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Ideas For Compare And Contrast Essays

Writing an essay on the topic of "Ideas for Compare and Contrast Essays" can be both challenging
and rewarding. The difficulty arises from the need to carefully analyze and compare two or more
subjects, finding meaningful connections and differences that contribute to a well-rounded

One of the challenges is selecting suitable topics that offer substantial material for comparison. It
requires thoughtful consideration to ensure that the subjects chosen not only have enough similarities
and differences but also provide an interesting and insightful perspective for the reader.

Additionally, organizing the essay in a coherent and logical manner poses another difficulty. Striking
a balance between presenting information objectively and maintaining a smooth flow of ideas is
crucial. Transitions between points, as well as a clear and concise thesis statement, are essential to
guide the reader through the essay effectively.

Researching and gathering relevant information is a time-consuming aspect of writing compare and
contrast essays. It involves delving into various sources to ensure that the arguments presented are
well-supported and credible. This requires critical thinking and analytical skills to sift through
information and extract the most relevant details.

The essay's overall success also hinges on the writer's ability to provide a fresh perspective and
engage the reader throughout. Crafting a compelling introduction that captures the audience's
attention and a strong conclusion that leaves a lasting impression can be challenging.

Despite these challenges, writing on the topic of "Ideas for Compare and Contrast Essays" allows for
a deeper exploration of different subjects, honing one's analytical skills and fostering a better
understanding of the chosen topics. The process, though demanding, can be intellectually fulfilling
as it encourages critical thinking and enhances writing proficiency.

For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and more can be ordered on , where professional writers can provide support in developing high-quality,
customized essays tailored to specific requirements.
Ideas For Compare And Contrast Essays Ideas For Compare And Contrast Essays
A Plan For Stew s Self Service Garage
In order to increase weekday sales we have developed a plan for Stew s Self Service
Garage to reach a new customer base by improving the referral program, expanding its
social media presence, targeting local community events, partnering with other local
businesses and developing new advertising techniques to effectively reach our target
market. First, Stew s Self Service Garage should simplify and refine its current referral
program. The current plan has a convoluted 11 tier rewards system that makes it
difficult for consumers to remember, and therefore leads to fewer referrals. After
performing a survey on what consumers want to be rewarded with for a referral, the
second most popular selection was a free weekday hour. We see this a great way to
motivate customers to refer new customers with a minimum loss of profits for Stew s
Self Service Garage. For each referral they make that results in a new customer, they
receive a free weekday hour to use at the shop. In order to entice the referee to come to
the shop, we recommend that the referred customer be given a free weekday hour as
well. Additionally, we considered developing a loyalty program to develop repeat
customers and reward loyalty. We found that numerous auto shops have loyalty
programs in order to retain their customers, however, they have a larger pool of
competitors. Due to the nature of Stew s Self Service Garage s business, there are few
competitors that operate within Stew s Self Service
The Reasons Of Procrastination
Procrastination: How To Avoid

Table of Contents:
1.What is Procrastination?
2.Why do people procrastinate?
3.Reasons of Procrastination.
1.Why is punctuality important?
2.How is procrastination harmful?
1.Is Procrastination a curse?
2.How to get rid of this curse?
1.Create a to do list.
2.Chop your work into small steps.
3.Design a timeline including specific deadlines.
4.Develop inspirational company.
5.Grab a Buddy.
6.Announce your goals in your circle.
7.Relax yourself a bit.
8.Don t over complicate things.
9.Act on the devised strategy. ... Show more content on ...
No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination: never put off till tomorrow what you can do
today. Philip Stanhope

