Synthesis Example Essay

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Synthesis Example Essay

Crafting a synthesis example essay can be a challenging endeavor that demands a combination of
critical thinking, analytical skills, and effective communication. The difficulty lies not only in
gathering information from various sources but also in synthesizing those diverse ideas into a
cohesive and well-structured piece.

To begin with, the process involves extensive research to gather relevant data from a variety of
sources, which could include academic articles, books, research papers, and more. The challenge is
not just in the quantity but also in the quality of the sources selected. It requires a discerning eye to
choose reputable and reliable materials that contribute to the overall credibility of the essay.

Once the information is collected, the synthesis process itself is intricate. Weaving together different
viewpoints, theories, or arguments from disparate sources requires careful consideration and a deep
understanding of the subject matter. The ability to identify connections, patterns, and overarching
themes is crucial to developing a well-integrated synthesis.

Furthermore, the synthesis example essay must have a clear and logical structure. Arranging the
information in a manner that flows smoothly and supports the thesis statement can be demanding.
Balancing the inclusion of key points from each source while maintaining the essay's coherence
poses a significant challenge.

Additionally, the essay must reflect your voice as a writer. While synthesizing information, it's
essential to provide original insights and analysis. This requires a nuanced understanding of the topic
and the ability to critically evaluate the information gathered.

In conclusion, writing a synthesis example essay is a complex task that necessitates meticulous
research, analytical thinking, and effective synthesis of diverse ideas. It demands not only a deep
understanding of the topic but also the skill to present a cohesive and original perspective. Despite its
difficulty, mastering the art of synthesis in essay writing can be a valuable skill for academic and
professional success.

For those who find this process overwhelming, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar
essays and more can be ordered through platforms like , where expert writers can
provide guidance and support to help navigate the complexities of essay writing.
Synthesis Example Essay Synthesis Example Essay
The Magical Number Seven, Plus Or Minis Two Summary
George A. Miller an America psychologist who was one of the founders of cognitive
psychology and cognitive neuroscience. He made significant contributions to
psycholinguistics and the study of human communication. He wrote several books. He
directed the development of WordNet. The author of The Magical Number Seven, Plus
or Minis Two.

