Essay About Chicago

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Essay About Chicago

Writing an essay about Chicago can be a challenging yet rewarding task. The difficulty lies not in the
scarcity of information or lack of interesting aspects to explore, but rather in the vastness of the
subject matter. Chicago, a city rich in history, culture, and diversity, offers an abundance of topics to
cover. From its iconic architecture and deep-rooted musical heritage to its socioeconomic challenges
and historical events, the range of potential subjects is extensive.

The challenge begins with the need to narrow down the focus. With such a multifaceted city,
selecting a specific angle or theme requires careful consideration. Deciding whether to delve into the
architectural marvels like the Willis Tower and Millennium Park, or to explore the city's cultural
influences through its vibrant neighborhoods and museums, can be a daunting task. Moreover,
striking a balance between providing a comprehensive overview and maintaining depth on a chosen
aspect demands meticulous planning and research.

Another difficulty arises in capturing the essence of Chicago within the confines of an essay. The
city's dynamic nature, constantly evolving and adapting, poses a challenge in presenting a snapshot
that remains relevant over time. Additionally, ensuring that the narrative is engaging and avoids
becoming a mere list of facts is essential for keeping the reader's interest.

Furthermore, addressing the complexities and nuances of Chicago's history and societal issues
requires a thoughtful approach. Balancing a portrayal that acknowledges both the positive aspects
and challenges faced by the city involves navigating a delicate line, demanding a nuanced
understanding of the subject matter.

In conclusion, while the prospect of writing an essay about Chicago may seem formidable due to the
vast array of topics and the need for depth and balance, it is precisely this richness that makes the
endeavor rewarding. Successfully navigating the complexities of Chicago's narrative involves careful
selection, thorough research, and an ability to convey the city's essence in a captivating manner.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or exploring other topics, a variety of writing services,
such as , offer professional help. These services can provide support in crafting
well-researched and thought-provoking essays on a range of subjects, ensuring a polished and
compelling final product.
Essay About Chicago Essay About Chicago
Rudyard Kipling s Ethhos And Ethos
Journal Two: Ethos
Aristotle defined ethos as how messages persuade as a result of the communicator s
character. He claimed that this was most important in the list of the three rhetorical
appeals. The reason was because that person has to be a trustworthy speaker to the
audience, but that requires have practictical intelligence, virtuous character, and good
will. Rudyard Kipling has an automatic ethos built to his audience because the intended
audience was his son, and there is an automatic father son bond established. Kipling
can use this bond to his favor while trying to convey his message, because the trust will
heighten the chance of the son taking the advice the father is trying to give him. If a
stranger was trying to give the same advice without any background, it wouldn t be as
powerful nor personal to the son and he wouldn t know where the scenarios were coming
from. By Kipling being the communicator, he is meeting all three of the criteria for
strong ethos according to Aristotle s ideology. Kipling has the practical intelligence from
parenting, age, and experience. He has virtuous character through the life experiences
that he has been through and he has good will by his helpful intention with his
knowledge towards the subject.
The communicator s investments in the issue are present because of who he has
decided to direct his piece towards. Writing to his son will evoke a change in his
writing as well because of the emotional ties. He is not just trying to expose his past to
let the world see his mistakes, but rather materialize them on paper to show his son
mistakes to prevent future mishaps. He has the credibility as being the leader and one
that his son looks up to, so showing his son how to be a Man will be something that
will spark interest. His credibility as a speaker is strengthened because the connection to
these past experiences as well. This will also impact what he chooses to say in during
his piece. Some situations the son will encounter will be trickier to overcome than others
and may seem like a good idea at the moment. However, Kipling wants to make certain
the son knows that his son is not the first to go through this, and there is ways to get
through the the situation no matter
An Iranian Artist Living in Exile, Shirin Neshat
Shirin Neshat, presented a TEDtalk on December 2010. Here she discusses her life as
an artist living in exile. Neshat was born 26th of March 1957; she is an Iranian woman
who has been separated from her family for 12 years. She became the voice for her
country, and other Iranian women artists living in exile. She expresses herself through
her art, using both painting and photography. All of her pieces give you examples of the
complex, social, religious and political realities that shape her as an Iranian woman, and
other Muslim woman around the world.

