and y= fit’. The speed of the particle at time tis given by 1) a? +p? 2 Pla? +p 3) 3tfa? + B* 4) 3¢ fa? +B Sol :x=af and y=fr Key :2 = (sar?) +(3¢7) 1? Ia? +B) = or‘ (a? +6") Key :4 75. Ifthe velocity of a particle is y= Ar + br? where A and B are constants, then the distance travelled by in between Isand 2sis ny davaa 2) 34278 3 34sle 24°53 Sol: vere Be or Ba Ars Be ode = (At + BPA fat, ae ore=| 40.8 [2*3 Ag y Bie 342 4a +2(s-)-S arte 2a deseo ay Key 33 76, Speeds of two identical cars are w and 4u at a specific instant. The ratio of the respective distances at hich the two cars are stopped from that instant is- Dis1 21s4 31:8 41:16 Sol * ae) Key 24 77. A car, starting from rest, accelerates at the rate f through a distance S, then continues at constant speed for time t and then decelerates at the rate f/2 to come to rest, Ifthe total distance travelled is 15 S, then- 1 1) S=ft 2) S=— ) S=ft ) Sat 3) s-Ln asl? 2 4 Sol : Total distance = area of y—t graph 78. A car starts from rest and moves with constant acceleration, The ratio of the distance covered in the n'* second to that covered in n seconds is = Sol 79. A body starts from rest and travels a distance $ with uniform acceleration, then moves uniformly a distance 2S and finally comes to rest after moving further 38 under uniform retardation. The ratio of the average velocity to maximum velocity is :~ 12S 23/5347 4) 5/7 Sol: 5,838) =1:3:5 Key :2 80. Check up the only correct statement in the following := 1) A body has a constant velocity and stil it can have a varying speed. 2) A body has a constant speed but it can have a varying velocity 3) A body having constant speed cannot have any acceleration. 4) A body in motion under a force acting upon it must always have work done upon it. Sol: A body has a constant speed but it can have a varying velocity Key :2 81. A car starts fom rest and moves with uniform acceleration 'a' on a straight road from time t= 0 tot TT After that, a constant deceleration 'a' brings it to rest. In this process the average speed of the car is: aT 3aT aT yp y= 9X war IF IP DF ) tal displacement total time Sol: Ving Key 23 82. The distance travelled by a particle starting from rest and moving with an acceleration Sms? in the third second is 10 19. pom 24m 3) 2m 4 Pm 1) ) ) 3 ) 3 Sol s-uva{n 1) 2) Key :3 83. A stone takes time t to fall through a height h. The increment in time when it falls further through a distance x (x<, « Lan? and distance travelled in (r-2)see => 5... = Lan—2)? 2a 2n=2)-Han—2) Key :4 85. A body starts from rest with uniform acceleration, Its velocity after 2n second is Vo.The displacement of the body in last n seconds is v,2n=3) vQn=l) peer) yy no a ay ut ayn 9 a Sol : Let acceleration of the body is a VorOax2n Distance travelled in 2ns,S30 Distance travelled in ns, Su=.ax(n? Distance traveled inns Saye Se= San? 86. The fiction of the ir causes vertical retardation equal to > of the acceleration due to gravity (Take g =10ms~). The time of flight of projectile will be decreased by nearly 1)0% 21% 3)17% 4)11% su q 2usind Th _ gy gs tw 100 _100+20 100x100 _ 1000 as T= =n T, 100 120 12 a Sol :T = 83.33 > 16.6 Key :3 87. The average velocity of a freely falling body is numerically equal to 1/4 of the acceleration due to gravity. The velocity of the body as it reaches the grounds is DF de We gz 2 88. A train is moving at a constant speed 'V" when its driver observes another train in front of him on the same track and moving in same direction with constant speed u.. If the distance between the trains is x, then what should be the minimum retardation of the train so as to avoid accident ? (vtu) 3, Wa) x