1.What is Procrastination?
Procrastination is actually giving priority to less urgent tasks in place of more urgent
tasks. It can also be defined as doing the things causing immense pleasure to a person
instead of less pleasurable ones and thus, postponing the important tasks, sometimes to
the edge of the deadline.
2.Why do people procrastinate?
The principle of pleasure is mostly the main cause of procrastination. Every human
prefers to do desirable tasks which are a source of joy for him instead of taking
painstaking and stressful tasks on his head.
3.Reasons of Procrastination.
a.Skill Deficits: It is one of the major reasons for procrastination. If a person does not
have the skill or ability to complete the required task, he would avoid or prolong it for
b.Lack of Interest: It plays a significant role in procrastination. If the work stuff seems
boring to a person, he won t show any interest in that, which would lead him to take the
work casually. The solution is to just do it which would save you time for the tasks in
which you are more

Colonialism and the

African Experience
Virtually everything that has gone wrong in Africa since the advent of independence has
been blamed on the legacies of colonialism. Is that fair? Virtually all colonial powers had
colonial missions. What were these missions and why were they apparently such a
disaster? Did any good come out of the African colonial experience ?

Colonization of Africa by European countries was a monumental milestone in

the development of Africa. The Africans consider the impact of colonization

on them to be perhaps the most important factor in nderstanding the u p

resent condition of the African continent and of the frican people.
Therefore, a close ... Show more content on ...
Africa, then referred to as the Dark Continent, provided just the right kind of challenge. It
held a lot of mystery for European xplorers, who traveled and e observed and recorded
what they saw. Many of the early explorers of Africa were geographers and scientists
who were beckoned by the mysteries and exotic qualities of this new land. Expeditions
of people like Samuel Baker,
Joseph Thompson, Richard Burton, John Speke, and others in the nineteenth century,
conducted in the name of science and knowledge, served to attract Europeans to Africa.
They discovered rivers, lakes, and mountains.

They studied the African people and wrote about them. Of Prince Henry s exploratory
expeditions, including those to Africa, a historian has written,

