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How To Prevent Water Pollution Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of preventing water pollution can be both challenging and enlightening.
The difficulty lies not only in gathering relevant information and data but also in presenting a
comprehensive overview of the issue while proposing effective solutions. The subject demands a
thorough understanding of the various sources and causes of water pollution, ranging from industrial
discharge to agricultural runoff and improper waste disposal.

One of the challenges is to strike the right balance between providing enough background
information to educate the reader and delving into specific strategies for prevention. It requires a
nuanced approach to discuss the complexities of water pollution without overwhelming the reader
with technical jargon.

Moreover, crafting a compelling and persuasive argument for preventive measures involves critical
thinking and analytical skills. The writer must address the interconnected nature of environmental
issues, considering the impact of human activities on water ecosystems and emphasizing the urgency
of proactive solutions.

Additionally, maintaining a coherent structure and logical flow throughout the essay is essential.
Transitioning seamlessly from discussing the problem to proposing solutions requires careful planning
and organization. The writer must guide the reader through a thoughtfully structured essay that
effectively communicates the importance of addressing water pollution and the role individuals and
communities can play in prevention.

Despite the challenges, writing on such a vital topic provides an opportunity for personal growth and
advocacy. It encourages the writer to delve into research, cultivate a deep understanding of
environmental issues, and develop the communication skills necessary to convey complex ideas to a
diverse audience.

In conclusion, tackling the essay on preventing water pollution demands a combination of research,
critical thinking, and effective communication. It requires the writer to navigate through a myriad of
information, addressing both the root causes of water pollution and proposing practical solutions.
Ultimately, the process not only educates the writer but also contributes to raising awareness about
the importance of safeguarding our water resources for future generations.

For those seeking assistance in crafting similar essays or exploring a broader range of topics, various
resources are available, including online platforms like , where professional writers
can provide support and guidance tailored to individual needs.
How To Prevent Water Pollution EssayHow To Prevent Water Pollution Essay
Background And Investigation Of Masala
Background and Investigation
Company name: Masala Location: Llanelli, United Kingdom

Masala is an Indian restaurant which provides authentic Indian and Bangladeshi

dishes. Masala is located on 31 Westened Street in Llanelli which is on the outskirt of
town of the town centre next to the local primary school. Masala can hold and cater
for 100 people maximum at the same time. It is a 3 story building with 3 floors; only 2
floors are used to cater. Masala has also been refurbished due to a fire caused in the
kitchen in 2003, so all fixtures and fittings are new. Pictures of customers are held on a
board in the reception area.

On average Masala deals with up to 350 customer s weekly most of 65% of them are the
regular local customers the remaining are new customers. Masala s customers are within
15 mile radius. Masala currently turns over approximately £4,000 £7,000 per week. This
creates an annual profit of £165,000.

There are 6 kitchen staff, 1 delivery driver, 3 waiters and 2 part time waiters for Fridays
and Saturdays.

Masala also have an online website ( this sates

their menu and contact details, there is also a facebook page they can be contacted by,
all recent activities go up on their facebook page. Ahmed ali the owner can be contacted
via telephone which is 01554 746946.

The current system

Before the restaurant opens the staff prepare for the potential customers, by getting all
the ingredients ready
Authentic Grasp of Being Essay
Authentic Grasp of Being

Martin Heidegger provides an interesting lesson about what must be done to authentically
grasp the nature of being in Being and Time. The focus of being in his book is the
unique individual human consciousness referred to as Dasein, and authenticity is
regarded as that which accords with Dasein s own self, including its history, present
concerns, and future possibilities. The thesis of this paper is an interpretative one: the
path to authentically grasping one s own being requires first disregarding philosophical
history regarding being and then understanding one s own presuppositions. More fully,
the phenomena that give rise to examining ontology must be analyzed, which means that
one must not simply start with ... Show more content on ...
The major problem presented by this philosophical tradition is that it is presented
dogmatically and so we are eager to accept its offerings without questioning their starting
points. On page 43 in our translation Heidegger writes, Dasein has had its historicality so
thoroughly uprooted by tradition that it confines its interests to the multiformity of
possible types, directions, and standpoints of philosophical activity in the most exotic
and alien of cultures; and by this very interest it seeks to veil the fact that it has no
ground of its own to stand on. The main point of this statement is that we are distracted
by the seemingly rich inquiries into being that have already been carried out, and we
assume that all the different possibilities for grounding these inquires have been carefully
considered and exhausted. This rich quotation also tells us that we each have an
existential history that we can personally examine to begin understanding the nature of
being, and it further implies that our inquiry is going to be grounded in the phenomenon
of personal experience. The philosophical tradition about being dazzles us with assertions
and arguments to the extent that we no longer consider personal experience as a starting

