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Theme:Activity days
The aim of the lesson:
Educational: to learn about feelings and emotions.
Developing: - to develop listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills
Socio-cultural: - to learn different cultures
Competence: SC1, SC and PC
Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use learnt
language in practice, ask and answer questions
Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed
Method of the lesson: group work, pair work
Equipment: Prepare 7 Student’s book, Workbook, the DVD of the book, flashcards

№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational -to greet pupils. 5 min

Moment - to check up the register

2 Repeating last lesson - to give pupils some questions about last 5 min
lesson. – to ask words from previous lesson

3 Explaining new - to explain to pupils new vocabulary and 20 min

theme theme

4 Consolidating new - to consolidate new theme and new words of 10 min

theme. the theme.

5 Homework. - Giving homework. 5 min

The Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.
- Checking the register
II. Pre-Activity
Write the adjectives from Student’s Book page 28 Exercise 4 on the board. Next draw
four emoticons in four columns on the board to represent bad , OK , good and very
good . Ask the students to put the adjectives in the correct column. Next, encourage
the students to ask questions with How was your … ? with evening, weekend, maths
test, birthday, match, music lesson, etc. and answer using the adjectives, e.g. How was
your weekend? It was amazing. How was your maths test? It was …
III. Main Part
Activity 1 Ask the students to look at the title of the text, the four photos and
headings (but not to read the text) and to answer these questions: What’s an activity
day? (a day when you can try something) What’s a review? (an opinion about
something). Ask the students to look at the photos again and say what activity each
reviewer did (if necessary, use the photos to pre-teach indoor skydiving and
helicopter). Point out that reviewers often give points or stars and briefly discuss the
difference between a 4- and a 5-star review before they do the exercise. Ask the
students to say why three of the reviews only got 4 stars (each one had a minor
5 stars – Jade’s (no complaints)
Activity 2 Encourage the students to try to answer the questions before they read the
texts again. Point out that they only need to write a short answer but they should say
where they found the answer in the text. If necessary, do the first question as an
1 cars/driving 2 look at the cars 3 Yes, it was. 4 talking 5 making and decorating
the chocolates 6 No, they weren’t. 7 No, she wasn’t. 8 It was short.
The Reading text is recorded for students to listen and read.
Ask fast finishers to think of another idea for an activity day. When the others are
ready, the fast finishers present their ideas to the class.
Point out that these activity days were given to the four young people for their
birthdays (see Background information). Discuss whether they would like to receive
an activity day for their birthday. Encourage the students to ask and answer the
questions in small groups and then to appoint a spokesperson to report back to the
class on their answers.
IV Post-activity
Activity 1 First, ask the students to look at the texts and find as many adjectives as
they can. Then, ask them to look at the words in the box to check that they have found
these ones in the text. Check that the students pronounce the words correctly by
asking them to repeat the words and to underline the stressed syllables (surprised /sə
ˈpraɪzd/ and worried /ˈwʌrid/ are two syllables and interested /ˈɪntrəstɪd/ is three).
Next, ask the students to look at each image and to say which adjective they represent.
If time allows, ask them to draw (or if appropriate, find on their phone) images for the
other four adjectives.
A afraid B angry C surprised D upset E nervous F glad/happy
V Homework

Activity 2 Remind the students that they need to read the whole sentence before they
choose the correct adjective. When they have finished, encourage the students to test
each other. Student A reads out the sentences saying banana instead of the adjective
and Student B says the missing adjective. Then they change roles.
1 sorry 2 nervous 3 upset 4 happy 5 worried 6 glad


Deputy director on educational affairs___________ Signature _________

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