Argumentative Essay Over Abortion

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Argumentative Essay Over Abortion

Writing an argumentative essay on the topic of abortion is undoubtedly a challenging task that
requires careful consideration and sensitivity. The subject is highly controversial, touching on deeply
rooted moral, ethical, and political beliefs. Crafting an essay on such a polarizing issue demands a
thorough understanding of both sides of the debate, as well as the ability to present a well-reasoned
and persuasive argument.

One of the difficulties lies in navigating the emotional aspects associated with the topic. Abortion is
a deeply personal and emotive subject, and it can be challenging to maintain objectivity while
addressing the diverse perspectives surrounding it. Writers need to tread carefully to ensure their
arguments are grounded in logic and evidence, rather than solely relying on emotional appeals.

Additionally, the wealth of information and diverse opinions on abortion requires extensive research
to present a comprehensive overview of the subject. Analyzing legal, medical, ethical, and
sociopolitical aspects adds complexity to the writing process. Ensuring accuracy and fairness in
representing various viewpoints is essential for a well-rounded argumentative essay.

Furthermore, writers must be adept at constructing a clear thesis statement and organizing their
thoughts coherently throughout the essay. The ability to anticipate counterarguments and address
them effectively adds an extra layer of complexity to the writing process. Striking the right balance
between passion and reason is crucial to maintaining the essay's credibility and persuasiveness.

In conclusion, writing an argumentative essay on abortion is a formidable task that demands

meticulous research, empathy, and skillful argumentation. The sensitive nature of the topic requires a
thoughtful approach to engage readers and foster understanding. Writers must navigate the intricate
landscape of abortion discourse, acknowledging the complexities involved while presenting a
compelling case for their chosen stance.

