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Save Wild Life Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of preserving wildlife presents a unique set of challenges that require
careful consideration and extensive research. The intricacies lie in the vastness and complexity of the
subject matter, demanding a comprehensive understanding of ecological systems, biodiversity,
conservation efforts, and the various threats faced by wildlife.

Firstly, delving into the world of wildlife necessitates the ability to comprehend the delicate balance
of ecosystems and the interconnectedness of different species. It requires an in-depth analysis of the
roles played by each organism and the repercussions that alterations in their populations may have on
the environment. This complexity can pose a challenge for writers to articulate the intricate
relationships effectively.

Furthermore, addressing the numerous threats faced by wildlife, such as habitat destruction, climate
change, and poaching, requires not only a thorough examination of each issue but also an ability to
convey the urgency of the situation. Striking the right balance between presenting alarming statistics
and offering feasible solutions without sounding overly pessimistic can be a delicate task.

Research plays a pivotal role in writing an essay on wildlife conservation. Staying abreast of the
latest scientific findings, conservation initiatives, and governmental policies is crucial. Incorporating
accurate and up-to-date information ensures the credibility of the essay but also demands continuous
effort to stay informed about the dynamic nature of wildlife conservation issues.

The emotional aspect of the topic cannot be overlooked either. Writers must connect with readers on
a personal level, fostering empathy and a sense of responsibility towards wildlife. Communicating
the urgency of the situation while maintaining a hopeful tone is a fine line that writers need to

In conclusion, writing an essay on the preservation of wildlife involves grappling with the intricate
web of ecological relationships, addressing multifaceted threats, conducting thorough research, and
striking a balance between conveying urgency and hope. It is a challenge that demands not only
writing skills but also a deep understanding and passion for the subject matter.