Earlier in his introduction (section one), Heidegger tells us of three major themes
developed by the philosophical tradition discussed in section six. In the first major
theme, the concept of being has been oversimplified as an easy
Liir And Elphaba In The Murder And Its Aftermath
In the chapter, The Murder and Its Aftermath, Liir asks his mother what does she
want, while the others like the Lion wants courage, the Tin Man a heart, and the
Scarecrow brains. Dorothy wants to go home (Maguire 231). Her response is to have
a soul , while Liir wants a father. In this chapter, it is the first time Liir and Elphaba
have a heart to heart conversation. It seems Liir always wanted a father figure in his
life, as Elphaba did not play a motherly role in his life. His question to his mother
catches her off guard and leaves her staying up all night thinking what she said to Liir.
All night, she keeps referring back to the idea of religion, the Unnamed God. Later, she
thinks about Fiyero and how he might be in disguise and wants
The Issue Of Horse Slaughter
In today s world dogs may very well be considered man s best friend, but in the days of
old horses weren t just man s best friend, they were the most important tool in his
possession. From being a form transportation to being used in competitions and battles
to even being a source of food, horses have always been an iconic figure in American
history. Movies such as The HorseWhisperer, Dreamer, and Flicka portray horses as
majestic and powerful creatures full of grace and beauty that are much more of a
companion than a tool. This is quite possibly why the topic of horse slaughter has been
such a taboo in today s culture. While in many countries around the world horsemeat is
considered a type of delicacy, to most American s the idea of eating these exquisite
creatures is hard to stomach. There are people who see no wrong in slaughtering horses
just like any other livestock animal, though others find it inhumane and cruel. Those who
are pro slaughter have many practical and economic reasons for supporting it, while
those opposed have ethical issues against it.
Proponents of the horse slaughter industry suggest it creates a source of income for
many horse owners. Horses are very expensive to own with the average annual cost of
a horse being approximately $3,876 per horse (Williams). Many horses are unwanted
for several reasons, either they don t have the potential the owner originally thought or
they have gotten too old for work or the horse may even be dangerous to be
Figurative Language In Ayn Rand s Anthem
The novel Anthem is written very uniquely. It encloses individuality and makes the
readers believe of how people can adapt to humankind and to do as they are advised to
do without being aware of the results of their compromise. Also, it teaches the
significance of self expression and the independence that comes additionally with being
your own individual and obtaining the capability to choose what direction to take in your
own lifestyle. Figurative language is used frequently in this novel and with differently
use of quotes that have excellent importance to the theme, plot, and conflict of the novel.
We blew out the candle.... The primary thing that is obvious about this quote is the use
of We . The expression We is used all through the... Show more content on ...
As he moves forward in his measures in the underground tunnel, Equality 7 2521
uncovers light in the glass box. For the first time, he is not afraid of his misbehavior
against society, the box of light mattered, his findings is critical; he is important, and
for the first time, Equality 7 2521 feels happiness. Nevertheless, the World Council of
Scholars does not feel the same, How dared you, Gutter Cleaner to hold yourself as
one alone and with thoughts of the one and not of the many? (Rand 72). As Equality 7
2521 perceives these words, he makes his most valuable discovery, successful
community is not one of collectivism, but individuality. As he makes this analysis,
Equality 7 2521 discontinues from the allegiance and is frightened as he runs to the
Uncharted Forest, but as the days go on he turns into being unfearful, for he can do as he
chooses when he wants. Soon Liberty 5 3000 meets him and the two go on to getting a
house together. When Equality 7 2521 and Liberty 5 3000 find their house, and the
books, he starts to interpret about Prometheus, who brings light when there is
The Effect Of Temperature On The Aspergillus Oryzae And...
The effects of temperature on Aspergillus oryzae and , Bacillus licheniformis
Tamira Carey
PID: 4861587
Lab partners: Group 4
Lab Section: U29
The effects of temperature on fungal amylase Aspergillus oryzae, and bacterial amylase,
Bacillus licheniformis ability to break down starch into maltose was studied. The study
determined the optimal temperature the Aspergillus oryzae and Bacillus
licheniformis was able to break down the fastest. The starch catalysis was monitored
by an Iodine test, a substance that turns blue black in the presence of starch. Amylase
catabolizes starch polymers into smaller subunits. Most organisms use the saccharide
as a food source and to store energy (Lab Manual, 51). The test tubes were labeled with
a different temperature (0°C, 25°C, 55°C, 85°C). Each test tube was placed in its
respective water baths for five minutes. After the equilibration process, starch was
placed in the first row of the first row of the spot plate. Iodine was then added to the
row revealing a blue black color. The starch was then added to the amylase. After every
two minute section a pipette was used to transfer the starch amylase solution to place
three drops of the solution into the spot plate row under the corresponding temperature.
Iodine drops was placed in the row. Color changes were noted and recorded. The results
showed Aspergillus oryzae was found to have an optimal temperature between 25°C and
55°C and Bacillus licheniformis was found to have an

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