x 3, tw ae) 2 2x Sol. : The relative velocity of the train with respect to another train is ysvnus VV? 0-(v-u Key :2 89. A particle is moving with uniform acceleration along a straight line ABC. Its velocity at ‘A’ and ‘B” are 6mn/s and 9 mis respectively. It AB : BC = 5 : 16 then its velocity at °C” 196ms 2) 12 ms 3)15ms 4) 21.5 mis 12 ay) = 2atbe) > eg? Sol =2a(ah) eal eg 9-8 5 yg eg vi Ie 90. A body is dropped from the top of a tower of height h metres. It takes T seconds to reach the ground, After T/2 seconds it will be at a height: 1) h/2 metres from the ground 2) W/4 metres from the ground 3) 3h/4 metres from the ground 4) Cannot be answered from the data 1 Sol :h=w+og? ol 38 Key :3 91. A body is released from the top of a tower of height H metre, After 2 seconds it is stopped and then instantaneously released. What will be its height after next 2 seconds == 1) (1-5) metre 2) (H— 10) metre 3) (H_- 20) metre) (H—40) metre 1 Sol: S=vtto ge 38 Key :4 92. While sitting on a tree branch 20m above the ground, you drop a chestnut, When the chestnut has fallen Sm, you throws a second chestnut straight down, What initial speed must you give the second chestnut if they are both to reach the ground at the same time? (g=10ms~) 1) Sms? 2) 10 ms 3)15ms" 4) None of these Sol :1= 2h Key 33 93. A ball is dropped from the roof of a tower of height h. The total distance covered by it in the last second of its motion is equal to the distance covered by it in first three seconds. The value of h in meter is (g = 10m/s*) 1)125""2)200 3)100 4) 80 sol 244h=T=2, pew—Lee & 2 Key sl 94. A body dropped from the top ofa tower clears7/16 of total height of tower in its last second off light ‘The time taken by the body to each the ground is 125s 238 315s 4)4s Tf 3) 8 wae") 2020-1) Key :4 95. A parachutist drops freely from an aero plane forl0s before the parachute opens out. Then he descends with a net retardation of 2.5 mist. Ifhe bails out of the plane ata height of 2495 m and g 10 msec, his velocity on reaching the ground will be 1)5mis 2) 10m/s 3) 15 mis 4) 20mis Sol Sol Key :1 96, From the top of a tower, a particle is thrown vertically downwards with a velocity of 10 m/s, The ratio of the distances, covered by it in the 3rd and 2nd seconds of the motion is (Take g= 10 m/s*) 5:7 27:5 3/36 4)63 Sol + Syat0r/2@x3-n=35m Sat Su-10+Beaxa-naasm + Saat Key :2 97. Ifa particle takes ‘t’ second less and acquires a velocity of V m/s more in falling through the distance on two planets where the accelerations due to gravity are 2g and 8 g then 1) V=4gt 2V=Set 3) V=2gt 4)V=16 et a@eyh — J2eyh [2h _ [2h 2g VBE Key : 98. A stone is dropped from the 25%storey of a multi-storied building and it reaches the ground in Sseconds. How many storey’s of the building it passes through in the first second? DI 22 393 4)4 Sol : Suppose h be the height of each storey. Then 2Sh= 04 F1Ox? Pe10s5% or Sm In first second, let the stone passes through n storey. So nxS F10x(1) of nel Key #1 ‘99. A ball is released from the top of a tower of height ‘h’ meters. It takes T seconds to reach the ground. A 1 om from the ground 2) TE from the ground 3) Sm from the ground 4) ae m from the ground Loar 1 (ry _h Sol T? and h=1e(F) -4 from the ground, height = h—A, Key 23 100. A body falling freely passes two points 49m apart in 1 second, then from the height above the upper point it begins to fall is 1) 65.332 m 2) 80.235 m 3) 99.225 m 4) 70.652 m Sol. : Velocity at P=gt; velocity at Q=gt+g ".PQ= (average velocity) time A eteera)stnatrlna 1=4.5sec 1s lp evy cy ap=Let?