Writing A Reflection Essay

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Writing A Reflection Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Writing A Reflection Essay" may initially seem like a
straightforward task, but delving into the intricacies of the topic reveals a complexity that challenges
even seasoned writers. The inherent paradox lies in the reflective nature of the essay, demanding a
profound self-awareness that goes beyond the conventional boundaries of academic writing.

The difficulty arises from the need to strike a delicate balance between personal introspection and
maintaining a structured, coherent narrative. The writer must navigate the fine line between self-
disclosure and maintaining a level of objectivity that resonates with the audience. Selecting and
organizing experiences, thoughts, and emotions into a logical and meaningful progression can prove
to be a formidable task.

Moreover, the challenge extends to the process of articulating these reflections effectively.
Conveying one's innermost thoughts with clarity and precision requires a mastery of language that
goes beyond the superficial aspects of grammar and syntax. It necessitates a deep understanding of
how words can encapsulate the essence of personal growth and learning.

The task is further complicated by the need to ensure that the reflective essay is not a mere
recounting of events but a thoughtful exploration of the significance and impact of those
experiences. This requires a level of critical analysis that adds another layer of complexity to the
writing process.

In essence, writing a reflection essay demands not only a high level of writing proficiency but also a
profound engagement with one's own experiences. It requires the writer to traverse the realms of
introspection, self-analysis, and effective communication simultaneously, making it a challenging

For those grappling with the intricacies of crafting a reflective essay, seeking assistance is a prudent
choice. If you find yourself in need of support, similar essays and a plethora of other writing services
can be conveniently accessed on HelpWriting.net .
Writing A Reflection EssayWriting A Reflection Essay
Specialty Toys
Specialty Toys Specialty Toys, Inc. sells a variety of new and innovative children s
toys. Management learned that the preholiday season is the best XXXX XX
introduce a new toy, because many families use this time to look for new ideas for
December holiday gifts. When Specialty discovers a new toy with good market
potential, it chooses an October market entry date. In order to get toys in its stores by
October, Specialty places one time orders with its manufacturers in June or July of
each year. Demand for children s toys can be highly volatile. If a new toy catches on, a
sense of shortage in the marketplace often increases the demand to high levels and large
profits can be realized. However, new toys can also flop, leaving Specialty... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Let X be the demand for the toy. Then X follows normal distribution with mean μ =
20000 and standard deviation σ. Then P(10000 lt; X lt; 30000) = 0.95
P((10000 20000)/σ lt; (X 20000)/σ lt; (30000 20000)/σ) = 0.95
From tables of areas under the standard normal curve (30000 20000)/σ = 1.96 σ = (30000
20000)/1.96 =10000/1.96 = 5102 1. The demand distribution can be approximated by a
normal distribution with mean µ = 20000 and standard deviation σ = 5102.

2. Probability of stock out with an order of K units is P(X gt; K) = P(Z gt; (K 20000)
/5102), where Z is distributed as standard normal Order (K)| (K 20000)/5102| P(X gt; K)|
15000| 0.98001| 0.836458876| 18000| 0.392| 0.652472052| 24000| 0.784006|
0.216518215| 28000| 1.568013| 0.058439102|

3. The projected profit for the different order quantities and scenarios are given in the
following table.

Order| Scenario 10000| Scenario 20000| Scenario 30000| 15000| 8*10000 11*5000
=25000| 8*15000=120000| 8*15000 = 120000| 18000| 8*10000 11*8000= 8000|
8*18000 = 144000| 8*18000 = 144000| 24000| 8*10000 11*14000= 74000| 8*20000
11*4000=116000| 8*24000 = 192000| 28000| 8*10000 11*18000= 118000| 8*2000
11*8000=72000| 8*28000 = 224000|