While Henry directed exploratory activities, he placed high value on the collection of
geographical knowledge and rewarded his aptains in c p
roportion to the efforts they had made to carry the boundaries of k nowledge farther,
thus keeping them intent on the work of xploration. 3 e Without revisiting the debate as
to what the Europeans meant by laiming c to have discovered Africa s rivers and lakes,
which the Africans had known and sailed and fished from all along, and without
belaboring the often extremely
Jane Eyre and The Great Gatsby
Jane Eyre and The Great Gatsby are two very intresting novels which are very eye
opening to one about how society is and the main message I got especially from Jane
Eyre is that money is not always the answer to personal happiness and love. Both novels
believed in moral convinction where you believe in one viewbook and it does not
change for the better or worse.
Jane Eyre is a very intresting novel as soon as you open it the first few chapters are
shocking as it shows you two big themes one of which is class and the other is gender.
In 1947 people would judge you depending on your class and people in society would
judge you and treat you by where you are in the hierarchy tree. Another big theme was
gender women were treated as third class citizens no freedom at all. Jane Eyre was a
novel about an orphan who is adopted into this wealthy family. However she feels
completely out the circle and not part of there family. The family certainly did not
make her feel part of them either they first saw her as poor because she came from a
poor background even though now she is adopted in there family they still saw her
like that and secondly she was a girl so that made things worse and those two
combinations were not good. At one point in the novel Mr reed said to her You have
no business to take our books; you are a dependant, mamma says; you have no money;
your father left you none; you ought to beg, and not to live here with gentleman s
children like us . . he is telling her
Mold Allergies Research Paper
To control mold allergies, the source of its existence must be diminished and avoided
for as long as possible mostly for people with allergies. In a person with allergies, their
immune system reacts to a foreign substance and it makes antibodies that identifies non
harmful allergens as harmful ones. Most allergies cannot be cured but there are ways to
relieve the symptoms and control the exposure.
Mold grows wherever moisture, oxygen, and the chemicals it needs to thrive are
present. It commonly grows outside on logs or trees, moist leaves, and many damp
areas. Inside homes, mold thrives in warm, moist, and dimly lit areas. In homes it is
important to watch for mold in places that can hold moisture or be very wet like damp
basements or ... Show more content on ...
Mold itself doesn t contain allergens but its spores do. Spores become airborne and can
be inhaled then symptoms can start once in your system. Common symptoms include
Nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing, aggravation of asthma symptoms, and cold
and flu like symptoms. (, n.d.). There are a variety of steps to lessen
the risk of mold allergies in the household when someone has allergies. One way is to
monitor humidity; using a humidifier alongside a humidity gauge keeping humidity
between 40% and 50% can help especially in the summer. Since spores are the real
culprits for causing allergy symptoms, a HEPA air purifier (or any purifier) can
remove spores. People with allergies can trap the spores before it gets to them and
spreads elsewhere and make more mold. Using mold resistant shower curtains or mold
reducing squeegees can get rid of excess moisture in bathrooms. Avoid soaking bathroom
carpet rugs upon exiting the shower. Instead of the fluffy or frilly carpets, use washable
throw rugs. Allow moisture to get out by opening windows or ventilating areas where
humidity can be
The Pearl by John Steinbeck Essay
Many people in the world today grow crazy and mad when surrounded by even the
slightest bit of wealth and good fortune. Even a strong person who recognizes their
priorities can still become corrupt with too much power. There is no better example of a
person falling into the path of evil and corruption than in a novel written by John
Steinbeck. In the novel The Pearl, by John Steinbeck, the author writes about a poor
Indian man named Kino who becomes corrupt from the wealth of a magnificent pearl.
Steinbeck uses the motifs of music, light and dark imagery, and values to develop the
theme that good fortune, wealth, and prosperity steer even the most innocent of people
towards a path of evil and corruption. The reader learns that one... Show more content on ...
Kino is beginning to realize how at first the pearl seemed to have brought fortune and
good to his family, but it really had only brought evil to the family. By the end of the
story, Kino and Juana have lost their son, Coyotito, and they wish things were back to
the way they were before they found the pearl. Kino then throws the pearl back out
into the ocean where he had found it: And the music of the pearl drifted to a whisper
and disappeared (90). The music disappearing as the pearl sink back into the ocean
symbolizes the evil leaving the family: now that the pearl has left, so has the evil. Kino
now understands that their wealth has brought nothing but evil and has destroyed both
himself as well as his family. Not only does Steinbeck use the motif of music to express
the theme that good fortune, wealth, and prosperity steer even the most innocent of
people towards a path of evil and corruption, but he also uses the motif of light and dark
imagery. Steinbeck uses the reoccurring topic of light and dark imagery numerous times
throughout his novel to help deliver the theme of how good fortune and wealth lead to
corruption. The first night that Kino had possession of the pearl, he was a little on the
edge. Then, suddenly, an intruder came into the house: Kino held his breath to listen, and
he knew that whatever dark thing was in his house was holding its breath too, to listen
(37). Darkness symbolizes evil and
Let s Stop Judging A Book By It s Cover
Just like Ghandhi said, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. There are
plenty of times, when we accidently may judge someone we don t know. For instance,
when first going to a new class full of people, or even a job interview. Isn t it crazy
how one small conversation with someone you don t know can change your total
perspective on them? Personally, it happened to me so many times and the people I
thought were weird turned out to be one of the coolest people I know. Let s stop
judging a book by it s cover and actually read it and interpret it s true meaning.
Kwame Anthony Appiah, who is the author of the book Cosmopolitanism is also the
Laurance S. Rockefeller University Professor of Philosophy and a member of the
University center for Human Values. Appiah believes that conversation can help end
separation and boundaries people have around the world. Conversation can allow for
cultural exchange, acceptance and resolve differences. After reading Making
Conversation and the Primacy of Practice I believe conversation works as a positive
model for resolving and managing world problems to a certain extent, depending on the
individual/people you are talking to. Overall, some people you will try to converse with
may be hard headed and so stuck on their views and others will be willing to
compromise. Either way, conversation opens doors to new thoughts, perspectives, and
voices to unheard views.
Just like in math, there are so many ways to solve a problem. Just

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