=1(08)(4.5)'= 99.225m Key 33 101. A parachute afte bailing out falls for 10see without friction when the parachute opens he descends with an acceleration of 2 9/, agsnst his dietion and reached the ground with 4 ™/, Find what height he has dropped himself? (s = lon.) 1) 300m 2) 2496m 3) 2996m 4) 4296m Sol ? ~4x10%100-500m 2 = 41 =10«10=100%/, sow? 2as,; 48-100? =-2«2%s, sy 28 nome 05; 500-2498 2996m yi3 102. Two balls are dropped from the same height at two different places A and B where the accelerations due to gravities are ga and gs respectively. The body at ‘B’ takes ‘t” seconds less to reach the ground and strikes the ground with a velocity greater than at “A’ by 0/5, Then the value of 'Y "is n en 2) 2V88e 1 ) 4) Veue £480 Sol : gigs Key 24 103. One body is dropped while a second body is thrown downwards with an initial velocity of 2 m/s simultaneously. The separation between them is 18 meters after a time: 19s 245s 318s 498s 1 Sol : S=sgt ol: S\= pet 1, sSpcutoge 38 S| =ur=2N 1318-20 1=9see 104, A body is dropped from the roof of a mult storied building. It passes the ceiling of the 15® storey at a speed of 20m". Ifthe height ofeach storey is 4m, the number of storeys inthe building is (take g 10ms" and neglect air resistance) 120-225 3)30— 4) 35 eight of each storey is x above 15 store VU" =2as;400-0=210nx nx=20;n= 20 = 70 x 4 Total storeys =15+5=20 Key: 105, A freely failing body travels ~ of total distance in 5® second 18% 2)12% 3) 25% —4)36% Sol n are there 106. A body falls freely from a height of 125m (g = 10 m/s"). After 2 second gravity ceases to act. The total time taken by it to reach the ground 1) 5.25 2)7.28s 3) 3.25 4) 10.5 s Sol : The distance travelled in 2s, 1 2 Fat 510% 2 = 20m Velocity (v) at the end of 2S is t= 10x2=20 mis Remaining height = h! = 125-20 = 105 m A body moves with constant velocity WMS _ 5255 V2 total time taken = 2+ 5,25 =7.258 Key :2 107, Ifa freely falling body covers half of its total distance in the last second of its journey. Its time of fall 1) (2+v3)s 22s 3)1s 4) (2V2)s Sol :S,=Sin(n=1; 1 e(n-1)' g SQn-1 glen 2 Qn-1=n?+1-2n n4n42=0 SNIER_ 299 (ys a 2 Key 108. is released from rest from a tower of height 3 h,. The ratio of times to fall equal heights h, vB ran 23:21 syacait 4b (v2-1)-(J8-V8) 2 32h +t) fs zelite) 109. A body is dropped from a height h with initial velocity zero, strikes the ground with a velocity of 3 m/s. Another body of same mass is dropped from the same height h with an initial velocity of 4 ‘m/s, Find the final velocity of second mass with which it strikes the ground: 1)3mis_2)4m/s 3)Sm/s_ 4) 12 mis Sol :3=2gh;v—4 =2¢h Key :3 110. A ball is thrown vertically upward. It has a speed of 10m/sec when it has reached one half of its ‘maximum height, How high does the ball rise?(Take g = 10 m/s?) 15m 2) 15m 3) 10m 4) 20m = 2as;s= 4g Sol: ¥ Key :3 111, Ifa ball is thrown vertically upwards with speed u, the distance covered during the last ‘t’ seconds of its ascent is :— gt 4) (ut ght Dut ayer 3)ut— Sol 2 g Key :2 112, A graph between the square of the velocity of ‘a particle and the distance (s) moved is shown in figure. The acceleration of the particle in kilometers per hour square is EC 1) 2250 2)3084 3)-2250 4)—3084 Sol: vu? =2as Key :4 113, A body is thrown vertically upward at ¢=0. It is at a height 80m at instants f,and f. Also itis at a height 60m at instants 1! and ¢}. Then Dytyanen 2H 4+4>4 tay ah Dyrhsheg Ayr, ane yF ae ® n Sol: Time interval below two ball = time of absent Key :2 118. A rocket is fired upward from the earth's surface such that it creates an acceleration of 20m/s?. If after 5 s its engine is switched off, the maximum height of the rocket from the earth's surface would be 1) 250m 2) 500 m 3) 750m 