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Essay On Why I Want To Be A Police Officer

Writing an essay on the subject of why one aspires to become a police officer can be a challenging
task. It demands a careful balance between personal motivations, societal expectations, and a
comprehensive understanding of the role law enforcement plays in the community. The complexity
arises from the need to convey a genuine passion for the profession while also acknowledging the
nuanced responsibilities and challenges that come with it.

To start with, one must delve into introspection, exploring the roots of their desire to pursue a career
in law enforcement. This requires a deep understanding of one's values, experiences, and the impact
they hope to make on society. Crafting a narrative that resonates with authenticity and sincerity is
essential to engage the reader.

Furthermore, the essay needs to demonstrate a comprehensive awareness of the multifaceted nature
of police work. This involves an understanding of the legal system, community dynamics, and the
ability to navigate ethical dilemmas. Striking the right balance between showcasing a passion for
justice and maintaining a realistic perspective on the complexities of the profession is a tightrope that
must be walked.

Addressing potential criticisms and concerns surrounding the police profession is another layer of
difficulty. Acknowledging issues such as police misconduct, systemic biases, and the need for reform
requires a nuanced approach. A well-rounded essay must show an awareness of these challenges and
a commitment to being part of positive change.

Finally, the writing must be articulate and persuasive. Crafting a compelling essay involves not just
expressing one's motivations but doing so in a manner that captivates the reader. The language must
be clear, concise, and free of clichés, while still allowing the writer's personality and passion to shine

In conclusion, writing an essay on the desire to become a police officer is a complex task that
demands introspection, a nuanced understanding of the profession, and effective communication
skills. The challenge lies in navigating personal motivations, societal expectations, and addressing
potential concerns surrounding law enforcement. It's an exercise in self-reflection and persuasion that
requires careful consideration of language and tone. If you find yourself struggling with this task,
there are resources available to provide assistance. Similar essays and more can be ordered on , where professional writers can help you navigate the intricacies of expressing your
aspirations effectively.
Essay On Why I Want To Be A Police OfficerEssay On Why I Want To Be A Police Officer
A Brief Note On The Largest Solar Power Provider
SolarCity was founded in 2006 by brothers Peter and Lyndon Rive and are
headquartered in San Mateo, California. Ever since 2007, SolarCity was the leading
company for solar energy in California and holds its place as the number one residential
installer in 2013 for the United States and also a second place for solar installation for
the country. As the largest solar power provider, SolarCity is proud to provide clean
energy for schools, homes, government and non government organizations and
businesses. The company serves not only in California, but in 18 other states and
Washington DC, having 75 operating centers. SolarCity looks at their customer s energy
usage and provides improvements. As being the number one solar ... Show more content
on ...
Recently, SolarCity announced their acquisition of ILIOSS, an energy company in
Mexico which will give access to the Latin American market for providing solar power
and bringing growth and earnings for the company. The company mainly concentrates on
commercial and industrial markets for now rather than residential. This 10 million dollar
acquisition puts SolarCity with companies such as Sungevity and SunEdison in the
international market.
Operating Performance: Quantitative Measures
SolarCity s fiscal year is based on the calendar year. The last day of their fiscal year is
Dec 31st. Their business model provides long term revenue streams through customer
leases and as such, each SEC filing has the following cautionary statement, Traditional
earnings measures such as operating income, earnings before interest, depreciation, and
amortization (EBITDA), and earnings per share (EPS), are not the most effective tools
for capturing the full expected lifetime cash flow and return on investment,
(, 2015). With that being said, exhibit 1 A contains SolarCity s quarterly
financial metrics since they first went public in 2013. Exhibit 1 B compares SolarCity s
2014 financial performance with competitors and industry averages.
Exhibit 1 A: Quarterly Performance
Solar City Qtrly Performance
Jun 13
Sep 13
Dec 13
Mar 14
Jun 14
Sep 14
Dec 14
Mar 15
Jun 15
Revenue (millions)
Mikhail Lermontov s Characters And Russian Society
Lermontov s Characters and Russian Society In A Hero of Our Time, by Mikhail
Lermontov, the author uses the multiple settings in each book to express different
characteristics of Pechorin, which reveals Lermontov s views of 19th century Russian
society. Lermontov s views of 19th century Russian society become apparent in many
of his works, especially his novel A Hero of Our Time. Each town in the novel aspires
different characteristics of the main character, Pechorin. Every characteristic revealed
through the towns epitomizes the buildings of a socially acceptable male during this
time period. The town of Taman lacks a formal government in 19th century Russia and
the people of this time struggle to avoid sickness. Pechorin looks down... Show more
content on ...
Pechorin s decision to never back down from a duel parallels to Lermontov s life and
how he fought like a man in order to be thought upon as a man. Lermontov died from a
duel, however he was a military man, and he never backed down from the duel that
ended his life, which exemplifies his strong role as a Russian male of the 19th century.
Cossack Village, a town in The Fatalist exemplifies the importance of the male s
military experience. During this time, males enrolled in the military through force and
competition. Lermontov served in the military, which parallels to why almost every
man in the novel served in the military. Enlisting and serving your role in the Russian
military exemplified the role of a man. Pechorin knew the military style well, since he
partook that role. That new suffering created within me a fortunate diversion to speak in
military style (Lermontov 162). Military style exhibits Pechorin s sense of manhood and
its importance. Lermontov arrays himself through the character of Pechorin by making
him a military man, and never having him relinquish his duties that come with it. The
men in the novel wear their soldier clothing with pride and justice. Hence the pride with
which he wears his thick soldier s cloak...Grushnitski is looked upon as a man of
distinguished courage. I have seen him in action (Lermontov 85). A sense of pride
overwhelms the
Essay on Demographic Factors Research