For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, a valuable resource is
, where you can find expert help to navigate the intricacies of various topics and deliver impactful
Save Wild Life Essay Save Wild Life Essay
How Lte Is A Business
How LTE is Revolutionising Business Collaboration in an IoT World These days,
businesses are experiencing more competition that ever before thanks to the rise of
ecommerce, the world is becoming a much smaller place. Now, businesses have to try
harder than ever to appeal to the customer and vie for their attention. To remain top of
mind, or at least relevant, to the customer, businesses must develpp a competitive edge
in businesses operations, including using the latest technology tools at ones disposal.
Fortunately, several technology trends have emerged in the past few years that, if
leveraged correctly, can propel businesses forward into the new age, in a big way. The
introduction and increase of LTE infrastructure across the world has been integral to the
increase in technological tools for business growth and empowerment. Offering wide
range and high powered connectivity, LTE facilitates the exponential growth of
connected devices. Regardless of their industry, businesses can take advantage of the
IoT in order to capture a larger market. IoT has been a hot topic in recent times as it
allows virtually endless opportunities and connection to take place, many of which we
can t even begin to fully comprehend. So it makes sense that businesses try and use these
great technological advancements to their advantage. Consumers today are connected 24
/7 via their wireless devices, and they want fast access to applications and content such as
business productivity tools, video
Parental Involvement in their Child s Education Essays
When my six year old daughter comes home every Friday I expect a green folder filled
with colorful masterpieces she created during integrated arts, three new weekly
reading books, seven to ten double sided pages of homework, an array of spam letters
trying to sell us food and a variety of other things and last but not least, letters from her
teacher. Every week it is my responsibility to go through this folder, respond to
communication letters, and work with my daughter to complete any assigned work. If I
do not work with her on this it won t get done and she will fall behind in school. Yes,
there are some days that I wish I could just flip on my TV and ignore the fact that she has
homework, but until she graduates it is my responsibility... Show more content on ...
According to a story printed in The New York Times written by John Couwels, a CNN
reporter, The parents grades of satisfactory, unsatisfactory or
needs improvement would be added to their children s report card (2011, p. 1). The
grades would be based on a simple grading scale that covers three basic guidelines: A
child should be at school on time, prepared to learn after a good night s sleep, and have
eaten a meal. A child should have the homework done and prepared for examinations.
There should be regular communication between the parent and teacher (Couwels, 2011,
p. 1). The guidelines are very clear and straightforward. They are not complex, they are
things parents should already be doing, yet the bill is being met with fierce opposition.
In the CNN article, Florida lawmaker wants teachers to grade parents, Kindergarten
teacher Theresa Hill states: We grade our children based on their performance. Why
should the parents be any different (Couwels, 2011, p. 1)? Why is it that a law to
improve children s education being met with so much resistance from parents? After all
this law is only trying to help children, not inconvenience parents. The blame is
constantly being placed on the teacher and school. While teachers and schools are a
major key to a child s education, there are more components. In an article printed in The
New York Times, Thomas Friedman writes:
There s no question that a great teacher can make a
Afro-Eurasian Trade Routes
Although Afro Eurasian trade routes continuously were the method of transit for many
luxury goods and religions; the importance of these routes, the people that controlled
them, and the diseases and ideas that were spread across these routes changed
tremendously throughout the period from 300 CE to 1450 CE. Throughout the time
period of 300 1450 there were four main traderoutes that connected each part of the Afro
Eurasian landmass to form one large interconnected system of commerce. These routes
were the Mediterranean Sea route, the Trans Saharan route, the Indian Ocean trade route,
and the Silk Road. Each of these trade routes served as a method of transport for luxury
goods, such as; silk, porcelain, spices, etc.; continuously throughout... Show more content
on ...
During the reign of the Roman Empire, the trade networks that connected Africa,
Europe, and Asia flourished, however, after the fall of the Romans these trade routes
saw a period of decline. This period of decline, especially on the Silk Road, was due
mainly to the fact that there was no longer a regulatory body, such as the Roman
Empire, to create a safe environment for merchants. However, in the 600 when the
Muslim religion began to form and grow, their empire was able to provide some
stability for the trade routes in Africa and Europe, as well as the most western parts of
the Silk Road. The Muslim tradition of the Hajj, a trip that fulfills one of the five
pillars of Islam, was able to increase trade in Saudi Arabia especially. Stability, and thus
an increase in importance, was not truly achieved for the Silk Road until 1200 when the
Mongols were able to conquer most of Asia. The Mongols were strong believers in the
merchant system that worked along the Silk Road, therefore they put in place strict
safeguards for the merchants on that route. By the year 1200 most areas of the Afro
Eurasian trade routes were safe and therefore highly important once
A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Symbols
Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Colombian novelist and short story writer. One of the best
writers in the 20th century. He was one of the best Spanish writers and was awarded the
1972 Neustadt International Prize for Literature and the Nobel Prize in Literature. He is