Every Iranian artist, is in one form or another, is political. Politics have defined our
lives. Neshat (2010). Each of her pieces offers a glimpse into the realities that shape her
identity. The complex, religious, social and political identities that not only shape Neshat,
but the identities of every Muslim woman worldwide. She explores and presents the
political and social conditions seen within Iran and Muslim life in her work. As a
woman living in exile, she is the voice/speaker of her people. Artists like (and
including) Neshat are there to inspire, provoke, and bring hope to their people. Neshat
didn t start making art for social commentary; she in fact began after the Islamic
Revolution in 1979. Neshat had been absent for over a decade, and when she returned her
home country had been transformed.

Shirin Neshat, an Iranian woman, whose life is defined by the government. She, and
other Iranian women face
Star Wars Attack Of The Clones Essay
If ever a film was regrettably viewed, it would be Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the
Clones. Regularly regarded as the worst in the series, Clones holds the title for most
wooden acting, bad writing, unwanted CGI, and awkward moments ever seen in big
budget sci fi. Even the action, as extensive it was, had a lack of thrill, simply because the
human variant relied too heavily on their CGI partner. However, the filmis canon. We
witness Anakin carve himself a path that will lead to his inevitable end in the Dark
Side; a forbidden romance of Jedi and Senator. We see the story that brings about the
beginnings of Luke and Leia. Narratively, this movie is important, but viewing wise, it s
just bad. First off, the action sequences, hyped as they... Show more content on ...
Either due to the acting or the writing, Anakin Skywalker wasn t done well. First, old
Ben Kenobi said to a young Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: A New Hope, He was a
good friend , yet, in Attack of the Clones Anakin continuously flips between rejecting
Obi Wan and relying on the man as a father figure, saying, It s all Obi Wan s fault. He s
jealous. He s holding me back , leaving a rather frustrated and strained relationship in
their wake (Anakin). The boy has a misguided view on his own importance, believing
that his status alone as the Chosen One should be enough for him to be placed high in
the ranks in the Jedi Order. Thus, this gives Anakin the reasoning that he is above the
Jedi s rules. His romance with Senator Padme Amidala, questionable at best, stems from
the resentment he holds for his fellow Jedi. Where are the parallels between Anakin and
Vader? In the Original trilogy, Obi Wan showed admiration towards the Jedi that was
Anakin Skywalker, but this is not the cunning warrior that Old Ben described to Luke. In
Attack of the Clones Anakin s fall was painfully obvious, as it was written, acted, and
Chapter 2. How Can You Decide Among Various Off-Shelf...
Stud. Name : Supervisor : Chapter II: The Origins of Software Review Questions
Jasour A.Obeidat Dr.Hebah Nassir Dein 2. How can you decide among various off the
shelf software options? What criteria should you use? At first, we have to understand
organization requirement because it will be a big mistake if we paid company s money
into off the shelf software to find out that it does not meet the requirements. Then we
have to ask ourselves three questions in order to decide between off the shelf software
candidates: Does the candidate software fill developer needs? Is the quality of candidate
high enough? What the impact will candidate software have on organization system?
Criteria for choosing off the shelf software depend on:... Show more content on ...
it is useful to use this criterion), dysfunctional, or both The criterion for selecting off
the shelf software which presented in this chapter was: cost, functionality, vendor
support, viability of vendor, flexibility, documentation, response time, and ease of
installation. I believe that we can use other criteria for choosing off the shelf software
in the real world is System Usability . This criterion concentrate on users in the
organization, by making investigation on the packages that they used and the new
software packages this criteria can detect the gap between the two software which will
reflect how they will interact with new software and decrease problems as less as
possible. In the other hand, the converting process from using old software to new one
will not take big effect since the users are fully understood the current software
package. And we can summary some of measures used in this criterion: Graphical User
Interface (GUI). The sequence in solving problems. The sequence in generation
reports. I/O interaction. 4. How might the project team recommending an ERP design
strategy justify its recommendation as compared with other types of design strategies?
By using a previously written software resource in a new application, it will lead to a
great saving in many areas if some pieces of software will have to be written again,
because being able to use existing software for some functions means that they can
Big Brother Is Watching By George Orwell Research Paper
Big Brother is always watching. Through spies, telescreens, and microphones, Big
Brother is able to monitor every single movement and action of all of the citizens of
Oceania throughout all hours of the day. Orwell describes the terrifying reality of the
constant presence of the telescreens by saying, The instrument (the telescreen, it was
called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely.
(Orwell,3). By stating the fact that the telescreens are not able to be turned off further
shows that people have been stripped of all privacy. Being watched by telescreens
during all aspects of their daily lives made the people completely belong to The Party.
Many did not feel safe, even in their own thoughts. Orwell cautions,

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