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Birla Public School, Doha - Qatar

Pre Annual Examination –January 2024

Physics (Set A)

Class: XI Time Allowed: 3hrs.

Date: Maximum marks: 70

General Instructions:

1. There are 33 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

2. This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D
and Section E.
3. All the sections are compulsory.
4. Section A contains sixteen questions, twelve MCQ and four Assertion Reasoning
based of 1 mark each, Section B contains five questions of two marks each,
Section C contains seven questions of three marks each, Section D contains two
case study based questions of four marks each and Section E contains three
long answer questions of five marks each.
5. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in
one question in Section B, one question in Section C, one question in each CBQ
in Section D and all three questions in Section E. You have to attempt only one
of the choices in such questions.
6. Use of calculators is not allowed.
7. The answers to the questions have to be written in the provided answer sheet
as per the instructions
8. This question paper has 10 pages
9. Reading time is 15 minutes.
10. Question paper attempting time – 3 Hours.

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1. If momentum (p), Area (A) and time (T) are takes as fundamental quantities, then
energy has the dimensional formula:

(a) [p A½ T–1 ] (b) [ p A–½ T1 ]

(c) [ p2 A T ] (d) [ p A–1 T ]

2. For an object thrown at 45° to the horizontal, the maximum height (H) and
horizontal range (R) are related as

(a) R = 16 H (b) R = 8 H

(c) R = 4 H (d) R = 2 H

3. The velocity-time graph of a body moving in a straight line is shown in the figure.
The displacement and distance travelled by the body in 6 sec are respectively

(a) 8 m, 16 m (b) 16
m, 8 m

(c) 16 m, 16 m (d) 8 m, 8

4. Two Iron blocks of equal masses but with double surface area slide down an
Inclined plane with coefficient of friction µ. If the first block with surface area (A)
experience a friction force f, then the second block with surface area 2A will
experiences a frictional force.

(a) f/2 (b) f

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(c) 2f (d) 4f

5. If the linear momentum is increased by 50%, then kinetic energy will increase by

(a) 50% (b) 100%

(c) 125% (d) 25%

6. A couple is acting on a two particle system. The resultant motion will be

(a) Purely rotational motion (b) Purely linear motion

(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)

7. The dimensional formula for ω in the relation y = A Sin ωt is

(a) [M° L° T] (b) [M° L° T–1]

(c) [ML° T°] (d) [M° L–1 T–1]

8. A spring is stretched by applying a load to its free end. The strain produced in the
spring is

(a) Volumetric (b) Shear

(c) Longitudinal & Shear (d) Longitudinal

9. An ideal fluid flow through a pipe of circular cross section made of two sections
with diameters 2.5 cm & 3.75 cm. The ratio of the velocities in the two pipes is

(a) 9 : 4 (b) 3 : 2

(c) √ 3: √ 2 (d)√ 2: √ 3

10. An ideal gas undergoes isothermal process from some initial state (i) to final
state (f). Choose the correct alternative

(a) dw = 0 (b) dθ = 0

(c) dθ = dU (d) dQ = dw

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11. The monoatomic molecules have only three degrees of freedom because they
can possess

(a) Only translatory motion

(b) Only rotatory motion

(c) Both translatory and rotatory motion

(d) translatory, rotatory and vibratory motion

12. Two waves of same frequency travelling in the same medium in opposite
direction when super imposed give rise to

(a) Beats (b) Harmonics

(c) Standing waves (d) Resonance

For Questions 13 to 16, two statements are given –one labelled Assertion
and other labelled Reason. Select the correct answer to these questions
from the options as given below.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct
explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false
13. Assertion: If the speed of a body is constant, the body cannot have a path other
than a circular or straight line path.
Reason: It is not possible for a body to have a constant speed in an acceleration

14. Assertion: Centripetal force is always required for motion in curved path.

Reason: On a banked curved track, vertical component of the normal reaction

provides the necessary centripetal force.

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15. Assertion: The blood pressure in human is greater at the feet than at brain.

Reason: Pressure of liquid at any point is proportional to height, density of liquid

and acceleration due to gravity.

16. Assertion: In isothermal process whole of the heat energy is converted in to

internal energy.

Reason: According to first law of thermal dynamics, ∆ Q = ∆ U – P∆ V


17. A body is released from the top of a tower of height h. It takes t sec to reach the
ground. Where will be the ball after time t/2 sec?
18. Define the term Impulse and write its SI unit
What are conservative and non-conservative forces?
19. A body projected vertically upwards with a velocity u returns to the starting point
in 4 seconds. If g=10 m/sec2, find the value of u.
20. Derive the relationship between torque and angular momentum.
21. Obtain an expression for work done in an adiabatic process.


22. Derive expressions for the kinetic and potential energies of a simple harmonic
oscillator. Hence show that the total energy is conserved in S.H.M. in which
positions of the oscillator, is the energy wholly kinetic or wholly potential?
(i) Find the period of vibrating particle (SHM), which has acceleration of36 cm s –2,
when displacement from mean position is 4 cm.
(ii) A body is executing SHM of amplitude 2 m .Its velocity while passing through
the mean position is 20 m/s. Find its frequency.