George Miller was born in Charleston, West Virginia, he attended George Washington
University before transferring to the University of Alabama. He received a bachelor in
1940 in history and speech. He was influenced by his professor. Miller taught Introduction
to Psychology at University of Alabama for two years. He received his Ph.D. from
Harvard s Psycho Acoustic Laboratories. The US Army classified ... Show more content
on ...
He author a paper that was one of the most quoted papers in the field. The Magical
Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two, suggested new ideas about the way immediate
memory works, stating that short term memory is limited to holding about seven chunks
of information. This limit applied to short term memory and other cognitive processes,
like distinguishing different sound tones and perceiving objects at a glance. Chunking is
a diverse phenomenon in psychology and cognitive science. Free recall amongst other
tests can demonstrate Chunking, the task requires individuals to repeat items they had
been previously instructed to study. The probability of recall is bigger when chunking is
used. Chunking is considered a flexible way of learning. Miller observed that some
human cognitive tasks fit the model of a channel capacity, but short term memory did
not. An assortment of studies could recap by stating that short term memory had a
capacity of about seven plus or minus two chunks. Miller recognized that we are not very
definite about what constitutes a chunk of information. According to his theory, it should
be possible to increase short term memory for low information content successfully by
mentally recording it into smaller higher information content. Chunking as a memory
mechanism can be observed in the way we group number and information in our day to
day life. Different kinds
Review of Ordinary Resurrections by Jonathan Kozol Essay
In his book, Ordinary Resurrections: Children in the Years of Hope, Jonathan Kozol
pulls back the veil and provides readers with a glimpse of the harsh conditions and
unrelenting hope that exists in a community located in the South Bronx called Mott
Haven. Mr. Kozol provides his own socially conscious and very informative view of the
issues facing the children and educators in this povertyravaged neighborhood. Just his
commentary would paint a very bleak picture of the future. It is the words of the
children that give this book optimism and meaning. The courage and care exhibited by
the volunteers of St. Ann s after school program and the creativity of the teachers at P.S.
30 are utterly inspiring. They work long hours and go beyond... Show more content on ...
Teachers in wealthier schools are paid as much as $20,000 more than those working in
the South Bronx. P.S. 30, the best of Mott Haven s primary schools, runs short on the
most basic supplies and operates with little to no funding for a library, music, or art
education. The average class contains 31 students. Given these conditions, somehow P.S.
30 still manages to retain talented, generous and energetic teachers who are dedicated to
providing their students with the education that they deserve. As a teacher himself,
Kozol understands the demands of the classroom and conveys how very difficult it can
be to simply manage a group of children, much less instruct with creativity and grace.
One seemingly tireless young teacher wins Jonathan s heart with her joyful manner and,
more specifically, gentle command of her students. He highlights a few beautiful
moments in her classroom when she guides the children from growing distraction back
into order and focus. At the first sign of chaos, Mrs. Gamble rises to her feet, lifts her
hands to mime playing a flute, trills a little, and soon the children, too, have risen eyes on
her, all improvising the flute section of an orchestra until their leader places the invisible
instrument back into its case and silently glides back into the lesson. Spontaneity,
creativity and an element of playfulness are elements that raise teaching to an art form.
Gender Roles In The 1800 s
Men and women who lived in Norway during the 1800 s both were restricted to specific
roles in and outside of the household. However, rarely in the 1800 s did Victorian men
and women share the same responsibilities. If they did, you may have seen the women
working alongside husbands and brothers in the family business (Hughes, Genderroles in
the 19th century). This makes women seem as if they are compared to men as physically
weaker during the time period of the Victorian era (Hughes, Gender roles in 19th
century). Also, this demonstrates how women supported men and built them up so that
men could fully use all of their capabilities to be successful at their jobs. Without this
supporting system underlying the men, their businesses may have... Show more content
on ...
The different activities during Isben s time of staying in these countries are acted out
into his plays, with one of them being A Doll House, resembling his time spent in
Norway. He wrote plays that secretly described his own personal relations, including
his relationship with his wife. Nora and Torvald s relationship is a parallel to Isben
and his wife s. Isben and his wife faced difficulties of being honest to one another, and
a reader can imply that Isben shared this with the audience through the use of the
characters Nora and Torvald. In A Doll House Nora takes out a significant amount of
money in loans in order to save her husband. This reveals how Isben s wife had
troubles with the debt she owed for a trip, which she had dared to tell her husband
about, comparing to exactly how Nora handled her finances in the play (Koht 314).
Nora somewhat symbolizes Isben s wife being that his wife hoped to pay off the loan
with the money she found elsewhere without her husband finding out, just like Nora
did with signing her fathers name secretly without Mr. Helmer knowing (Koht 314).
Isben s found out that his wife had wrote a forged note and soon divorced her (Koht
315). We see the same thing happen in A Doll House when Nora decides to leave her
family and husband behind. Isben s work
The Wizard Of Oz And The Populist Movement
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L.Frank Baum has been an excessively popular fairy
tale among the kids and adults. It has provided us with great plays and musical
comedies. As most of us do not tend to relate a fairy tale with the political movements
happening around us, Henry Littlefield was the first to write an outstanding article The
Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism in which he made a bold inference that the Wizard
of Oz was a book that portrayed the United States of America as it entered the
twentieth century. He argued that the story was perhaps a metaphor for the Populist
movement. After doing much research on both the Wizard of Oz and Littlefield s
article I can say that the children s fairy tale by Baum was indeed a parable on
Populism. The Populist movement was a rising third party of angry farmers and
factory workers. The idea behind this movement was to take the power away from
bankers and business leaders. Baum was a supporter of William Jennings Bryan,
presidential candidate for Democratic Party. Bryan supported the laboring class of the
economy, his main concern was adding silver to the nation s gold standard (49). They
wanted money to be silver based since silver was available in the Mid West and in
doing so; the banks would no longer be able to manipulate the money supply. The goal
of the participants of the party such as Baum was to break the power of the
concentrated corporates. During the same time in 1890 s a severe depressions caused
businesses to go bankrupt, farmers to sell their lands and factories were being shut down
leaving workers unemployed. The Populist Party believed that switching to silver would
pump money in the economy and would at least keep the businesses going. The
Wonderful Wizard of Ozprojects its message in a very subtle unsuspected way. For a
child the story is just a magical story full of colors but underlying the colors Baum
created a children s story with a symbolic allegory implicit within its story line and
characterization (50). The book is full of symbolism, when Dorothy lands on West
Witch with her house, she is given a pair of silver slippers by the Good Witch of the
North. She is
Development of Suspense by Hitchcock in Psycho Essay
Development of Suspense by Hitchcock in Psycho

