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Political Corruption Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of political corruption is undoubtedly a challenging task. This is
primarily because the subject matter is complex and multifaceted, requiring in-depth research, critical
analysis, and a nuanced understanding of political systems and societal structures. Political
corruption involves a range of issues, such as bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and abuse of power,
making it crucial for the writer to navigate through a myriad of interconnected topics.

To craft a compelling essay on political corruption, one must delve into historical contexts, examine
case studies, and explore the impact of corruption on different levels of government and society. This
demands a substantial amount of time and effort to gather reliable and diverse sources, ranging from
academic articles to investigative reports. Moreover, it necessitates the ability to synthesize
information coherently and present a well-structured argument that captures the complexity of the

Another challenge lies in maintaining objectivity and avoiding biases. Political corruption is often a
sensitive and controversial topic, and a writer must navigate through various perspectives without
succumbing to personal biases. Balancing the presentation of facts, analyzing different viewpoints,
and drawing fair conclusions requires a high level of intellectual rigor.

Furthermore, conveying the gravity of the issue and its consequences for society demands a skillful
use of language. The essay should engage the reader while conveying the seriousness of political
corruption and its detrimental effects on governance, economic development, and social cohesion.

In conclusion, writing an essay on political corruption is a formidable task that demands extensive
research, critical thinking, objectivity, and effective communication skills. Successfully addressing
this topic requires a commitment to understanding the complexities surrounding political corruption
and its impact on society. For those who find this task overwhelming, there are resources available,
such as , where assistance in crafting similar essays and more can be sought.
Political Corruption Essay Political Corruption Essay
Oprah Winfrey Analysis
Oprah Winfrey is a very successful woman. She started her life in a small home that
had absolutely no electricity or running water. She came from nothing which made her
work so much harder and gave her motivation to be the woman she is today. Oprah
never really thought about what she wanted to do with her life until she entered a
beauty pageant at the age of 17. She was asked what she aspired to be when she grew
up and knew that she wanted to be different than all the other girls she was competing
against. They wanted to be nurses and teachers, she wanted to be a TV journalist and
it just so happens that journalism is the career path she followed as an adult. Oprah
fits Maslow s criteria of self actualization because she is a selfless person who over the
course of life has gained wisdom and insight through all the experiences she has faced
both good and bad , allowing her to reach an ideal level of self wellness. Maslow s first
criteria of self actualizations entails an individual who is free of psychopathology.
Oprah fits this criteria because she exhibits no signs of mental illness. The second
criteria is having a heighted sense of reality, creativity, and experience. Oprah s
understanding of reality plays out through her understanding of knowing how hard
she had to work to get to where she is today. She knew she was made for this job but she
also knew it was not going to be handed to her. She had to think of ways to be creative to
keep her show going for so many years.
Opioid Trauma Case Study
As with most trauma patients, this patient should be considered a to have a full stomach.
Therefore, the prudent approach for the anesthetist would be to plan for a rapid sequence
induction, using a short acting muscle relaxant such as succinylcholine. The patient s
clinical picture indicates that there is still some occult bleeding and she remains
hypotensive despite resuscitation. Therefore, versed, propofol, and large amounts of
inhalational agent should be avoided. Small doses of versed can worsen hypotension.
Inhalational agent such as Desflurane or Sevoflurane should be kept to less than 1 MAC.
Opioids, ketamine and etomidate in decreased doses are better choices when attempting
to optimize intubating conditions. According to Barash (2013),... Show more content on ...
Therefore, the prudent approach for the anesthetist would be to plan for a rapid sequence
induction, using a short acting muscle relaxant such as succinylcholine. The patient s
clinical picture indicates that there is still some occult bleeding and she remains
hypotensive despite resuscitation. Therefore, versed, propofol, and large amounts of
inhalational agent should be avoided. Small doses of versed can worsen hypotension.
Inhalational agent such as Desflurane or Sevoflurane should be kept to less than 1 MAC.
Opioids, ketamine and etomidate in decreased doses are better choices when attempting
to optimize intubating conditions. According to Barash (2013), metabolic disturbances in
the acute trauma patient cannot reliably prevent recall. However, scopolamine, (0.6 mg),
and midazolam, if the patient can tolerate it, given before airway management may
decrease the likelihood of this complication. Intraoperative use of the bispectral index
(BIS) monitor and, whenever possible, titrating anesthetics to bispectral bispectral index
levels 60 may prevent recall in trauma
The Anxiety Of Anxiety And Hopelessness
Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are common in people who are unhappy.
There are also some most irritating, annoying and depress feelings that repress
individual s skill. Cognitive theory of depression research has shown that people with
depression are struggling with the feelings of hopelessness instead of people who have
no depression (Sacco and Beck, 1995). A sense of hopelessness reflects a negative view
of the outlook. This includes failure, and a persistence of pain and difficulty, and
expectations of personal pleasure, a belief that nothing will get better. Thoughts of
negative self also reflect by hopelessness. Depressed individuals view themselves more
unresponsively, their self esteem suffers, and they have little or no self confidence.
They do not believe they have any control or that they can help themselves to feel
better. They may have an urge to give up and think, What s the use? Research has also
indicated that severe hopelessness may be a forecaster of suicide (Beck, 1987; Fawcett,
1990) Hopelessness is conceptualized as an individual s negative anticipation regarding
the future and it is characterized by negative emotions, pessimistic expectations, and loss
of happiness in life (Beck, Weismann, Lester, and Trexler, 1974; Heliman, Coffey Lover,
Frutos. 2004) Hopelessness is having no expectations of good or success, despondent, not
vulnerable to remedy or cure, incapable of redemption or improvement.
Soil Erosion In Madagascar Essay
Disappearing Opportunities SOIL EROSION AND ITS EFFECTS

