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Department of Biochemistry

: 013130003,
CR No : 219171900213578 Lab/Study No. Acceptance Date : 31-Jan-2024 09:58

Patient Name : Singdha Das Age/Sex : 25 Yr/F Coll./Study Date : 31-Jan-2024 09:33
: Plasma/013130003,
Sample Type/No Ward/OPD : OPD Reporting Date : 31-Jan-2024 14:30

Dept/Unit : Ortho Unit 2

Investigation Result Unit Ref. Range

Random Plasma Glucose 100 mg/dl 70 - 140

PTH 54.9 ng/L 10 - 65

********** END OF THE REPORT **********

All reports need clinical correlation. Kindly discuss if necessary. No part of the report can be reproduced without written
permission of the department.
Entered By: Dr. Anju Adarsh,Lab Technician Validated By: Dr Sudeshna Rout
This is computer generated report. Signature not required
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