4) 1000 m Sol Key 119, A ball thrown vertically up with a velocity “u’ reaches a point ‘p’ after “and 2" seconds from the time of projection. Then path= ay itt Sol 120. A stone is dropped from the top of 400m high tower. At the same time another stone is projected vertically upwards from ground with speed 50ms"!. The height at which two stones will meet each other from the ground is (g=10m/s?) 1) 20m 2) 40m 3) 60m 4) 80m Sol : The time after which they meet is = The height at which they meets = ul—-g 4h =50(8)—5(8)'=400-320=80m From the ground Key :4 121, The distance travelled by a body during last second of its total flight is d when the body is projected vertically up with certain velocity. Ifthe velocity of projection is doubled, the distance travelled by the body during last second of its total flight is 2d 2d 3) 248 4) 2d Sol :d=u-£ puad+£ 2 2 , a= du g/2idl=2{ d+ d=2d4g/2 Key :3 122. A stone is dropped from a height h. Simultaneously, another stone is thrown up from the ground which reaches a height 4h, The two stones cross each other after time ny & 2) Beh 8g 3) (igh 4) (4) (28. h wok i sol :t=4 and 4h= 4 -L u 2g Jie” \8e Key :1 123. A ball is thrown straight upward with a speed V from a point h meter above the ground, The time taken for the ball to strike the ground is v eh 1) =| 14, | & 8 v 2gh | v 2gh 3) Zhi fi 284 4 H[as 28] 8 rely Lie Lie sol :-h=Vimbgt; Agha 28 28 i 2eh ve 124. A stone thrown upwards with a speed ‘u’ from the top of a tower reaches the ground with a velocity “4u”. The height of the tower is BE gy Igy Ay 15 g 2g 8 8 Sol: =u? +2 gh: (4u)* =u? +2¢h 15 15u2 = 2gh; h=—S— 8 2g Key :2 125. A food packet is dropped from a helicopter rising up with a velocity of 4 m/s, ‘The velocity of the packet after three seconds will be: 1) 20.4 ms" 2)25.4ms* 3) 28.4 ms" 4) 30.4ms" Sol : The food packet is initially moving upwards with the velocity of helicopter u~gt=4-9.8x3=25.4m/s Key :2 126, Two boys are standing at the ends A and B of a ground where AB =. The boy at B starts running in a direction perpendicular to AB with velocity vi. The boy at A starts running simultaneously with velocity v and catches the other boy in a time t, where tis, Dalfrne — Deri) 3)al(v-y,) — Aal(v+y,) Sol: Let two boys meet at point C after time't’ from the C a— 2 (AB) + (BCP =e Key :2 127. A man walks up @ stationary escalator in 90sec. When this man stands on a moving escalator he goes up in 60sec. The time taken by the man to walk up the moving escalator is 130s 245s 3)36s 4) 48s d Sol d__ th 90x60 vty, +t 150 Key 33 128, A coin is dropped in a lift It takes time t to reach the floor when lift is stationary. It takes time t when lift is moving up with constant acceleration, then: Dire Dib et 4) None of these Sol. : Relative acceleration =(atg), t, <4 Key :2 129, What are the speeds of two objects if, when they move uniformly towards each other, they get 4m closer in each second and when they movie uniformly in the same direction with the original speeds, they get 4.0m closer each 10s”? 1)2.8mvis and 1.2 mis, 2)2.6mis and 1.4 mis, 3)2.4mis and 1.6 mis, 4)2.2m/s and 1.8 mis, Sol: ¥,+ V, Ami sand¥,-V,=42 04m! W,=44=3V,=2.2mis V,=1.8mis 4 |. Two trains take 3 seconds to pass one another when going in opposite direction but only 2.5 seconds if the speed of one is increased by 50%. The time one would take to pass the other when they are ‘going in same direction at original speeds is 1) 12sec 2) 10see 3) 18sec 4) 15sec Sol : Lengths of two trains are ly and lz and their speeds are v; and va respectively ib ()_ytlsy 3 6 ese R28 Gy Sta Fag 47 = +64 = 1S

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