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History Of Computers Essay

Crafting an essay on the history of computers can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a

comprehensive understanding of technological evolution and its impact on society. Delving into the
intricacies of this topic necessitates not only a chronological exploration but also an analytical
approach to decipher the significance of key milestones.

The complexity arises from the multifaceted nature of the subject. One must navigate through the
intricate details of the early mechanical calculators, the advent of electronic computing, and the
subsequent exponential growth in processing power. Understanding the historical context, such as
the World War II era and the Cold War, adds an additional layer of depth to the narrative.

Moreover, addressing the societal implications of these technological advancements demands a keen
awareness of the interplay between computers and culture. The essay must reflect on how computers
have transformed communication, business, education, and virtually every aspect of modern life.
This interdisciplinary approach adds richness to the narrative but also poses the challenge of weaving
together diverse threads cohesively.

In addition to historical and societal dimensions, a comprehensive history of computers essay should
touch upon the breakthroughs in software development, artificial intelligence, and the ongoing
ethical considerations surrounding technology. It requires the ability to distill complex technical
concepts into accessible language, ensuring that the essay remains engaging for a broad audience.

Despite the challenges, the process of researching and writing such an essay can be intellectually
rewarding. It provides an opportunity to trace the fascinating journey of computers from room-sized
machines with limited functionality to the pocket-sized, omnipresent devices of today. However, this
journey demands meticulous research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills to present
a compelling and coherent narrative.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on the history of computers is undoubtedly demanding, the
exploration of this dynamic and transformative subject offers a chance to delve into the heart of
technological progress. The ability to navigate through the complexities and present a nuanced
perspective is a valuable skill that enhances both the writer's understanding and the reader's
appreciation of this pivotal aspect of human history.

For those seeking assistance with essays or exploring a variety of topics, a resource like can provide support and guidance. Expert writers on such platforms can assist in
crafting well-researched and eloquently written essays on diverse subjects, ensuring a polished and
professional final product.
History Of Computers Essay History Of Computers Essay
Affordable And Reliable Home Recording Equipment
Affordable and reliable home recording equipment has led to a revolution in the way
that some albums are recorded these days. It is no longer necessary for many artists to
hire an expensive 48 track studio when they can inexpensively duplicate many of the
same production values by using software programs like Pro Tools (Llommen, 2010).
30 years ago the thought of an artist recording an album with there own financial
backing was unheard of. With advancement in technology over time the impossible has
suddenly become possible. Having a traditional record deal was a necessity in being
able to record and release your music this meaning artists were locked down to labels for
years leaving very little control to the artist, however times have... Show more content on ...
The Master License deal is when the artist leases the license to their recordings to a
label for a fixed amount of time and therefore the label has a vested interest in the
record and how its promoted and distributed. The label will pay for the records and the
means of distribution. The return to the artist on these types of deals tends to be much
higher. Master license deals are very common amongst indie labels such as Inertia. It
is common for an artist who funds their own recordings to push for a license deal, this
is less risk for the label as they have the final product and know what they are investing
their money into. It s also great for the artist as the artist has the final product, which
they had total artistic control over without having the pressure and input of a label
telling them what to do. The term within a master license deal tends to be much
shorter than that of a traditional record deal, it will apply only for the rights to that
master for a fixed period of time and after this time full rights and ownership of the
master belongs back with the artist. There is no advance in a master license deal and
therefore the artist does not owe the label any money for recording the album as the
artist would have fully paid for the recording themselves. Dissecting a Traditional record
Fracking And The Public Health
Hydraulic fracturing or fracking has become a concern both environmentally and in the
public health sphere in Western Maryland. In analyzing these ideas, the environment and
public health concerns intertwine in a discourse about the relationship on both power
and knowledge. Fracking is a new issue for the state of Marylandto consider; therefore
dominant narratives on this subject are still being developed and legitimized. Studies
have been conducted in other regions around the world to analyze the various effects
fracking has had on the environment and within communities, both economically and
politically. However, despite the potential for Western Maryland to become a possible
new site for fracking, there is a lack of literature that specifically analyzes the
environmental and public health concerns as a discourse that may be detrimental to the
people and the environment in this region. Also, as a result of fracking being a relatively
new source of natural gas, there has yet to be a significant number of studies analyzing
the health effects caused by fracking even in regions that have allowed fracking for a
number of years.
The Marcellus Shale underlies Western Maryland along with New York, Pennsylvania,
and West Virginia and is the United States largest on shore natural gas reserve
(Marcellus Shale Safe Drilling Initiative, 2015). Maryland is unique in its fracking
regulations as emphasized by former Governor Martin O Malley, who in 2011 signed the
Marcellus Shale Safe
Whirlpool Corporation
A07 00 0013

Whirlpool Corporation s
Global Strategy
We want to be able to take the best capabilities we have and leverage them in all our
companies worldwide.
David Whitman, Whirlpool CEO, 1994
Quoted in the Harvard Business Review