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23. (i) Convert G = 6.67 × 10–11 N m2 kg–2 to cm3 g–1 s–2
(ii) The frequency of vibration of a string depends of on, (a) tension in the string
(b) mass per unit length of string, (c) vibrating length of the string. Establish
dimensionally the relation for frequency.
24. A river is flowing due east with a speed 3m/s. A
Swimmer can swim in still water at a speed of 4m/s. If
he wants to start from point A on south bank and
reach opposite point B on north bank,
(i)Which direction should he swim?
(ii) What will be his resultant speed?

25. (i) What are the basic assumptions of kinetic theory of gases?
(ii) Find the value of γ =Cp / Cv for diatomic gas.
26. A car weighs 1800 kg. The distance between its front and back axles is 1·8 m. Its
centre of gravity is 1·05 m behind the front axle. Determine the force exerted by
the level ground on each front and back wheel
27. State Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion. Prove the second and third law.
28. What is the percentage increase in the length of a wire of diameter 2.5 mm
stretched by a force of 100 kgf? Young’s modulus of elasticity of the wire is
12.5 X1011 dyne cm–2.
Case Study Based Questions
29. Read the following paragraph and answer any four questions that follow:
Universal Law of Gravitation:-

Careful observations are the hallmarks of great discoveries and inventions. Isaac
Newton observed that an apple fell from a tree towards the earth. This simple
observation led him to propose an important law known as Newton Law of
Gravitation. He proposed that all particles or objects in the universe attract each
other as the earth attracts the apple. Gravitation or gravitational force is the

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weakest of all the four basic forces in nature. Gravity is the special case of

(i).The force of gravitation is

(a) repulsive (b) electro-state

(c) conservative (d) non-conservative

(ii).The gravitational force between the two point masses does not depend upon

(a) Product of the two masses

(b) Distance of separation between the two masses

(c) Medium separating the two masses

(d) None the above

(iii).The dimensional formula for 'G' universal gravitation constant is

(a) [M–1L3T–2] (b) [M–1L2T–2]

(c) [M–1L3T–3] (d) [M–1L2T–3]

(iv) Strongest force among the following four forces is

(a) Electrostatic force (b) Gravitational force

(c) Nuclear force (d) Magnetic force

(v).Two spheres of masses m and M are situated in air and the gravitational force
between them is F. The space around the masses is now filled with a liquid of
relative density 3. The gravitational force will be

(a) 3F (b)

(c) F (d)

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30. Read the following paragraph and answer any four questions that follow:
Simple Pendulum

An ideal simple pendulum consists

of a heavy point mass body (bob)
suspend d by a weightless,
inextensible and perfectly flexible
string from a rigid support about
which it is free to oscillate. But in
reality neither point mass nor
weightless string exists, so we can
never construct a simple pendulum
strictly according to the definition.
Suppose simple pendulum of length l is displaced through a small angle q from
its mean (vertical) position. Consider m as of the bob is m and linear
displacement from mean position is x.

(i).The period of a simple pendulum is doubled, when

(a) Its length is doubled
(b) The mass of the bob is doubled

(c) Its length is made four times

(d) The mass of the bob and the length of the pendulum are doubled

(ii).The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum of constant length at earth

surface is T. Its period inside a mine is

(a) Greater than T (b) Less than T

(c) Equal to T (d) Cannot be compared

(iii). A pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a train has a period T, when the
train is at rest. When the train is accelerating with a uniform acceleration a, the
period of oscillation will

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(a) Increase (b) Decrease

(c) Remain unaffected (d) Become infinite

(iv).Which of the following statements is not true? In the case of a simple

pendulum for small amplitudes the period of oscillation is

(a) Directly proportional to square root of the length of the pendulum

(b) Inversely proportional to the square root of the acceleration due to gravity

(c) Dependent on the mass, size and material of the bob

(d) Independent of the amplitude

(v).The time period of a second's pendulum is 2 sec. The spherical bob which is
empty from inside has a mass of 50 gm. This is now replaced by another solid bob
of same radius but having different mass of 100 gm. The new time period will be
(a) 4 sec (b) 1 sec
(c) 2 sec (d) 8 sec


31. (i) State and prove Torricelli’s theorem for velocity of efflux
(ii). Calculate the velocity with which a liquid emerges from a small hole in the
side of a tank of large cross-sectional area if the hole is 0.2 m below the surface
liquid (g = 10 ms–2).
(i) Define Capillarity and angle of contact. Derive an expression for the ascent of
a liquid in a capillary tube.
(ii) Water rises in a capillary tube but mercury falls in the same tube. Why?
32. (i) Explain principle of superposition of waves in brief
(ii)Describe the various modes of vibrations of a closed organ pipe.

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(i) Discuss the Newton’s formula for velocity of sound in air. What correction was
applied to it by Laplace and why?
A hospital uses an ultrasonic scanner to locate tumours in a tissue. What is the
wavelength of sound in a tissue in which the speed sound is 1.7 km/s. the
operating frequency of the scanner is 4.2 MHz?
33. Define elastic and inelastic collision. A lighter body collides with a much more
massive body at rest. Prove that the direction of lighter body is reversed and
massive body remains at rest.
(i).An elastic spring is compressed by an amount x. Show that its P.E. is 1/2 kx 2
where k is the spring constant.
(ii).20 J work is required to stretch a spring through 0.1 m. Find the force
constant of the spring. If the spring is further stretched through 0.1 m. Calculate
work done


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