Demographic Factors Research

University of Phoenix
Managing in a Cross Cultural Environment
October 19, 2009

Organizations around the world are experiencing the effects of cultural and global
diversity. Kellogg, Starbucks, McDonald s, and Arbor are four companies introduced in
this paper. They have been researched in order to identify how each company is affected
by demographic factors, how these factors are managed, and what systems are
implemented to enhance the success of the business; thus, this paper illustrates the key
course concepts and their application to the best practices of these companies. The
dynamics and dimensions of diversity in an increasingly ... Show more content on ...
While remaining a superior global food company, Kellogg s management realized that
they had to have the strongest possible resources to support their business growth in a
diverse and competitive environment (Kellogg, 2009). Likewise, Starbucks is managing
its competition challenges; the current economic conditions are factors that Starbucks
needs to consider in order to market the new products to preserve its clientele and bring
in new customers. Hence, Starbucks is wise to use the four P s model; Price, Product,
Place, and Promotion, to determine the course of action best suited to stay ahead of the
competition. To be clear, both Kellogg and Starbucks are managing the effects of
postmodernity; that is, postmodertnity describes our time and situation today s world in
flux, with people on the move who have learned to manage multiple identities depending
on place and context (Kottak Kozaitis, 2003, Ch. p. 29). To manage the influence of
postmodernity within the context of demographic factors, Kellogg and Starbucks are
implementing strategic approaches to aid them in their success involving global and
cultural diversity. For example, Kellogg committed itself to developing a comprehensive
and ground breaking supplier diversity program. This program was to cultivate strategic
procurement relationships with W/MBE owned, controlled and operated
Athletes With A Natural Sense For A Sport
Many people see athletes with a natural sense for a sport without seeing their
commitment as to their goal. Marion Jones, an athlete in track and field and basketball,
has exemplified that commitment makes method. During her life, she has played and
accelerated in everything she has done. Whether it d be basketball or track and field, she
is a phenomenal athlete with goals of her future. Marion Jonesis an athlete with a
perseverance and determination to achieve her fullest capability. Skip Downing, who has
wrote about commitments making method in his book On Course, said for a person to
fulfill a goal, they must have a commitment with no excuses and have a sincere will that
will push them to get their goal. (_) Athletes have a strong... Show more content on ...
By Jones keeping a constant routine with her training, it can immensely help her
keeping herself in a consistent condition. In her interview with Thomas Hackett with
New York Times, Jones said, she lays out her clothes for the preceding day. Jones strives
to be better everyday as with consistent training, you can only get better. With running
races, your body must be ready to go as the gunshot fires, therefore only training can get
her body to go when it needs to.

Secondly, Jones has a mindset of achieving what nobody has achieved. In order for her
to fulfill her goal of winning five gold medal, she must do what nobody else does, to
win. Whether it d be a special stride she has, or a unique run she must do that, in order
to win. Jones states in an article with Mark Starr, with NewsWeek, that she strongly
believes that she is given a chance to achieve something nobody has ever accomplished
and she is very confident within herself that she can do it. Downing states, .....(_). Jones
stated in article with Thomas Hackett with New York Times that she aspires to be the
fastest women throughout the whole world. Hackett stated that from her seriousness and
a look of determination, He knew that she was capable of achieving that.

Thirdly, Jones can t achiever her goal if she doesn t have a sense of competitiveness to
racing. jones told Starr, with NewsWeek, that she has always had a competitive attitude
when it comes to racing. Jones said that she would beat her brother and his
The Lindow Man ( Officially Lindow IIi )
The Lindow Man (officially Lindow III) is the top half of a male body, found
preserved in a peat bog in Cheshire, England. He was spotted on the 1st of August,
1984, by a peat cutter in Cheshire. With his job to keep the belt of his machine cleared
he threw away what he thought was a piece of wood. In actual fact this was the leg of
the Lindow Man. I was taken out on to the moss and shown where the previous day s peat
had been taken from. Walking the uncut sections, I found a flap of dark, tanned skin
projecting from below. Reporting my discovery to the police, we agreed I would be
given a day to excavate the remains. On 6 August, the site was recorded and sampled,
the limits of the remains were established and Lindow Man was lifted within his block of
surrounding peat on his way to international celebrity . (Rick Turner, newly appointed
county archaeologist)
Lindow Man s body was damaged as his waist was cut by the peat cutting machinery, and
only the top part of his body remained. (SINEAD DALY and ALICE KIM)
The Lindow Man s body had been preserved by the peat bogs at Lindow Moss, where
the body was found. They were formed by holes of melting ice and because of the type
of moss that grew in them and also lets out a substance that causes a tanning process
when dead, the Lindow Man was able to be preserved with his appearance mostly intact.
(Maisie Jewkes)

Part A
Part B
How Does Winton Churchill Use Rhetorical Devices
Winton Churchill uses rhetorical devices in order to communicate his message to his
listeners. Unlike facts and evidence, rhetorical devices are often based in emotion and
perception, and they can be both manipulative and inspirational. Some devices he uses
are repetition, parallelism, and analogy. Parallelism is an identical sentence or phrase
patterns used to express ideas that are closely related. In this example, Churchill uses
parallelism within the structure of the sentence. Repetition is a rhetorical strategy that
emphasizes ideas for clarity or emotional effect. In this example, Churchill repeats the
words we shall fight to emphasize the idea that the British will never give up or
surrender. An analogy is a comparison of two things.

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