Psycho, the somewhat infamous film by Alfred Hitchcock was produced in 1961, a time
when the American censors, The Hays Office, still dominated the film industry with their
strict rules and principles. It earned its notoriety by defying the traditional cinematic
convections of that time and pushing the boundaries of what could be shown in
mainstream cinema. The rules implemented by The Hays Office were far stricter than
they are today, and Hitchcock uses all available means to reach and go slightly beyond
the set limit. Using clever and different camera angles, he implies things that are not
shown. He proves that innuendoes can portray the ... Show more content on ...
In fact, a lot of horror films today still leave their leading ladies intact by the end of the
film, e.g. Scream. Whether it is actually Marion or her sister, who is the heroine, can then
be debatable.

Abogast, the private detective who is hired to find Marion, but more importantly, find
the stolen $40,000, is also killed very soon after Marion. Once again, the audience gets
surprised as it is usually the detective who solves the mystery and presents it to the
audience at the end of the film. In this case however, Abogast is merely a stepping
stone for Sam, Marion s boyfriend and Lila, Marion s sister. He does the majority of the
work and leaves enough clues for Lila and Sam to continue his job.

The early deaths of the main characters shocked the audience enough to leave them
mystified and at the edge of their seats for the remainder of the film. Hitchcock had
succeeded in creating suspense in his film using a new and different convention that had
never been tried before.

The early deaths concept wasn t the only technique Hitchcock used to develop the
suspense in Psycho . A more common but effective technique is also used; music. Not
just any music either, but relevant music. It is general knowledge that music can
psychologically influence people s thoughts and emotions.
Japanese Myths
Astronomy and Japanese Myths

Throughout history different cultures have let astronomy shape their beliefs and
customs. One such culture that has traditions rich in astronomy is the Japanese culture.
Since I am half Japanese, I thought I would discuss some of the traditions found in
Japanese culture. Further, I will explain how these aincient traditions and beliefs are
still present in modern day society in Japan. I found some really great websites which I
will use to write my essay. The first website focuses primarily on Japanese festivals
/traditions and how astronomy plays a part in Japanese festivals/traditions. The
Astrologers Union of Japan homepage is great, but the whole website is written in
Japanese. Astroarts has a ... Show more content on ...
The emperor loved his daughter and felt sorry for her...he arranged(where the idea of
arranged marriage in Japan comes from?) for her to marry Kengyuu(Altair), a prince
who lived across the river of heaven . As the marriage of Orihime Boshii and Kengyuu
blossomed, Orihime Boshii neglected her weaving and this upset and worried her
father. The emperor finally decided to separate the couple by means of the river of
heaven , however, for one day out of the year(7th day of the 7th month) the couple
would be allowed to be together. On that day a boatman(the moon) would ferry
Orihime Boshii across the river to see her husband Kengyuu...the boatman would only
come to ferry Orihime Boshii across the river of heaven if she had finished her she had not finished her weaving it would rain and the river would be too
flooded to cross by boat. The gods took compassion on Orihime Boshii and allowed for a
group of Kasasagi(magpies) to fly into the milky way and make a magpie bridge for
Orihime Boshii to cross over to the other side and see Kengyuu.

Tanabata, the festival based on this legend is celebrated every year on the 7th day of the
7th month of the Japanese lunar calendar. During this festival people write wishes to the
gods on strips of paper, tie these strips of paper to freshly cut bamboo, eat seasonal
vegetables, and decorate horse and cow figures made out of straw or water oats. Over
the years water purification ceremonies, a

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