In 1989, Whirlpool Corporation (Whirlpool) embarked on an ambitious global expansion

with the objective of becoming the world market leader in home appliances. Beginning
with the purchase of a majority stake in an appliance company owned by Philips, the
Dutch electronics firm, Whirlpool purchased a majority stake in an Indian firm,
established four joint ventures in China, and made significant new investments in its
Latin America operations.
However, by the mid 1990s, serious problems had emerged ... Show more content on ...
The four main players Whirlpool, General
Electric, Maytag, and White Consolidated, which had been acquired by Electrolux were
beating one another up everyday.4

With limited growth opportunities and a handful of major players in the United States, it
was critical that firms focus on cost reduction, productive efficiency, and product quality.
Product innovation was also critical, although few major innovations had occurred in
recent years. The apppliance firms segmented their products according to different
consumers needs, and each strived to achieve greater economies of scale. Still, by the end
of the 1990s, the competitive landscape remained unattractive. Profit margins continued
to decline for most firms. Many analysts believed that the market for appliances was
saturated and that there would be little increase in growth rates. This saturation had left
the distributors focusing primarily on replacement purchases and purchases for new
housing developments.

The European Industry

In the early 1980s, there were approximately 350 producers of household appliances
Pride In The Song Of Roland And Beowulf
Pride usually carries negative connotations. It is an arrogant, malicious trait which can
lead to a person s ruin. Pride, however, can also be a source of positive motivation. It
can encourage its host to perform great feats and thus obtain honor. This duality
possessed by pride can be examined in two famous Medieval poems, The Song of Roland
and Beowulf. The protagonists of both poems suffer their demise because of their
insatiable pride. However, in both works, this hubris is perceived differently. Indeed,
Roland s pride causes the death of the forty thousand men encompassing the rearguard
army, and yet no resentment is shown towards him. On the contrary, he is buried and
honored like a saint, the holiest of heroes. Beowulf disregards exhortations... Show more
content on ...
Heaven swallowed the smoke. (Beowulf, ll. 3151 55)
In this harrowing lament, there is no inherent sorrow for the loss of Beowulf s life.
The pain felt by the Geats is selfish and they have no other choice but to be selfish.
They are completely alone, left in a mortal coil of despair, without any sanctuary, hope
or release. The sentence Heaven swallowed the smoke is an allusion to this very idea,
for Beowulf, now made smoke by the crimson fire of the pyre, has forsaken his
Geatland for the next life. This abandonment is a direct cause of his stubborn, insatiable
pride and the Geats are aware of this.
This resentment is apparent in the words of Wiglaf, who reflecting on the way
Beowulf died, says, Often when one man follows his own will, many are hurt. This
happened to us. Nothing we advised could ever convince the prince we loved...
(Beowulf, ll. 3077 80) This is not the only mentioning of the dangers of rigid arrogance,
for the poet foreshadows the ruin that will befall the nation due to Beowulf s foolish ego.
While celebrating the defeat of Grendel s mother, Hrothgar interrupts the cheerful mood
of the feast and warns Beowulf of pride and callousness. He gives his own experience
with Grendel as a testament to the horror such arrogance can cause not only to one s
self but one s people. Obviously. Beowulf does not follow the exhortation, and not only
does he meet his demise, but ensures his people s end as
Dulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen. Essay
Dulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen.

The First World War was an event that brought to many people, pain, sorrow and
bitterness. Accounts of the war shows that no other war challenged existing
conventions, morals and ideals in the same way as did World War. Many people
touched by the terrror of the war have written pieces of literature about the massacre that
was World War 1, wishing people to understand the horror and tragedy that befell those
involved. Dulce et Decorum est , by Wilfred Owen, is one such elegy that presents to the
reader a vivid, horrifying description of World
War 1, aiming to illustrate that war is not romantic and heroic, but a senseless and
devastating event. In this poem, techniques such as
imagery, ... Show more content on ...
He describes the soldiers as bent double, like old beggars under sacks , knock kneed ,
limping on ,
all lame, all blind , being drunk with fatigue and deaf . All these descriptions of the
soldiers show the reader the suffering they had to endure and the hardships that they had
to face. This is backed up by the description that men marched asleep . This description
of the soldiers, of how they limped on, blood shod gives the reader an impression that
they can no longer comprehend what is going on around them, that they are blind and
deaf to the world.

Metaphors are used to illustrate more vividly the descriptions used in the poem. This
is evident in the description of the soldiers as old beggars under sacks . This not only
says that they are tired, but that they are so tired they have been brought down to the
level of beggars who have not slept in a bed for weeks on end. In the description his
hanging face, like a devil s sick of sin Owen compares the gas victim s face to the devil
seeming corrupted and baneful. A metaphor even more effective is one that compares
...vile, incurable sores... with the memories of the troops. It not only tells the reader how
the troops will never forget the experience, but also how they are frightening tales, ones
that will the troops will never be able to tell without remembering the extremely painful
experience. These

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