most notable for making the literary style, magic realism popular.
In one of Marquez short fiction stories A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings he uses
many building blocks of fiction. In the journal entry, I will talk about two building
blocks: theme and symbol. I will use these building blocks to show how Marquez created
an interesting short story.
First, Marquez uses theme. The theme is unkind and compassion. In the story the old
man was different, dirty, lonely and spoke a different language. Throughout the story
there were a lot of moments when people were unkind to him. Elisenda and pelayo are
the couple that found him and decided to ... Show more content on ...
One symbol is the old man with wings represents a decrepit angel. It was like he fell
out of heaven because no one ever seen anything like him and they feared him at first.
When we think of angels, we think of something so beautiful and clean. Angels
represent Christianity, blessings and protection. The wings represent angels, power and
freedom. The old man was dirty, old and crippled. He represented the peoples lack of
faith. They treated the old man bad even though he brought miracles, the people still
were so blind to them. They were given a real angel but instead made him
entertainment. He was there to help them even without them knowing it and he still
showed compassion after all that happened to him. The baby was suddenly well again
when the angel showed up and the couple made money off him with entertaining others.
They rejected and judged him for the simple fact that he looked and talked differently,
instead of looking at him as a miracle and someone who could help them. Only Elisenda
realize how important he is once he flies
Analysis Of The Novel Ethan Frome
The setting of a novel is typically only the frame in which a novel takes place; it makes
no grandiose overtures to become a larger part of the novel than it is. However, the
setting of Starkfield in Ethan Frome is different in that the depiction of Starkfield is
integral to one s understanding of the underlying motives and feelings of the characters in
the novel. The accumulated cold of many Starkfield winters (Wharton 5) tangibly affects
the personalities and actions of Ethan, Zeena, and Mattie, mostly negatively. The
character of Ethan Fromeis first introduced to us via an unnamed narrator, who is an
engineer temporarily assigned to Starkfield for work, and Harmon Gow, a former
stagecoach driver. Ethan Frome is the most striking figure in Starkfield, though he was
but the ruin of a man (1), and looks as if he was dead and in hell now (2). His life was
a series of misfortunes, starting with the death of his father, the downward spiral of his
mother s mental health, and his irrational decision to marry his cousin, Zenobia Pierce,
and her subsequent spiral into sickliness. From the outset, Ethan Frome doomed himself
the second he left his technical college and returned home to Starkfield, never to leave
again. Everything about Starkfield seems to mock him, especially the cemetery that
inters Ethan s family, the headstones seemingly mocking him with their existence: we
never got away how should you? (21). His refusal to make any lasting decisions in his life
Children s Development And Self Image Essay
Children s literature and picture books are often entertaining and interesting to read as
a child and even sometimes as an adult. However, there is a myriad of children s stories
that significantly influences children of their perception of other races and the opposite
gender. In fact, at ages 3 5, children begin the processes of actively learning to
distinguish the sexes and of forming genderstereotypes [Powlishta, Serbin Moller,
1993]. Therefore, the gender roles and the number of female and male characters
portrayed in the books probably have serious effects on these children s gender role
development and self image (Hamilton, Anderson, Broaddus, Young, 2006, p. 45).
While this specifically referenced gender issues, serious effects would also transpire on
children s development and self image if gender was replaced with racial groups. A
plethora of children s literature portrays stereotypes and gender bias, and this can
negatively impact not only females, but also racial minorities and males.
Racial groups or minorities in children s literature often contain many stereotypes
relating to the group or minority. As a result, children s perceptions in regards to
various ethnic groups gradually become distorted to the stereotypical portrayal that is
displayed in the story they have read. All people in the world are human beings,
regardless of race and gender; therefore, it is important to start when children are very
young when teaching them to develop a tolerant
The Competitive Advantage of Tyson Foods
Competitive Advantage:
The competitive advantage that Tyson Foods Inc. holds is the large size of the company
and its brand equity. As was mentioned before, the amount of market share that Tyson has
been able to maintain gives the company an edge over the competition. The fact that
Tyson supplied meat products to large franchises such as McDonalds and KFC gives the
meat processor stable profits. Brand equity has also strengthened Tyson s ability to
compete in the foods industry. Advertising and promotion expenses for fiscal 2013,
2012 and 2011 were $555 million, $496 million and $552 million, respectively. The
Tyson brand is well known in the United States and this helps keep the demand for its
products high.
ADM s competitive advantage is the fact that it is able to reduce fixed cost by large
scale production, known as economies of scale. The company has manufacturing,
distribution, and sales facilities located in the U.S., Canada, Africa, Europe, Asia, and
Latin America. Since ADM has all of these locations around the world, it has the
capacity and capability to produce its products in massive quantities. Cost per unit is
lowered by spreading fixed costs across a larger product base and this allows ADM to be
price competitive within the industry.
Cost leadership is also an important key to success in any commodity industry since it is
one of few areas where any true profit can be squeezed out of markets defined by
undifferentiated products. ADM s vertical integration

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