By Rhett Butler | Last updated July 22, 2012

The loss of trees, which anchor the soil with their roots, causes widespread erosion
throughout the tropics. Only a minority of areas have good soils, which after clearing
are quickly washed away by the heavy rains. Thus crop yields decline and the people
must spend income to import foreign fertilizers or clear additional forest. Costa Rica
loses about 860 million tons of valuable topsoil every year, while the Great Red Island,
Madagascar, loses so much soil to erosion (400 tons/ha) that its rivers run blood red,
staining the surrounding Indian Ocean. Astronauts have remarked that it looks like
Madagascar is bleeding to death, an apt description of a country with grave
environmental degradation and an agriculture reliant economy that depends on its soils.
The rate of increase for soil loss after forest clearing is astonishing; a ... Show more
content on ...
Erosion is extremely costly for developing countries. Besides the damage to
infrastructure, fisheries, and property, erosion of precious topsoils costs tens of
billions of dollars worldwide each year. For example, in the late 1980s the Indonesian
island of Java was losing 770 million metric tons of topsoil every year at an estimated
cost of 1.5 million tons of rice, enough to fulfill the needs of 11.5 15 million people.


Environmental deterioration can leave people as environmental refugees people who are
displaced due to environmental degradation, including deforestation, sea level rise,
expanding deserts, and catastrophic weather events. Red Cross research shows more
people are now displaced by environmental disasters than by war.

Erosion in Madagascar. Click image for more information. (Photo by R. Butler)

Review questions:
Why do rainforests help prevent
Jeremiah, Habakkiah, And Zephaniah
Undeniably, I have learned that the very nature of prophecy had many functions;
additionally, it was by no means purposed to open the future to pointless curiosities.
On the contrary, prophesy had a much higher purpose, it was provide direction to the
people; to show compassion, hope, reassurance; and to impart confidence and urgency
in an era of trouble times, a period in which they were living. Over a span of 130 to
150 year period that began in about 620 B.C.E, which contained Jeremiah, Habakkuk,
Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, and perhaps Obadiah and Zephaniah. Their lives and
service predated and spanned the most violent age in man s history. History has
demonstrated the ascent and decline of nations; as well, how they created a... Show more
content on ...
While it is true, many of them were participants of the priestly community; the prophets
maintained their own circle and came from diverse lineages, various professions, and
both genders. They sporadically interpreted omens, however, they were not exclusively
diviners, and their information was never absolutely reliant on the physical signs and
evidence to God s aim or objectives. Instead, in text The Hebrew Prophets and Their
Social World, Victor H. Matthews states, their position was to challenge the
establishment and the social order, to remind the leadership and the people of their
obligation to the covenant with Yahweh, and to warn the people of the punishment that
would surely ensue if they violated this covenantal agreement .
Learning about prophets, accentuates the importance of teaching context and culture.
Observing context and culture demonstrates why people did and said what they did.
Whenever we preach the Gospel, it is important that we accurately teach God s Word;
otherwise the congregants will be misled and
Commentary On Speak By Laurie Anderson
In seventh grade, I saw the book Speak by Laurie Anderson on my desk, and I began
reading it. I didn t get far, but it was good the heart wrenching, crying kind. The next
year, when we were required to read it, we read some in class. Our teacher read most of
the parts we did in class, and one could tell that this book was very special to her.
Speak is about a girl, Melinda, who was raped at a party the summer before high
school. Melinda was raped by a senior who had a history of sexually assaulting girls,
and after the incident, she was scared as any victim would be and called the police. She
couldn t say anything and ran before the police could arrive. Because of that, she lost all
of her friends. Throughout the book, Melinda copes
Dell Case Study

In this report, I will review the internal and external environment of Dell Computer which
enabled them to compete with other PC competitor. A case study from the instructor
about Dell was provided to help with the internal and external analysis of the company in
relation with the non price attributes with their PC product. This report will also look on
how Dell should implement their strategy to retain their market share and to out position
other competitor in the future. INTRODUCTION

As one of the pioneers in selling computers, Dell has been widely recognized as a
company which can deliver their sales to costumer effectively and efficiently by
eliminating intermediaries channels. By selling their Personal ... Show more content on ...
Dell had stopped the production of their PDA products in the past and only focus on
PC, laptop, and printer .This gap in market was filled by IBM by creating a
middleware product and software for business. In terms of Dell s executive
performance attributes, customer viewed IBM higher than Dell. It was a result of IBM
investment in creating a strong research software product for consumer so that IBM
can support many highest end software programs. However, customers view Dell
slightly higher than IBM in terms of flexibility attributes. Many customers perceive
IBM brands as a computer for business so this give a disadvantages to IBM while Dell is
perceive as both home business computer brand users.
Minor competitors
Compaq One of the PC company acquired by HP in 2001.AmericaAs a minor brand of
HP, Compaq also enjoy the benefit of brand equity from HP. The benefit of sharing the
knowledge, technology and infrastructure from HP also one of the Compaq advantages.
Too much focus on consumer orientated product also limits the possibility of exploring
the brand opportunity in different product category.With only 1 product line for home
consumer (Compaq Presario), Compaq was perceived by customers as lack of
performance and flexibility compare to Dell. This was due to the extensive product line
of Dell which also available for Business Home use.
Do Dell well positioned with respect of their competitors?

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