For those seeking assistance with essays on a variety of topics, including controversial issues like
abortion, professional writing services like can provide support and guidance.
Experienced writers can help navigate the challenges of crafting a well-researched and articulate
essay, ensuring that the final product meets the highest standards of quality.
Argumentative Essay Over Abortion Argumentative Essay Over Abortion
Epicurus s Theodicy Of St. Irenaeus
Evil is a concept that humans have developed to explain suffering and disaster. It is
seen as the cause of suffering, Religious perspectives would argue that it is contrary to
the will of their omnipotent being or predestination. The two types of evil are natural
evil, evil not caused by humans such as tsunamis, and moral evil, evil caused by human
such as rape and murder. However, this presents the problem of evil, presented by
Epicurus; Is Godwilling to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he
able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence
cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? (Epicurus, BC 341
270) This proved the inconsistent triad. If God is benevolent,... Show more content on ...
As Irenaeus lived from 130 202 AD, his theodicy was relatively undeveloped and
reflective of that time. Therefore, John Hick, 1922 2012 developed the theodicy to a
standard where it became one of the best known theodicies in philosophy. This
theodicy believes humans are made in the image of God, and must strive to achieve
his likeness through religious development. Image of God means humans are created
with intelligence and a moral element. As God is seen to be perfect, achieving his
likeness is to attain perfection. Humans were created spiritually immature , as well as
the angels that fell from heaven. However, nobody is forced into becoming the image
of God, as he granted mankind free will, meaning they truly know him. To make the
choice to become like God much more valuable, God created an epistemic distance .
This is the distance between God and the creation of mankind, leaving his existence
unsure. If humans knew there was a God, their moral actions and decision to love him
would not truly be free choice. The Irenaean theodicy accounts for the existence of evil
by saying that natural and moral evil assist humans by soul making , a process that
encourages virtues. Virtues that are hard earned are more valuable than virtues that are
intrinsically present. Evil is a definite phenomenon, not an absence, and without evil,
there can be no good. This theodicy proposes that all humans eventually reach Heaven,
contrary to traditional Christian
Problems Faced With Airport Security
When tragedy struck the nation on September 11th, the minor problem of airport
security breeches suddenly became one of the biggest concerns facing our nation. Ever
since the late 1980s there had been many promises and plans to shape up airport security,
but according to experts there has been little, if any, real improvement in public safety
since that time (Morris 28). Its obvious to assume that because of the lack of
improvement, great tragedy struck our nation on September 11th. Since September 11th
there has been great attempts in fixing the problems that we face with airportsecurity, but
yet there are still breaches in airport security, we are still not safe. There are several
factors behind the problems with airport security; they range from inadequate machinery
used, to poorly trained screeners. A proposal needs to be raised, one that would seal up
the remaining gaps that we still face regarding the issue of airport security.
Due to all the complicated factors that we have to deal with in regards to airport
security, a proposal will be raised. With the proper precautions, the events of September
11th could have been prevented. The question raised is, what are the problems with
airport security? The issue rather complex involves three main areas; they include policy,
technology, and personnel. The main problem is the personnel, and it starts with the
screeners. A screener is someone who stands watch as travelers put their items on the X
ray conveyor belt (schwartz
Visual Argument Analysis
Today, it is without a doubt that public communication is at the heart of our economy,
our politics and our society. It is being used in different aspects of society studios use it
to advertise their films. Advocates use it to encourage social causes. The businessmen
use it to furnish their image. Politicians use it, for them to get elected. It is a field
constructed on various ideas and images, many information and persuasion, tactics and
strategy. There is no product or policy that will ever succeed without a clever message
that targets the right audience or people in innovative and creative ways. To
communicate strategically is one of today s ability to communicate and what our
programs are all about. Therefore, public communications... Show more content on ...
Visual arguments can be very useful in terms of passing a message along to the
public. Common examples of an advertisement would be seen on TV ads, possibly a
poster, billboard, and commercials. An ad that caught my eye is a powerful image
portraying verbal abuse. It shows a man screaming at a woman with a fist coming out
of the man s mouth and punching the woman in the face. It basically relays the
message of how verbal abuse is just as bad or hurtful as physical violence and abuse.
This ad also attempts to target the emotion of the viewers. Her facial expression is key in
this ad. There are no textual elements but the picture is strong enough to the point that
texts is no longer needed. The ad does not put us in the situation but it shows us how
verbal abuse can be extremely hurtful. Collingwood argues that other sentient beings are
able to engage with art and get a sense of the total imaginative experience that prompted
it. Collingwood mentions that There is a particular process of recognition that happens
which, if the art has succeeded in communicating on more than a purely idiosyncratic
level, leads to enhanced self knowledge, and by extension an enhanced collective self
knowledge. Given the fundamental formulation of the artistic process, and especially
given the unavoidable loss of intensity of feeling even for the artist, then clearly the
engagement of the fellow sentient being is not one of the equivalence with that of the
artist, but an imaginative engagement based on the stimulus to hand, be it poem, sound
of tactile art. (Swale.
Affirmative Action Essay
Affirmative Action

Affirmative action has been the federal governments attempt to ensure every American a
chance at a good job and financial security. Since it s inception, it has been greatly
debated and modified to meet the changing times. Advocates of affirmative action say
women and minorities deserve government backed preferential treatment because gains
in the workplace still lag behind those of white males. Critics, on the other hand, say
preferential privileges have outlived their usefulness, create a rift in race relations and
lead to the unfair treatment of whites. The state of Florida, along with California, has
been a leader in new affirmative action policy. Last week, governor Jeb Bush proposed
banning all ... Show more content on ...
in the name of social equality where Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech I
Have a Dream. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned the segregation of public facilities
and was used in court actions against racial discrimination in the workplace. In 1965,
Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246 which required contractors doing
business with the federal government to practice affirmative action: conscious and
deliberate efforts to bring qualified minorities into jobs and educational opportunities
from which they had been traditionally excluded. In 1970, Richard Nixon s Department
of Labor required companies to create goals and timetables for the increased hiring of
minorities. In 1971 affirmative action was extended to include women. In 1978,
affirmative action came under attack when the U.S. Supreme Court voted on the Allan
Bakke case, a white man who challenged a California medical school admission quota.
The usage of quotas became illegal. In 1989, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a case
involving Richmond, Va., that the city s affirmative action remedy programs had to first
prove a past record of discrimination against minorities and women. Also, contractors who
could demonstrate they had tried but failed in their affirmative action efforts should not
be denied government business. Cities and states scrambled to change the emphasis of
their programs toward goals and away from mandates. In writing the majority

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