4. The order quantity to meet 70% demand is found by solving

P(X lt; K) =0.70
P(Z lt; (K 20000)/5102 ) = 0.70
(K 20000)/5102 = 0.5244
K = 20000 + 5102 * 0.5244 = 20000 + 2675 =
The Proposed Bill, Currency Exchange Rate Oversight
The proposed bill, Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2013, is the
thoughtful way to center the Chinese currency manipulation as the cause of economic
downturn. Even though it has been six years after the Great Recession, there are
approximately 8 million people unemployed and unable to enter the labor market.
(Economic Policy Institue 2013) Since the Great Depression which ended in mid 1940s,
United States has never been through such an economic downward in both national and
global level.(Global Economic Crisis 2013) Due to the congressional dysfunction, the
prospect for neither fiscal nor monetary policies to combat the sluggish economy has
disappeared. Realigning exchange rateas the tool of macroeconomic stabilization could...
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(Yu 2013) Moreover, the bill is the violation of the rules of World Trade Organization.
Nevertheless, it is undeniable that US must do something with the devalued yuan. The
relationship between Washington and Bejjng has been about competition. Each days
China becomes more and more influential and powerful. In this new world order, China
builds and strengthening the networks to other countries and associations including the
one which US is not the member such as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and
South Africa) and ASEAN plus three. China s intervention in its foreign exchange
markets gives China rapid growth. Yuan increasing becomes more important in as the
means of exchange. For instance, in 2011 Japan and China, the second and third largest
world economies, came up with plans to promote the direct exchange of their currencies
. They want to by pass the need to use dollar . Moreover, this becomes the trend for the
economies around the world to do currency swap agreements. They agreements would
lead to the end of Dollar Hegemony and the start of new international financial
architecture . (Yu 2013) United States should wait until China takes the action to devalue
yuan by itself which will happen in the near future judging
How Did Imperialism Affect The Scramble Of Africa
Throughout history people have been conquered or have been suppressed. In the years
between 1800 and 2000, Europeans nations such as Belgium colonized Africa. These
European powers subjugated the African people for their economic and influence gain.
When these nations had these motives, the Scramble of Africastarted and Africa was
conquered. Therefore, the Berlin Conference is formed to decide the property of each
European nation in Africa. When this conference took place, Belgium verified that their
King Leopold will hold the territory of the Congo, by lobbying other nations. When King
Leopold took power, many catastrophes took place, however other events helped the
Congo develop. Therefore, colonialismcannot be judged by the Belgians... Show more
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Notably medicine and education was advanced saving many lives by making
healthcare more accessible and educating thousands of children when the Belgians
took the control of the Congo, after Leopold s rule. Many of the ancestors of the
health professional and nuns that came to the Congo believe Belgium did nothing but
good in Africa (Roxburgh). On the contrary, this statement by many, is very false
because of the many human rights abuses and squandering of the resources and the
destruction of the prior political system in the Congo. It is noted that during reign of
King Leopold and the rest of Belgium rule over the Congo, 10 million people died
because of supposed disobedience or rebellion . This group that killed the Congolese
was called the Force Publique, a group that also control the slave laborers (Macmillan).
Also the Force Publique, would target anyone of any age and would punish people if
they did not produce enough rubber or gold, by burning down village and mutilating
peoples bodies. This was done to ensure the production of rubber and maintain control of
the Congo to give Belgium more money to use to bring progress in their own nation and
build up their
Brief History of the Domestication of Cats and Dogs
You can find at least one cat or dog in almost every home in America. In fact,
approximately 67 million households have pets and there are 164 million owned pets
in the U.S. (U.S. Pet Ownership). But, do we know where our beloved pets came from?
Many know that the dog descended from wolves and the cat descended from some larger
wild catbut it is a little more complicated than that.
So just what country did cats originate from? Researchers found that cats have been
involved with humans for about 4,000 years. They also found a feline that roamed
Eurasia and Africa more than 34 million years ago! That s a long time! This early cat
weighed about twenty pounds and was the size of the bobcats we see today. It was called
the Proailurus, which means early cat (Cat History). The NC Museum of Natural
Scientists states that cats came to North America with Colonial settlers in the 1700 s.
Humans have helped spread them throughout the world by keeping them as companions
(Pushy Plants).
Unlike dogs, cats are said to have domesticated themselves. When humans started
settling North America and farming land, cats came in and protected the crops from
rodents. The humans saw that they were good so they fed and protected the cats
(Carver). The humans also began to store crops, such as grain, and with storage, came
rats. The cats were delighted by the great amounts of prey and the people appreciated
cats even more (Zax).
The earliest breed of cats in Europe was the Angora. Scientists

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