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Analytical Essay Example

Writing an analytical essay, particularly on the topic of "Analytical Essay Example," can prove to be a
challenging task. The difficulty lies not only in the need for a deep understanding of the subject
matter but also in the requirement to critically analyze information, organize thoughts coherently, and
present a compelling argument. Crafting an effective analytical essay demands a combination of
research skills, analytical thinking, and proficient writing abilities.

Firstly, the task involves a comprehensive exploration of the topic to gather relevant information and
supporting evidence. This necessitates thorough research, often involving reading scholarly articles,
books, and other sources to gain a nuanced understanding. The ability to extract key insights and
discern patterns from the collected data is crucial.

Secondly, organizing the essay requires careful planning and structuring. Crafting a clear thesis
statement that encapsulates the main argument is a pivotal step, and arranging supporting points
logically is equally important. The flow of ideas should be smooth, and each paragraph should
seamlessly connect to the next, fostering a coherent narrative.

Moreover, the analytical aspect of the essay demands a critical examination of the subject matter.
This involves the application of logical reasoning, the evaluation of various perspectives, and the
synthesis of information to form a well-supported argument. The challenge lies in presenting an
insightful analysis that goes beyond surface-level observations.

Furthermore, the writing itself should be articulate and engaging. Crafting sentences that convey
ideas effectively, using appropriate vocabulary, and maintaining a formal tone are essential elements
of a well-written analytical essay. The ability to communicate complex thoughts with clarity adds
another layer of difficulty to the writing process.

In conclusion, writing an analytical essay on the specified topic requires a combination of research,
analytical thinking, and proficient writing skills. It is a challenging task that demands a deep
understanding of the subject matter, the ability to critically analyze information, and the skill to
present a compelling argument coherently.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, services like offer a solution. Expert writers can provide support in crafting well-researched and
professionally written essays on a variety of topics, saving time and ensuring the delivery of high-
quality work.
Analytical Essay Example Analytical Essay Example
Life and Experiences of Tragey in Poe s Poetry and Stories...
The life and experiences of Poe are all incorporated into his poetry and stories. His life
was filled with tragedy. Poe s parents died when he was young, his foster mother,
siblings and wife all died as well. On top of this throughout his life he accumulated debt
and was constantly criticized by those around him. Dreamland is a journey alone in the
worldof dreams searching for something greater in life within what seems like a
nightmare. Poe wrote this poem to show that people are constantly searching for a
certain aspect to make their lives better. Poe shows the importance of this search by his
use of imagery/symbols, sounds/words and figurative devices. The objects seen by the
speakerand what they represent help define the mood and... Show more content on ...
It is a very intense and has a dreamlike feel to it. Everything has no bottom or end, it is
all limitless and helps prove the strange place the speaker has come to. The intensity
and mass of everything shows how the speaker is alone and small in the new place.
This hyperbole or exaggeration was used by Poe to further prove the way the stranger in
the new world feels overwhelmed and lost by the sights. Lone waters lone and dead (18)
shows an emotion of suffering and a greif of some kind. Poe uses a lot of strong words to
create the mood of alone and darkness in the poem.

Figurative devices are used in this poem to further develop the tone/mood, the
environment/setting and the senses the speaker is feeling in the poem. Poe gives the
water an emotion. The sad waters is a personification of the water being sad. This helps
further explain the way the speaker is grieving or suffering. Personification is also used
when Poe describes the spirits and beings in the poem to be human. This is shown in the
lines Where an Eidolon, named NIGHT, on a black throne reigns
Diversity Within The Workplace Within Australia
Diversity in organizations has become a huge interest within the workplace due to many
factors such as globalization, migration, innovation and most importantly because it is
morally correct. Generally, as businesses main goal is profit, and the workforce diversity
management is such a pervasive business practice (Bowes, L. 2013) they need to keep up
with global markets. Diversity in Australia is important, as it is one of the most culturally
diverse in the world, with 27% of Australian population being born outside of Australia,
however the managementof cultural diversityin Australia has only been mediocre
(Fenwick, M. 2011). With only few Australian firms [having] established diversity
management practices (McCarthy, G 2009) and... Show more content on
Moral case focuses on pursuing greater ethnic diversity, and the fact that it is the right
thing to do (Green, A. 2012). The Business case however does not celebrate diversity in
itself, but that diversity is supported only if and as long as it drives competitive
advantage and organizational profit (Dijk, H, J. 2011). This represents that employees are
suggested to be resources or assets not because what they represent but how they benefit
the business, this also shedding light between the differences between utilitarianism and
deontological and their differences; as the Business case being quite insensitive to
deontological principles and beliefs. The benefits of having a diverse workplace are
endless such as improving morale and productivity, exploiting the creativity and
innovation latent within the organisation, as well as generating trust within service
populations (Green, A. 2012) not to mention keeping up with fast changing markets.
An Australian organization, which highly regards diversity management, is Woolworths
Limited. Their diversity policy stating that they are committed to an inclusive workplace
that embraces and promotes diversity... We value, respect and leverage the unique
contributions of people with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to
provide exceptional customer service to an equally diverse community . Woolworths
statement is based on the moral

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